Just A Dream

This chapter is for 18+


Axels eyes snapped open when he felt the shift. He threw his blanket aside, tore his door open and ran down the hall to Myriahs room.

'Not again..'

He had to practically kick her door down to see her in her bed, thrashing about in her sleep. Myriahs hand flew so did a book from the left side of the room. Her leg lifted up as if to kick something, when it landed back on her bed, the wooden frame shattered. 'Oh no…' Axel was tempted to turn around and head back to his own room, or to call his brother he couldn't really say….

Then he heard her whimper.


Anger filled Axel as he slowly, cautiously approached the thrashing woman. 'She's dreaming…' he observed as the room seamed to turn into the facility. 'Is this what she's dreaming?' Axel pondered as he looked at the image, 'Man, Angalo would love this…' He turned again to the image of soldiers taunting Myriah, teasing her by flipping her gown with their batons. They would use the baton to … 'No…' Axel turned away from the image, silver eyes turning black.

'I'll kill them all for this…'

He thought, digging his nails into his skin.

'They dare…' Axel felt his fangs lengthen when he saw the isolation room. 'No…not there…' his partial transformation was halted by an earth shattering realization.

'She destroyed the facility…was this why?' "Axel…" Myriah sighed his name, reaching blindly. Axel took deep calming breaths as he slowly approached her bedside and placed a gentle hand onto her shaking shoulder. His free hand found her searching one.

"I'm here, Myriah" he murmured as he pressed his forehead to hers.

'I'm right here..'


Myriah sat in the middle of a destroyed room, with the soldiers taunting and groping at her. And then the memories came back.

Myriah shook her head as she started to feel the baton on her body, between her legs.. "No…" she pleaded. Myriahs hands found her cheeks as the isolation room came into view. Her eyes widened comically and she started to panic, 'Not there not there not there…' Myriah shook her head again and she screamed for all she was worth.


Heart racing, mind scattered, Myriah lost herself in the overwhelming grief, anger and sadness. It poked and jabbed at her heart like flies poking at a carcass. 'Is my heart dead? Am I dead?' She curled into herself, 'Axel…' Myriah thought as tears filled her eyes, 'You said you'd keep me safe…' the tears spilled over, "Axel…" she whispered his name, 'Where are you?'

Moments later, strong arms wrapped around her shaking shoulders. Her back was pulled into a strong chest. "I'm here, Myriah." Axel whispered in her ear. Her tainting eyes reverted back to lavender and she relaxed into his embrace.

"I'm right here…"

'He's so warm…' she thought with a sigh. Axel felt like his body was on fire… 'She's perfect in my arms…' He closed his eyes and tightened his hold, 'I don't want to let you go…' Myriah placed her hands on top of his and rested her head on Axels chest. 'Then don't…' she sighed as her eyes fluttered closed. The dark, destroyed isolation room transformed back to her room where she laid in Axels arms, safe and warm.

Axel fought sleeps call, 'If I'm here when she wakes up, what will she think?' Axel shivered when she pressed her breasts into him. 'What was I thinking? I should have called Angalo or Atoli…' He pondered as he was too aware of the proportion of her body to his. 'I shouldn't be acting like a teenager…' Axel internally scolded. 'I'm only here to ensure she rests…' He tried again but his naughty mind supplied images of her writhing beneath him… 'She'll have no trouble resting then…' the devilish side of him offered, 'Just think of it…' Axels mind gave way to far naughtier images that His subconscious supplied him. With a Yelp Axel threw himself off of her bed. Stumbling away in his panic.

"No!" He watched as Myriah reached for him in her sleep, 'I can't do this…' Axel thought as the raw energy dimmed some. "I-"

"Axel?" Myriah murmured sleepily. 'Shit.' Axel averted her eyes and took a step back, "Come back…" She mumbled as she sat up and faced him. Axels eyes widened, 'Why is she in my shirt?' He looked down to see he was only in his sleeping pants. 'What the…' Axel took another step back as she slid from her bed and advanced on him, "You said you'd keep me safe, remember?" She murmured. Axel swallowed thickly, as he stepped backwards to keep his distance. "Y-you are… s-safe… t-the wards-" Myriah pressed her body to his and Axels denial died on his lips. 'She's so soft…' he internally praised before berating himself. 'Surely I'm in hell. I must be…' "But…I'm safest in your arms, you know that…" Myriah cajoled as she nuzzled her face into the cook of Axels neck. "You didn't want to let me go, remember?" Myriah asked as she let her nails slide down his arms to his wrists. Axel shivered at the contact. She put his hands on her hips and pressed her chest into his. Axel felt the air leave his lungs and the rational thought leave his brain as she slid onto her tip toes. A squeak escaped Axels lips as her body slid up his. "So don't let me go." Myriah whispered in his ear as she let her lips ghost down his carotid vein, making him shiver as a moan escaped his lips.

"You are my hero, you know." Myriah whispered into his ear as her nails traced the plains of his chest.

Axel dug his nails into her hips. When an appeasing moan slipped from her lips.

"Myriah…" he sighed as he tried to gain some sense of rationality. "We can't… I-" her teeth on his collar bone silenced his fight for rationality. Axel was too aware of what she was doing, and he was helpless to stop her. 'This girl is over a hundred pounds less than you and she's tiny…' he tried but her leg slid up his.. 'oh no…' Axel thought as he felt a dampness against his groin.

'I-' The humming of his body, her ministrations… her words… it was all too much. Axel closed his eyes and let his hand find her thigh. 'I have to…' His brows furrowed when instead of pushing her leg off he was lifting until her leg wrapped around his waist.

'Gods I want to feel her.' Axels eyes snapped open. 'No!' He tried to pull away from her, 'Not like this…'

"M-Myriah… we-" he sighed when her tongue replaced her teeth on his collar bone. 'Damn you…' Axel cursed as his free hand found her hair. 'Damn..' he thought as he took a handful of her hair and yanked her head back, exposing her neck.

Onyx eyes glared into silver and he growled at her. Myriah shivered and bared her neck to him in offering, "I'm yours…" she whispered, leaving the rest of her offering in the air as her eyes fluttered closed and her lips parted in an 'O'.

'Damn you to hell…' Axel thought as his fangs lengthened. Myriahs breath hitched when he pressed her pelvis into his.

"Tell me no…" Axel growled and he admired her beauty. His free hand slid from the back of her hips, up her spine until it was between her shoulder blades holding her chest to his. 'Gods…'

"Push me away…" he pleaded as he struggled to gain control of his body. Myriah moaned sweetly as his fangs traced the length of her exposed neck.

'Damn you, Myriah….' Axel thought as his fangs pierced her skin.


Axel woke up with a cry. He shot up from his prone position, eyes wide. 'What the hell was that?!'

Panting, he took in his surroundings, 'I'm in my own room…' he thought with relief, 'I have all of my clothes on…' internally he was sobbing tears of joy.

'I didn't…' Axel thought as he felt the relief wash away the anxiety… 'So… why do I want more?' He wondered darkly. 'As if…it wasn't just a dream?' Axels eyes narrowed as possibilities raced through his mind. Finally he settled on a thought: Myriah Whitman was his own personal hell bestowed upon him by the Gods themselves.

'What kind of curse have you placed on me… Myriah Whitman?'