To restore hope to you all

"This is outrageous"

Mira sat at the bar with an angry pout on her face. Blue eyes were intently focused on the masked Archer. The resident Phoenix was seated in a corner with Levy and Lisanna, dutifully listening to whatever it was they were talking about while casting an eye on the youngest of her siblings. It was infuriating to the oldest Straus. One year. It had been one year since Archer joined the guild and she had not once seen her face. She didn't think about it too much until it was recently brought up. Now she was frustratingly curious about what lay hidden behind that mask. She didn't ask of course. She knew it wouldn't be as easy as that. Archer avoided many questions about herself. What's hidden behind the mask was one of them.

"She will take that mask off" Mira said with devious determination.

"Sure" Cana said in monotone. She glanced at the ever calm Archer before returning her focus to her cards. "As if that's gonna happen"

"You don't think I can do it?" Mira asked, a challenge in her voice.

Cana sighed with a shrug. "No, I don't"

"And why is that?"

"You really want me to say?" Cana looked at her, amusement present in those brown eyes. It was very plain too. Mira could see it. It didn't help that she was openly smiling.

"It's so good to know you believe in me, Cana. Truly"

"Such genuine words" Cana rolled her eyes. "What's your first plan of action? "

Mira was quiet for a long time. Sadly she had no actual plan that she believed would work. Archer was one to always see somethibg coming. She would expect anything she came up with and know what she was up to before she even fully got the chance. It was sad really. Mira always had elaborate plans up her sleeve. She had many, many plans up her sleeve, but when it came to Archer there had to be a mind blowing plan involved.

"Nothing, huh?"

"This is Archer"

"Exactly" Cana shook her head as if she was greatly disappointed. "You're over thinking things because your plans are always so elaborate and she always sees them coming"

"How am I overthinking this? "

Cana shook her head again, eyes focused on the cards she had spread out before her. Unlike Mira she knew what to do and how to go about it. A year with Archer was an eye opener. The first thing to know about her was that no matter how emotionally deficient she was, the people she cared about the most were her siblings and a certain redheaded knight. The second thing she learned was that Archer wasn't entirely too complicated when it came to asking her question. Sometime she doesn't feel like answering so she leaves everyone puzzled with some weird riddle. Sometimes she was in the mood for answering, but did not want to give it to you straight. One would have to work for it. But then there are times she just gives you what you want. The third thing Cana has come to learn about her favorite person to watch is that she'll do anything as long as Wendy or Erza ask it of her. These were very important points of Archer to know of. And Cana was very observant, despite what others may think.

So of course she knew what to do.

"Just ask her. If she doesn't answer use Wendy or Erza. You'll get what you want. It's that simple" Cana tilted her head towards Archer as she spoke. "Really not that complicated"

"I refuse to believe that" Mira decided she was going to be stubborn about her choices.

"Just try it" Cana waved her off without so much of a glance. "If neither works I'll tell you who I like"

At those words Mira's eyes lit up brighter than the stars. Cana wasn't even fazed by the sparkling excitement encasing the take over mage. The reaction was expected. She knew her well enough. Mira should know her well enough as well. Her excitement was useless for Cana was not wrong. She would never have said such a thing if she wasn't completely sure of her words.

Mira knew this of course but, there was still hope. There was the smallest chance that Cana could be wrong. She was actually hoping for it. Her want to know of Cana's possible crush slightly out weights her want to see Archer's face.

"You've got yourself a deal"



Said girl blinked when Mira slammed her hands down on her table. She stared at her hands before slowly trailing up her arms to meet her eyes. They burned with determination that had her curious. Within her jacket Silver stirred from her sleep, popping her head out the unzipped portion of the hoodie. Mira glanced down at her, eyes softing as she took in the sleepy little exceed. She was adorable with droopy ears and half lidded eyes. And when she yawned Mira almost squeeled. She took hold of herself however. She forced her eyes away from the adorable creature and focused all her attention on Archer.

"Hello Mira" She finally spoke. Her voice lacked any clear emotions as it mostly did. "Do you need me for something?"

"It's been a year Archer" the way Mira spoke made the others think she was for some reason angry at the resident Phoenix. This of course got many people interested in their confrontation

"Technically it had been three hundred and sixty three days and not a full year"Archer corrected nonchalantly. "But do continue"

"It doesn't matter how many days it's been. What matters is the fact that almost no one in this guild has seen your face yet" Mira got straight to the point to prevent Archer from stating any other technical facts.

"And this upsets you?"



Her gunuine curiosity and confusion had Mira speechless for a moment. It was sometimes easy to forget this kid has trouble understanding human emotions and behavior. It just points more and more to her not being human, something she hasn't cleared up yet as well.

"Wha-? What do y-... " Mira rubbed her hand over her face as she struggled to even try to explain this to Archer. She always makes certain situations harder for people. "It's been a year god damn it. You're our guildmate and friend. Don't you trust us enough to let us see your face?"

"So it's about trust" Archer nodded as if she got an answer she had been long searching for. "But it's about my trust" she seemed deep in thought as she processed this. "Well, I trust you all with my life, does that help?"

"Archer, for crying out loud" Mira groaned. Maybe Cana was wrong after all. She glanced at the genius who had Archer figured out and saw her gesturing towards a rather amused Erza. Soon Mira's attention was on her. "Erza!"

"What is it,demon?" Her voice was filled with mirth as she smiled sweetly at Mira. She knew it irritated her and was even more entertained when she forced herself to not call ger a rude nickname in return.

"You spend a lot of time with Archer" with each word a smile grew on Mira's face until she was grinning deviously. "Hell, you're practically her girlfriend aren't you?"

Cana snorted when Erza almost choked on the cake she was so happily enjoying. In some corner of the guild Sting bursted into a fit of laughter already knowing that things were going to get super fun. He should get himself a snack and sit back. It's always fun when it has to do with Erza and Archer's relationship. Now the entire guild was tuning in to the scene, ears perked for more. It was true that Erza spent a lot of time with Archer when she had wanted nothing to do with the others prior to her appearance. The change had many curious. In fact many of them thought the two may like a each other as well. Archer may not show or even realize it, but Erza had her moments.

"W-n.. We're not.. Mira!" Erza's face was quickly becoming the color of her hair.

She was obviously quite affected by the words while Archer didn't seem to care that much. Her only reaction was the slight tilt of her head. In her jacket Silver's eyes gleamed with interest. She wondered what would be said about the two she saw as her parents.

"I said it!" Mira smirked. "You've seen her face already haven't you?"

"I-" Erza fumbled before shutting her mouth and letting out a pathetic sigh. "Yeah"

"I knew it" Mira seemed proud of herself for having figured that out. "Well I need you to help me here. Tell her to let us see her face"

"Why do you think that will even work?" Erza looked at Archer as she asked this. All she got was a quirked brow and shrug.

"Because she does anything for you" Mira said boldly.

"I doubt that"

"You remeber that time we saw this cute dress that would look super good on Archer? Remember when we all begged her to put it on, but she refused because she didn't feel like getting out of her comfortable clothes?"

Archer chuckled at the memory. She remembered that day. She was very comfortable in her pants and shirt. It was simple clothes for a simple day. She didn't have any missions then nor did she set out to find any keys.

"Yeah I d, Mira"

"Well please tell me who it was that asked her to try it after we all gave up on asking her? Who was it she said yes to without much thought when she had refused Levy, Lisanna, Cana and I?"

She had a point there, Erza realized.

"And how about that time we asked her about one of her magics? She was beating behind the bush like she always does but the minute you got interested and asked about it she was very straightforward about it"

Huh. That's another point.

Mira went on to list a number of times Archer has done things for Erza simply because she asked or told her to. The guild was silent as the list grew while Erza started to realize that Mira actually made a valid point.

And, well Archer listened intently, furrowing her brows as she too realized that what Mira said was the complete truth. She did do a lot for her, didn't she? She never really thought about it much. Erza was her friend. Friends help each other, no? She was a friend she wished to protect and make happy like she did all her friends, no? She wanted to protect her siblings too. She wanted to make them happy. That wasn't any different, was it? And had nothing to do with having had a crush on her in her last life. She couldn't remember the feeling anyway. It was long lost to her. However, she did like her a bit more than others. She'd admit that. But that's it. It was nothing else. She would know.

Since when did she start lying to herself? She wouldn't know that even if it punched her in the face. She was ignorant to many emotions to begin with. She wouldn't know what she was feeling, when she was feeling it if she was feeling anything at all.

She sighed.

"This certainly gives me things to think about, doesn't it?"

Maybe she shouldn't think about it. She wasn't allowed to anyway. It would be pointless to go down that road. At least until she had perfect control of her powers. She didn't need to spiral and put everyone in danger.

But then again, Aphrodite did say there was not much she could do when it happened didn't she?

She sighed again, staring down at the top of Silver's head before her eyes drifted to the person she supposedly liked a bit more than others. Erza was already looking at her. How long had she been staring she wondered. Usually she was the one to initiate such things. It was always Erza who would notice and meet her eyes. It was reversed now, wasn't it. It really had been a year. Erza didnt look much different, but she was. Her hair was a bit longer, though many didn't notice. Archer didn't think she noticed herself. She wore the armor she gifted her more often now. For some reason she greatly enjoyed seeing her in it. It helped that she recently made it her default armor. She'd gotten stronger too. Athena's training was a major factor in that. Aphrodite would help too.

She was staring for too long again. She blinked when she realized that. It was not new. Erza was used to it already, but Archer had told herself she would stop since it was not very proper.

So she stopped.

She liked looking at her though. She wouldn't openly admit it nor would she actually admit it to herself until now.

Mira was very troublesome sometimes.