Ch 45: Love?

I always have." It was his turn to look surprised, "Love? As in brotherly love?" "No." she swallowed, "I mean madly, deeply, I ache for your touch love. I want to have your children love." His legendary composure ruptured, "Oh Lord Abigail!" He snaked his hand through the hair at the back of her head, pulled it down to his and kissed her before she could take another breath. His other hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her directly on top of him.

She was on fire. When his lips touched hers she burned with white-hot flames and that ache turned into a voracious craving. "Lord you taste good." He groaned against her mouth. Then he rolled her onto her back all the while slanting his mouth expertly over hers, bringing his hard body on top of her softness, "Open your mouth for me."

He muttered and she did. He thrust his tongue between her lips and caressed hers. She gasped at the erotic feeling, tangled her fingers through his hair and forced his mouth closer to hers. His hands found the edge of her tank top and worked it up over her breasts so he could caress them without barriers. "You're beautiful everywhere. More than I ever fantasized about."

"So are you.' She answered breathlessly arching toward him before he covered her mouth with his again. "I want you." He added thickly, "In every way possible." "y—yes." She agreed to far go to notice that he'd worked her top over her head and was circling the waistband of her bottoms with his fingers.

Within seconds she was naked and he left her for a moment so he could remove his clothing before coming down on her again. He kissed every inch of her, exploring the contours of her body with his hands.

When his mouth circled over one of her nipples she cried out and arched toward him. She could feel the length of his arousal pressed firmly against her belly and it excited her. Never in her life did she think that she could feel so alive, so responsive to a man as she did with Owen. When he gripped her hips and lifted her slightly as he probed for entrance, she enticed him by wrapping her legs around his hips.

Only when he gave a powerful thrust did he stop cold. It wasn't the barrier of her innocence, although he felt that instantly, it was the cry of pain that she released. It was so profound that it ripped his heart out when he knew he hurt her.

"Sweet Lord! Abigail!" He lifted himself on his arms placed on either side of her head, "Why didn't you tell me! Oh, Lord, baby, I can't stop now—Lord—I'm dying—" He bowed his head and tried like hell not to move, but she felt so damn tight and warm that he was ready to explode. She saw the look of restraint, "It's okay,"

she whispered, "Don't stop, please. I'll be okay." He shook his head unable to answer her. To get her meaning across she moved under him causing him to groan and sink deep in her even though it hurt.

She pinched her eyes shut. She wanted him close to her like this. The pain would only happen once. At least she hoped it did. Slowly he began to move within her watching her responses carefully despite the pleasure he was getting from it he was still trying to control his passion, "Abigail open your eyes and look at me."