13、Deep in despair

"So, do you know the way now? Now there's darkness all over the place! " Li Yunfeng asked that if this young man can recognize the way, the success rate should be greatly enhanced!

The boy nodded and said, "yes! We used to have more than 30 people. After we were besieged here, we tried to transfer from there many times, and every time we were forced back by insects. By the way, where did you come from? "

"I come from the East, but I don't see any insects!" Li said without hesitation

The boy said sadly, "what you killed just now is the insect wandering in the East. Before that, we were really hungry. We were going to break through from the East, but we were forced back. Unexpectedly, the insect caught up and lost several people."

Li Yunfeng nodded. No wonder there are half of the corpses outside. I'm afraid they were originally part of this group.

"Young man, let's make a deal. You can lead me to Hualian Supermarket in the South and Xiaoqiao in the West. After I finish the work, I can escort you to the army, OK?" Li Yunfeng needs the boy to lead the way.

The boy replied, "no problem, it's just Feifei and them..." After the red beetle and Li Qingyuan incident, the boy almost blindly believed in Li Yunfeng's strength.

Li Yunfeng thought for a moment and said, "let them go to the opposite building to hide. Let's go to the south to solve the two insects. It's safer here."

Li Qingyuan probably heard Li Yunfeng in his room that they were about to leave. He shouted and begged to take him with him. Unfortunately, Li Yunfeng did not hesitate to leave.

It was still dark outside the building, and the lights flashed from time to time from a distance made people barely walk to the wall. Li Yunfeng, relying on the night vision instrument, took five people to cross the street quickly, and placed the remaining two men and two women on the third floor opposite.

In order to show his sincerity, Li Yunfeng took out three pieces of bread and said, "these two pieces are divided among the four of you. Young man, this piece is for you alone. Although I am not a big man, I will keep my promise. As long as you help me, I will escort you to the army camp."

Li Yunfeng put on his own name by the way, but now, the interest of these people is obviously not here.

People who have been hungry for a long time are like men who have been thirsty for decades to meet women without clothes when they see the attractive aroma of bread in front of them. That fierce look makes people think that if it wasn't for fear of Li Yunfeng's abnormal ability, they would have started to rob!

To Li Yunfeng's surprise, the boy took the bread, but he didn't eat it. He carefully stuffed it into his arms. Although Li Yunfeng could see that the boy's hunger was not much less than the others, the squirm of smoking saliva obviously betrayed him!

The boy hid the bread and said happily, "brother Li, my name is Liu Zihan. You call me Xiaohan. Shall we start now?"

Li Yunfeng wondered, "aren't you hungry? Don't eat before you leave? "

The boy patted the place where the bread was stored, smiled and said, "put it here, and I'll be half full!"

"Well, let's go!" Li Yunfeng is too lazy to talk nonsense anymore. Now he practices and lives.

With Liu Zihan leading the way and Li Yunfeng's night vision instrument, the two quickly approached Hualian Supermarket.

Through the night vision, he could clearly see a red beetle wandering on the street, and another one lurking quietly in the supermarket.

Li Yunfeng suddenly had palpitations. Qi in the surrounding world seemed to fluctuate a little, but it soon returned to normal. After checking for a long time, he didn't find any problems. He didn't care too much. He was reluctant to waste such a good opportunity!

He arranged Liu Zihan in a small building beside him. Li Yunfeng touched the wall, stepped on the corner of the wall, reached out the arrow of the crossbow, and aimed at the red beetle that was shaking slowly.


The cold arrow roared out, the high-speed movement of the arrow body with the scream of tearing air, like death, straight to the red beetle!

In such a short period of time, the red beetle made its biggest response, spraying half a mouthful of corrosive saliva at the arrow coming from the air.

But Li Yunfeng's arrow is too fast. Under the urging of amulet and Qi, the cold ice arrow splits straight and only spits half of the corrosive saliva!

The whole scarab beetle and the corrosive saliva are completely frozen and even kept in the state of spraying.

It seems that the freezing ability of ice arrow has been improved? However, there is no time for him to think about it. There is a red beetle in Hualian Supermarket that seems to have no movement at all, even if the movement just outside is enough for it to hear.

Cunning beast!

It doesn't come out, it can only go in by itself!

Kill the outside one with the long sword quickly, and then get the Nawu amulet. He can't use the yuan amulet to take Qi now. The insect in the supermarket may come at any time!

However, when he entered the supermarket carefully, there was another shadow on the night vision instrument. Oh, no, there were two!

There are three hiding in it. Now they are surrounded by him from three sides!

Li Yunfeng was shocked!

Three, with his archery level, are doomed to fight with the red beetle in close quarters!

However, he doesn't have any strong offensive melee skills now. The combat skills of long sword can only be cultivated at the primary level after the second stage.

If there is only one insect, he can still use the six armor amulet and the long sword to deal with it. Now three attack together, he seems to have little chance!

Calm down, I have to calm down!

There must be a way!

Looking at three approaching insects in the dark, Li Yunfeng knows that he must make a decision as soon as possible! Otherwise, once entering the insect attack range, the speed of the insect is unimaginable!

The exit has been blocked by one of them. He is now unable to return!

Li Yunfeng, who had never been in such a desperate situation, finally broke out with a strong desire for survival, shouting in a muffled voice!

Since there is no retreat, there is no escape! Then come to war!

The heart of the war flies, will naturally firm as steel! Half step on the left leg, turn right, hold the crossbow, the cold arrow with the breath of death points to the red beetle at the door!


The roaring ice arrow is almost launched at the same time with three red beetles!

Li Yunfeng knows that no matter how he shoots this arrow, he must be attacked by two insects. He has to rely on the six armor amulet to resist the deadly attack!

At the same time, the biggest attack of the other two red beetles has arrived.

Without the use of pliers or corrosive saliva, the two red beetles chose the sharpest forelegs like steel knives, which came from the air!

Tingling, piercing pain, like the pain of bone piercing, spreads from the back to the whole body nerve!

The red beetle's critical attack didn't break the fierce defense of the six armor amulet. However, Li Yunfeng was seriously injured due to his great sprint and penetration!

Following the strong impact of two insects, Li Yunfeng rolls to the door in a panic. With only one step, he can break out of the door!

He didn't choose that way. If he left his back to two worms, he knew that his speed was not the opponent of the worms at all. Although the six armor amulet was strong enough to resist the fierce killing of two red beetles, he felt the damage and crack of the amulet, and could only support two red beetles to attack at the most!

He must kill one of them again. The amulet can deal with the attack of a red Beetle for several rounds. But he must not let two insects attack at the same time!

It's too late for the crossbow to be put on the line again, and he's ready to throw it away.

Life and death crisis, let Li Yunfeng burst out the greatest potential in his life!

In the tumbling, he forced himself to bear the sharp pain in his body, pulled out the pistol, held it firmly with both hands, pedaled on the doorframe with one foot, and then he stopped on the ground steadily. Then, he shot madly at the latest red beetle!

The power of pistol sealed by amulet is not much worse than that of crossbow. The only difference is that the energy of red beetle is of fire property. The effect of ice arrow is more able to control it, and the effect of pistol is much worse.

So, whether he shot or not, he shot with all his strength. The bullets full of fire Qi were like flowers of flame. On the red beetle, on the shelf of the supermarket, on the back wall, flowers were blooming. Li Yunfeng felt as if time had stopped, but he was still pulling the trigger violently.

It's life or death. It depends on whether he can kill the insect at the front!