9、Realm upgrading

Because there is no sun, people's concept of time is also in confusion. Although there are clocks and watches that can show the exact date and time, can you say it's day rather than night? Now every minute is night!

So when the red beetle didn't appear, people gradually followed the 24-hour system to say that the time was already day and night.

The gate of Building 8 has been damaged by red beetles, and there is no material to repair. People continue to move out of other buildings and enter building 8. At 20 o'clock, Li Yunfeng finds that outside his door is full of people who want to take refuge.

It seems that only staying in Building 8 can get a sense of security. As more and more people, two hours later, someone finally began to knock on Li Yunfeng's door.

Li Yunfeng doesn't care about them. Now he is satisfied that he can manage himself well. Through the fierce fight of life and death a few hours ago, he clearly understands that if he wants to survive in this world where insects appear at any time, he must cultivate his own Qi.

These two days, he pondered over the meaning of several symbols in ancient books, and found that he was only in the primary stage of Qi cultivation, which was too low! Not only the amount of Qi absorbed by physical strength was not large, but also the production level of amulet was greatly limited.

Amulet is the means of his survival. He must improve his level!

At this time, he didn't want anyone to disturb his cultivation, so he refused the request of others to enter the door.

But the speed of his cultivation is too slow, like a snail! In addition to eating and sleeping, Li Yunfeng is basically desperately cultivating Qi, but the thickness of Qi is still increasing very slowly, not affected by his urgent mood at all!

At this speed, every eight to nine days, Li Yunfeng can recover all his Qi. Even if he doesn't count the time to release the QI, it will take him almost two years to reach the second stage!

two years? If it's a peaceful sunshine age, he can practice slowly, but now it's a dangerous dark age, definitely not! Now it's hard to deal with only three red beetles. If he meets more beetles, doesn't he even have a chance to escape?

Two years is enough time for bugs to kill him countless times!

We must find a better way to practice, otherwise we have something like ancient books. Li Yunfeng also finds that he may be in danger of life at any time!

He took out the ancient books again and kept turning them over and over again. He believed that there must be a way, but there were too few words he could understand. Otherwise, if he could read the ancient books smoothly, there would be something unexpected in it!

After a lot of searching, he found several things that were related to each other. After a lot of experiments, most of them failed, leaving only a charm named "Shiyuan talisman".

Li Yunfeng is not sure the name of the talisman. Although he can recognize the three characters, he does not know more than two-thirds of the function introduction behind the talisman, but he can recognize the method of making the talisman.

This talisman belongs to the second level charm. It can only be made by using all his Qi. Just now, he was busy testing other methods and consumed nearly half of his energy. It's impossible to make a talisman. He has to wait another four days or so!

These four days, tired of training, he took out the bow and crossbow, followed the shooting tutorial downloaded from the night before, and tried hard to practice the shooting accuracy. For the level of vitality that he can only cast a few arrows now, the shooting level is very important. If the shooting is deviated, the loss of Qi is very huge.

After four days of practice, plus the improvement of six armor talisman on his own body potential, he has the confidence to shoot a red beetle accurately within 30 meters, provided that the static red beetle, after all, the ability to shoot moving objects can not be cultivated overnight, more importantly, experience.

Four days later, he finally made the Shiyuan talisman, but there was a little problem when using it. No matter how Li Yunfeng activated it, the talisman would not automatically absorb the Qi of heaven and earth.

After experimenting for a long time, Li Yunfeng has an idea. Since this talisman can't absorb the original Qi of heaven and earth, does it mean that it can absorb and store the modified Qi of human body?

At this thought, he was ready to take action immediately, but he was depressed to find that there was a very thin gas in his body, which could not be tested at all.

He immediately thought of the red beetle, the reddish protective cover on the beast, which was definitely inspired by the Qi of heaven and earth, indicating that there should be Qi in their bodies!

Li Yunfeng immediately released the body of the red beetle collected and manipulated the amulet, as expected! The talisman, which had no movement before, immediately shot a white light on the red beetle's body, and then saw that a milky halo was absorbed into the talisman by the talisman. It took only about ten seconds. Li Yunfeng took a look at the talisman, and there were nearly one sixth more flame marks in the blank space above.

Li Yunfeng guessed that this should show that the red beetle's body is the QI of fire attribute.

However, when he was about to take the amulet back from the Nawu amulet, he was surprised to find that the Qi absorbed by the Shiyuan amulet was absorbed by his body!

Of course he can stop such backflow, but he doesn't, he wants to see what happens!

The whole process is twice slower than the intake, almost 20 seconds later. With the disappearance of the flame pattern of the amulet, the amulet is also sizzlingly broken. The second level amulet can only be used once.

But Li Yunfeng didn't feel sad for the broken amulet at all. Instead, he is very excited now. He obviously feels that his physical strength has enriched nearly one third!

This is equivalent to the level that he has been practicing for nearly three days!

How can he not be excited? The energy in a red beetle's body may be consumed by amulet conversion, but it can still replenish nearly one third of his Qi!

Then, he only needs three scarab beetles to fully supplement Qi, instead of eight to nine days of painstaking cultivation!

He immediately thought of a cultivation plan, which he had been searching for these days.

First of all, he made a amulet for taking yuan, and then spent eight days to cultivate his Qi again. Now his Qi can shoot six ice arrows. If the arrow has no empty hair, then in the ideal state, six are frozen. In the frozen state, there is no energy shield for the red beetle. You can kill it by other ways. The amulet can absorb the energy of six red beetles.

Because the amulet is disposable, but how many Qi have been taken before, when the clean Qi is released completely, the amulet will be broken.

The same kind of disposable talisman, no matter how many Qi are released after the intake of Qi, the empty talisman can not be rushed in again.

So in order to make the best use of the amulet, you must first take in a full Qi, and then rush into your body twice. Each time it happens to be full of Qi. Of course, after the Qi in the amulet is released clean, it will break itself.

In theory, if he kills 243 red beetles, he can break through the first stage, enter the second stage, and at the second stage, he can make a third-order talisman that can be used many times, and no longer have to work out how many times to use the talisman!