Ch 26: Abigail looked at her

Just tell me—please and relieve me from this agony. Did you sleep with him?" Abigail's eyes shot wide open, "No, of course not!" Well not really, she thought.

Or not in the way Molly was thinking. Even if she did, she certainly wouldn't tell anyone about it. She always thought that was very personal.

She knew her friends talked about their sex lives and she always thought that was something that was better left in the bedroom. First of all, she knew nothing about being with a man.

Secondly, she wasn't going to start talking about something that she knew nothing about and she always found it very degrading. She certainly wouldn't want someone talking about her and how she was performance-wise.

"Okay, why, and are you insane!" She said with a grin not taking her eyes off the road, "Lord, I don't think I could live in the same house as him and not rip all his clothes—" "I quit."

Abigail threw back her head and laughed. It was then that she decided to keep their engagement a secret because Molly would want all of the juicy details and would probably insist that she slept with him.

In all, it would make her uncomfortable so she never said anything. She never discussed intimacy with her friends or even joked about it. Talking with Owen the day before was the closest she'd ever come to it.

Not that she wasn't curious, she was especially after spending the night next to him. It was the first time she was interested in what a man looked like naked. She'd seen pictures, but quite frankly, those sort of frightened her. Four hours later Abigail was almost done sifting through her cousin's things trying her best not to weep.

At that time she was thankful that Molly offered to stay and help. She was proud of herself because she didn't give in and fall into a sobbing fit. Maybe Owen gave her strength, whatever it was, she finally decided that she was beginning to feel better.

The only thing she didn't pack in a box was the photo that Owen had held in his hand when he came to help her.

Carefully she removed it from the frame and placed it in her handbag as Molly taped up the last box and sat back on her heels looking around at the half dozen boxes that scattered the living room floor.

"Well at least being poor has its benefits, you guys didn't own much." Abigail looked at her, "True." She knew Molly didn't mean to insult her, she was trying her best at a joke and any other day Abigail probably would have laughed.

She stood up and dusted off her jeans with her hands, " "Sorry." She said, "Abigail—" "Its fine Molly, I'm still dealing with all of this." She walked over and looked around Joseph's room, "I miss him, even though he was gone for a year before he died. At least I knew my big cousin was always in the background."