Chapter 30

Jiraiya was in pain. His everything hurt. He groaned on the ground he found himself on and rolled onto his back. Athena was looming over him with an apologetic smile. He sighed and smiled back even though he could feel the pain in every part of his body. He was okay with it. Athena was not mad at him. She didn't lash out on him. She had asked him to spar with her. As she has been doing for the past year. She always kicks his ass. Over time she actually started to genuinely apologize. She would always ask him if they should stop when she would see him getting tired, but of course he pushed on and waved off her concern and now you have him battered on the ground

"You beat up your father again? "A cold amphibian landed on the man's chest. Eyes were staring at him full of pity. On top of him was little Shiroi. She stuck around since the first meeting and has been with Athena for the entirety of the half year she already spent training.

"We could have stopped some time ago. He would not be in pain if we did, but he insisted" Athena placed herself by his side and pressed a hand to his chest. She blinked and her eyes were purple and containing flames that formed a flower like patern. She was curious about the two colors her eyes could achieve. She wasn't completely sure what the purple eyes could do but she do figure out an interesting use of them. When activated she saw the very same, but some were broken. And what is broke can be fixed, or in her case it can be restore to what it once was


Within seconds all of Jiraiya's bruises were healed and his energy was restored. He was still amazed when it came to Athena's powers. He always felt great when ever she did that little restore thing of hers. He was on his feet immediately and jumping around. He felt as light as a feather. He could go again. And that's what mostly happened. She healed him. He would feel on top of his game. She would manhandle him and the cycle would start again.

"I feel bad for constantly doing this to you in the name of learning more about myself" Athena admitted. "How about we take a break? Let me help you write your novel"

"You want to help me write my novel? "

Athena nodded.

"It's not for kids"

Athena raised her eyebrow and shot her father a look. The look that read "why are we still doing this? "

"Just let me help. I can help you write your female characters. I'm a girl and I have seen lots of women naked, including mom" Athena added. She knew that would have to convince Jiraiya for he adopted his perverted look he usually had when he planned on spying or if he had an image in his head.

"Can you draw her for me? You know, with all her curves and everything? You wouldn't mind doing that for your old man would you? "Jiraiya asked as nicely as he could. Athena was unpredictable. She could be very nice and generous when she wanted to. Sometimes she even helped him do his "research". He was hoping she was feeling generous at the moment.

"I can draw you a woman, but I will not draw my mother. It feels wrong" Athena answered with a slight smile. "That's still better than nothing isn't it? "

Jiraiya grinned and nodded. He offered his hand and the two shook on it.

Shiroi sat aside as she watched the two get to work. Athena had made a shadow clone that moved on to draw the promised picture. Athena herself busied herself with her father's novel. She had been using him for her own benefit, somewhat and felt like she needed to make it up to him. She would correct every mistake he made and help him with his female characters. It's the least she could do to help.

"Here you go" the clone had finished the drawing and handed it to an expectant Jiraiya. The clone dissolved soon after, leaving Athena to eye her father, who had quickly accumulated a nosebleed as he oggled the drawing.

Jiraiya could not believe it. Athena really did him a solid. Her drawing was perfect. She even colored it for him. The woman she drew was in a very erotic position no less. It was gold and he would cherish it. He wondered if she would make him anymore.

"This is good. It's perfect. Would you make another one? "

Athena shrugged with a nod. "Later"

Athena had spent only thirty minutes working on her father's novel. It was really good. She understood why Kakashi liked it so much. She could understand the characters and their motives. It was very amusing to read next to that. Jiraiya really liked his comedy.

She couldn't help wondering what would become of him and her mother. Would they actually be a thing in the future. If they still made the bet. If Jiraiya came back alive. Would her mother give him a try?.

Maybe. She sighed. Jiraiya and Tsunade. They were the romantic pair she cheered for when she watched the show. They were her number one. She was sad when her wish didn't come to be.

Athena returned her attention to the novel she had in her hands. She had touched everything up and added some of her own scenes in there. She managed to copy Jiraiya's way of writing rather easily. It wasn't that different from her style.

"Dad, I think this will do for now" she handed her father his novel and proceeded to fall back into the grass. Shiroi was right next to her, looking down on her. What a curious toad she is. She's always watching, trying to figure something out. It's cute.

Jiraiya was constantly nodding as he noted the errors Athena had corrected. He was very impressed with the bits she added herself. She copied his style perfectly. What impressed him even more was her description of the female characters. She described them so well he could actually picture them in front of her.

"Are you sure you don't want to write your own novel? "

Athena nodded. "It would be depressing "

"If you say so" Jiraiya hummed as he continued to read what Athena had written. "You describe the female body so well, it's an art"

Athena nodded in actual agreement, to Jiraiya's shock. Did she just agree with his statement about women. He wasn't expecting that.

"You just agreed to my statement "

"Yes I did"

"Huh, I wasn't expecting that"

Athena sat up to look at her father. She was smiling. "Well, you may not think we have a lot in common, but there is one thing I know for sure. That is that we both like women" Athena admitted. "Although I'm not a massive pervert about it. That better not rub off on me"

Jiraiya chuckled nervously at the clear threat behind those words. Despite that he was actually happy that Athena admitted such a thing. He already knew, but still. She was so casual about it too. And then he smiled. A smile Athena immediately recognized.

"You love the Hyuga " Jiraiya sounded like a child when he stated that. Athena was reminded of Happy from Fairy Tail. It struck a nerve.

Jiraiya was not shocked to receive a glare from his daughter. He was expecting her to hit him, but she did not. Instead she sighed and fell back into the grass.

"I'm too young for such emotions. You shouldn't have brought it up"

Was she upset? Jiraiya furrowed his brows. She was. She really was upset. She wasn't angry. Was she sarrowful. Jiraiya didn't really know what to say to her. She already struggled with emotions as it is.


"It's ok"

"You have to sort out your feelings before you return to the village. You realize that, right? "

"I do and I have. I won't hold myself back by being stubborn. Is best I just sort things out and accept it. And that's what I did. I just feel like I'm too young for these things. I'm not even ten years old"

"Well, you are mentally older"

"Matters not"

Jiraiya sighed. "Love sucks, huh? "

"Most definitely "


Athena was again in front of Minato. She was making the Flying thunder god seal. Minato had asked her to do so. It was just to make sure she knew how to create it perfectly. Which she did.

"Good job" Minato nodded. "You should start making a lot of these and supplying yourself with triple-prong kunai . If you can't find any try and make your own"

"You say it like it's such an easy thing" Athena said blankly as she started to make another seal.

"When you're done with that we move on to the important issue"

"You plan on doing it so soon?"

"The sooner the better"

Athena shrugged. If Minato found it to be a good idea then she would go with it. The man doesn't do things without reason. Maybe he could help her with her yin yang release. She has no idea how to go about training such a thing.

"Do you think you can help me with my yin-yang release? I have no idea how to even start"

Minato nodded with a thoughtful look on his face. "I can try. I'm not sure how to go about such a thing, but I'm sure I can figure it out"

Athena smiled. That's better than nothing. "If my yin-yan release is as powerful as rinnegan level release I may be capable of bringing the deceased back to life. You wouldn't mind being my test subject, would you? "

Minato chuckled and actually ruffled Athena's hair.

"Sure. I don't see why I couldn't be a lab rat"


Long before the founding of the hidden villages, the Sage of Six Paths saved the world by sealing the Ten-Tails into his body, becoming its jinchūriki. Some time later, the Sage was inspired by his youngest son, Asura, to use his Creation of All Things ability to divide the Ten-Tails' chakra into nine living entities, what would become the tailed beasts. The Sage named the nine and explained to them that a link existed between them despite their separation. He also foretold of a day when they would be brought together again — though not as they were — and that at that time someone would emerge to show them what true power is. In the anime, it was shown that before his death, the Sage and his followers built temples in nine different regions of the world where the tailed beasts could live and be protected.The tailed beasts were originally created not only to prevent the Ten-Tails' resurrection, but also to maintain and balance peace. The first person to come close to their original usage was Hashirama Senju, who had captured several of the tailed beasts with his Wood Release and distributed the beasts amongst the new villages in order to stabilise the balance of power between them. However, Hashirama's usage of the tailed beasts were forceful rather than earning their willful cooperation. This method would be realised by Naruto, of course.

The tailed beasts were not meant to be used as weapons. Of course humans failed to see that. Humanity is disappointing, something Athena still thought.

Athena was very calm as she stood before a very angry Yin Kurama. The creature was glaring holes into the calm child behind the cage he was in. Athena wasn't affected by it. She wasn't affected by the dark chakra just rolling off the creature. She just stared at him with soft eyes.

She kinda understood where they were coming from. They were treated as tools, object of wars. They were captured and sealed against their will. No one ever asked them. No one ever thought that they had their own opinion.

Over the centuries, humanity failed to recognise the tailed beasts as sapient individuals, instead seeing them only as monsters, demons, or mindless beasts worthy of fear and disdain.

Humanity. Athena was trying very hard not to fall into her hatred of human nature.

Fickle creatures.

"Hello Kurama"

Kurama let out a deep growl in answer. He clearly wanted nothing to do with the child. It was bad enough he was sealed within the bastard that split his power. He refused to be sealed in the one person he should have killed on the very day she came into existence.

"You don't like me"

"What gave you that idea? "The fox responded sarcastically.

Athena smiled. "Stingy aren't you"

"I don't want anything to do with you kid. I'd rather be trapped in the dead bastard than you"

"Technically you are already sealed within me"

"Return me to the dead Hokage"

Athena shook her head no as she took a step towards Kurama. The fox flinched and she stopped. He didn't want her to get closer. Was he afraid of her?

"Do I scare you? "

The hell if he would admit such a thing. The child didn't scare him. He was apprehensive. She had the power to control him very easily. She may not know how to but he would not give her the chance to figure it out.

"I'll kill you"he threatened.

Athena hummed and stayed where she was. "I won't harm you".

Kurama wasn't believing that. She's human. Humans are despicable creatures.

"I won't force you under my control either. I just want to talk. You never know, we might get along "

Highly unlikely. Get along? If she was genuine she wouldn't have him behind a cage. He was trapped with no where to go. He was trapped within the one creature he tried to avoid at all cost.

Athena sighed and closed her eyes. She was in her mind scape. She could change the scenery if she wanted to. She realized that keeping Kurama behind bars wasn't the best idea. She imagined a forest. A very big forest filled with healthy trees and plants. She pictured little animals running around. A massive lake. She figured the fox would be more comfortable in the environment. If he as like a normal fox he might like to chase the animals imagined.

When she opened her eyes she stood in the forest she visioned. She was by the lake in a clearing. The sky was a beautiful blue and the wind was pleasant. She smiled when she saw the shocked fox.

"Is this better? You're free to do what you want here"

Kurama's glare had returned soon. He still didn't trust her. She gave him freedom and that would be her downfall.

Athena didn't move when Kurama suddenly shot all his tails at her. She was soon being tightly squeezed by his tails, but she still didn't move. The fox had brought her closer. She was right in front of him. She could feel everything. She could feel the hatred.

She wasn't affected.

She smiled. "You really hate humans"

Kurama said nothing as his chakra started to climb up Athena's body. Athena noticed, but didn't resist.

"I get it. I used to hate humans as well. I sometimes still Do. We are selfish creatures that fail to take others into consideration. You were used. An object. You had no say. Your opinion didn't matter. You were forced. Your were powerless "

His chakra had already taken half her body.

"I understand. I know what it's like to be nothing but a pawn. Humans are scum. But not all of them are the same. There are those who see your worth. Who see you as living organisms. There are those that would listen. "

"I'll listen. I won't force you. I won't try to use your chakra if y don't want me to. I won't trap you. I won't disregard you. I'll give you freedom. I'll treat you with the respect you deserve. I won't ever hurt you"

His grip had faltered. The darkness had stopped taking over her body. She still didn't try to escape him.

"I'll be your friend. That I promise you. I never break promises"

"I want to go out into the world again"

Athena nodded.

"I want to see my siblings, even though they're bastards"

Athena nodded with a light laugh.

"I'll figure something out. I can't release entirely because you'll be hunted down. I can find a way for you to roam the earth while still bound to me. You might have to be reduced to a smaller size though"

Kurama put Athena down. The darkness had faded. He would trust her. She was telling the truth. She could feel it. She knew what it was like. She understood.

"I'll trust you kid. You better not make me regret it"

Athena grinned and patted one of his tail in reassurance.


Jiraiya had been sitting in front of a meditating Athena when he noticed what was going on. She suddenly started to release dark chakra and sprout tails one by one. He was shocked and afraid. The nine tails was taking control. He wanted to do something, but she told him not to interfere.

So he did nothing. He sat there, worried sick, but he did nothing. He waited. He was patient.

He blinked when everything changed. The dark chakra faded and was replaced by a deep yellow coat with black lines trailing over her body. He could feel the immense chakra rolling off her.

She smiled and opened her eyes. They were red and her pupils were now slits.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Kurama"