Prologue: Tunkum Kulantai

(In the Distant Past)

Deep within a nameless forest, sat a cottage. The cottage was worn and rotting into the ground, unfortunate to the eyes of many weary travelers. Once a rich brown, the cottage was rumored to have been built with the love of a man looking to start a new family, it was quaint and small. Within one the three rooms rested a cradle that was the gem to many tales told by mothers to make naughty children behave. In its worn state, the cottage was avoided by travelers and villagers. Lest they become subject to the growing terrors that were birthed from haunted walls.

Five figures in midnight black cloaks dwelled within this cottage. The cloaked figures stood around the cradle, watching the gem within. Wrapped In a white wool blanket rimmed with spider silk, a baby slept soundly. "Nām kuḻantaiyai nakartta vēṇṭum. Eṉṟa cantēkam kirāma makkaḷ mattiyil valuttuḷḷatu (We must move the babe. The villagers are growing in their suspicions)." Zeru, a midnight eyed, intimidating stature of a man murmured. "Tuṭukkuttaṉamāka irukkātē, ceru (Do not be impudent, Zeru)." Daella, a golden eyed slender woman scolded as she pulled her hood down, revealing midnight black hair. "Maṉitarkaḷ eḷimaiyāṉavarkaḷ, āṉāl avarkaḷum kavaṉikkiṟārkaḷ. Nām ippōtu nakarntāl, avarkaḷ kavaṉippārkaḷ. Cantiraṉ maṟaiyum varai nām irukka vēṇṭum (Mortals are simple, but they are observant as well. If we move now, they will notice. We should stay until the moon is covered)." "Metuvāka cakōtari (Gently Sister.)" Keyonie, the youngest of the troupe, and the brother of Daella chided as he took his sisters hand within his own. Though older, Daella was the smaller of the duo, barely rising to meet her brothers shoulder.

"Nāṉ ṭēlāvuṭaṉ uṭaṉpaṭukiṟēṉ (I agree with Daella)." Miru, a grey eyed man murmured as he watched the infant sleep. "Lūṉā uccattil irukkumpōtu nakarvatu niccayamāka taṟkolaitāṉ (To move when Luna is at her peak would surely be suicide)." Vamir, the twin of Miru said, "Kaṭantu cellum pōtu, kirāma makkaḷ"āṇai" inta vaḻiyil aṇivakuttuc celvatākap pēcuvataik kēṭṭēṉ

(While passing, I overheard the villagers talking of "The Order" marching this way)." Keyonie flinched at Mirus venomous tone when mentioning The Order. An organization dedicated to enforcing the will of God…and eradicating anything that could contradict that will. Anything including the sleeping baby within the cradle. Keyonie looked at Vamir and Miru who were identical except Vamirs eyes were chocolate and rich while Mirus eyes were stormy and sharp. Exactly like their personalities, Vamir was gentle and warm while Miru was cold and harsh. "Kirāma makkaḷ eṅkaḷaik kaṇṭāl, avarkaḷ ārṭar eṭuppataṟkāka eṅkaḷaip piṭittuk koḷvārkaḷ. (If the villagers spot us leaving, they will surely hold us for the order to take)." Daella tried again.

"Veṟum maṉitarkaḷāl nam'maik kaṭṭuppaṭutta muṭiyum eṉṟu nīṅkaḷ nērmaiyāka niṉaikkiṟīrkaḷā?(Do you honestly think that a band mere mortals can restrain us)?" Vamir snapped, "Amaiti tampi (Peace brother)." Miru murmured. "Ṭēllā oru karuttai nirūpikkiṟār. Avai eḷimaiyāṉavaiyāka irukkalām, āṉāl kāṭṭil uḷḷa eṟumpukaḷum eḷimaiyāṉavai, mēlum avai avaṟṟiṉ aḷavai viṭa pattu maṭaṅku makattuvattai aṭaikiṉṟaṉa. Avarkaḷai kuṟaittu matippiṭuvatu tavaṟu (Daella proves a point. They may be simple, but the ants in the forest are also simple, and they achieve greatness over ten times their size. It would be a mistake to underestimate them)." Vamir clenched his fists, "Nīṅkaḷ eṉṉa niṉaikkiṟīrkaḷ, kīyōṉi (What do you think, Keyonie)?" He asked only to be met with silence. When the four occupants in the room looked at their youngest comrade, his ice blue eyes were staring past them, unseeing. Daella took in her brothers rigid stature to notice that one of his hands was resting on the cradle in which the infant slept. With a tug on her brothers hand, Daella brought him back to reality. "Cakōtaraṉ (Brother)?" She coaxed as he brought a hand to his head and sighed as exhaustion wrapped around him like a thick blanket. "Nām veḷiyēṟa vēṇṭum eṉṟu niṉaikkiṟēṉ (I think we should leave)." He murmured, falling into his sister, "Avarkaḷ eṭukkum ovvoru aṭiyilum āṇai maraṇattai neruṅkukiṟatu. Nāṅkaḷ inta iṭattai viṭṭu veḷiyēṟa muṭiyātu eṉṟu nāṉ payappaṭukiṟēṉ (The Order brings death closer with every step they take. I fear we will not be able to leave this place)." Daella grunted as her brother became lifeless against her form.

"Āciriyārukkuc colli aṉuppukiṟēṉ. Namakkut tēvaippaṭṭāl avar ñāṉattaiyum utaviyaiyum vaḻaṅkuvār (I will send word to Aciriyar. He will offer wisdom and aide should we need it)." Zeru murmured as he gathered Keyonie into his arms and laid him in the makeshift cot that was perpendicular to the sleeping infant. "Eṉ cakōtaraṉai kaikkuḻantaiyuṭaṉ iṇaikkum vitiyiṉ caraṅkaḷai eṉṉāl pārkka muṭikiṟatu (I can see the strings of fate connecting my brother to the infant)." golden eyes caught and held Zeru's, "Itai uṅkaḷ eḻuttil cērppīrkaḷā (Will you include this in your writing)?" Daella murmured, her voice dripping with concern. Zeru nodded, "Avarkaḷ iruvarum virumpi pātukākkappaṭa vēṇṭum eṉṟu nāṉ kēṭṭukkoḷkiṟēṉ, mōcamāṉatu naṭantāl (I will ask that they both be coveted and protected, should the worst come to pass)."