Ch 39: For you

She felt her cheeks get hot. Could this subject get any more awkward? "Aren't women better at explaining the birds and bees than men?" How the hell would she know? "I expect so." How that man could sit there and discuss intimacy so casually was beyond her.

Maybe she was blatantly naïve and times had changed so much that people did such things or that he had it more often than a cup of coffee and it was completely normal for him.

She didn't doubt that for a moment. Even with a glance around the bistro, she didn't miss that every pair of female eyes were drawn to him. Who could blame them? He was so disgustingly sinful looking.

His whole demeanor, even the way he sat lazily in the chair, gave off an air of sexual perfection. Yet, he didn't let on that he even noticed the attention.

It was probably because he was used to the interest of the opposite sex. "I would Abigail, but I'm her brother." He continued, "Big Brothers don't talk to their little sisters about sex, birth control…"

He frowned and his eyes darkened, "She'd better not be…I'll kill…" "Okay, I'll do it." She interrupted trying to calm him, "Can we have Wyatt over for dinner this weekend? I told her I would ask you."

He leaned back in his seat and set his intense gaze on her, yet there was the slight twitching of amusement of his lips, "I see.

This is the way it's going to be now that there are going to be two Ross women in the house." She smiled trying to ignore the tremor that went through her over the implication that she would soon be a Ross, "Even with half a dozen, we still have a formidable opponent."

He chuckled, "Glad to hear it cheetah." He glanced at his watch, "I've got to go. Walk me back." She nodded grabbed her purse and got up. Owen paid the bill and took her hand to walk her back to his building. The car was waiting in front and he opened the door for her, "I'll be late tonight."

"Owen, you never answered my request for Alice." "Because I don't want that boy in my home." He said with obvious distaste. "I did hear you." "For Alice."

She added causing him to release an angry breath and look over her head considering it. Then he brought his light yellow gaze back to her.

"For you." He leaned down and kissed her gently on the forehead, "But that doesn't mean I can't read him the riot act." She grinned, "Fine with me."

She'd write the action and hand it to him to dictate to Wyatt because she felt as equally as protective about Alice, but she was also practical and remembered what it was like at her age.

He chucked her under the chin and with a devastating smile, he helped her into the limo. Without a backward glance went back into his building with that perfect gaited stride of confidence. Abigail watched him go wondering how he could switch back and forth so easily.

Then again the way he spoke to Hudson caught her completely off guard. However, the man was filthy rich, had women by the armloads and probably never had to compete for attention in his life. Seeing his future wife holding the hand of another man probably threw him off.