I’m confused

Myriah succeeded in yanking her hand from Axels. Axel watched the girl beside him; a small part of him, the mischievous part that always seamed to be at the eye of every storm, wanted to see how far she would go. Would she stand up for herself? Would she argue with his logic? Would she submit? Admit that she was wrong?

The gentler side of him, on the other hand dismissed that notion when he recalled the memory of his angelic sister in law revealing the demon that lies beneath the flawless skin of a woman. More importantly the recent memory of Myriah tossing him around like a rag doll. Axel decided to take another route to get through to the lavender eyed girl beside him.

"This is why you need to think on it. This rebuttal has gotten you to the point of using your powers on me and I'm only talking to you." Myriahs eyes filled with tears at the gentle reprimand. "You have been through a lot and your emotions are high. Once you've recovered and thought on this and you still want to proceed, let me know and we will, okay?"

His tone was so gentle, his hand on top of hers once more was so warm... it was nothing like the last months at the facility. After a few moments of Myriahs pensive silence, Axel spoke again, "Please understand: You do not have to do this, we can get you to safety and I will ensure you won't have to ever fight. You do have a choice." Myriah sighed as the fight left her body, she slowly pulled her hand from Axels, missing the warmth as she put her tingling hand back into her own lap.

It was a heavy silence that had Angalo shifting in his seat. He wanted to comment, but he didn't know enough about Myriah or the situation to voice his opinions. So the elder opted to watch; surely he would be able to tease his little brother later. Axel sighed when he felt the magic leave the air. 'At least she's rational.' Myriah's lips were pursed in thought so he decided to leave her be. After a few moments of a heavy, content silence, Axel placed his hand on Myriahs again. She caught his gaze with a blush and he raised an eyebrow in question. She nodded slowly and Axel stood up. He lifted Myriah's hand slightly before he lightly tugged on her hand, signaling for her to stand as well. He grinned when she complied and stood. Myriahs eyes widened when he leaned toward her, 'what-' she felt her body sag with disappointment or relief, she couldn't say, when she felt his breath puff inches from her ear, "Your body is shaking." He whispered, "you should rest." Axel murmured, avoiding her gaze. As he righted himself, he noticed that Myriah had since locked eyes with Angalo who was watching them like a hawk. 'His mind is like an open book… an open book that is not helpful to my current situation…'

"You survived the fever, but the change can happen for weeks. Months even." Axel murmured in gentle tones, pulling her from her confused thoughts, "You were also tortured. You body is recovering from the damages it sustained while in your fathers facility as well as the change." Myriah watched Axel from the corner of her eye. "Why, I'm healed." Axel caught her sideways gaze with a sideways glance of his own. "Even though you heal, it doesn't mean you're recovered. Trauma has a way of imprinting on our minds as well as our bodies." The male beside her explained, "A doctor will tell a mortal to stay in bed for a week after a complex surgery to heal. And the mortal will be ordered to take a month or two on light duty to recover." Myriah listened closely, "In that our bodies heal faster and age slower than a mortals, the taint of a traumatic event is what will imprint on our minds and eventually begin to taint us as a whole. In this aspect we are fragile compared to a mortal. Because of this you need to tend to your mind as your body recovers." Myriah bowed her head. She tried to pull her hand from Axels but he held fast. Myriah snapped her head up and caught his gaze with her own. Axels eyes were closed off, yet she could see empathy, understanding... and that made her grip Axels hand tighter. Looking into his eyes, Myriah felt like she was being pulled from that dark, angry place where it hurt to breathe. She felt her chest get a little lighter and she stepped closer to Axel before she could think better of her action.

'What in the-'

Angalo was thoroughly vexed. 'Are they…' He had been watching his brother stare into this girls eyes for the last hour. 'Is she…' Angalo felt like he got half of a conversation and it only served to vex him further. Just what had he missed while he was gone? On a regular, Axel wasn't the one who would stop a discussion or a plan to ensure that one rested... perhaps for Atoli.. but that was a different story....

Angalo watched Axel guide Myriah from the living room and he sighed.

Just what was this girl to his brother?

Myriah glanced at Axel from beneath her lashes and she tilted her head when they got to her bedroom door, "I'm confused…" she murmured. Axel tilted his head as well, "What are you confused about?" Myriah blushed under his molten silver eyes, "I can guess that you are not a very open or accommodating person." Axel offered a shy grin. "Is that what my brothers thoughts told you?" Myriah bobbed her head from side to side in a so so fashion, and Axel offered a light chuckle, "Why are you being nice to me?" She asked in a teasing tone. Axel looked from Myriahs lavender eyes to their joined hands and back. Her hand felt so small in his. It felt just right. He could honestly say that he didn't want to let go of her hand.

So he didn't...for the moment. He brought his eyes to hers and they locked, secluding them to a silent conversation that almost matched their vocal one. As he pondered her question, he wondered as well: why was he being nice to her?

Myriah offered a small smile,

"I've been asking myself the same thing." Axel murmured

Myriah nodded slowly. "So your answer...until you know the words for the real answer... is because you pity me?" Axel shook his head with another light chuckle, the deep rumbling sound made Myriah blush.

Axel stroked her flaming cheek with a ghost of a caress that left tingles in its wake.

"I don't pity you, Myriah." She blushed, "If anything, I can say that I admire you." Myriah felt her cheeks grow warmer at the warm expression in Axels eyes. "For now, let's just chalk it up to you being you, I'm just nice to you." He murmured. Myriah blushed prettily and Axel brought their connected hands to his lips. His lips on her knuckles made her gasp as electricity ran up her arm and through her body.

"Rest well, Goddess." He murmured as he released her hand, and stepped away from her. Myriah's cheeks burned as she scrambled into her room and shut the door.

Axel shoved his hands into his pockets and he huffed a deep breath as he made his way back to the living room where his older brother was waiting.

'I'm nice to her?'