Ch 78: Epilogue (1)

"Lord, I'm so fat," Abigail said as Owen helped her into the chair after he excused the host. "You're perfect." He leaned down and kissed her cheek before he took the seat opposite her. She flushed slightly. "I'll never get tired of that." He grinned taking her hand. "You could cause a marble statue to blush Owen."

He chuckled, "Maybe we should try it." She made a startled face. "What is it?" "Your son moved." "Son?" "A mother knows." She giggled covering her abdomen with her hand feeling another kick. "A few more weeks will prove me right." He kissed her knuckles. "Of course you are." "Joseph's already bought him a bike."

"Of course he has. He'll end up buying him a car next week and our child isn't born yet." "I wouldn't put it past him." "I can't believe he went back to the service." She shook her head. "As a consultant. I had his word." Owen confirmed. At her worried expression, he smiled at her, "He'll be fine. He won't go into combat again."

"It's just hard knowing that he was alone over there after the accident." "He's a tough man Abigail." "He had to be." She answered then bit her lip for a moment. Being tough reminded him of someone else and what she'd agreed to do. "I know that look. What does Alice want?" She rolled her eyes and he chuckled.

"Well, that just got me thinking. Alice wanted me to ask you if she could go to this party coming up this weekend." "Are you insane?" he said lifting his brows, "That boyfriend of hers will get her in bed—"

"He won't. Alice's promised to me. I believe her." She stared at him seriously, "She's been with him for almost a year and nothing's happened—" "How do you know that?" "She told me. Owen, she's not even on the pill so—" "Oh hell." He said turning his head away in exasperation, "I can't believe we're talking about my baby sister."

"You asked me to talk to her." She didn't have to Alice was very confident as a teenager, and had no problem discussing anything with her. "And there's a reason why. I can discuss sex easily with you, but certainly not her. I'll tell you what."

He said leaning forward and giving her a sexy smirk, "you tell her that she can go to that party as long as you don't bring this up with me ever again." She smiled, "Well, she is a smart cookie."

"What does that mean?" he said sitting erect. "She told me to say that and then you'd drop it." He threw back his head and laughed, "I'm outnumbered. It's a conspiracy."

"Good evening, what can I get you to drink?" Owen lifted his head slowly and let a smile drawn across his handsome face to the waitress, "Hello Ruby." The woman glanced at him and let her jaw drop.