21、Wounded tentacle monster

Without hesitation, Li immediately put away his bow and crossbow and replaced his pistol.

How many times the experience of escaping from the dead told him that no matter how dangerous and terrifying he was, he could not panic, and it was easy to make mistakes in a panic!

Now this thing stands in the way of its own way, and only has to fight as hard as possible, no matter what monster the other party is!

The bow and crossbow do not pose a great threat to this slender thing. It is not hard to shoot. Even if it is shot, a long thick pipe like thing may not be able to freeze completely.

The pistol may not be able to hit, but the Qi bullet can burn everything, hoping to stop it for a while.

Without waiting for the monster to start first, Li Yunfeng immediately fired. He would never think that this thing has any friendly tendency.

The tentacles with sarcomatous eyes nimbly dodged the bullets fired by Li Yunfeng, and quickly twisted back. At the same time, the two walls of the channel stretched out three soft tentacles like human thighs from the dark, rotating around each other.

Li Yunfeng doesn't have a good way at this time. He consumes a large amount of Qi and shoots around in an attempt to ignite yuan fire and burn off these tentacles.

In the face of Li Yunfeng's powerful fire Qi bullets, the three software tentacles immediately divided into two, waving the body, suicidal block Li Yunfeng's bullets, even if Li Yunfeng smelled a strong smell of anxiety, still fearless to stop all the bullets for one!

The tentacle is very flexible, especially the one under protection. The tentacle, almost like a flexible water snake, soon wrapped around Li Yunfeng's body.

Li Yunfeng, relying on the defense of the six armor amulet and the expansion of Qi in his body, broke free several times and was entangled several times.

When the fourth and fifth tentacles appeared, Li Yunfeng almost despaired. He was covered tightly all over, and the bullets were finished. He could not change the cartridge clips after being tightened.

The tentacle estimated that Li Yunfeng had no resistance, and dragged him to the inpatient department.

Li Yunfeng holds the panic in his heart and his brain is searching for a way to escape.

The inpatient department of the community hospital is only four floors high, but it is very wide. As soon as Li Yunfeng was dragged in, he found that all the rooms were connected together, and the walls around him were sticky liquid, which made the whole building stick together, and the green light was shining in a secluded way, just like a cave full of green moss.

There were naked women hanging all over the wall, which made him surprisingly unable to close his mouth. Even a few people still had some clothes of patients and nurses left on them.

Li Yunfeng finally remembered his uneasiness in the hall. It turned out that the hospital was too clean! Clean enough to have no body!

Red beetle only delicious human brain, for other parts of the basic neglect! So there should be at least a lot of empty skull bodies at the scene, but none!

Li Yunfeng takes a breath to cool down. The bodies are here, but they don't seem to have died completely!

Suddenly, he saw a thin, almost transparent tube, the size of a finger, inserted in the back of a young girl's brain, and then held her up, like the naked girl he had seen between him, manipulated by the monster, walking in front of him, Li Yunfeng could clearly see her empty eyes.

It turned out that she was controlled by this kind of thing. No wonder she felt that the naked girl was walking like a ghost. After he shot the arrow, the last strange cry turned out to be the monster's.

At this time, Li Yunfeng was more surprised than frightened! What kind of monster is this?

In the middle of the building, there has been a slime pool bubbling with bubbles. Inside, there is a bloody and fleshy pool. From time to time, one of them is turned up. The outside is covered with transparent mucous membrane, and the inside is curled up with the melting human body, like a chrysalis.

Each pupa has tubes of different thickness. Most of them are connected to a pile of cylindrical things with a height of more than five meters, full of mucus and strange like trees in the center. Others are connected to a lot of small cylindrical monsters around.

The largest cylindrical monster has a diameter of at least three to four meters. It is full of strange tube shaped objects and thick tentacles. The tentacles wrapped around Li Yunfeng come from the largest one.

All the tubes and tentacles of the monster are very busy. Li Yunfeng is dragged closer to find that the lower part of the woman hanging on the wall is plugged with the tube of the monster. There is a disgusting liquid flowing in the tube. Some women have a big bulge in their stomachs. Some have just broken a big hole in their stomachs. Many cylindrical monsters with big palms have come out and quickly use their long mouths BA's tentacles nibble at a woman's body.

It's breeding! A lot of breeding! Li Yunfeng stares at the eyes!

The melting slime pool below, he guessed, should be the nutrient solution that feeds these monsters.

What a devil this is!

Li Yunfeng was frightened and struggled with his body, but he was irresistibly dragged into the mucus pool step by step. A human thigh thick tentacle appeared in front of him, with a crack on the top. The wider the tentacle was, the larger the tentacle was, the larger the tentacle tube wall was, the larger the tentacle tube wall was, until Li Yunfeng was even Individuals are wrapped in it, forming a human shape.

There is a lot of mucus pouring out of the inner tube wall of the tentacle, tightly wrapped around Li Yunfeng. He can obviously feel the big movement of the six armour Qi, and the whole body flows away, protecting his whole body, even including the night vision instrument, within the Qi. However, Li Yunfeng seems to touch the death edge of suffocation because he can't breathe.

With a "boom" sound, Li Yunfeng, who was wrapped in the mucus in the shape of a pupa, was spit out by his beak tentacles and fell into the mucus pool. Immediately, a thin pipe was inserted from the top of his head, but Li Yunfeng's Qi gently bounced it off!

Li Yunfeng, who is a little breathless, immediately realizes his chance to escape!

Under the protection of the six armor amulet, he has some difficulties in breathing, but everything else is OK. Even the clothes and pistols on his hand are intact in the Qi wall of the six armor amulet!

Now he can take out the long sword and break the myxochrysalis, but he knows that if he doesn't run far, those tentacles will catch him back soon.

His only way is to get close to the biggest monster, which should be the mother monster, seriously hurt it, and then wait for the chance to escape!

This opportunity came. His pupa was flicked by a thin pipe by the hexagram. He was retracting towards the front, driving the pupa to float on the slime pool and slowly close to the body of the mother monster.

Around him, there are the human pupae, which are melted into debris by mucus. They float by him!

Li Yunfeng desperately holds his breath. Fortunately, Qi in his body can still support him!

The two hands secretly changed the cartridge clip below. There are not many bullets left, only less than 30 rounds left.

Then, he quickly took out the amulet and slowly added Qi. He did not dare to add Qi at the normal speed. He was afraid of being found by monsters, so he lost all his efforts.

Closer, closer!

Until he is completely on the bottom of the mother monster, it seems that she has not found his own strange.

one, Two, three!

Li Yunfeng's thoughts are concentrated, that's now!

There are already six Qi in the body. He fired three shots in a row, one Qi per shot!

The wall of the chrysalis burst in an instant, and the bullet, with linglie's yuan fire, went to the monster of the mother.

At the same time, Li Yunfeng breathed in a long breath quickly, and almost didn't suffocate him just now!

The monster's body surface has energy protection. Li Yunfeng has guessed that even the red beetle has energy protection. It's impossible for this monster who look more terrible!

"Hoo Woo!... " The monster was enraged by the sudden attack! Countless tentacles came back and pointed at Li Yunfeng.

Bullets whirled fiercely on the monster's defense layer, and yuanhuo was burning wildly. Around this, the monster's defense layer gradually appeared weak. Li Yunfeng immediately used his gun to hold the weakest part of the defense layer, firing two shots in a row! Still a Qi per shot.

The fire Qi bullets smashed into the body of the parent monster fiercely collided with the body inside the monster's cavity full of energy, and exploded wildly. The monster's sticky body burst and burst due to the agitation of Qi inside! The pieces are flying.

"Woo Say!... " The monster screamed and sank its body to the melting slime pool. Li Yunfeng estimated that it should have succeeded, at least wounded it. Next, he should have escaped by himself!

A piece of sticky meat in the monster's cavity flew out of the burst mouth and hit him on the top of the head with disgust. Li Yunfeng immediately felt that this piece of sticky meat Qi was more than a few red beetles!

At this time, he had no time to sit and think too much. The sinking monster had mobilized at least ten tentacles to encircle him. There were many small monsters coming along with the giant tentacles, and the tentacles with open mouth were shouting wildly.

At the moment of life and death, Li Yunfeng dare not hesitate to take out the lihuofu that was almost forgotten before.

This is the third level offensive amulet. In the first stage, it can only exert 20% of its power. It's very wasteful, but now he has to use this amulet to protect his life!

Looking at the swarming tentacles and monsters, Li Yunfeng hurriedly urges Qi to activate lihuofu!

The characters that symbolize the word "Li" are shot out of the body of the talisman. A huge Qi is gathering around the talisman, more and more!

Bang! The voice came, amulet split, heaven and earth yuan fire immediately like fire rain, shooting down the earth!