Chapter 7

The next morning Erza woke up alone in bed. At first it didn't bother her. The memory of the night before had not fully returned to her. She continued to sleep. She had a pleasant sleep. No nightmares. She hadn't dreamt at all. It was new. As she lay there in the massive bed she realized a change. The warmth she had felt for the entirety of the night was gone. That is when the memories returned. She had a nightmare and Archer comforted her. She was so warm. She had fell asleep soon after she told her story.

Where was Archer?

"Good morning "

Erza was startled at the sudden voice. She heard someone laugh and found Archer at the end of the bed. She only had on a pair of black pants and a white tank top and her scarf. No jacket. No boots. No mask. Her hair wasn't in a poneytail either. She was just standing there. She looked odd without the jacket, mask and combat boots.

"Where's your mask? "

"I took it off. I can't wear it all the time. I need to take a shower. Brush my teeth. Eat. You know stay alive " Archer shrugged as she walked over to the dresser in the corner. She observed herself in the mirror for some time.

Erza watched her. Archer didn't seem to mind that she saw her face. She looked like any other ten year old. She smiled to herself and Erza caught sight of fangs. They looked sharp.

"Why do you have fangs? "

"I'm a Phoenix" Archer said with a bright smile. Erza noted that she had dimpled cheeks. It made her look more childish than the air she gave off. Her personality was calm and collected. Her appearance that or a true child. Masks can hide or tell a person a lot.

Erza was starting to wonder about the girl. She kept saying she was a Phoenix. Did she mean so literally? Is she not human? Do Phoenix have fangs?

Erza had to stop staring and climbed out of bed. She needed a shower and some food. They would be sticking around for the contest so they would be visiting the current room often. That meant a few more days with Archer. Erza didn't know how she felt about that. On one hand Archer seems to understand her. On the other hand she still fears she'll think differently of her. Irrational fears, but one very common to someone as antisocial as her.

Archer was humming as she pulled on her jacket and combat boots. Her mask followed soon after and her hair was pulled into the usual ponytail. There was a reason she chose the mission they attended. Other than the fact that it would a nice mission for her to attend with Erza it also helped that one of her keys were hidden nearby. She could feel the pull on her mind and magic. She'll go out looking for it after business was taken care of.

She had ordered them some food and was delighted when everything was brought to their room. She was humming happily as the mask was removed. She realized she put it on for no reason because she took it off soon after. She shrugged and got herself a piece of the cake she had ordered and took her cup of milkshake.

Erza had stepped out of the bathroom dressed in her usual armor. Archer smiled as she munched on some strawberry cake and motioned for Erza to join her. Of course there was no way she could say no to strawberry cake.

"How do you like strawberry nutella? "Archer asked.

"It's delicious "

"I'm assuming you like anything as long as it's strawberry? "

Erza nodded as she took a bite of the cake she had on her plate.

"We go see our benefactor today and help around the shop" Archer said as she seemed in thought. "After that there's something I have to go hunt down, I hope you don't mind coming along"

"What are you looking for? "

"My keys"

"Keys? "Erza had heard about wizards that use keys as a part of their magic. Celestial wizards if she's correct. Is Archer saiying she could use that type of magic as well? It's also a type of lost magic. "Celestial keys? "

"They're slightly different. Celestial keys summon the constellations, the zodiac. They are silver and gold. My keys are different"

"How so? "

"I have two types of keys I need to find. My Ruby keys and my white keys"

Erza nodded. She never heard of ruby or white keys. She always thought there were only two keys. Levy even confirmed it so she was sure of that fact.

"My ruby keys are home to dragons. They are very important and I must find them. The good thing is that if someone else finds them before me they cannot use them since they only respond to my magic " Archer explained with a relieved sigh. If someone got hold of those keys and could wield them it would be trouble. "My white keys are home to gods and goddesses in a way. It's more similar to the celestial keys. They are very powerful and as long as they are still contracted to me, no one can use them"

"Are they made for your use? "it was starting to look that way. They only function if she wields them. That could only mean it was created for her.

"The ruby keys are, the white keys not so much. I just happen to be the current contractor " Archer had finished her sweet breakfast and put on her mask again. She did a quick stretch as she glanced at the contemplating Erza. "You ready? "

Erza took the last bite of her cake and nodded.


To say Mrs. Claire was shocked to find a familiar man tied to a chair in her shop was an understatement. He was the first thing she saw when she stepped into her bakery. He was unconscious and for a moment she thought he had died. Did the kids do that to him? She heard the ring of her bell when the door opened and found the two young wizards she had contracted.

"Good morning" A masked Archer greeted as she adjusted the scarf at her neck. Erza was close behind her and greeted the woman in the same fashion. Her eyes had landed on the still unconscious man and she remembered what Archer had told her about the sword. It's very powerful. She was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that Archer gave it to her so casually. All because she wasn't the sword type.

"Did you two do this? " the woman asked and received nods. They were stronger than she expected. She didn't expect to find an unconscious Rourke.

"Yes, it was quite simple really. All it took was one slash of a sword" Archer shrugged and Elena's eyes fell to the phoenix sword at Erza's waist. So it was not for decoration. "He uses some form of sleep magic that easily put our bodyguard to sleep"

"It didn't affect you? "

"My magic is stronger than his so I was not affected. My friend here has that special sword I gifted her so the affects were canceled " Archer explained.

"Well, thank you for catching him. I knew he didn't like me but I didn't think he would go so far"

"Humans are unpredictable, especially when negative emotions are set into play" Archer said with keen eyes as she observed the man. "I always have to wonder how every individual's brain functions"

Mrs. Claire didn't know what to say to that, so she said nothing.

"I'll have to pay you for a job well done and of course you're free to stay for the competition in three days. Since I'm the winner of the last competition I kind of have VIP passes that I can give to anyone I want" as the woman said that she retrieved two cake shaped badges and gave each ten year old one. "With this you can sample any and every cake at the competition "

Erza seemed very happy to be granted such access. Her love for cake amused Archer a great deal.

"I need to get everything fixed up and get to making some cake and pastries before opening time" Mrs. Claire sighed.

"We're at your service ma'am " Archer said as politely as ever.

"What do you need us to do? " Erza asked. She had hidden excitement in her eyes.

"I still need to get this place cleaned up, can one of you handle that while another helps me in the kitchen? "

"I'll handle things out here" Archer said as she lifted her hand and the unconscious body in the room levitated towards her. "I'll also take care of him, no need to worry about a thing"

"Ah, thank you. " Mrs. Claire then looked to Erza and smiled. "Well I guess you can help me in the kitchen. "

Erza nodded with a small smile. She could learn to bake her own cake.

"Have fun, Scarlet "


Archer checked the clock just as she finished cleaning the last table. Just in time she noted. She put every cleaning object she had away and vualted over the bar leading to the kitchen. She met Erza carefully carrying a very impressive looking cake and quickly side stepped as to not bump into her. Mrs. Claire followed after her with an equally impressive cake and Archer just had to step aside.

"This place is spotless"

Archer saluted lazily.

"Nice job, would you like a treat as a reward? "

Archer shook her head no. As she made her way to the door and flipped the sign.

"Are you sure? You're friend even made her own strawberry cake,don't you want to try it? "

Archer looked to Erza with raised eyebrow. The girl seemed embarrassed about the reveal.

"Huh" Archer pulled the doors open and returned to the two. "I guess I change my mind"


"Do you really think one of your keys is in or nearby this village? "Erza asked as she fell into pace with Archer. They had left the bakery some time ago. She was still feeling proud of the fact that Archer loved the cake she made for the very first time.

"I know for a fact that it's nearby" Archer assured. "I can feel it tugging on my magic. I just need to follow the pull"

"Do they both pull on you or just the ruby keys? "Erza questioned. The ruby keys were special keys for her so it would make sense if that was the key calling to her.

"Both of them. The contract with the white keys is far stronger than that of celestial spirits" Archer explained.

"How many do you have? "

"I have fourteen dragons and an amount of gods and goddesses "

"They have names? "

Archer nodded. "Which should I name? Dragon or Gods? "


"Well" Archer stuffed her hands in her pockets. "I have Igneel the fire dragon. He actually has a trained slayer by the name Natsu Dragneel. He's one of the slayers I spent time with. He's a childish and goofy one, just like his dragon. " Archer smiled fondly at the memories. The amount of times Natsu has challenged her to fight is the same amount of times Yamcha has been less than useless. He always ended up with his face in the dirt and promising to beat her one day. "Then there's Metalicana the iron dragon king. He also has a slayer I'm familiar with. Gajeel. He has a very amusing laugh he adopted from Metelicana" Archer could remember the amount of times the boy got his ass handed to him by his own dragon. "Grandeeny the sky dragon queen. Her slayer is just a toddler but she's very skilled. She always calls me big sis and always followed me around. She's a big cry baby and very kind"

Erza could tell they meant a lot to Archer. It really made her want to know more.

"Where are they, your friends? "

"I don't know" Archer admitted. "We got split up and I need to find them. Especially the young ones. Wendy must be scared out there. Sting and Rogue too, although I'm sure they'll remain strong "

"What will you do when you find them? "

"Bring them to the guild of course. We're family. We're supposed to stick together and as their older sister I must look after them "