Chapter 8: The Fight

Aiden was looking at the people that were coming at him at once. He was determined to keep Arabella from getting hurt as his boss and his cronies were going after her.

"You son of a bitch! You will share your whore with us!" his boss said before they were coming at him. Aiden was thinking fast than his action. He took his ax and swinging it as a form of defense. But of course, it was not going to deter the men from coming at Arabella.

"Come on, lads! He just one man, what harm can he do to us?" the boss said before everyone was laughing. Aiden was gritting his teeth before he was slamming his shoulder into the boss. He went down before the cronies were coming at him, punching and kicking him in the stomach as he went down.

"Aiden!" Arabella's shout as he was struggling to keep his head above the attack. It was all his coworkers that did not have any honor or dignity in their blood. They only wanted to have fun and Arabella was their end.

"You stupid! You could have been having fun with us instead of protecting that whore!" his boss said as Aiden was being held by his coworkers. Everyone was spitting at his feet but Aiden kept his eye contact with this motherfucker.

"Over my dead body and if you ever touch her, you will regret it," he hissed as the pain was taking over him. The boss smirked before he took out a small knife and punched it into Aiden's stomach. He screamed before he was in pain.

So much pain that his eyes cannot stay wide opened as he was trying to get a sense of the world around him.

"We will be finishing our conquest now. Come on, lads! He's down," the boss said before Aiden was released and the pain was thickening in his blood. He crumpled to the ground, looking at Arabella who was wet and her eyes were brimming with tears.

But it never fell to her cheeks.

The men were coming at her now and Aiden, as strong as he might be, was closing his eyes, surrendered his destiny to the darkness that laid in front of him.


The first instinct that was calling my demon to life was that Aiden was crumpling on the ground, hurting and bleeding. I don't think that I ever wanted to leash my devil in front of these people before but now…now they have forced my hands to get out and be the monster that I was.

I turned to look at the people that were grinning and licking their lips as if they would ever get to me. Hah! Over my dead body and they have hurt my Aiden.

Aiden, with his prejudice and charming smiles. His kind heart and gentle looks.

Aiden, my Aiden. My soulmate!

The demon in me was coming to life. The craving virus that has been passed down generation after generation inside me was roaring to life, making my vision bled out of colors. There was only grey remained and I was facing my enemies right now. They stopped in their tracks as if they sensed something was dangerous coming their way.

"Now, you have nothing to escape for your life, lads," I said smoothly before I was coming out of the river. The chemise clung to my body, revealing my curves but that was not their focus anymore.

Instead, it was my eyes that they were looking at it. I was sure it was as black as obsidian now.

"Bloody hell, he slept with the devil," the boss said before I turned my face as I was taking in their fear. I can sense it as my craving was coming to life and I settled my eyes on the boss, smirking as I was walking toward him.

"Not so strong now, are you?" I stepped onto the grass as the water was dripping from my chemise. The men backed away as they know they have done something dangerous. And the only person that can save them now was hurting.

"You hurt my soulmate, now it was time to pay your dues," I said before I was running fast as the Vampyre strength in me was coming out. I was punching and kicking the men as they scattered, trying to get away from me.

Their blood and screams were exciting to me as I was breaking their necks before I saved the best for last.

The boss himself.

He was at a corner of the river, mumbling mercy and prayers. I walked toward him as I was gripping my hands into fists when the man himself was shaking his head.

"Please, please. Do not kill me. please!" he said as he was shaking. His body was shaking and I can smell piss on his pants. I smirked before I crouched in front of him as I was taking his chin in my hand.

"Now, who's the boss?" I asked him slowly as I was caressing his chin. He pissed even more before he was mumbling at me.

"You, you, please," he said as I was smirking wickedly. I don't think I would like to let this one lived but for now, it will be a reminder that if anyone touched Aiden, they will have to deal with me.

"Go and never come back. If I heard a word that you were hurting Aiden Blackwood or his family, I will make sure that every last of your family deal like your cronies," I whispered to him before I head-butted him. He limped to the ground before the demon was closing in. I closed my eyes before I took a deep breath, feeling it slipping inside me once more as the color was returning to my sight.

I turned around to look at Aiden who was crumbling and in pain as the blood was tantalizing me to take a sip. But I have enough control for Nick wanted me to be in control for I was not a low-class Vampyre.

I was a queen after all.

"Aiden!" I shouted before I slid to his side. I was taking his head onto my laps before I was looking at the ghastly wound on his stomach. He coughed for some time before I was looking at his handsome face.

"Arabella…sorry…can't protect…you…" he said as he was coughing again. I shook my head before I was taking my wrist and I bit into them. Blood welled from the wound and I was offering him. He shook his head.

"You must take my blood. You must for I am afraid that I will lose you, my love,"

There I said it. I don't think I would be brave enough to say it but I just did. I never thought that I would be falling in love with a commoner but true love never knows someone's wealth, social status, or gender.

"I…" Aiden coughed even more and as much as I liked his stubbornness, this cannot go on. So, I took some of my blood into my mouth before I claimed his mouth. I was kissing him and pushed my craving virus-infected blood into his body. Aiden coughed even more but I can say that he took the blood and the wound was starting to heal.

I did not let his mouth go, though. It was like one of those old movies when the hero was dying and only one true kiss would save him now. I was in that moment and as much as I wanted to keep kissing him, I have to break from him.

Aiden was looking at me before I saw that his wound was healed. I sighed with relief before Aiden was looking at me with emerald orbs that I loved so much.


"Shush, my love. Everything will be alright now," I said before I was caressing his face as he was closing his eyes when the darkness took him away for a while.


I was sitting by the bed as Aiden was breathing heavily. After he slept, I took the dress and put it on before I was carrying him all the way from the river to the house. Nana opened the door and she did not question anything. She just ushered me to the bed and helped to settle the wound from being infected.

"He will be alright, lass. You know he will," she said as she was sitting by the fire. I turned to look at her as I was gripping Aiden's hand.

"So you know what I was then?" I asked her quietly before she smiled. Nana was staring into the fire now as she was gazing thoughtfully.

"There's only one person on the whole island that was named after Arabella. Princess Arabella Dragomir, the current monarch after her parents died in a shipwreck. I supposed you were coming here to get away from the responsibility that was handed to you so sudden, am I right?" she said before I nodded. I don't trust my voice to not break at this moment and with Aiden on the bed…

It was too much for an 18 years old girl to handle, even she was a royal or not.

"There was a proposal…an engagement that the Higher court wanted me to look it. But I was not ready yet to live as a wife and rule the island. So, I thought…" I did not finish it as Nana was putting her hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at her and she smiled.

"I know how it feels and it will break his heart not to know the truth. When he wakes up, you have to tell him the truth, Your Highness, for my grandson has fallen in love with you," she said quietly but she knew I heard it.

I heard every word that was left hanging even after she left the room. I was gripping Aiden's hand even more for I know it will be my only strength at the moment to not succumb to the demon inside me.