Chapter 48

Athena was silent as she stalked her prey. She had her short sword drawn and was carefully making her way through the forest. She could sense the Chakra of her teammates around her. They were just as cautious as they followed after the poor animal they stumbled upon.

Naruto had two kunai drawn as he search for good vantage points. He was close, but he could get closer. Athena was the closest. Hinata just after her. Sasuke a bit further up and Kakashi around the same distance as him. Blue eyes followed a bee that flew near him. He landed on a nearby tree housing his home. Naruto raised an eyebrow. He was on the tree in an instant and took in his suroundings. He grinned when he spotted a good place to execute his plan.

In all honesty it wasn't a plan. He just had to find a good vantage point.

Sasuke had the same idea as Naruto, although a bit different. That didn't make them the same, did it? Matters not. Sasuke was on high ground. He eyed their chosen prey and located each team mate. Possible plans and plays of action rolled around in his head. He did a 360,searching. He furrowed his brows and moved on to another tree. He was quick to climb to top and try his search again. He let small smile grace his lips when he found it.

Hinata had located her team quite easily. They weren't out of range of her Byakugan, so it was easy enough. Naruto and Sasuke had taken to high ground. They're probably searching for the perfect spot. Athena had her eyes on their prey. Kakashi was reading on a tree. She had sighed when she found the ninja. He wasn't taking part it seems.

Something brushed against her leg. When she looked down she found Yin Kurama casually standing next to her. His eyes were straight. Could he see his chosen prey? Why wasn't he with Athena? Hinata was sure he would be stalking their target with her.

"Naruto, reporting " Hinata's attention was pulled away from the fox when she heard the familiar voice from her earpiece. "I've got a great vantage point. I can see everything from up here"

"Sasuke reporting, I've located a valuable view point as well. Ready for further instructions" came Sasuke's cool voice.

"Good" Athena's voice had the usual calm to it. "What do you see"

"Nothing much. There's a herd some distance away from you though"Naruto informed from his position.

"To the west to be more precise " Sasuke added. "We need to keep our target away from them or prevent it from alerting them. It will make our mission a tad more complicated if they were to be alerted"

"Copy"Athena replied. "Yang Kurama, go handle this. You've slept all day. Now you move your ass"

Hinata saw massive chakra zip through the forest heading north. She figured that was Kurama.

"Hinata, where's Kakashi? "

"Reading. He's not too far away from you. He's straight ahead"

"Lazy fool" Athena sighed. "What about Yin Kurama? "

"He's with me, surprisingly " Hinata glanced at the fox. He paid her no mind. He was still staring ahead.

"Alright then" Athena said amused. "I'll be sending his prey your way, be prepared"

"I'll try" Hinata sighed. She had a feeling Athena would do such a thing. They were hunting Yin Kurama's prey. Of course he would be the one to catch it. Oddly enough he ended up next to her.

Athena grinned as she stood perfectly still. The poor deer was looking around. He had heard something and was on the alert. Athena waited until he looked in a certain direction before throwing her sword. The deer let out a sound of pain a the blade grzed his leg. He made to run to the left but another sword was sent flying and he turned in the opposite direction. Again he was stopped when a kunai was sent his way. He headed north.


"Incoming, keep him on track"

"On it" Naruto replied.

Naruto was quick to leave his lookout and locate the frightened deer. He needed to get it to Yin Kurama. He grinned as he sent himseld soaring through the air. He did a quick count and drew four shuriken when the deer went astray.

"Sasuke, you're up"

"You really expect me to get to him so fast? "Sasuke asked even as he appeared on a tree nearby and aimed his own shuriken at the deer.

"Well, you got there. Stop being such a drag"

"You've been spending too much time around Shikamaru "

Naruto said nothing and landed next to the boy.

"He's pretty cool"

"Good point"

Hinata hummed in worry when she spotted the deer. She never tried to catch an animal before. She wasn't sure how to go about it. She just came along to help her team on their odd mission.

Kurama growled in excitement next to her and stepped forward. His nine tails moved back a forth in his excitement.

"I'll handle this" with that said the fox dashed off to meet the deer midway.

Hinata cringed when she heard the animal's wail of despair and turned away from the scene.

"I might be sick"


"You happy? " Athena asked her fox as she glanced at him. Him and his other half were attached to the make shift carrier Athena made. That way they could pull the deer instead of making the others carry the creature.

"Very" was Yin Kurama's reply.

"That was interesting" Yang Kurama said with a yawn. "As fun as it was I would have preferred to take a nap"

"Laziness is not a very good habit"

The fox huffed and yawned.

"Tsunami will be surprised by the catch we'll be bringing back" Kakashi said casually as he flipped through his book.

"We? "Athena shot the man a look. "You did nothing so you are not allowed to say "we". Lazy ass"

"Why did we hunt down a deer in the firstplace? " Sasuke asked.

"My fox won our little bet. I promised I'd go hunting with him "


"You guys just ended up tagging along"

"Did we have to kill it? "Hinata asked as she glanced at the dead animal. She felt bad for the poor creature.

"We did not kill it. It was Kurama"Athena corrected.

"Even so"

"I love that kindness of yours" Athena poked her on the forehead with a small smile. "Never lose it"

Hinata went red in the face as she usually does when around Athena. She quickly hid her face behind the turtleneck of her jacket, but Athena could see the clear redness on her cheeks. She chuckled. Hinata will forever be the most adorable girl she knows.

"You two will have to go back soon"Naruto said as he walked next to the tail beasts. "You can't be seen"

"I don't see the big deal. If any trouble comes our because we've been spotted it can easily be handled" Yang Kurama said. "I doubt you two would let anyone take us"

"That's true, but it's best we not bring trouble our way. We've had enough of that during our year travel" Naruto said in return.

"I'll kill anyone who tries to take me. Let them try it" Yin growled.

"I'll make sure they're sent right back to where they came and die at the doorstep of whoever they work for" Athena said. The casualness in her voice was unsettling.

"Still, you two need to go back" Athena said as she made a handsign. "I apologize for cutting your freedom short, but you know how it is"

Both halves of Kurama sighed and sat before their partners. They rested a paw on their foot and slowly started to fade away. The orange chakra returned to it's place withing each blonde.

"I'm surprised Yin Kurama didn't put up a fight" Naruto voiced.

"He had a good hunt. It put him in a good mood"


Athena sighed as she listened to Tazuna go on about Inari's father. She munched on her Dango as she listend to the story. The man was considered a hero amongst the village. A truly good man and someone Inari looked up to. Of course Gato had to ruin everything and kill him in public. He killed the boy's father right in front of him.

The bastard.

Athena ate another Dango. She would kill the good for nothing. Just wait. She'll cut off his arms like he did to the kid's dad. See how he likes it. She'll tie him up like he did their hero. She'll exucute him like he did their hero. She'll feed his corpse to the fogs.

The dark air returned around Athena. Naruto and Sasuke made distance when they felt that air come close to touching them. She was planning someone's death. They could tell.

"What's wrong with her? "Tazuna asked.

"She's angry" Kakashi replied.

"She's planning the execution of Gato,for sure" Naruto added.

"It will be painful for him" Sasuke also added with an unreadable expression. "He deserves everything she plans on doing to him"

Athena ate her last Dango and stood from her place. She let out a breath as she slowly unclenched her fist and turned to leave.

"Athena? "Hinata called with worry.

"I need to calm myself" she said. "I'll be outside, you can come with if you wish"

Hinata watched her leave the house, her gaze filled with worry.

"I don't like the kid, but is she ok? "

"She gets like that" Naruto informed. "When she's angry she needs to calm down before she does something. She could hunt down Gato right now and kill him in his sleep if she wanted to"

"You say that so casually "

Naruto shrugged. "Of course she Won't do that. He won't suffer that way"

Soon Hinata stood as well. She was silent as she followed after the troubled Athena. She was worried. Athena wasn't the best of friends with her emotions and when things get too much she shuts down. She's better now, but she could still do that and it worried Hinata.

Naruto stared at his food. "Hey Sasuke, you wanna go spy on them? "

"Why? " Sasuke was not in the mood to get his ass beat by Athena when they're discovered.

"They might kiss" Naruto had a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"You're a true brother" Kakashi sighed with a hidden smile. Naruto was such a supportive kid, it was funny.

Sasuke seemed to consider the idea for a moment. "She'll catch us"

"Yes, but if they kiss it will be so worth it"

"How sure are you about that? "Sasuke asked with raised a raised eyebrow. "I woul rather my bones remain as they are and I not wake up in bandages tomorrow "

"You're no fun"

"I'm not risking my health to witness their first kiss. They might not even kiss. What gave you that idea? "

"Have you seen the stars? Plus the moon looks amazing tonight. It will be just them out there. Perfect romantic scene" Naruto said with a nod. He seemed confident in what he was saying.

"That book of yours" Sasuke sighed.

"Awe come on, don't you want to come along? "

Sasuke groaned. "Look, a part of me really want to come with you. That part is idiotic and has a death wish. I will listen to the logic part of my brain and stay alive"

"I doubt she'll kill us"

"I take no chances"

"If you come with I'll treat you to Dango for three whole months"

Sasuke had a visible reaction to the offer but he quickly shook his head.

"Not going to work"

"Four months"

Sasuke didn't budge. He would not invade Athena and Hinata's privacy like that. No matter what. He wanted to live to see another day.

"Six months"

Sasuke stuffed food in his mouth to ignore the boy next to him. He caught the eye of an amused Kakashi and glared.

"A year"

Sasuke looked into those blue eyes. They glimmered with a promise.

Damn it

"I hate you"

"Yes! "Naruto fist pumped. "This will be so worth it, believe it"

"I believe we die tonight"