Chapter 5: The Merchant

I woke up early the next morning for I was excited to get my first job. I know that my job would always be a monarch but to think that I will have an experience outside of state affairs and proposals for once would be the thrill of my life.

The dusk was shining with orange sunlight before the sun was on the horizon. I took a shower before I was putting on the clothes that were provided by Nana for me. She told me that it once belonged to Aiden's mother and I don't know if I should be happy or not.

I never asked about his parents and sometimes, I wished I have the courage to. But I don't want to destroy the fragile relationship that we have anymore. I was threading the thread carefully now so that Aiden would be open to me more.

If only.

I was putting on the chemise before I was putting on the stays that will put my breasts in place. Then, I put on the petticoats, 5 layers of them, right before I was putting on the gown. It was a modest gown with long sleeves and the neckline was not low enough for my breasts to be showing. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled.

Now I looked like a very respectable lady.

I braided my hair before I was putting it around my head to resemble the crown before there was a knock on the door. I secured it in place before I went to answer the door. It was Aiden.

"Hey, are you…" his question ended when I was smiling at him and he was looking at me up and down. I don't know if he was approving of me to wear his mother's clothes but by the way that he gulped as he was looking at my face, I think I know the answer to it right away.

He loved what he was seeing.

"What do you think?" I asked him before I twirled in front of him. "Was this respectable enough for me to get a job?" I said as I was smiling at him. Aiden smiled before he was nodding.

"Very, now come on. We have to go if we want to catch the best merchant in town," he said as he was pulling me by the hand. The electric was there and I was happy to be holding hands with Aiden.

Even it was for an entirely different reason than him.

We said our goodbyes and Nana kissed my forehead, wishing me good luck. I smiled and we were off from the house to the village which was located one mile from his house.

"So, my grandma thought it was best to give you my mother's clothes to you?" he asked me before I was turning my face to look at Aiden. He was focusing ahead but I can see that his ears were red from the question that he asked me. I smiled before I was smoothing the skirts.

"Yeah, she told me that it would be a waste to set it aside than being worn. So, she asked me to try it one, and then suddenly I was putting on 5 different gowns," I said as I was remembering that morning when Nana has burst into the room and demanded me to wear the gowns. I smiled.

"Well, it looks good on you. I think you should keep it," Aiden said before he was walking ahead of me as we arrived at the village. I was looking at his back before I noticed that his ears were still red. I smiled before I ran after him.

I followed Aiden around the village as the gaslights were shining the streets. I was never allowed to get down from the carriage whenever I was doing my once a month shopping. It was always my maid to get me the fabrics and right now, I was experiencing the shopping myself.

There were so many things to look at and so many smells that blended together. There were people shouting, asking me to buy some of their products but I just shook my head and went after Aiden. He sensed that I was getting slow before he took my hand into his and walked ahead in the market.

It was overwhelming at first before I was looking at the different stalls with different stuff that they offered to the customers. I was smiling from ear to ear before Aiden pulled me toward a tent and we were inside.

The warmth greeted me first before I was looking at the exquisite trinkets that were filling the tent and there was someone that was looking at us with her curious gaze.

"Aiden, it would seem that you have returned to my tent after all," her sultry voice, telling me that she was acquainted with Aiden very well that he replied with a charming smile.

My heart gave a little tug at the sight of their familiarity.

"Alvina, it's been a while and I don't think that you are waiting for me," he said as he was ushering me to get closer to the person named Alvina. I did not notice her beauty before but when I was looking at her up close, I can see that she was one of the most beautiful girls that I ever met.

And she could not be older than me!

Her auburn hair was gleaming from the gaslights that were shining the tent and her eyes…it was a different color than I saw on everybody else. And there was a sense that I don't think I can ignore while I was in close proximity with her.

"Well, I don't think you would have a present for me, Aiden. How thoughtful of you," she said before her sultry voice was becoming annoying music to my ears. I hoped Aiden was not falling for her charms.

If not, I have to kill this bitch.

Aiden chuckled before he was putting his hand on my waist. I don't know what was happening but then, Aiden was kissing my cheek. I stood frozen to the spot as I was blinking my eyes. Alvina was looking at me with interest before Aiden was explaining to me that I wanted a job and that Alvina needed an assistant that can do counting as well as writing.

"And what makes you think I will give it to her, darling? I know that you can do it as well," she asked Aiden before he turned to look at me and I turned to look at his handsome face. He smiled.

"Because I don't trust anyone else to keep their hands off her and you're the only merchant that was good to their employees," he said before I turned to look at Alvina. She did not blink but she was smiling seductively at him.

"Well, you're being too kind. I always tell you to not lie when in the presence of a lady, Aiden," Alvina said before she was coming closer. The sense was getting bigger and I was drowning on it. But Aiden seemed unaffected as I was.

What the hell was this woman wearing?!

Her gown was silky and flowy that I know for a fact that she was not wearing a petticoat underneath it. Let alone her sleeves, it was bare and I can see her perfect unblemished skin underneath her clothing. Alvina seemed to notice my gaze before she turned to look at Aiden and nodded.

It would seem that she wanted me after all as her assistant.

"Okay, you win, Aiden. But do not forget that I will be collecting my debt on you, later on, darling," she said before she kissed him on the cheek. Aiden smirked before he was nodding at me and went away from the tent. I turned to look at Alvina as she was circling me.

Now I was getting conscious of my clothing for she was not restricted by the rules of society.

"Hmm, I cannot believe that you would be wearing something from 20 years ago. It was so out of fashion, dear," Alvina said before she was pulling at the gown.

"Hey!" I said as I was trying to get away from her. she clicked her tongue before she was crossing her hands in front of her chest as I was stepping away from her.

"Look, Your Majesty, I understand that you don't want to associate with me but if you want to pass as someone that was worthy of my tent, you have to put on the dress that I have prepared for my assistant," Alvina said as she was smiling at me. I blinked my eyes before I noticed what she called me.

Your Majesty.

"You know who I am?" I asked her before Alvina was arching her eyebrow at me. Then, she smirked.

"Of course, and I know for a fact that you wanted to stay away from the capital. It was going crazy out there. That's why I was camping out here, trying to make some decent money for my survival as well." Alvina said before she went to pick up the dress that she intended for me to wear. I was looking at the silky dress and my heart was aching for it.

"Come on now, princess. I know that you wanted to wear it. I can see it in your eyes," Alvina said before I was glaring at her.

"Do not call me that. I don't want to be reminded that I don't belong here," I whispered to her before my employer arched her eyebrow.

"Then, what should I call you?"


"Huh, it's a wonder that Aiden did not know you're a princess. You literally scream to him with your name," she said before I smiled.

"Perhaps that's why I liked him in the first place. Though, we had our differences,"

"Had?" Alvina asked me before she was smirking at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, we fought and then somehow, mended it," I said before I was smiling as I was looking to the ground. Alvina shook her head before she tossed the dress to me.

"Change and then, I will show you want to do around the tent, Arabella," she said before I was looking at her beautiful face.

"And what should I call you then?"

Alvina was smirking before she was crossing her hands. "You can call me Mistress Alvina but Alvina's fine since you're my friend," she said before I was snapping my eyes to her.

"Are we friends now?" I said as I cannot hold back my smirk as well.

"We're friends the moment you walk through my tent. Now, get dressed. We have a lot of things to be done here," she said as she left me to change and I did not waste my time to get to work for the day.