In Earth Land, there is an organized system that Guilds utilize to intermediate Missions or otherwise known as Jobs which Mages are able to partake in and receive reimbursement upon completion, most commonly by Jewels.
Missions vary in difficulty and are divided into different ranks. The current known ranks are Normal,S-Class, SS-Class, SSS-Class, 10-Year and 100-Year missions,divided as such in order to have the Mages distinguish them by the level of difficulty involved. This also helps a Mage select a mission that is convenient of their capability.
Normal missions cater to Mages of different levels of strengths, and a Mage does not need to be exceptionally strong to undertake these assignments. Also, the reward is variable upon the task required to complete, so Mages may leverage amongst different available missions to the amount of Jewels offered when making their decision of what mission to participate in.
S-Class missions are extremely dangerous, where even the smallest mistake may lead to a Mage's death. In order to undertake an S-Class Job, the Mage must be an S-Class Mage. However, an exception to this rule is that a group of non S-Class Mages must be accompanied by an official S-Class Mage. The reward for these missions can be rather large,with some missions, such as Subjugation missions, spanning into millions of Jewels.
SS-Class missions can be inferred to possessing a much higher level of risk and difficulty than S-Class Jobs. An experienced Mage must have acquired S-Class status to undertake these missions. The missions may also be given to an eligible candidate within the Guild that the Job is mediated through.
SSS-Class missions have the same rules as SS-Class missions. However one is only eligible for such a mission after completing a test. A special test. No one really knows what that test is. It's rare for a mage to reach such a high level.
Off to ten year missions. As the name suggests, 10 Year missions are the missions that have been available for over 10 years and have yet to be completed.They are incredibly dangerous in nature.
Similar to the 10 Year missions, 100 year missions are named as such due to the fact that the missions have been available for over 100 years, but have yet to be completed by any Mage.Gildarts Clive is currently the only known Mage to undergo a 100 Year mission, but even he was unable to complete such a mission. He is also the first one to return alive from one of those missions, which would infer the immense level of danger involved with these missions.
Archer knew the rules and ranking very well. Something she learned by heart. She was a new member and wasn't classified for S-Class missions so it would be normal missions for her. For the time being at least. She shifted. She adjusted her scarf. She was dressed similarly to the day before. The only difference is the color scheme. Her pants, boots and jacket were now red while her shirt was black. Her mask was the same. It protected her ears and functioned as a neck warmer. It made her feel cool. She chose the mask she did, because it reminded her of Kakashi. Besides it made her mysterious.
At the moment she was intently focused on the board. Her eyes scanned every mission with calculated interest. Which mission took her interest? Which mission would be worth it? Which seemed fun? And most importantly,which one could she take with Erza?
When she had told the old man that she wanted to go on a mission he had told her to take someone with her. She was new and he wasn't sure how experienced she was, despite the clear display of power she showed the day before. Whatever. She shrugged and agreed. She already decided on choosing Erza. She would like to spend more time with her. Plus it would give her time to give her the armor belonging to the sword.
She hummed when her eyes landed on a peculiar mission.
Arrest the killer of cakes.
There is a tragedy in Hargeon town! The famous patisserie Aristéa is being attacked every night. Poor Mrs. Elena Claire doesn't know what to do anymore. One week ago, all the cakes of her store started to be destroyed. Once she arrives on the patisserie at morning, she has to deal with the traumatic scene of chocolate cupcakes, strawberries, confection, meringue and marshmallow messed up and spread everywhere.
The cakes from Aristéa are famous for their delicious and unique flavor. They are like a taste of heaven. But it seems like somebody is trying to ruin the store.
What is really strange is the fact that there are no traces of forced entry. Mrs. Claire even hired someone to stay in the store, but at some point of the night, the person fell asleep and when he woke up, the cakes were destroyed. This must be the work of some mage.
With the great contest to elect the best cake of Hargeon town nearing, the old lady is getting more and more upset. So, please, somebody arrest this cake killer!
Requester: Mrs. Claire. (shop's owner)
Reward: 8,000 Jewels + 75% discount on the Aristéa Patisserie for one year + free tickets for the Great Cake Contest of Hargeon's Marine + you can taste all the cakes that are competing on the contest for free.
"Not bad" Archer took the mission off the board. It was perfect for the two. Cake was the reward. The money didn't matter. It would be an interesting mission. Archer was starting to think it was the security. The one the woman left to watch the shop. No signs of forced entry. There would be none if the person was in the shop.
Archer made her way towards the bar, where Erza was seated, enjoying a strawberry shortcake. She seemed very content at the moment.
"Scarlet" Archer climbed onto the barstool next to the girl, placed the mission sheet on the bar and slid it towards the redhead.
Erza looked at it, confused for a moment. Why was she showing her a mission? She focused on what exactly the mission entailed. She was interested the second she spotted cake. A mission involving cake? Someone destroys cake? Who would do that? Why would anyone do that? It's cake. It's delicious and so fulfilling. The thought of someone destroying, no, killing cake was horrifying to her.
"Master insists on me choosing someone to attend a mission with me. I do not understand why he doesn't want me to go alone. " Archer grumbled. "So I've come to you. Will you attend the mission with me? I know you love cake, and this mission rewards you with cake and a discount on cakes "
The guild was silent as they listened to the conversation. Archer was really asking Erza to go on a mission with her. For as long as they've known the girl she has never accompanied anyone on a mission. It doesn't matter who asked or why. She always goes solo. They have never seen Erza go on a mission with another human being.
Erza stared at the mission sheet. She then looked at the masked girl. She was staring at her again. She wasn't uncomfortable, however. She's gotten used to Archer's odd behavior and tendencies. Should she accompany her? She doesn't go on missions with others. She prefers to work alone. That way she could do the mission how ever she saw fit without worrying about what other's think or suggest. It was better that way. She prefered to be alone.
But Archer was different, wasn't she?
She was weird, but friendly, trusting and calming once you look past her oddities. And going with her would give her the opportunity to ask her about the sword and why she decided to give it to her so suddenly. And she mentioned an armor as well.
So she nodded. She agreed to go with the girl. "I'll accompany you"
Jaws hit the floor at those simple words. Erza just said yes. She just accepted an offer to do a mission with someone else.
What has the world come to?
All eyes were suddenly on Archer. She was the cause of the change. She was the one who affected Erza. She was the one that tested everything they knew of the coy girl. She gave her a nickname and Erza did not kill her. In fact she responds to it. She easily, very easily beat Erza in a fight. Along with some of the strongest kids in the guild. She didn't even break a sweat. She hardly raised a finger. She acted all cozy with Erza and was not at all affected by the aura she emits. And now she somehow got her to accompany her on a mission.
Who is this kid?
Erza slipped off her stool. Her cake was finished. Archer had informed her that the train to Hargeon would be leaving in an hour, so she was off to pack. She ignored the silence of the guild as she left.
"Why are you staring at me? " Archer questioned once she decided to address the situation.
"Erza never goes on missions with others" Gray said. He was still in shock. He had asked the girl to go on missions with him like a million times. Archer was new. She just met her and she accepted. The world is a lie.
"Oh? "Archer seemed amused as she hopped off her own bar stool. Her hands found her pockets again. She raised a curious eyebrow. This was new info for her. She did not know that, but she was not all surprised. Erza prefered to be alone after all.
"Yeah, she thinks she's too good to have a teammate" Mira scowled in a corner.
"I'm seriously curious as to why you dislike Scarlet so" Archer said as she looked at the girl. It's the first she's looked at her. She really looked like someone completely different. "And I apologize for putting your magic in time out yesterday. "
"Why do you keep saying time out? You canceled it"
Archer shook her head. "I put it in time out " Archer said with a hidden smirk. "You do not want me to cancel your magic. I'll easily cancel attacks, but someone's magic is a different story "
"You are weird"
"I take that as a compliment, so thank you"
With that, Archer made a move to leave, but the door suddenly flew open and Laxus stood there. They locked eyes and he scowled.
"You! "
Laxus growled as he shot himself towards Archer. Archer raised a curious eyebrow as she casually stepped out of the elder boy's way. The second she did that a lightning fist was aimed at her. She dodged, but was impressed. Laxus was fast. His fist was followed by a kick that Archer evaded. She stood opposite the boy, her hands still in her pockets.
"Fight me seriously "
Archer said nothing and didn't move. Fight him seriously? Archer never fights seriously. No one would want to face her when she's serious. The harm she could cause them. She's never serious. She's never at full strength. No one challenged her enough. She's fought dragons. And even then she hadn't used more than half her power. Laxus wanted her to get serious? He didn't know who he was up against.
An angry groan left the boy's throat as he threw himself at the girl again. Again she stepped out of his way and was fast enough to dodge the attack that followed immediately there after.
The guild watched in amazement as Archer dodged every blow Laxus aimed at her. The boy was serious. He was using his full speed and strength. Yet Archer was evading him as if it was the easiest thing. Her moves were smooth. Practiced. Natural. Silent. She wasn't exerting herself. She wasn't out of breath. She was calm an gave off an air of disinterest.
She never took her hands out of her pockets.
She sighed. She knew that this little scruffle could go on for minutes. She didn't have the time. She had a mission. She had a train to catch in a few. She had to pack.
The boy froze. His body was positioned for a hit to the chest that would most likely have been followed by a kick to the chin.
Archer stared at him for some time before turning her back to him.
That was the last word she said as she left.
Exactly ten seconds later Laxus stumbled and almost fell.
"Damn it! "