Chapter 10: The Truth

After Arabella left, Aiden was looking around his room for any trace of her. I cannot believe that she tricked me, he thought furiously before he took the clothes that Arabella wore and threw it into the fireplace. He was breathing hard before he was looking at the crackling firewood when his Nana entered the room.

"You cannot blame her for why she's been keeping a secret from you," she said before Aiden was turning to look at his grandma.

"So you know who she really was? All this time?" he asked before he snorted. Aiden cannot believe that his Nana herself would not tell him the truth. The old woman shrugged.

"Well, it was not my secret to tell and I have been hinting at her to tell you the truth. Perhaps she was afraid that you might be reacting like you are now?" she said before Aiden growled.

"It's not the same,"

"No? then you mustn't forget the first time when you discovered that she was from the gentry and you were freaking out. Let alone if she told you that she was the queen of this entire island. I think you would explode, Aiden," Nana said before he noticed that she used his given name.

Not 'child' or 'my dear'. But his given name. Aiden sighed.

"Well, it certainly looks like I will not be missed by her then," he said before he was taking the clothes that her mother wore and Nana gave them to Arabella. He felt something inside the pocket before Aiden was looking at Nana. The old woman smirked before she left him to his own devices and when she was gone, Aiden pulled the sheet that was hidden underneath the dress that Arabella wore just yesterday.

It was a letter.

Dear Aiden,

If you're reading this, then it must mean that I am no longer at your house. I never told you to thank you for saving me that night when I fell from the horse but as you can imagine, I am grateful for your kindness.

I thought I could go away and forget my responsibility but it would seem that they will always find me, not to mention my overbearing cousin as well. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry first and foremost and I was hoping that I can tell you the truth.

One day, maybe.

I wanted to tell you so badly that I am not who you thought I was. Sure, with my golden mane and blue eyes, you thought I was harmless and needed protection but I was far from that. For I am a wolf in a sheep's wool.

Now, I think you already can guess who I really was if this ever falls in your hands. But my only regret for not telling you to face to face was that no matter where I go, no matter who I married, my heart will always belong to you.

And only you, my love, for you are my soulmate and nothing will ever separate us…

The letter was scratched out when Aiden tried to read it again. Soulmate? What was that about? Surely the queen did not believe in soulmates, right? He thought to himself before Aiden was looking at the window. The dawn was near and surely Arabella would be in Royal Molftus by now, the capital of Niapachad Island.

"Damn it," he cursed before Aiden was putting on his riding habits and went out of the bedroom. His Nana was sipping on her tea as Aiden was running toward the kitchen's door.

"Good luck, my dear!"

Damn her for making him smile but it sure feels good when one was sure about his feelings now. Hold on, my love, I am coming for you, Aiden thought as he was riding his stallion and went after his future bride.


I was smiling at the person that was sitting in front of me. Duke Henderson was the crown prince from Zirconia, a little country on the south of Niapachad Island. He just arrived yesterday and I greeted him just in time when I arrived from Grea to Royal Molftus.

And right now, we're having breakfast with Nick, my cousin, acting as our chaperone.

"So, Prince Duke—"

"Please, call me Duke, Your Majesty," he said as he was looking at me with his peculiar maroon eyes. I smiled before I dabbed my mouth as well.

"Then, I must insist you call me Arabella then. After all, we will be familiar with each other," I said before Duke smiled.

"Arabella," he said my name, testing how it would feel on his mouth. But my chest did not anticipate for it to beat faster. Indeed, only one person could make it beat faster than it ever was.


I must have a distant look on my face when Nick was clearing his throat before I was out of my trance. Duke was arching his eyebrow at me before I smiled at him.

"Shall we get going to the garden? It was absolutely stunning this time of year," I said as I stood up. Duke and Nick stood up as well before the prince gave me his elbow. I took it and we were getting out of the dining room when I heard the commotion from the outside.

"Let me through. I demand to see Her Majesty," the familiar voice hit my eardrum and my heart beat a little faster. I almost forgot that Duke was beside me as I was making my way toward the commotion below.

"Sir, I must insist you wait tomorrow if you want to see her. Her Majesty was busy at the moment," the guards said before I was holding the rail of the staircase. Aiden was struggling against the guards that were straining him and he was almost got out before they were holding him tighter.

"Enough! Let him go!" I said as my voice boomed across the parlor. Everyone was looking at me before I descended the staircase with my skirts rustling around my feet. I was looking at Aiden the whole time before the guards bowed to me.

Aiden did not, however.

"Show some respect to Her Majesty, you scum," the guard whispered but I was turning sharply at him before I was dismissed them with my hand.

"Leave us and guard the door," I said before Aiden looked at the guards. I can sense that he was smiling before I noticed the body heat from behind me.

"Arabella, what are you doing?" Nick hissed at me before I returned to look at Duke. He was still waiting at the top of the staircase before I was nodding him to come down. He followed my instruction before I was turning to look at Aiden.

He was sweaty and his hair was disheveled by the wind. Nothing seemed more perfect than that view.

"Arabella!" Nick said before I turned to look at Duke. I smiled at him and he arched his eyebrow as he noticed where was this going.

"I assume that we can still be friends?" I asked him before Duke smiled. He was looking at Aiden and then back at my face before he nodded.

"I think I can for I know that you will be doing the right thing, Your Majesty," he said before Nick was stiffened behind me.

"Well, I hope you will find your bride soon enough, but I know for a fact that it would not be me," I said before Duke smiled charmingly.

"You never knew, she might be running under my nose for all I care. But congratulations on my behalf as well as my country on your upcoming wedding, Arabella," he said before he took my hand and kissed my knuckles. I smiled before Duke was nodding at Nick. My cousin was furious before he was looking at me.

"What is it that you're trying to do, Arabella? Are you insane to let go the crown prince of Zirconia just like that?" he hissed at me before Aiden was stepping between us.

Aiden, a gentleman with great honor. Still trying to protect me when he knew I can handle my cousin.

"You will speak with dignity to the queen or you will be meeting my fist, Your Grace," Aiden said before Nick was turning to look at me and then back at him. He threw his hands upwards before he went away from us, leaving me with the privacy that I needed with Aiden.

"I cannot believe this!" he mumbled but I can hear it loud and clear. I turned to look at my soulmate before my demon was whispering at me as I was trying to subdue the need to claim him right now.

The whispers were too strong now that Aiden knew who I really was.

'Claim him,'

'Take him,'

'Make him ours,'

I shut them out before Aiden was arching his eyebrow as my color was not inside my retina right now.

"Are you okay? Should I be concerned about this?" he asked when he was extending his hand to caress my cheek. I leaned into his touch as his thumb was stroking my cheekbone.

"No need to worry. I still got it under control," I said before Aiden stepped closer and I leaned forward.

"I'm sorry," he whispered as his mouth was descending upon me. I smirked.

"What for?"

"Everything, starting with my prejudice and all. I think I never thought I would be falling in love with a Lady, let alone the queen of my country," he said before I chuckled lowly.

"Then, you're a lucky commoner than, Aiden Blackwood,"

"I could not say it any better," he whispered before he claimed my mouth in a kiss that I know it would explode my world forever.