Chapter 10

Natsu was feasting on the food Archer got him as he processed what she had told him. He was aware that something weird would happen but he didn't know what and when it happened he just wasn't very conscious of it. Apparently that weird gate he remembered was dubbed the eclipse gate. Walking through that gate was one of his last memory. His most recent was waking up in a forest with no sign of anyone he knew. There was no Gajeel, Sting, Rogue, Wendy. Not even Archer and Igneel. He didn't know where he was and where the others were. He was alone and he was scared as he wandered around. And then he remembered that Archer always told him that when such a thing happen it's best to stay calm and think things through.

At some point he stumbled upon the old man and he offered to take him to Fairy Tail. He would give him a place to stay and make sure he was fed. It was a good offer so he tagged along.

Good thing he followed the kind stranger.

So Archer told him the eclipse gate led to the future. Four hundred years into the future to be precise. Why they were sent to the future was not disclosed. Archer sometimes kept secrets when she sees the need to. He didn't bother pushing her. It was no use. She never budged when her mind was set.

The reason why he couldn't find everyone was because they were all scattered. Igneel was no where to be found because apparently Archer had dabbled in a bit of enchantment magic with Irene and somehow sealed him in a key. She just has to hunt him down. Also she has to find one of her white keys. A specific one that will help her hunt down the others very easily.

"Did you process everything? "

Natsu nodded with food in his mouth. He didn't know why things were how they were, but Archer probably did so he would leave it at that. If he needed to know something she would tell him. He was content at the moment. At least he found his big sis.

"Slow down, you'll choke"

"No I won't" Natsu said defiantly and continued at the same fast pace.

Archer sighed when the boy started to choke just as she predicted. His cup had no water in it and for a moment she just watched him suffer in silence. At some point she took his cup and willed water into. She pushed it towards him and watched him gulp it down. She raised an eyebrow when the boy sighed and cleared his throat.

"I'll slow down"

"Good to know" Archer rested her chin in her palm as she watched the eight year old enjoy his food. "Chew your food properly"

Natsu nodded as he took another massive bite of his chicken leg. It was delicious. He wondered who the guild's cook was. Everything in front of him was heavenly.

"After your meal go to the old man and get your guild mark" Archer instructed.

Natsu nodded again.

"He should have a place for you to stay as well"

Another nod.

"Did you hear a word I just said? " Archer asked with a knowing look.

Natsu froze for a moment and shook his head no. Archer sighed and flicked his forehead.

"Don't zone out so much, you need to be aware of what's taking place around you" Archer scolded and lectured. "How do you wish to beat me one day when you refuse to follow my good advice? "

Natsu swallowed whatever food he had in his mouth with a determined look on his face. "I'll train everyday and kick your butt in the future"

Archer hummed, amused. "Is that so? "

"Yeah. I'll teach Igneel a lesson too! And that metal head. Wait till I find that idiot. I have a bone to pick with him"

Archer could see that playing out in her head. The last time the two had a disagreement they destroyed a forest. She sighed.

"So, you're buddy buddy with Archer? "

Gray has a tendency to appear out of nothing. He was in nothing but his boxers at the moment. He was curious. This new kid seemed to know Archer pretty well. He wanted to know how well and try to find out about her for himself.

"She's my sister" Natsu said casually and finally looked at Gray. "Are you a stripper or something? "

"I am not a stripper! " Gray said in defense. He wasn't doing himself any good. He was practically naked.

"Then why are you in your underwear? "Natsu asked a bit annoyed by how loud Gray had been.

Gray then seemed to realize that his clothes were no where to be found. Archer chuckled when he started frantically searching the guild.

"What kind of idiot loses his clothes like that? "

"Who are you calling an idiot!? " Gray yelled angrily while he pulled on his pants.

"I didn't call any names. If your angry that means you know what you are" Natsu said with a victorious grin.

"At least idiocy is one level above you, ya moron! "

"At least I know how to keep my clothes on! " Natsu said standing up now. Archer saw some fire flicker around his hands. She chuckled. The rivalry has started.

"Well at least I know how to properly eat my food! "

"You naked bastard! "

"You no good pink doofus! "

Archer watched the two butt heads and throw insults left and right . Look at that. It started so quickly.

She slipped out of her seat and made her way towards the bar. The old man was watching the two boys with amusement. Archer climbed onto a barstool and placed her chosen mission on the bar. She grabbed Makarov's attention and he glanced at the paper.

"I wish to take on this mission"

"Are you going alone? "

Archer glanced at Erza, who was seated next to her. She slid the mission sheet over to the redhead. Said girl temporarily took her focus off her cake to read over the information given. The mission didn't seem too hard. They would just need to deliver an item to some important person. Their only concern would be bandits. Erza nodded, not needing Archer to ask the obvious question and returned to her cake.

"Scarlet will be accompanying me"

Makarov nodded with a smile and stamped his approval on the paper. He was happy to see Erza opening up somewhat. Besides he was still interested in their odd behavior with eachother. Erza doesn't tend to talk to a lot of people. Gray always asked some question that ends with him on the floor, battered and bruised. And Mira doesn't like the redhead for some reason. The other guild members don't really approach her because she made it very clear that she wished to be alone. Archer was the first she actually seemed to like.

"When do we leave? "Erza asked when she saw Archer pocket the mission sheet.

"Tomorrow around noon"

"Any specific reason for choosing this mission? "

"Yes" Archer said casually. "Two keys are in the direction of the town"

Erza figured as much. She didn't know if Archer picked the last mission because she sensed the key nearby or because it involved cake. It could be both. She didn't know and didn't bother asking. She returned her attention to her cake. She was about to take a bite of her strawberry when a chair slid across the bar and carried her cake with it.

Archer had watched the chair take the cake across the bar with an unreadable expression. At some point she chuckled as she noted Erza's anger that was rising rapidly. The redhead abruptly turned to face the brawling guild and zeroed in on Natsu and Gray who were throwing chairs at eachother.

Archer whistled. "Poor Natsu"

She did nothing as Erza approached the boys. She was surrounded by a dark aura and everyone who detected it made a good distance. Natsu and Gray were too caught up in their fight to notice her until it was too late.

Archer hummed when Erza grabbed the two by the hair and slammed their heads together. That took care of them pretty quickly. They crashed on top of each other, groaning in pain.

Natsu suddenly shot up with excitement. He pointed an enthusiastic finger at Erza and Archer knew where this was going.

"You're strong, fight me! "

"She'll wipe the floor with you" Archer warned from her place at the bar. "She's pretty strong"

"What!? You're my sister. You need to have my back" Natsu pouted like that child he was.

Archer chuckled . "Fine. Fight her. Feel free to come to me when you need medical attention"

"I won't! " Natsu said with a grin and slammed his fists together. A magic circle formed underneath him and fire surrounded his form.

"Let's do this! "


Natsu groaned in pain from his place on the floor. His everything hurt. Archer was right when she said Erza was strong. She handled him in one minute. How in the world that happened was beyond him. He saw familiar combat boots in front of him and trailed his eyes up to meet the masked Archer.

"What did I say? " she asked as she casually took the boy by the scarf.

Natsu sighed and let Archer drag him to a corner of the guild. She easily lifted him and placed him on a bench and he groaned.

"Listen to me next time"

"Next time I'll win! "

"No need to shout" Archer flicked his forehead. She smiled under her mask as she willed red flames into existence in her palm. "Eat" she said as she offered the boy her flames

Natsu didn't need to be told twice. He happily gobbled up Archer's flames. Her flames were awesome. It always gives him a massive boost and when he eats it he feels as if he ate a full meal. It also heals up all and any wounds, somehow.

"You're the best" Natsu was back on his feet and doing some stretches.

"Did you just eat fire? "

Natsu jumped when Levy appeared close to him. Where did she come from?

"Yeah? "

"Amazing" she adjusted her glasses with a look of fascination in her eyes. "Are you a dragon slayer? "

"Oh yeah. I'm the fire dragon slayer" Natsu said proudly.

"How did you get your magic? Were you trained by a dragon or did you have lacrima implanted? " Levy asked excitedly.

"Igneel trained me. He's the fire dragon king"

"Dragons don't exist" Gray said with a roll of his eyes.

"They do exist. I'm telling the truth. Ask Archer "

"Dragons exist" Archer said casually. "Multiple exist"

"See! In your face you minty bastard! "

"What did you call me, flame for brains!? "

"You heard me Popsicle! "

"Stupid pyro! "

"Stripper! "

"Matchstick! "

The two started wrestling again.

"Those two really don't get along" Levy said.

"Fire and ice, what do you expect? "Cana said as she slipped in next to Archer. She started to place cards face down on the table. "Pick a card"

"Are you related to Natsu? "Lisanna asked as she placed herself next to Archer as well. "He said you were his sister "

"No I'm not" Archer answered as she picked a random card and handed it to Cana. "We just happened to spend a lot of time together and he took to calling me big sis. I did nothing about it and it stuck"

"So you don't mind? "

"No" Archer picked up another card. "I've gotten used to it. He's not the only one who looks at me as an older sister. I really don't know why they started reffering to me that way"

Archer was not expecting it. She just accompanied Anna to see the dragons one day and kept coming back. She ended up training with the slayers and spent a lot of time with them. One day Natsu called her big sis and soon the others did too. Gajeel took longer than the rest, but he let it slip once.

"Huh, I never took you for the big sis type" Cana said honestly as she rearranged her cards. She again motioned for Archer to pick a card.

Archer only reaction to the statement was a shrug.

"Do you ever take that mask off? "Lisanna asked curiously.


"Why don't you take it off in the guild? "

"Because I don't want to"

"Why don't you want to? "

"You're a curious little kitty" Archer said with a chuckle and scratched the younger girl under the chin. She really reacts like a cat. It's amusing.

"Are you going to tell me what type of magic you use? "Levy asked.

"At some point"

Levy pouted but didn't push it. She already knew of a couple that she uses. Her cancelation magic. Her re-equip. Her fire magic. She most likely uses teleportation magic. And then there's the magic she uses to freeze a person. Levy did not know what type of magic that was.

"Cana, why do you constantly make me pick cards? "

"Because I like your fortune"