2、Global panic

Li Yunfeng shut down the computer, he estimated that the situation would get worse and worse, but he had no mind and no time to understand this. What he had to do now was to follow the cultivation method of ancient books. First of all, he had to learn how to make Yuan Fu. In fact, since he understood 300 words, he knew that he could make Yuanfu. For this reason, he also made several pieces of Yuanfu according to ancient books, but none of them took effect. Later, he had no interest.

Since the disappearance of the sun in the morning, he suddenly found that one of the Yuanfu that he had made before, like the light after the success of making the talisman in ancient books, radiated a golden light from the talisman, and then abruptly contracted back. The talisman, like a living being, floated in the middle of the sky and hung there until Li Yunfeng took it back.

Li Yunfeng guessed that the disappearance of the sun in the morning led to the return of the so-called vitality. This talisman was activated by some mysterious power, and then it can be used.

He carefully studied the rules of making talismans in ancient books, and finally understood that the talisman's head was the channel to guide the laws of heaven and earth, and it was the only way to introduce the heaven and earth vitality in ancient books into the talisman's body. Therefore, when describing the head of talismans, the Talisman must use the vitality to integrate it in a certain way, so that after the completion of making talismans, the head of talismans can resonate with the laws of heaven and earth, Activate the amulet body.

The talisman that was activated by accident is beyond Li Yunfeng's understanding. At that time, he didn't have any energy of heaven and earth to inject into the talisman head. The reason why it can be activated is that when the ancient book was shining that night, Li Yunfeng used the talisman as a bookmark to clip it into the ancient book. Maybe the ancient book transformed his talisman in some incredible way.

Li Yunfeng doesn't know when the ancient books will shine next time. It's not very reliable to use them to transform amulets, so he decided to train the vitality of heaven and earth first.

Li Yunfeng hugged the ancient books, sat on the floor, and began to try to practice Qi. When he read novels before, he always felt that these things seemed very simple. Only when he tested them himself did he know how difficult it was!

Maybe it's because the vitality of heaven and earth is too little, or his qualification is too poor. All night, Li Yunfeng spent six hours to practice, but he didn't feel anything. His first day of practice didn't show any miracle. He knew that he had to pay a lot of efforts to succeed, and he insisted on a lot of time to practice every day.

After a night's tossing and turning, Li Yunfeng felt a strong sense of frustration and simply fell asleep, only to be woken up by a cell phone ring.

"Brother, something happened. I didn't know your ability before, but now you need to help us..."

"Well, you said the sun disappeared yesterday? Experts have explained that... " Li Yunfeng said carefully that he had told them many times before, but they all laughed at him.

"Elder brother, you are still hiding from me at this time. The sun disappeared again just now. It's half an hour! Don't you know? Damn it, people all over the world are crazy now. Go and see the people on the street, they are all crazy! "

"Gone again?" Li Yunfeng really didn't know. After he failed in his cultivation, he kept falling asleep in frustration. However, the sun disappeared again, which had little impact on him. He thought he knew the final result.

It is recorded in ancient books that, because of the original orbit of heaven and earth being restored, the universe will be temporarily isolated from photons and other particles under the excitation of heaven and earth energy, that is to say, sunlight can hardly reach the earth, and its regular algorithm because Li Yunfeng can't understand too many complex words and figures in ancient books, and he can't calculate how long this dark time will last.

"Brother, what should I do now? Will the earth be destroyed? Now we are all worried to death! "

"I've already told you, and now I'm willing to believe it?" Li Yunfeng has a kind of emotion of revenge. For three months, he has been regarded as a madman. This kind of depression and fear has finally been vented, and there is a kind of inexplicable pleasure.

"Brother, can you stop complaining about us? What the fuck are you talking about? Will we all die? "

"No! I am also very clear about the specific situation. What I know is that in seven days, the whole world will be in darkness. At that time, you need to prepare more cold protection materials and a lot of food. I don't know how long it will last! " Li Yunfeng told him exactly what he knew.

"All in darkness? What about the sun? If the sun disappears, what does the earth revolve around? Are we all going to die if the earth doesn't turn? "

"Don't think too badly, it's not that the sun has disappeared. The experts on TV are right. If the sun disappears out of the sky, the earth loses its rotating gravitation. We're dead long ago. The sun is still there. Don't worry, it's just invisible. Maybe it will recover in a while." Li Yunfeng explained that if he followed the interpretation of ancient books, he would not be able to finish it in three days and three nights.

"Brother, don't lie to me... Hello Hello Shit, there's no signal! " Liu Xiaojun at the end of the phone angrily turned off his mobile phone and left the company in a hurry. Now the signal is bad. The call can only be based on luck, which makes people feel more panic. There are not many people in the company's building, who are basically not coming to work. The supermarket has begun to be robbed of food, and the pedestrians on the street are in a mess,The panic before the unknown disaster spreads everywhere.