Chapter 25

Natsu was laughing like a maniac as he waved Gray's boxer in the air like a flag. The ice maker mage glared at him from across the guild. He was completely naked and Natsu was loving it. Sting was enjoying it as much as his older brother. The five year old was practically dying of laughter.

"I'm going to kill you! " Gray yelled

"Big talk Popsicle! "

Natsu took off the minute Gray came running after him. Things had escalated pretty quickly that day. They started fighting the minute their eyes landed on each other. It was on sight. One thing lead to another and Gray was naked. Natsu held his boxer like a flag of pride. He was never getting this back. He was going to burn it and watch him try to find another to conceil his nakedness.

"Bwahahaha! You'll never get this back! " Natsu jumped over a group of guild members, miraculously dodging the hammer that was aimed at him. He was laughing his ass off and wasn't paying too much attention to his surroundings. He was on a roll, until he crashed into someone. He was quick to get up and run, but then he realized who he crashed into and all color left his face. Even Gray froze and took multiple stumbling steps back, before tripping and falling.

Natsu had crashed into Mira.

The girl was pissed. The dark aura around her terrified the dragon slayer. All laughter died, except that of Sting. In fact he started laughing even harder.

"It was nice knowing you big brother" he cackled and almost fell off his seat.

Rogue was next to him and watched the scene with worry. Mirajane was not happy and the magic circle forming beneath meant trouble.

"Big brother"

Gajeel snickered in amusement as he watched Natsu run for his life.

"What an idiot"

The boy collided with Gray, who was trying to get as far away from the scene as possible. He could care less about his boxers at the moment. He wanted to live. He was quick to kick Natsu off him and bolt.

"Dragneel! "

Natsu screamed in terror at the sound of Mira's voice and ran as fast as he could.

"I'm sorry! Don't kill me! " Natsu pleaded. As he ran for cover. He almost ran into Lisanna in his haste. He hid behind her, begging her to protect him. He didn't want to die today. "Lis save me"

The youngest Struas giggled nervously as her sister came to a stop in front of her.

"Hey sis"

"Stop protecting him, move"

Lisanna smiled, still very nervous. "Don't You think you're going a bit too far? It was all an accident. He didn't mean it"

"He made me spill my drink! "

"I'm sorry! "

"Kick his ass! " Gajeel encouraged from his corner of the guild. This earned him a glare from Levy. "What? The idiot had it coming"

"Why am I your friend? "Levy questioned. It was something she asked herself often.

"Mira, leave the kid" Cana said casually as she played with her cards. "It was an accident and if you want to punish him just tell Archer "

At the mention of his older sister Natsu almost shed a tear.

"Don't tell big sis! Please don't tell big sis. I'll do anything. You can beat me up if you want to! "

Everyone sweat dropped at his change. So apparently telling Archer wad more fighting than getting his ass handed to him by Mira.

That made Mira smirk deviously. She deactivated her magic and turned to walk away.

"I'll take your advice Cana"

"Nooo! "

"Yes! " Gajeel grinned. "Oh please tell her"

"Shut up metal head! " Natsu yelled. "You're not so innocent. I'll tell her everything! "

"You Bastard ! "

"Scardie cats" Sting laughed.

"Shut up you little good for nothing, we'll tell her about all the dumb stuff you did! "

"What?! " Sting almost fell off his stool. "What kind of big brothers are you!? "

"We were supposed to behave" Rogue said quietly, but the others heard him. "But you three didn't behave"

"Damn you Rogue! You're lucky she likes you"

"That's because I behave" Rogue said bluntly. "I never burned down a house or destroyed an entire village or accidently caused a volcano to erupt"

"Oh so now you have balls? " Gajeel asked, annoyed .

"Of course I have balls, I'm a boy" Rogue looked very confused.

"He doesn't get it" Natsu sighed.

"Enough of that" Gajeel glared at Natsu and Sting. "You two will keep your mouths shut or else"

"Or else what? " Natsu challenged.

"Or else I'll kick your as-" Gajeel was cut off when he caught wind of a very familair scent. He froze on the spot and stared at the guild doors. "Crap"

Natsu was sweating bullets when he caught the scent in the air. A shiver ran up his spine and he ran in search of a hiding spot.

"She's back" Sting muttered. "Rogue, what do I do? "

"You pray"

They were screwed.

Everything was quiet as the dubble doors were pushed open to reveal Archer, Erza and Wendy. Mira grinned upon seeing them and immediately made her way towards Archer.

"That damn demon" Gajeel cursed and tried to creep away. If she told on Natsu, Natsu would tell on him.

"Archer, welcome back" Mira slung an arm over the girl's shoulder.

"It's good to be back " Archer glanced at the other. "What is it? "

"Can't I welcome you back from a mission"

"You're a literal demon, I don't expect this from you . What's your motive? "

Erza chuckled at the statement as she put Wendy down and followed the four year old to the bar.

"Fine, I just wanted to tell you about all the fun things Natsu has done since you were gone"

"I'm listening"

With each word that left Mira's mouth, Natsu could feel the life leave him. He ignored Gray, who was laughing in a corner. He ignored the sorry look Lisanna wore next to him. He ignored everything else.

He was dead

"Ah, I see" Archer said, her voice as calm as usual. Her eyes roamed the guild until it landed on terrified onyx ones. "Natsu, we need to talk"

Natsu was terrified and before he knew it he told Archer everything Gajeel had done.

The iron dragon slayer cursed and crept towards the door faster. He was almost there. That damn salamander couldn't keep his damn mouth shut.

"Gajeel" Archer gripped the boy by the collar stopping him just before he slipped past the doors. "Where do you think you're going? "

"Let go of me you sadistic evil bastard!"

"That's not very nice" Archer sighed.

"Curse you Salamander"

"If I'm going down, you're going down with me tin can"

"Petty fool"

"Sting, come"

"What? But I didn't do anything"

"Don't lie to me" Archer was very calm as she eyed the boy. "We need to have a little talk"


"Scarlet, keep an eye on Wendy and Rogue for me"


"Hello master" Archer waved a she strolled back into the guild. Following after her were the three boys. All three of them had relief on their faces. They thought Archer would've punished them, but she just had a talk like she said. It was a terrifying talk, but better than what she usually did to them. Just the thought of it sent shivers up their spines.

"Archer" Makarov eyed the girl as he enjoyed his beer. His eyes then flickered to Erza, who was focused on the strawberry shortcake in front of her. "What's this I hear about you two attending a S-class mission? "

At those words the entire guild quieted down. Did they hear right ? Did the old man just say that those two went on an S-class mission?

"They did what? "Laxus leaned over the railing of the second floor. He glared at Archer who was meeting his eyes. "You really are full of yourself aren't you? "

"And you really are a salty one, aren't you? " Archer raised an eyebrow. "I don't remember anyone asking for your opinion"

Bixlow almost choked on his drink in shock. He had to stifle the laugh he felt creeping up on him when he saw Laxus' face.

"Why you lit-"

"Quiet" Archer interrupted. "I'm not interested in hearing your

voice right now. I'll get back to you later"

Bizlow again almost chocked. He decided it was best to put his drink away for the moment.

"I really like her" Evergreen commented with a smile. "She knows how to shut our mighty leader up"

"How dishonorable " Freed sighed. "How dare she insult Laxus like that"

"There's nothing he can do about it she'll kick his ass again" Bixlow snickered.

"Kick his ass. Kick his ass" his puppets chanted as they drifted around him.

"Shut up! "

The three did as told and kept quiet. Laxus growled and redirected his attention to Archer and his grandfather. He was pissed. How dare she talk to him like that. She treated him like some lowlife.

"Archer" Makarov sighed. "You're not allowed to go on such missions. That's not your rank"

"I'm aware" Archer tugged on her scarf. "But I did it anyway. It was easier than I expected. Scarlet and I took care of the guild with little effort"

"An entire guild!? "

Archer winced at the volume of the exclamation.

"Would you please quiet down" She unconsciously touched her ears, before looking at the old Makarov. "Do you plan on punishing us, master? "

Makarov sighed again. What was he to do with this child. "No, I do not. I see no need for it. You obviously handled it and are not harmed. I'll let it pass this time"

Archer raised an eyebrow.

"Wait" Levy entered the conversation. "What you two did is punishable. Why didn't the council do anything? "

Erza glanced at Archer at that. If only Levy knew.

"Well, I talked to the old chairman and sorted things out" Archer shruvved.

"How in the world"

Archer said nothing more and headed to the bar. She was humming a tune to herself as she did. She would be sticking around for at most two days before going on another mission. Maybe she'll go about town or something . She could go shopping with her siblings. Could be lots of fun.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a flash of lighting. She stared at the burnt wood in front of her with furrowed brows before looking at an angry Laxus.

"There are better ways to get my attention" Archer told the boy.

"Laxus" Makarov warned.

"Shut it old man" Laxus spat and jumped off the railing. He landed right in front of Archer and opened his mouth to say something.

Before he could, Archer gripped him by the collar and pulled him down to her height. She looked him dead in the eyes, smiling under her mask and kneed him in the gut. She kept hold of him even as he crashed to the ground in pain.

"I apologize" Archer released his collar. "But I don't feel like entertaining you today"

"Archer" Makarov groaned.

"What? " Archer climbed into the barstool next to Erza.


Erza's eye twitched in annoyance as she tried to ignore the chaos taking place behind her. She just wanted to eat her cake in peace. Was that too hard to ask? Could this guild not go a day without breaking out into fights? Seriously? Natsu and Gray started it again. Those two idiots. Erza didn't get involved. She would not get involved. She was determined. She would just eat her cake and ignore it all.

She didn't understand how Aexher could be so nonchalant about it all. It's not that Erza isn't used to the mess of a guild Fairy Tail was, it's just that it's still very annoying. Archer didn't seem affected at all. She just sat there, watching. Wendy and Rogue were at her side. She told them not to get involved and stay close. Sting was lost cause and she let him into the chaos.

"How are you so casual with all this? Doesn't it bother you? "

Archer shook her head no.

"Not even their loudness? "

"No, I've already regulated my senses to a good degree so the noise doesn't bother me as much" Archer informed. "I'm just very used to chaos"

"No wonder you're so odd"

"You're one to talk"

"What does that mean"

"Take it however you want" Archer said. "In my eyes not one person in this guild can be considered normal"

"I suppose you are right "

"When have I ever been wrong? "

"Don't get smug"

Archer hummed in reply and continued to watch the guild. She saw Sting fly through the air a second ago. She wondered if he was thrown or something. Either way it was dangerous. Not for the toddler. No, he would be fine. It was dangerous for whoever he landed on. Sting will fight anyone on sight.

"This guild is very amusing"

"Of course you would think that" Erza sighed. "This guild is chaotic and brews trouble wherever its members go"

"That's why it's so amusing. I enjoy chaos "

"Of course you do"

Makarov was nearby and sighed in frustration, but smiled anyway. His guild is chaotic, yes, but despite it all they were a family. A big destructive family. As troublesome as they all were he did not wish for his children to change. He didn't wish for them to change. He liked things as they were. He even had a few new additions. The mysterious Archer. The every excited Natsu. The sweet Wendy. The gruff Gajeel. The ever bold Sting and the reserved Rogue. They were as odd as the rest of them and fit right in.

"Master, may I ask when the S-class trials will be held? "

Makarov didn't even have to look at Archer at the question. He had a feeling she was interested in the title. It was obvious enough after that stunt she pulled.

"Six months"

Archer nodded in understanding and eyed the mission board.

"We have six months to be noticed, Scarlet"

"I'm aware and I'm sure we've already been noticed"

"Even so" Archer continued to eye the mission board. "Wouldn't it be an honor to be the youngest S-class mages of Fairy tail"

"It would"

"I would like to achieve that goal"

"I have a hard time believing it will be very hard for you"

Archer chuckled. "I do as well"

"I envy your confidence"

"A few days with Athena will help with that " Archer reassured. "Make sure to train hard and get stronger. I wish for you to become S-class alongside me"

Erza seemed a bit surprised by that statement. "Really? "

"Of course. You're my partner after all"