Part Two

I run to my bathroom, getting my makeup bag from under the counter. Contour bish! Here's the thing about me...I'm a boy with a baby face and a small Adam's you know when I do my shit I look like a damn girl. I can even change my voice to sound like one. Desperate times cause for desperate measures. The card guy wouldn't suspect that. He heard a guy's voice on the phone.

So I do my makeup, refining my nose and cheeks to look sharp but soft, not too harsh. I don't want to look like a drag queen today, even though I loved that look. IT'S TRICK A BITCH DAY. My face appears as if it's lined out with cake mix. I get my MAC foundation concealer and foundation, banana powder, red lip stick. My wig, all black and sleek as hell. Oh fuck, I won't be able to get the stuff I ordered...I frown. Damn...maybe it won't arrive until Monday.

I shake away the thought of not being able to enjoy pampering myself, and proceed to my closet I take out gray boots and a blue sweater, and leggings, oh and a girdle to give me a girly shape. I have a stomach, I suck in as I slip into the garment. Squeeze my fat all in, hoe. I put my hair in a high knot and grab my phone...but pause. I can't use it...leave it it's being tracked. I head to the door, about to leave out...but MY dumb ass run back to get my makeup bag 🤦🏻‍♀️stupid. I take a long look at my small, carpeted, pack rat apartment. My heart going sentimental and weak. I saved up months, pinched dollar by dollar, living off of noodles, crackers and baloney to afford this place. It may be untidy and junky but it is mine...or was mine. I feel tears coming on. All my damn clothes were here. Bad hookups. Good sex. My shoes, pretty ass dresses too. "Fuck!" I jerk open the front door angrily.

I descend down a long stairway to a snowy parking lot. The sky is cloudy, chilly wind blows my hair like crazy. Shivering, I wait for the light to cross over the street to a bus stop. I need to get a car out of his ugly ass. How'd he get my number? Was Sam right about this being a trap? The card number on my hand was fading but I knew it by heart. As I waited for traffic, a nice car pulls into the lot. A shiny blue McLaren P1 Coupe. "Damn..." My eye's glue to it. "Damn..." I say again when I see the driver.

This dude looked like a body builder on steroids, about in his 30′s, early or late I couldn't tell. His hair was black and cut short, close to a fade, nicely textured. His beard well groomed. It looked so soft. He saw me eyeing him, I divert my eyes quick as hell. He stops the car and rolls down his window. My stupid ass stay frozen even-though I have the light. His gaze was on me like fire. Sizzling through me.

"Hey, you need to get warm?" he asks tucked penis went hard. I check myself out in the car's reflection. I looked girly. Good. That gave me enough confidence to look back at him, I wanted to examine his strong face longer, but my eyes had a mission of their own. They sized him up, muscles, bulging. I didn't meet his eyes as I approach close enough to see his waist. I spotted huge thighs. Hmmm, daddy. I tried judging how big he could be down there. "You wanna taste?" He grins, biting his lip. "Baby, you look like you do."

I giggle like a school girl and lighten my voice. "I would but I got a boyfriend, and he's a nut case."

"He doesn't have to know." I meet his golden eyes, he smiles flirtatiously and bites his lip again. "You shouldn't be out looking like this, you'll get raped."

My eyes widen...why he say that thoooo?! I attempt to walk across the street, but the light was green now and traffic zooms by. So I started down the sidewalk. I felt him watching me, my skin going hot red. I glanced back as I walked, becoming alert. He was parking his car in my complex's parking lot. He was tall, about 6′5. I spy on his ass. He was still hot...just a bit off, but hot came with weird. As I watch him, I felt my expression set into a horny, hot and bothered mood....but that faded fast when he kicked in my apartment's door.


By the time I get to Sam's place it's pouring down freezing cold rain...great there was already twelve inches of snow. Now there is mushy, white shit on the ground. I had no umbrella so I take off my sweater and used it as one. I'm not messing up this expensive wig. I run up a flight of stairs to his apartment: 301. My hands begin banging on the door. The frozen wind blows my wig, causing a clunks of hair to come undone from the knot, throwing it all crazy over my head. I push the hair to the side. Great....just great. The door opens. "About time, I'm drowning out here."

"Chris?" He said, stun at my visit. I push my hair back, passing him and throwing my soaked sweater out on the porch, it makes a wet plopping sound. I shut the door, feeling drips of water run down the bare part of my chest that the garment showed. "You look so–"

I ignore him and cut him off. "I'm hiding out from that guy, he found out where I live."

"See! I told you didn't I." Sam slaps a hand to his forehead. "You should've listened to me and stopped. Have you called the cops?"

"No..." I walk to a wall mirror in his dining room, wiping away runny mascara from around my brown eyes.

"Why not." He crosses his toned arms, and puts on a stern face.

"Cus I didn't." I avoid his eyes, looking around the uppity apartment instead. He was too clean, my place looked like a crackhouse his like a nun's sanctuary. "I saw him, I could call but I'm probably being followed, I need to lay low...blend in." I finally look at Sam with a sly smirk. "Despite being a psycho, he's got a hot voice."

"So you talked to him?!" Sam gives a harsh chuckle.

"Yeah...but In my girl voice tho, he had no idea, chill. Do you got an umbrella? I need a new phone."

"Umm, yeah I do."

"Oh I need a shirt too."

Sam leaves to his bedroom, I was about to follow him, but I stop myself. Not a good idea...I fix my makeup instead, using my hands to pat at it, my hair was now wet and wavy, bushy too. I let it down from the knot, it flowed past my shoulders. I kinda like the look, I'm getting a model from the 80′s kind of vibe. Big puffy hair and glamours, all I needed was glitter. Sam comes back and hands me an oversized graphic tee of Wonder Woman. He was fuller than me, think Captain America and Black Widow, we had close to that kind of size difference. I'm not juicier than Nat tho. "Cool, thanks." I put on the shirt, Sam grabs an umbrella hanging by the door. As I smooth out the shirt, I head to the door and take the umbrella from him, about to leave. "You're going out by yourself?" Concern drowns his voice.

"Yeah, I'm Gucci."

His body tenses up. "What if you were followed?"

"I didn't see a car." I reply stubbornly.

"I'll come with you, in case." He grabs a coat from a side closet.

"You mean if guys hit on me?" I tease him, he grins a bit. I look down at his hands as he separates what I realize are two black coats. He draps one around me. I blushed a little when I feel his warm hands on me...dick be calm and carry on. I clear my throat to break the scolding heat building between us. "Thanks." Nothing but the rain hitting the ceiling is heard for a few long seconds. He smirks crookedly as I pull on the hood of the coat. His dark green eyes lock on mine. The sensation of butterflies tingle my body, my mouth waters, I swallow hard. "Yeah, let's go."


In Walmart I groove to throwback Thursday songs. Lip syncing the lyrics of umbrella. Sam laughs as I strut my ass down each aisle."You're so crazy."

"I knoooowwww." I model down the hygiene aisle throwing deodorant and razors in the buggy like basketball. The next aisle I toss in body wash and shampoo. "We need to get a bunch of shit before this card gets canceled." I sprint to the face soap aisle, filling up my arms with as much product as I could grab. I walk back to the buggy, my arms outstretched like an eagle.

After getting hella shit from the hygiene areas, I go to the graphic tee aisle, the girls one. I'm small, okay? "I like that one," Sam points at an artsy one with a colorful moon on it. At the bottom it reads BREATHE.

"Hmm, yea it's cool." I grab it and toss it into the cart. "Get you some stuff too, come on with ya big ass you can't fit any of these shirts."

"I'm good."

I put my hands on my hips. "It's free duh get shit."


"Don't blow me." I take the buggy and ride it away from him, lifting my shoes onto the bar at the bottom. I kick to add more speed. A light drift hits my face. I smile like a badass kid. Ignoring judgmental looks from customers. I turn the corner into the men's aisle, and halt the buggy like a race car. A group of guys stop at the sound of the buggy squeaking. I save them from getting knocked the fuck out! I laugh, that short anxious laugh, that one. My hair falling into my face as I hop down from the cart...again I felt like an 80′s diva. "My bad." I say lightly.

One of them eyes the outline of my fake boobs through the big shirt I had on. I look down, oh shit they were all ugly and ugly guys don't stop. I search around desperately, I need an ex machina right now. "Hey, one of them says. "You here by yourself."

I put on my girl voice. "No, I'm here with my boyfriend." As if sensing my need of rescuing, from behind me, Sam appears, finally catching up. I cringe at the awkward stare he gives the guys. A stupid macho claim. Uh...guys. Plus we're over as a couple. I slyly point to my side, playing along. Sam reaches me and stands by my side, wrapping his hand on my ass, in my back pocket and pulls me close. Okay, too much man...chill. "Come on, babe." I say in the most cheesiest way. Sam gets all cocky at the saying of "babe". Oh shit...I glance back at the group who presses on, I decide to wink at one of them who looks back at us.

I lead us off to the men shirts, taking his hand from my back pocket. "Did you have to wink?" I detect irritation in his voice.

"One of them was kinda cute."

The last things to hit the buggy were, more graphic tees, headphones, and an iPhone....also pizza, Debby snacks, cheese puffs, cookie dough ice cream, and wine coolers. Junk errday bish. At the self checkout line, I ring up the stuff and flag down a cashier. "Umm, I forgot my card so can I just put in the information?"

The cashier thinks on it for a moment, a little old lady. "I don't know about that, miss."

"I'll get it, don't worry, thank you anyway." Sam takes out his wallet and pulls out a credit card.

The cashier nods and goes to assist other customers. "Why did you do that? I could have got this off the card."

"You said he found out where you was, he most likely has a tracker for whenever you use it."

"This is gonna be at least $900, that's too much for you to pay." I sulk. Sam takes a long look at me, either fed up with my stubbornness or secretly adoring it. I couldn't tell. "This is Walmart, once he get in here it'll be too many suspects. I'm using it." I wave down a younger cashier. "I'll write a check." That site gave me the routing and account information, so I could.

"Chris, don't!"


Sam's three girl friends were over for their dirty book night they had every Thursday, reading Fifty Shades Of Grey. I only watch the movies and skipped all the dialogue to the sex. The sex that was blah and uninteresting, had no problem jerking off tho. I wonder if Christian is bi? We have the same name so...maybe in an alternate universe. I pass around fruity wine coolers and take a seat down on a black leather couch, pretending I was reading my copy of the book. I scan the page for dick, pussy, or fuck, and saw it nowhere and lost interest immediately. This weak ass hell. I sip on my drink, tapping my feet to the music that plays at a medium volume. That's What I Like, Bruno Mars.

"From his inside jacket pocket he produces a ring and gazes up at me, his eyes bright gray and raw, full of emotion. Anastasia Steele, I love you. I want to love, cherish and protect you for the rest of my life. Be mine. Always. Share my life with me. Marry me." One of the girls reads in a Shakespeare impression...I smile cutely, not remembering her name, she was a goofy kind of pretty. With pink hair. Adorkable, if you well, the other two were basic looking, black haired. My mind begs me to leave and free myself of boredom.

YAWN. I glance over at Sam and nod towards the kitchen. He follows my gaze, then looks back at me, his green eyes clicking with my signal. "I'll be right back." Sam tells the girls.

Into the kitchen we go. "This is boring, I don't read unless it's work related."

He chuckles at this. "What do you want me to do?"

"Kick them out."

He laughs on, doing that did where one hand holds his stomach. Aww so cute, my mind goes goo goo. "Wow, just cus you're bored, Chris?" Sam cut his laughter short when I mean mug him. "Sorry. Well you can hang in my room."

"Fine." I get salty, I don't wanna be in a room all by myself, as I walk, I halt and spot a of strawberry shortcakes in a cabinet. I look slyly back at him, before snatching the box and speeding off in a oversized Wonder Woman t shirt.

I didn't really want to go in his room because I'd fall asleep and we'd end up snoozing off together. Not happening again, I'm gonna sleep on the couch. He cheated on me three months into our "serious" relationship because I was "working" too much. We decided to be friends though, because we had a lot in common and built up years together as friends. Our connection just wasn't about being gay but about being crazy about ice skating and Captain America...and George Michael too.

I lay on his bed, tucking a few pillows between my arms. Everything smelt like cologne, menthol and apple. In the extremely dark decorated room, I unbox the iPhone I had got from Walmart and begin setting it up. I hum Selena Gomez tell me something I don't know as I log into my iCloud. The syncing of all my information starts. Music bumps from outside the room, I roll my eyes at his high pitch giggles...overly done giggles, basic bitches always do too much. The sound annoys me, my feet start franticly tapping the bottom of the bed. I like living alone, in quiet, my semi-introvert ass. Well not entirely in quiet, I talk a lot to no one in myself. But I ain't crazy bissh!

I connect to Sam's WiFi: Sam007 password: 789567234!, and pull up the hack card website. When I plug in the numbers my mouth drops at the balance. $1,000,000.


I end up day dreaming about what I could do with a million dollars, while the party went on outside the bedroom. I would redecorate a big ass condo, and add pastel, happy colors. Unlike Sam's room, which was all leather and black furniture, even his bed. He had nothing colorful around, nothing at all to indicate that he was the stereotypical outgoing, flashy gay. We're all not like that. Actually when we met, at TGI Friday's a few summers ago, I didn't want to pursue him because I thought he wasn't into guys. I pace the room, feeling tipsy, I stop and crack up at a picture on his dresser.

A picture of Sam as a kid, he had to be about seven. He was at a Halloween party dressed as a ice cream cone, a yellow one. I grin and snort. He grew into a handsome man...and still looked the same as he did as a kid. I'm surprised his mom didn't put him into modeling. Sam was tall with a slim and had a fine face, I mean I have a tiny bit of structure in my fat cheeks but you had to really look though. He had nice lips, dark, short hair. A statuesque nose, and shocking green eyes. A dazzling smile, perfect teeth. Dimples too. God, yeah I'm drunk, I haven't thought this much about him for seven months now.

I hear the music turn off outside the door. I check the time on my phone. 11:00 pm. Muffled voices speak, sounding as if they were saying goodbye. Laughter. Then the front door shuts. The sound of Footsteps near the bedroom door, then it opens. "Oh, you're still up?"


"Don't you have work?"

He saw me lose my balance, and precedes to furrow his eyebrows. "No more drinking." He crosses his muscular arms.

I sway goofily over to him, feeling euphoric about being a millionaire, and needing to celebrate in a big way. "Or what?" My hands grab his dick. His eyes spark sexually then lower to his crotch. He let out a grunt as I tighten my fist. "Like I thought..." I bend down on my knees and unzip his pants and pull down his boxers, staring up at him from a medium sized, circumcised dick.

He close his eyes and his mouth opens, "Hmm." I lick his tower, my mouth watering, moistening it by trailing my tongue back and forth. I groan, as he bites his lip. I stop licking then place the tip into my mouth and suck, smack, lick, rotate, circle, peck, bite, and tongue stroke it. "AHH!" He inhales and grabs the back of my head, thrusting it forward. Sam backs up to the door and leans his head back, moaning and sighing out. "Damn...go rougher!" He huffs harshly.

You ain't gotta tell me twice, I take things hardcore, so hard that the skin of his dick presses back far. I felt the layer underneath, so smooth and full of cum as it sleek under my mouth. His waist bangs the wall. I go deeper and harder, gagging and choking on his cum. My mouth filling up from his bone straight cock, and my lips sliding down it. "Fuck!"

"HMMM!" I cry out when I swallow his warm substance. Gulping. Then I return for seconds. I eat him so hard that I taste blood, deep throating, choking. Slapping my tongue against his rock. Sam grips at the wood of the door, scratching it, he moans go louder and longer, erratic, bothered....loud enough that his neighbors could hear. I smack on his dick until he comes again, "FUCK AHHHH!!", this tell he yells like a caveman, wildly, and untamed. His nails still clutching at the door's wood, which held scratch marks. Sam sucks in air through is teeth, his eyes heavy with lust and temptation.

I wipe the edges of my mouth, satisfied with my celebration.


The sun turned the inside of my eyelids orange. I was laying in bed, and felt heavy arms around me in a tight embrace. Warm and firm. I open my eyes and watched Sam watching me. "Hey," he says lightly.

"Hey," I say slowly.

"I forgot how wild you slept..." I look down at my legs, they were spaced wide apart, hogging most of the bed. "You kicked me a few times, too."

My eyes focus on his lips...should I kiss him? I didn't really want to tho...but things were all romantic and shit. Idk...I d fucking k. Well...I guess since the money situation had me all feisty, why not let this run it's course? Plus he had no shirt on...hmmm....he knows what he's doing. My eyes were like glue to his hairy chest, and his toned arms and six pack. Then his green eyes...they're so vulnerable right now. Omg!! Stop. I run my hands over his stomach.

Heat hisses from the vents above us, reaching us and blowing our hair. My eyes go alert. "Damn it, I slept in makeup." I bounce up and hurry to the bathroom in his room. "Fucccckkkkk me pores!" I groan. "Damn it." Sam gets out of bed. "You don't have an exfoliating scrub do you?"

"Umm..." he turns sideways to get pass me and open a draw on the sink. "Yeah, you left this one when you moved out." He hands me a cucumber scrub.

"Good thing I did."

"Moved out?" He said a little confused and slightly butt hurt.

"No idiot, good thing I left it, my pores would have been so...ughhh."

Sam takes relief in this, chilling out and eyeing me closely. ""

"So?" I switch on the faucet and damp my face with water before applying the product, rubbing it into my skin.

"Are you gonna move back in now?"

"I don't think you want me to, if you did you would've fuck me last night, you left me clothed." I say with a jab.

"You were drunk...if it wasn't for that I would have." He smirks, watching me as I continue scrubbing my face. Sam gets serious, frowning his forehead and wearing his heart in his eyes. "Move back in with me."

I shiver at the stare he gives me, ready to melt from the sleepy, raspy voice he had right now. I fight my emotions. Not again, I can't do that again, not after he cheated. "I'm not repeating the past, you were a horrible boyfriend but you're a good friend...last night was just a means of celebration. I'll tell you why in a minute." I wash my face for two more minutes, avoiding the face of a deflated man, who's look would just make me sympathetic. Don't look at him just yet. I rinse for another minute, before drying my face with a towel from a rack. Sam was still silent, possibly recuperating from his failed attempt. "A million fucking dollars is on the card."

He raises a eyebrow and continues on with a cautious tone. "This sounds...this sound like a set up, please just leave it alone."

"No, do you know how fucking rare this is? For a not even middle class asshole like us to have this kind of money just show up??"

"Us?" Sam takes the towel from me and wipes places on my face that I missed, the sides of my chin and earlobes had droopy product left on them. "So we're not together, right?"

Ugh, he so fucking annoying right now! Did he not listen to what I said about not repeating history?? "No, but we can finally travel like we always wanted to, we can be road partners who aren't dating...that kind of thing, okay? Let's keep having fun and spending money, and saying fuck you to the world, to work, to the whole shitty system. I can probably even find and pay someone to get the money off the card, and like get the shit off Breaking Bad style."

Sam gives me a stern look, his lips tight, the skin around the corners of his eyes creasing. "First you need to get this person's name before you hack them, to see if the money is illegal or not..."