5、Deterioration of situation

The horror is not over. At the next moment, Li Yunfeng's scalp is numb. Three soldiers' submachine guns keep shooting at the monster. Li Yunfeng's eight times optical telescope can barely see the light red light on the monster's body offsetting the rapid bullets. Only a few of them hit the monster's thigh. It seems that the pain infuriated the monster. It sent out a harsh scream, Facing the dense bullets and approaching the soldiers at full speed, that speed is also the legendary "instant trance"!

After it moved, Li Yunfeng found that under the monster's claws, there was a corpse that had been broken into three sections. The red and white viscera wriggled down from the white Audi sports car. Li Yunfeng only felt a spasm in his stomach and would spit out when he opened his mouth!

But the more bloody scene made him swallow the food that was pouring in his throat. The two big tongs of the monster that came up caught the escaped soldiers who didn't come, and then they put two big living people on the ground.

One of the soldiers, who was not yet dead, stood on the ground with his hands, dragged his half body and his intestines, and crawled desperately towards the direction of the military vehicle. The monster pierced the soldier's back with its sharp leg and nailed him to the ground, as if playing with the prey in front of him!

The monster is holding its head high and crowing proudly!

Crazy, too crazy, this is the world or hell, is this the ancient book said "the world is rough"? It's too fierce. It's a hell on earth!

What makes Li Yunfeng even more scared is that after the monster killed two soldiers, he didn't chase another soldier who was about to climb into the military vehicle, but looked at the building he lived in like a joke!

My day, why are you staring at my building? Li Yunfeng thought to himself, isn't there a soldier who drove too hard at you?

Li Yunfeng hurriedly went downstairs and saw a woman in a white down jacket, desperately climbing up the window downstairs. The potential of human beings in the desperate situation is really huge. Downstairs, because of learning Li Yunfeng's closed window, all the balcony windows have been closed with bars of steel for a long time. As a result, the woman climbed to the second floor smoothly under the pressure of her potential.

Li Yunfeng's room is on the 6th floor. Although it is a little far away, he has no doubt about the woman's determination to climb to the top of the 12th floor!

Li Yunfeng is flustered. He can see that this monster has taken this woman as its necessary prey. He knows more about the habits of predators. Animals will never let go of the prey when they are absolutely superior!

If the monster climbs up follow the woman, he can't imagine the consequences. Although the building is of reinforced concrete structure, it's not difficult for the damned monster to enter his own room no matter which floor he gets in with its abnormal corrosion ability.

When Li Yunfeng was running his poor brain cells at full speed, the monster came downstairs and began to climb slowly. Its way of climbing was very simple. With its sharp limbs, it directly inserted into the wall, and then climbed up steadily.

Li Yunfeng estimated that all the people in the building were scared to death, including the expert upstairs.

The whole world seems to be suddenly quiet. The woman climbs up stubbornly and desperately cries for help. The monster is one meter behind her. Li Yunfeng believes that as long as the monster waves the pliers, it is absolutely easy to clamp the woman with the pliers! There is no doubt that she will die, Li Yunfeng thought.

As expected, the monster opened its pincers and showed that its patience was gone. It wanted to end the boring hunting as soon as possible. However, at this moment, the ancient book, which had been unknown all the time, suddenly sent out a dazzling colorful light. Li Yunfeng, who had already got through the fourth dimension of divinity, felt a vast force coming from all over the world in a moment. That moment, it seemed to let the whole empty Between the vitality are trembling!

It seems that the monster who opens the pliers can also feel this great power, and make a totally different cry from that just now. It seems to be a kind of lament, even a little fear!

Then, in Li Yunfeng's stupefaction, the monster quickly retreated downstairs, with a faster speed than the one just jumped at the soldiers, and fled far away. Only a few seconds later, the monster retreated into the boundless darkness and disappeared without trace!

Li Yunfeng is surprised to pick up the ancient books that have been restored to normal. He has a huge wave in his heart. The treasure left by his ancestors is indeed a treasure. It's ironic that such a treasure has been playing the role of a bed mat in his family for generations.

The woman was saved. When the threat was eliminated, he collapsed on the ground and couldn't move any more. Although she didn't know why the monster suddenly panicked at the last moment, her brain had no extra place to think about it. With the help of the third floor's good neighbor, the woman who escaped from death finally entered the third floor's room smoothly and came out The sound of crying.

Li Yunfeng shut the small steel plate and found that his back was all wet with sweat. It was just too dangerous. If it wasn't for the ancient books to shine again in time, not only would this woman be killed by the monster's pliers, but also the whole building and himself would be in great danger. So he quickly put the ancient books in his arms and made up his mind that from now on, he would not let go of the ancient books even if he was defecating.

Listen to the experts upstairs, someone in the building was scared to pee in his pants that day. Of course, it's not him. The woman is said to be the daughter of a rich businessman opposite. She and her boyfriend got an approval from the army and went out to breathe fresh air. When they came back, they were suddenly attacked by the monster. As a result, the man died on the spot and the woman was almost scared of mental illness.

After this incident, the whole community and the street were quiet. Later, many experts came to take away the destroyed white Audi trot and the liquid secreted by the monster. A tank and an armored vehicle were added to patrol the whole street, which made Li Yunfeng exclaim at the power of the rich area opposite.

In the next few days, this kind of monster never appeared again. However, according to the experts upstairs, monsters were also found in other places. The heavy machine guns used by the military killed monsters at the cost of more than a dozen lives.

Li Yunfeng's heart was flustered and a sense of powerlessness kept beating him. If it were not for the ancient books to support his belief, he would not know whether he would go mad.

Practice! Crazy cultivation! Make sure to carve the Nawu amulet, then the six armor amulet defense amulet

Li Yunfeng practices hard day and night. Of course, now there is no sun, there is no difference between day and night.

It took Li Yunfeng eight days to recover his energy reserve. When he was ready, he finally succeeded in making the first two-level amulet, Nawu amulet. When the symbol on the amulet represents Na, he shoots a golden font from the body, and then abruptly shrinks back. The amulet floating in the air is shining. Li Yunfeng almost wants to shout loudly, which is a cost It took him nearly 30 days to make it.

The process of using the amulet to store items is amazing. Li Yunfeng manipulates the pithy formula to tighten the things that can be seen in the room into the Nawu amulet.

When all the items to be collected are collected, Li Yunfeng changes his pithy formula. The talisman floating in the air shoots at Li Yunfeng's small arm in the form of a beam of light and seals it on the small arm in the form of a seal. The whole process is over.

Through the fourth dimension divine sense, along the arm, it is very natural to feel the activity of amulet. Through the seal, it is very convenient to sense all the items that are received. This novel and wonderful feeling made Li Yunfeng excited for a long time.

Unfortunately, the excitement didn't last for a long time. A few days later, the dense gunfire in the street made him nervous again!