Chapter 32

Naruto was following after Tsunade and Shizune as they lead him through the village. He had his head in his book and was dodging people solely by sensing their presence. Jiraiya had released his book just a week ago and he made sure to purchase one. It was an interesting story, to say the least. It was already year three. He was being brought to their meeting place. He was happy to get to see Athena again. He had a lot to tell and ask her. His father had told him that he had given her the other half of the nine tails and that she had befriended and gained his powers on the first day. She was so cool. He was sure she would help him gain control of his half of the fox as well. She easily persuaded the yin Kurama to work with her. Yang would be no problem.

"So the main character is constantly rejected" Naruto muttered to himself as he flipped the page to continue on. The book was funny and the female description was very realistic. He could picture each woman in his head. He didn't know pervy sage could describe women so well. Maybe his research actually did his writing some good.

He was so deep into his book he didn't notice when they had stopped. Nor did he noticed Athena staring at him. Nor did he notice Jiraiya and Tsunade start to bicker when the sage made a perverted comment.

A hand was on his book and pulled it away from his face. He blinked and looked up. Who took his book? He was really into it. He met amber eyes and a smiling Athena. She turned the book to herself and read a few lines. She smiled even more and handed it back.

"Don't let dad know you have the book" Athena warned as she motioned for the boy to put the book in his back pouch. He nodded and did as suggested. Jiraiya had already told him the book was not for him.

"Have you read it? It's pretty good" he decided to make conversation with the only other person who reads Jiraiya's book.

"Yeah, I helped write it. I worked on writing and describing all the female characters. "

"You did? That's so cool"

"You think? " Athena placed her hands in her pants pocket. Her father always compliments on her writing and suggests that she writes a book of her own. Maybe she will. What it would be about she did not know. She'll think about it if the time ever comes.

Before Naruto could answer the girl Athena was pulled into a tight hug by her mother. Tsunade had missed the girl. She had grown since she last saw her. She should be around eleven. She'd be a teenager soon. It feels as if time just flew by.

"Mom" Athena's voice was muffled in her mother's chest. She missed her mother. That was something she did not mind admitting . It had been three years after all. She didn't mind her mother's hug. What did bother her was the fact her oxygen supply was quickly running low. She could get no air for her face was buried between her mother's mountains of flesh Jiraiya was so obsessed with.

"Lucky" Jiraiya muttered under his breath. He had grown to know Athena and understand her workings. She liked women and women tend to like her because she was a cute kid. It didn't help that she was respectful and kind to every female she met. It didn't matter what age. They all liked her. The amount of times he had seen her face buried between glorious breasts was infuriating. His daughter attracted more women than he had in his entire life. And she didn't even care about that important fact.

"Mom I can't supply myself with oxygen. Let go "

Tsunade did as Athena ordered. She smiled apologetically as Athena took a deep breath of air. She didn't mean to suffocate the girl.

"I'm sorry "

Athena sighed and waved off the apology. She adjusted her shirt and hair as she regained her breath. Something bumped against her foot and she found TonTon looking up at her. Her expression was a stubborn as usual. It seems the pig refused to change over the three years. Athena made no move to pick up the pig. TonTon knew Athena refused to pick her up or greet her when she looked at her so stubbornly.

The pig grunted and bumped her forehead against Athena's leg with force.

"You're not helping your case"

The pig bumped her again. Athena sighed and picked her up anyways. She held her in front of her and stared for a long moment.

"You're an annoying little pig, you know that? Maybe I should take you with me when I go get ramen with Naruto" Athena smiled. "You know his favorite is miso ramen with extra pork"

TonTon let out an angered "oink" as she glared at the guilty looking Naruto. The boy laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head a he tried to wave the statement off with his other.

"Don't take it the wrong way TonTon. I loved it long before I met you. It's nothing personal "

The pig wasn't having any of it. She had jumped out of Athena's arms and asualted the eleven year old boy. Naruto yelped as he struggled to get the angry TonTon off his face.

"Well, I didn't mean to get him in trouble" Athena said as she watched the scene. TonTon was repeatedly hitting Naruto with her hooves and didn't seem like she would stop soon. "Shizune, you should stop her"

Shizune sighed as she shook her head no. "You started it"

"I didn't mean to. I didn't think she'd attack the guy"

"Handle it"

The three adults stood and watched as Athena joined the fray and tried to pry the angered animal off Naruto's face.

"They have one more year" Jiraiya mused.

"They'll be traveling together, won't they? " Tsunade asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah. It'll do them good. Athena can help Naruto with his half of the fox seeing as she already took care of hers"

"Minato passed him to her? "

"Yeah. Some time agk. She befriended the fox in a day"

She did? The nine tails. The yin half of the very same creature that hated humanity? She managed to come to an understanding in a day. Tsunade should've known Athena would not stop impressing her.

"What's this you say about her having some Dojutsu? "

Jiraiya hummed. "She has a dojutsu, or is it two? She has blue eyes with straight tomoe and purple eyes with flames forming a flower. She dubbed them Unmei No Sharin and Unmei No Hana. It seems she has some grasp of time and chakra when the eyes are activated"

Tsunade watched her daughter. She was restraining TonTon in her one arm while she checked on Naruto. Athena was strong. That was something she already knew, but then she goes off with her father and she finds out that she was dubbed "The Unknown Goddess". There's a prophecy involving her. She would decide life and death. She Would control the beasts. She had yin yang release along with natural chakra. Next to that she had some time altering dojutsu and full control of the nine tails power.

Athena was on another level.


"How do I look? " Naruto asked as he adjusted the jacket he just pulled on. Athena stood in front of him, pulling on the ninja sandals she had bought. She looked up at the boy. He had on black long baggy pants that were cut off by his orange leg warmers and black black sandals. He adorned a black shirt with the Uzumaki clan symbol proudly on his chest. Orange arm warmers and a sleeveless orange jacket repping his clan on his back. He also equipped himself with a forehead protector similar to that of Jiraiya. His had the kanji for "believe" engraved on it.

"You just had to didn't you? " Athena sighed as she stood straight. She adorened very similar outfit. The difference being that her leg and arm warmers along with her jacket were red. Her shirt and Jacket repped the Senju clan symbol. And the kanji on her forehead protector stood for fate.

"What? I thought it would be cool if we matched" Naruto grinned brightly.

Athena sighed as she reached into her back pouch to retrieve one of her books the same time Naruto did. They stared at eachother before laughing quietly.

"I guess it's not bad"

"It's awesome "

"Yeah. Yeah " Athena put the book back in her pouch and started to leave the hotel room they had spent the night in. "Let's go, we have a lot to do"


"One year on our own" Naruto was walking beside Athena. He had his hands behind his head and was staring at the sky. He wondered what they would do. They had some money but it would not last a year. They would have to find a way to make money. What could a wandering ninja do to make money? Are they even wandering ninja? They were trained by the best but they were not dubbed ninja by the village yet, so no.

"What will we be doing? "

Athena shrugged. "We'll be traveling and see what we run into. Other than that we'll be working on you and your half of the fox"

Naruto nodded. Control of the fox is the one thing he didn't have under his belt yet. He hoped he could handle it and not be consumed by it's chakra.

"When do we start? "

"Soon enough" she stopped in a clearing in the forest they found themselves in. It seemed like a good spot to camp. She could hear the growl of an annoyed and bored Kurama in her head. She had been ignoring him for some time. It was her revenge on him. The last time she let him out he brought back a dead animal again. If he thinks she'll stop calling him cute, he's dreaming.

"We camp here" she informed Naruto as she placed her two hands on the ground.

Naruto watched in amazement as wood shot out of the ground and entangled themselves in front of him.

"You can make a house! "

Athena simply nodded as she stood from her crouch and eyed her house proudly. She started walking towards it while motioning Naruto to follow.

"I didn't know you could make a house"

"I have wood release, remember? "

"Yea, but I didn't think you could pull a full house out of the ground" Naruto wandered into the house and looked around. All it was missing was the basic furniture but that was not needed. It was just for the night. They moved on the next day and would rebuild somewhere else. The house had two rooms. They were both empty.

"We need futons"

Athena nodded and retrieved one of the many scrolls she carried around. She spread it on the ground and pressed her palm to it.

Apparently Athena came prepared. The scroll held two futons along with some food Athena was sure to prepare later in the day. She also had some cup noodles for Naruto. She didn't really need to. Naruto had his own scroll and of course Ramen could be found in it.

"I guess you always come prepared" Naruto said blankly as he gathered a futon and made his way to the nearest bedroom.

"A ninja must always be prepared for anything"

"True " Naruto dumped his stuff in his room and made his way out of the house. Athena was already sitting under a tree. She was casually leaning against it with her eyes closed. When she opened them they were blue. Naruto blinked. Since when could Athena's eyes change color? Since when did she have a dojutsu?

Blue soon turned to purple and Naruto watched, what he assumed to be chakra, form near Athena. It took the shape of a little fox.


Once the fox fully took shape Athena's eyes went back to normal and she shot the fox a look full of warning.

"If you bring back a dead animal I swear I will not let you out for two full months. I am serious Kurama"

The fox scoffed and sat in the grass. He proceeded to scratch behind his ear while he glanced at the confused Naruto.

"It's the other brat"

Athena sighed. "Naruto, meet yin Kurama"

"Eh? He's the nine tails?" Naruto approached the two and crouched before the grumpy Kurama. "He's so tiny and cute"

"Cute?! Dont you dare call me cute! "Kurama pounced but was caught by Athena before he could reach Naruto. The fox may be small and made up of a small portain of chakra, but it was still dark chakra and could overwhelm the boy. Athena easily restrained the fox and placed him next to her. She shot him a look and the fox sat down.

"He doesn't like to be called cute, despite the fact that he is in this form"

The fox growled and turned his back on the pre teens. How could he, the mighty nine tails, be reduced to nothing but a cute fox that could easily be controlled by a child?

"How is he so small? "

"Its the one way I can grant him his wish of wandering the outside world. I could grant him his full size, but that would cause trouble. The size of a normal fox is best. "

"Can I do that too? "

"I'm not sure. The only way I learned to do it was with the use of my eyes. I used my ability to see and interact with chakra with my ability to restore anything to what it once was and this happened"

"Oh, how do you have a dojutsu? "

"No clue"

"Well when I befriend the fox, can you do the same for my half? "

"Yes, I can"

"Alright. That would be so cool"

Kurama sighed and decided to just take a nap in the grass. He wasn't in the mood to hunt down any animals.

"Kurama, you're helping us with this "

"The hell I am. My other half is your problem. It shouldn't be too hard. He's a softy"

"It would be better if you helped us out"

"What do I get out of it? "

"And increased range, twenty four seven freedom and a slightly bigger size for one month" Athena offered.

"Make it two"

"One and a half"

The fox thought it over for a moment. It was a good deal. All he had to do was go negotiate with himself.

"Fine I'll do it"