Fairy Tail is the strongest guild in the Kingdom of Fiore. The name of "Fairy Tail" represents a sense of adventure for one to be able to discover more about mysteries and fate. Fairy Tail's currently situated in the Kingdom of Fiore, on the southern coast of the country in Magnolia town where it is the only guild. It was said that the founder of Fairy Tail guild was a real Fairy. It is revealed that the Fairy Tail guild was founded by Mavis Vermillion, Precht, Warrod Sequen and Yuri Dreyar in the year X686. The first Master of Fairy Tail was Mavis Vermillion. Mavis' grave is located on Fairy Tail's holy ground, Tenrou Island. Fairy Tail has existed for at least several decades, but has only grown to its current prominence and strength in the last few years.
She sighed as she went over the information she gathered over her years of watching the anime by the very same name. She then smiled as she made her way through the very town the guild was located in. Her travels had only taken a few days. She was hoping she would wake up near the city, but things cannot always go the way one wishes. So she set out to find Magnolia.
Curious as to who she is?
Well let's just say that she's had another life before this.
She was formally in the world where there was no such thing as magic. No guilds. No wizards. No dragons. No time travel. No major villains. Just a normal world. She was just a normal fifteen year old. A normal routine. She would get up in the morning. Grudgingly prepare for school. Grudgingly. She wasn't the most popular kid in school. She had her fair share of bullies. Honestly she could do nothing against them. She was weak and frail. Her days were hell. She went to school only to get bullied. The teachers never did anything. They didn't care. She didn't even care.
It was sad really.
It got worse when the bullies took it too far and beat her until she bled. Of course once they saw the blood they ran. Cowards. They left her there bleeding. She was already weak as it is.
She sighed as she shook the memory away.
Good thing is that some kind deity saw her worth and granted her a second life. She was confused at first. She thought she had died. She had stopped breathing. Her heart would beat no more. Her blood would no longer flow. But she woke up. She was alive. She was very confused. She felt so small. Vulnerable. Weak. She felt exposed. It took her days to realize that she was an infant. A baby. A defenseless baby.
She casually dodged a passerby and adjusted the scarlet scarf around her neck.
As it turned out she was reborn into the world of magic. Even better she was in the dragon era and her parents were big shots. Opportunity hit her in the face. Hard. She had so many chances to change things. To make an impact.
That is exactly what she did.
And opportunity lead her to the Fairy Tail guild. The guild where anything happens. The guild of adventure and family. She was here. She was happy. She had things to do, starting with joining the guild of course. Hopefully she wouldn't be recognized. She doubt it. Besides the mask she adorned it was practically impossible for anyone to know who she was. Except for the old master maybe. He may have heard of her family and might be able to discern her familial ties. The old ones always know the most after all.
She adjusted her mask unconsciously. It doubled as an ear and neck warmer. Not that she needed it. She just found it to be a good look and far more comfortable. Plus she had no problem with the increased heat.
Her palms rested on the double doors of the guild. The clear signs of a brawl could be heard from the other side. Typical of the Fairy Tail guild. Something would have seriously been wrong if it was quiet. That would have been very weird. A quiet Fairy Tail is like Anime without Dragon Ball. They belong together. Fairy Tail was the loudest guild in Fiore and probably of all. The guild that treats each other like family. The guild that would do anything for one of their own.
And she was about to be a part of it.
She slowly pushed the double doors open and suddenly eyes were on her. She blinked. Her phoenix red eyes looking over each face she saw. No emotion was present in those eyes of hers. Careful training and something she got due to her heritage.
"Who are you? "
The first person to speak was a half naked boy who looked like a delinquent. His guild mark was present on his left chest. Its color a deep blue. She smiled under her mask, instantly recognizing the boy.
"Why are you half naked? " she questioned as she casually walked past him. She chuckled at the shocked yelp he let out. She slipped her hands in her pants pocket as she approached the bar and the old master sipping his beer. "Hello there, master Makarov"
Makarov had recognition in his eyes the second he took in her appearance. She was dressed in some knee length black pants that were tight at the knees and baggy as they went up. For shoes she rocked some combat boots of matching color. Going back up she had on a red shirt with one long sleeve on her left arm. On top of that she proudly wore a black sleeveless hooded jacket that had a flaming phoenix in the front. On the back were two letters he assumed were her initials. And lasty she had on a scarlet scally scarf that was casually draped over her shoulder. And the mask of course.
Her clothes were not his main focus. It was her physical appearance. Specifically her very long silver hair that was pulled into a high pony tail. Even then it reached past her behind. She had two long bangs that she swept to the side. Her eyes the color of a blazing phoenix. He didn't have to see the rest of her face to know that she was a clear descendant of the Phoenix family.
Another thing about the Phoenix family is their androgynous appearance. It was hard to distinguish her gender, but something was telling him that she was girl.
She saw the recognition in his eyes and motioned to the guild as she made a sign with her hands.
The master understood immediately and smiled.
"To what do I owe the visit, little one? "
"I would like to join the guild. If you'll have me of course" her voice was calm. Her eyes calculating and observant.
The Phoenix family is known for their intellect. It is said that they are the smartest humans in the world. There was also a debate over whether or not they are human. It is said that they are indeed Phoenix. Creatures of myth. If dragons could exist why couldn't they? That debate was never settled. Not a lot of people were lucky or unlucky enough to meet a member of the Phoenix family. They tend to be very discreet and keep to themselves. There's also the fact that they disappeared after assisting in the war of dragons four hundred years back.
The Phoenix family is the only known family to posses enough power to put Acnologia and even Zeref in their places. It has been recorded that a child of the family was strong enough to prevent Acnologia from killing a group of dragons.
As Makarov looked at the child in front of him he could not help but wonder about what ever it was she was up to. Her family is known to have grand and almost impossible plans that are timed perfectly. These plans can take years, leaving their descendants to continue it.
Could this child be following some plan. Did it somehow involve the guild?
She wished to join the guild. He would let her. Anyone is welcome. And the Phoenix are good people. At least it is said to be so.
"Of course" he retrieved the stamp that was conveniently nearby. He pressed it into the colorless ink as he raised an eyebrow at the young girl. "Where and what color? "
In response she motioned to her exposed shoulder. "Scarlet red if you will"
The old man hummed. "A very specific color"
He got a quiet laugh from the girl. "I have a history with said color and it is my favorite. "
Makarov only nodded as he added a bit of magic to the process. He pressed the stamp to her exposed shoulder. When he removed it the mark glowed for a second before it dimmed and revealed the chosen color.
"What's your name? "
"Archer" she ran a hand over her mark as she glanced at the quiet guild. "I was told that Fairy Tail was a rowdy guild. Why so quiet all of a sudden? "
The guild members didn't react at first, but a second later they burst into cheers at having achieved a new member.
"Let's party in the honor of our new mysterious member! "
"I wonder how weird this one is"
"Could be as crazy as the rest of the kids"
"Hey kid! What type of magic do you use? "
Hands went to her pocket as she looked at the man who asked the question. It was Wakaba. His signature hair the same, just a bit shorter. Archer shrugged.
"Do you like mysteries? " she asked.
"I guess so"
"So do I" She chuckled.
"Oi! No fair. You should at least tell us what you can do "
"It's the stripper" Archer said bluntly.
"I am not a stripper! " Gray shouted even though he was again shirtless. "The name is Gray"
"Well Gray, you seem to have lost your shirt again" She pointed out to the amusement of the entire guild.
"That's not important right now. What type of magic do you use? "
Archer didn't answer. Instead she tilted her head as she ran her eyes over the boy.
"You have a tendency to strip. Does that mean you do not like the heat? Do you prefer the cold? " she questioned.
"Yeah, so? "
"Ah, an ice mage then" she concluded very easily. "I see" she smiled under her mask. "You really want me to reveal my magic? "
"Well, I'll reveal it if you put me in a situation where I have no choice. How does that sound? "
Gray narrowed his eyes at her. She was weirder than most. And here he was thinking Erza was a weird case. This girl is a different story. The way she looked at him was as if she was trying to decipher his very existence.
With that he made a dash toward her. His hands were already set in the ice make position. If he had to force her he would use his own magic. Surely she'll have to use her own.
"Ice make hammer! " a magic circle was present beneath him.
Archer only raised an eyebrow at the incoming boy and his impressive hammer. Not bad. His magic was strong. His stance not so much. She easily sidestepped the boy and gently pressed her hand into his back. His momentum was already at a high level. With a tiny push he stumbled into the floor face first.
Members of the guild snickered.
"Your magic is strong. Your ability to create is impressive. But that's about it. You have no fighting experience. I suggest you learn some hand to hand combat along with the use of weapons. It will go well with you magic. " Archer calmly suggested. "Would you like to try again? "
Gray only groaned in answer and pushed himself back to his feet. His hammer was gone as he took his stance again.
"You're on"
Again he attacked her. A new weapon now. A sword. She evaded his attacks effortlessly. Her steps were smooth. In fact she never even made a sound as she moved. Her hands were back in her pockets and remained there. Her eyes were focused on the boy and calculating .
The guild could only watch as the new member easily went against Gray. No, she was toying with him. She wasn't even taking her hands out of her pockets.
She moved again. Gray stumbled and fell again. He tipped someone who crashed into a table which lead to a set of events and somehow someone bumped into the red head in the corner
Archer's eyes focused on her as the strawberry cake she was enjoying tipped and slipped out of her hands.
"That won't do"
No one knew what in the world happened. One second Archer was in the middle of the guild. The next the ten year old was in front of the red head, easily catching the falling plate of cake. They blinked.
What the?
Was the kid that fast?
"Here you are" she presented the cake to the shocked girl. "It would have been a shame if such a delicious cake was wasted. Don't you think? "
All the red head could do was nod.