46、flying monster

The development of things is not as good as Zhang Yifan expected.

The voice came from behind bus one: "Zhang Yifan!!!"

Along with the sound, the man has jumped onto the truck. It is Zhong He, the captain who glares at him, who comes up and kicks Zhang Yifan away, swearing: "Zhang Yifan, big mouth! Can't you just be quiet? You don't think it's messy enough? "

Zhang Yifan got up from the car board with a laugh and rubbed his hands. "Then, Captain, don't be angry. I'll try it out. Don't be so nervous. It'll be OK!"

Zhong He snorted angrily, "is it OK? I warned you to settle down and see for yourself what's going on? "

Zhang Yifan looked out of the car and said with a sigh: "Captain, you can't blame me. You fly up and kick me. I didn't hold the sausage firmly, so it fell out!"

Li Yunfeng has seen a lot of people fight for a shop on a large scale, but he has never seen the scuffle caused by a half sausage falling to the ground.

He couldn't even see the figure of the sausage, only to hear someone shouting "here!" from time to time , then the overwhelming crowd swarmed in and buried the poor suspect completely!

The riotous crowd is getting crazier and crazier, and the rioting is gradually expanding. Some people even blindly join in the chaos, and people everywhere are trampled and squeezed, sending out bursts of cries for help!

Zhong He is livid, and Zhang Yifan, who has always been nervous, is also a little white. If he doesn't stop it soon, maybe he will die! Although in this era, human life does not seem to be very valuable, but in this way, if things are made big, it is likely to cause the impact of the crowd on the school command system.

Peng! Peng Peng Peng!

Four clear shots in a row!

The crowd was a little stunned, and even the fighting stopped for a while.

It was Zhong He who shot. He jumped on the top of the truck, took the Lama from the cab, and shouted: "students! Students! Please stop all the chaos immediately! Please exercise restraint! "

Obviously, his speech skills are far less than that of the commissar Li Yunfeng met a long time ago. Not only failed to stop the chaos, but also led to the riots that Zhong He and others were worried about.

A boy took off his hat and smashed it on the ground, shouting: "students, restrain his mother's head! These grandchildren have enough food, good clothes and cars every day. Why do we have to starve, get cold and give the worms a damn to eat! "

"Well said, students, they claim to protect us, but who do they protect? Every day someone dies. Where are they?" Cried a girl in a cold voice.

"What else can they do besides bullying us!? Sooner or later, I will die in the hands of worms, or in their hands! "

"Fuck, they raped my girlfriend!"

"Come on, students!"


The battle for food suddenly turned into civil strife. The students rushed to the truck, bus one and all the cars!

The momentum is like mountain collapse and sea fall, and the spring tide is surging!

Cooperating with the military commander of the school, he pulled out his pistol, stood on the top of the bus No. 1 and shouted to the crowd, "if you go one step further, you will be killed!"

"All ready to shoot!"

In a hurry, Zhong He lost his loudspeakers and yelled at the team members: "the first group will hold the truck, the second group and the third group will follow me to the bus No. 2 and No. 3. The scientific research results will never be destroyed! Group four and group five, go to bus one! Remember, no killing without my command! No killing! I'll repeat it again. No killing without my order! "

Li Yunfeng started his armor in a flash. He didn't want to join in the civil commotion. It had nothing to do with him, whether it was ordinary students or power.

But now, the stormy students force him to make a choice immediately!

Instead of standing on the side of the weak, it is better to stand on the side of the strong. His only choice is to stand on the side of the awakening team members. The winner of this civil strife will never be an ordinary student in a weak position. It must be the party with weapons and a strong awakening force.

What's more, Li Yunfeng has seen the team members fighting with worms in their own eyes. Maybe they did something wrong in some places, but they did their best to protect the crowd! So he thought that the students who incited the trouble below were totally irresponsible, or they were in total mental breakdown!

Bus one is the handle or weakness of all the team members, because their closest and favorite people are all in this car. Zhonghe has given the safety protection of this car to the fourth and fifth group, which is the most numerous and the most powerful group. It is also a consideration for this.

The students had rushed under the bus, some started to climb up, some pushed the car directly.

Zhang Yifan's face has been completely whitewashed. He didn't expect that half of the sausage joke would cause such a big mess. He followed the team members mechanically to the roof of bus one, and he was still in a daze.

The students rushed up one and the team kicked one, but there were too many people. Li Yunfeng could even feel the bus shaking unsteadily under the force of the crowd.

The glass on the car was smashed by the students, because there is steel bar protection outside, they can't get in temporarily, but in this way, the people in the car screamed.

At this time, there is a sudden change.

A member of the team accidentally caught his ankle by a student who was kicked down. Before he could react, he was dragged down and was immediately submerged by the surging crowd.

That team member's ability is fire attribute. When he was submerged, his biggest and most instinctive ability broke out. The fire broke out from the crowd!

When people's lives are threatened, they don't pay attention to any orders!

One, two, three One student after another, was ignited by this kind of dark energy fire which can burn red beetle, screamed!

The fire went along the player's body and burned to the vicinity of bus one. Li Yunfeng was shocked. He took Liu Xiaojun's crossbow and injected a little Qi into it. He shot at it as soon as he took the arrow. He quickly frozen the fire that was about to lose control.

This sudden fire made the students lose their morale. In front of the awakening team members, they seemed to be as weak and vulnerable as ants.

The chaos fell into a stalemate.

"Look! Helicopter! " Zhou Tingyun's eyes are sharp, pointing to the three bright lights gradually approaching at the back.

As the helicopter came closer and closer, the vigilant battalion commander suddenly ordered the gunner to turn around his gun head. Li Yunfeng found it strange, because the three helicopters were all like fleeing for life!

Li Yunfeng hurried to the rear of the car from the front of the car, set up a night vision instrument and looked at it. Behind the helicopter that cangkuang ran away from, there were several small spots, which were approaching rapidly.

What's that? Li Yunfeng's heart sank!

Ta! Ta! Ta !

There was a sharp heavy machine gun sound from the helicopter. The bullets flashed a little light in the dark and shot at the small dots.

The crowd below, including the awakening team members, were stunned. Everyone looked up at the sky. No one knew what had happened.

The closer the helicopter flies, the smaller it becomes, the closer it gets. Finally, that thing catches up with the helicopter and entangles with each other.

In the sky, there were incessant sounds of machine guns. The helicopter in front even fired two rockets back.

"It's a bug! Flying insects!!! "

Exclaimed someone in the crowd behind!

At last, the helicopter attacked by the monster lost its balance and came down with a heavy smoke. The monster screamed and rushed to another helicopter.

At this time, Li Yunfeng can see clearly that it is a monster comparable to the size of a helicopter, waving wings like a dragonfly, with a long sharp mouth, four feet in total, two short feet in front, two long feet in back, flying as fast as the wind!

After the first one, there are two more!

One of them, swooping and hissing, was attracted by the fire and flew to bus one.

Under the command of the battalion commander, the machine gunner immediately pulled the trigger, and the black barrel shot out a long flame.

Li Yunfeng stepped back for several steps and shouted: "get down! Get down! "

In a few breaths, the flying insects came to the ground. Li Yunfeng ran and threw several people who had not responded to the attack to the ground.

The insect flies over the bus one, all the way up to the top of the truck. Then it hooks a man with its spurs and rises to the sky.