Chapter 4

Athena was going through a mix of emotions as she sat facing the Hyuga clan leader. She held her tiny cup of tea in both hands and was just staring down at it. She was deep in thought and wasn't paying attention to the conversation being held by the adults. Her thumbs moved over the smooth surface of the warm cup. It felt oddly calming.

The thing or person that was bothering her was Hiashi Hyuga. She knew everything there was to know about him. He was the Hyuga clan leader, obviously. He had a twin brother that was jealous of his position. Of the main branch. Things between them were tense for years. The hate Hizashi felt for his brother traveled over to his daughter as well. Once he glared at her full of killing intent. That was a step too far and he was screaming in pain when Hiashi activated the seal on his forehead. At first Athena didn't really know where to place Hiashi. Was he good or bad? His brother seemed like a bad person to her at first but when she found out that he had sacrificed himself to save the clan that opinion changed. Hiashi was then dubbed as a good man in her mind when she found out that he had pursued and killed the man that kidnapped Hinata. He was also against his brother giving his life for him showing that he was a family man. Her ideas of Hiashi shifted again once she noticed how Hinata was being treated. She didn't like it and Hiashi didn't seem to be doing much about it. In fact he was the one pushing her the most. When he disinherited her for losing a fight against her sister Athena was pissed at him. Then the very mixed feelings began. He showed to have cared very deeply for his daughter and was very sad about the decision to disinherit her. It wasn't his , so much as the elders decision. So he had a good heart, but did not go against his clan for his daughter. That left Athena with a strong dislike, but also a strong like towards the man.

As said very mixed feelings.

She sipped her tea , a thoughtful look never leaving her face. She wondered where Hinata was. Probably training. Maybe she could help her train sometime. When she learned at least a bit of Tai jutsu she would be happy to help the shy girl.


Athena glanced at Kakashi, who sat next to her. She raised an eyebrow and Kakashi motioned towards Hiashi. Athena Turned her gaze to the man and only stared blankly.

"You haven't said a word since we got here. It would be rude not to at least greet the man"

Athena again sipped her tea, this time not taking her eyes off the adult. She sighed once the tea went down her throat and bowed her head slightly to show some respect. She may be neutral about the man but she at least had respect for him.

"I apologize Mr. Hyuga, I wasn't trying to be rude or anything. I just have mixed feelings and was - am trying to work through them" Athena, not one to lie told the truth.

"It's alright. I have heard about you. I have to say I am quite fascinated " The Hyuga smiled. It was a kind smile, Athena noted to herself "I hope you do not mind me asking what you have mixed feelings about"

Athena drank some more tea. "In all honesty my entire situation is what is giving me mixed feelings" She said. "But right now I have and always had mixed feeling about you. Again not to be rude"

"Me? "


"Why? "

"Because of the way you are or were or will be. The way you let Hinata be treated, the way you treated your brother, the way you do everything those stupid elders say. It made me develop a strong dislike towards you. In the future you do something that really pisses me off and all I wanted to do was hit something or someone at home at how stupid and idiotic you were being" Athena glared at the ground as she held the cup in her hands tighter

"Athena-" Kakashi was about to say something but Hiashi interrupted him.

"Let her speak"

"On the other hand I noticed that you really are a nice man that cared for his brother and loves his daughter and family. I respect that. " Athena sighed. "So I like you, but I also don't"

"I see" Hiashi nodded with a perplexed look. "You are very honest and bold to tell me all this"

"It's what kept me alive in my last world" Athena answered. "That's another concern of mine"

"What do you mean? "

Athena shook her head and drank some more tea. "I'd rather not talk about it"

"Athena one day that brutal honesty of yours will get you in serious trouble" Kakashi sweat dropped.

"It has already gotten me in tons of trouble in my last life" Athena shrugged. "I've just learned not to care"

"Would you stand up for me? I would like to take a look at your chakra now"

Athena did as Hiashi asked of her and stood up. In turn Hiashi stood and activated his Byakugan. Athena watched in fascination as veins appeared around his eyes. It always amazed her how they did that. In her honest opinion the Byakugan was stronger than the Sharigan. The Byakugan had a further range. Could pick up on chakra within that range. They can use that ability to completely block off someone's chakra flow. And then there is the tenseigan which is super overpowered. The Sharingan is child's play compared to that.

"This... This is.. "

Athena tilted her head at the shocked expression Hiashi doned as he looked at her. His silver eyes were wide as he stared at her.

"What is it? " Kakashi questioned

"Her chakra is amazing. There is so much" He blinked like he wanted to make sure he was seeing right. "Her chakra rivals if not completely surpasses that of a tailed beast"

"You've gotta be kidding me" Athena sighed. "Why in the world am I getting all the ingredients needed to be overpowered? This is gonna cause me too much trouble and draw too much attention to me" She plopped back on the ground and gulped down the last set of tea she had remaining

"We should go tell the Hokage" Kakashi rested a hand on her shoulder and she immediately pulled away from him.

"Before we go see the old man I would really like to meet Hinata"

"Why exactly? "

"I am going to sound rude, but that was an absolutely stupid question" Athena said with a blank face. " Why wouldn't I want to meet her? You do not even comprehend how much respect I have for her. I really want to be her friend. She needs a friend"


Hinata was out in the Hyuga training ground. She had been there over an hour. She was practicing the gentle fist. Her strikes were as taught, her movements followed. Her arms and legs were tired and she was out of breath. She really wished she could stop and take a break. But she hadn't gotten permission from her father yet. She wasn't allowed to stop without his word and she didn't like disobeying.


She stopped immediately when she heard her father's voice and turned to face him. He was standing with a man with silver hair and a blonde girl her age. Hinata was curious, but a bit shy as heat rose to her face at the sight of the new arrivals.

"Come here"

She did as told and approached the three. She stood in front of her father and bowed slightly.

"I would like you to meet some friends of mine" Hiashi told her.

"Um... H-hello" Hinata stuttered meekly.


Athena stared at the blushing Hyuga. She couldn't help but think the girl was adorable. As she stared at her the sudden urge to protect her filled her very being. Hinata was so pure and innocent. She was the kindest person in the leaf. And one of the strongest.

Athena went down the three steps keeping her from the ground and found herself directly in front of Hinata.

"My name is Athena Senju, pleasure to meet you" She smiled kindly at the girl.

"H-Hinata Hyuga"

"I'm aware" Athena chuckled at the redness on Hinata's face. Very adorable indeed. "You were practicing"

"Yes" Hinata nodded managing not to stutter.

"I would very much like to see you fight and even train with you, but I don't know any tai jutsu" Athena chuckled and scratched the back of her head a bit sheepish. "You'd beat me in an instant"

"I-i'm not that s-strong"

"Oh, you think so? " Athena frowned. "You need to believe in yourself you know, I saw you practicing, you were pretty good"

"B-but I-I need to do better"

Athena frowned at this. "Is that what your father and teachers say? " Hinata didn't say anything, but she didn't have to. Athena knew damn well what she was talking about. "Well don't listen to that" Athena scoffed. "I think your great and if you just believe in yourself and give it all you got, you will be super strong. Even more than you are now. That's what I believe"

"You do? " Hinata asked meekly.

"Yup. Dont let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do. Don't be limited by their expectations. You just believe in yourself and never give up" Athena said. "I may not be a ninia yet but that is my ninja way"

Hinata stared at her amazed and Athena smiled even more.

"You know" Athena took multiple steps forward until she was just inches away from Hinata. The close proximity made the meek girl blush a bright red. "You have very beautiful eyes. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise"

"My eyes"

"Yup, I like them, soft lavender they could rival the stars" Athena chuckled and rested a hand on Hinata's head softly. "If anyone ever says anything bad about you or your eyes you tell me ok? Tai jutsu or not I will kick their butts for you. Because I am your friend and I defend my friends at all costs"

"Friends" Hinata smiled at that. "Yeah"


Athena was very content with herself as she sat opposite the old Hokage. Kakashi had teleported them back to the office a few minutes back. She cursed him again for doing so without warning. She was overcome with sickness again and had to struggle with her insides. It had all faded however and now she sat facing the stick shocked looking Hiruzen. Kakashi had told him about Athena's chakra and he even received a message from Hiashi to confirm it. Athena sat quietly waiting for him to get himself back together. He had said that he had something important to tell her and she was very curious.

After a few minutes Hiruzen cleared his throat and looked at Athena.

"Athena I have news regarding your parents"

Athena shifted a bit in her seat at the mention of her parents. She hadn't really been thinking too much about them that day. There was so much going on and so many emotions mixing together. If she had thought about her parents she was sure fear and uncertainty would be added to the mix.

"I have contacted them and in their estimation they should be here in three weeks"

"You haven't told then why they needed to return, have you? "


Athena sighed. She'll have to wait three weeks to see her parents. She couldn't wait but at the same time she could. It was still hard to believe that Jiraiya and Tsunade were her parents.

She blinked as she suddenly realized something.

"I just realized that they both must've been super drunk when I was conceived" She said this with a small smirk on her face. "Jiraiya could never get Tsunade in normal circumstances. Alcohol is the only explanation"

"You say that so casually"

Athena shrugged. "Mentality of a fifteen year old, remember"

"I suppose" The old man sighed. "I've noticed something about you Athena. You seem very cheerful one moment and the next you're a bit glum if not depressed. Sometimes you smile but your eyes hide other emotions. And sometimes you say somethings that make me curious obout your past life and what you've been through"

Athena looked at the old man, her smirk gone in a second. Instead she frowned with a far off look in her eyes. She started to play with her necklace as she suddenly became anxious. She was doing very good at blocking out her old life. Even if she sometimes said some depressing things. She was doing alright. Thinking about it made her feel hopeless. Helpless. Depressed. She didn't like it. She always went through her life without a care. She figured if she didn't care she wouldn't be so depressed. Or maybe it wouldn't hurt as much.

She looked away from the old man and slid off her seat.

"I'd rather not talk about it" She said and soon started to walk towards the double doors. "Somethings aren't worth the pain of remembering"