Caddock: The True Immmortal

"I'm sorry but who is Caddock?"

Tyler asked as he slowly came back into the room. Angalo and Axel looked at one another then at Kain and Edymond who was sitting on the couch with Myriahs head in his lap. The girl had slipped from her room and wondered to the couch where she sat and proceeded to fall asleep again. Edymond watched her head fall onto his thigh and he felt the burning aura that seamed to be attached to her. Rather than moving, he opted to assess what the aura could be.

The sight had Axel pacing with a scathing glare in the elf's direction. "You know, you are quite possessive of a girl you hardly know and care for." Kain observed which earned him a heated glare as an answer from the pacing vampire. Kain held his hands up in surrender. "Just saying."

"Back to your question, child." Edymond lifted Myriah as he moved from under her and laid her down again, his assessment was complete. "The goddess will wake shortly." The Elf murmured before focusing on the adapting werewolf. "Caddock is said to be the oldest of our people." "He is said to be a true immortal." Angalo whispered, "As you see his heart before us..."

"Now, I may not know much about anatomy, but every living thing has a heart." Tyler interjected, "and y'all are telling me that that is a living, beating heart right there…. with no host?" Tyler looked at the Dragon Heart, "since who knows how long? And this creature is still alive?"

"Tyler, Caddock is said to have been a dragon. Older than time, and vastly powerful." Mika murmured. "At one point time and history were not recorded, so it's anyone's guess what that stone really is or if the Great Dragon is still alive." "Remember: All of folklore is some form of truth." Jasmine murmured, "it's only a matter of discovering the truth from the tale."

Tyler nodded and looked at Myriah when she started to sit up while rubbing her head, "When did we get home?" Axel was at her side in that moment, fussing over her. "This is the second time you've fallen asl-"

"Do you remember-" A glare from Axel halted Kains question, Myriah shook her head and she leaned into Axel who decided to sit next to her and rest her head on his shoulder.

"Don't fret." Axel soothed, "what do you remember, Myriah?" Angalo asked, while Tyler tactically said: "You completely lost it." Tyler bought both hands to his head and moved them back and forward, "like I mean: lost it." Axel glared at his brother who simply raised an eyebrow in question. And he sighed at Tyler's antics. Myriah shook her head and she pursed her lips, "I remember seeing this woman... dead... butchered... her heart missing and..." Myriahs eyes darted from left to right as she recalled the horrid vision, "and…I-I saw…" she choked on her words as she grabbed at her aching chest, "h-her-" Myriah shook her head with a quiet sigh. "Her womb.... "

"Did you see the unhatched eggs too?" Jasmine whispered, as she kneeled in front of the pensive girl.

"Bashed in..." Myriah whispered. "T-they were…" Jasmine locked eyes with Myriah whose hands took the green eyed girls wrists in an iron grip.

There was no escaping this time. Myriah pressed her forehead to Jasmines and she was taken to a red world in which a massive beast in the shadowed shape of a dragon stood on the edge of a cliff, roaring his fury to the blood red moon.

Ominous black clouds tumbled into the red sky, blocking the moonlight, and huge red rocks rained from the blackened sky.

'My dream…'

Her mind didn't have the time to process more than that. Myriah let a gasp escape her as her mind and heart became clouded with unbearable rage and suffocating sadness. The broken eggs and the battered woman kept flashing in her mind as the golden eyes of the dragon became her own.

The red world changed to the definition of paradise. Lush green trees grew tall from rich green grass. Creatures of many different assortments and various species ran about.

Before her was a gentle looking beast who frolicked about, chasing butterflies and feeding on sweet fruits from the trees.

When the gentle blue beast looked at into her eyes her whole world became about the blue creature....

Looking into this creatures eyes, Myriah knew that this peaceful green world was for this gentle beast that seamed to radiate happiness.

The thought took her to Axel. 'Is this what i share with you? Would this be our future? Contentment and happiness?'

Myriah felt her brain click: 'Is this creature the woman who was butchered in the last dreams I had?'

Myriah fell back into Axels arms with a yelp as Jasmine was caught by the elf. The two girls stared at one another with wide eyes.

"Athiansia." They gasped out the foreign name.

Angalo perked up, "Our mother told us of her." Axel tilted his head in confusion, and Edymond and Kain leaned toward the two shell shocked girls, forgetting that Jasmine was leaning on him, in the elf's case.

"Athiansia was known as 'Vite Mata' or"Mater vitae" if you want to use correct Latin." Myriah and jasmine held each others eyes. Oblivious to what was happening around them. "The Goddess Gaia. I believe was the mortal name for her." Angalo murmured thoughtfully.

"Other wise called the mother of life." Myriah whispered. "I think she was the life mate of the beast this stone belongs to." Myriah sighed as she leaned into Axel, completely drained. "The sadness and anger from it are so overwhelming...."

"Based on what we saw, he destroyed the world, red skies, red everything.... in his anger he destroyed everything." "The red world, was in the time fathers parents were alive and gaining coherence. Father said his parents were met by a stranger with red eyes, and they became feral."

Myriahs eyes widened as Jasmine covered her open mouth with her hands, falling into Edymond as she did.

"It was the vampires who hunted the Pure Ones to near extinction." Edymond murmured, "The first Vampires were said to be more beast than man, similar to the shifters and were wolf."

Edymond moved to lean on the couch he was sitting in front of, leaving Jasmine to sit with her legs crossed facing Myriah who was sitting on her haunches, holding the green eyed girls gaze. Axel was sitting behind her, poised.

One wrong move and Myriah could destroy their home with a flick of her wrist.

"A pure one called Galen by the humans, thought to feed the feral monsters his blood. The wolves shifted from man-beast to man. The shifters were eventually born from them."

"How do you know so much?" Myriah asked in awe, "Despite contrary beliefs, our people were the first brought to life by the fruits of the pure one called Keitha."

Myriah scooted to Edymond whose posture straightened as her hands came to cradle his head, "Can you show me?"

"Myriah you can't just hold people's heads and demand their thoughts." Axel scolded.


"All is well, vampire. It's for the Goddessess sake." Axel shrugged, "don't think so highly of my concerns, elf. The powers she's using are not without cost."

Edymond nodded and caught Myriahs hands in his.

"Here. This might be an easier way for you to see, Goddess."