Chapter 57 Three in a row, I'm on a roll.

Zabuza took in the people before him. A sigh left him. He would be dead if Athena didn't need him for something. He knew that. He was surprised that he managed to survive up to that point. If that Hyuga had not stopped Athena he would not be there. Maybe Kakashi actually had a point when it came to the kid being a gaurdian angel. He looked to Haku, who had removed his mask and not broken eye contact with the Uchiha. It seemed he was interested in fighting him.

Zabuza was no idiot. He knew the odds were against him. Athena was enough to take them both. The same went for Naruto. And seeing that the Uchiha had improved, he believed the boy could handle Haku. Kakashi can actually defeat him now. He would not fall for the same trick twice. The Hyuga. He eyed her. He didn't know where she stood, but he would not dare try to harm her. Not after last time. He couldn't even think about harming her. No. He would be digging his own grave.

Athena quirked a brow when Zabuza addressed her. His entire tone was annoyed and defeated at the same time. She smiled. Oh? Had he finally accepted his fate?

"Listen kid" he started, fixing his sword on his back. He couldn't believe he was about to give into this child. Then again she was strong enough to kick his ass. "What exactly do you want from Haku and I? "

Athena pocketed her hands. She tilted her head as if asking Zabuza a question in return.

"Yes, I ignored everything you said to me on our first meeting"


Athena nodded. "I have a network of spies" she grinned as she looked at him. "Mercenaries too"

Zabuza raised a brow at this. Well that sounded interesting.

"I want you and Haku to work for me. I offer you good money, good living and of course protection " Athena pitched her offer. "I have to admit it was pretty stupid of you to move against the Mizukage"

"You're not helping your case"

Tazuna stood aside and looked between the two. Was this man not there to kill him? Why was Athena offering a job? This kid was seriously pissing him off.

"No one even looked at me when I arrived" Naruto mumbled in disappointment and moved to stand next to Hinata. He was pouting like a child as he watched Athena and Zabuza interact. "I made a cool entrance and everything"

Hinata looked at him, smiling at the sad puppy air he was letting off. He was being really cute right now and she couldn't help herself when she moved to pet him on the head.

"It's alright" she comforted him in the process. "I looked at you. I think your entrance was pretty cool"

Naruto's bottom lip quivered as of he was going to cry. "You really are an angel. This world doesn't deserve you"

Hinata blushed at the statement and looked away. She wouldn't go that far.

Suddenly Naruto perked up and looked at Zabuza. He grinned.

"Hey Zabuza! "

"What do you want? "

"I'll make you say my name! "

The ninja blinked at the words. Kakashi looked at his student, questioning the meaning behind the words.

"Oh my" Haku sounded very amused. "I do believe he plans on bending you over, Zabuza"

"The hell!? "

Athena sighed and took her brother by the collar. Without so much of a word she threw him off the bridge, ignoring his shout of shock and betrayal.

"Now, as I was saying"

Hinata moved to the edge of the bridge to search for the boy, while Athena talked to Zabuza. She leaned over the railing in search of the blonde.

"Oh, there he is"

She saw a blob of yellow bobbing in the water. It was easy enough to determine who it was. He was most likely alright, but she still wanted to make sure.

"I would be breaking a contract by leaving the old man alive" Zabuza said thoughtfully, his gaze on said old man. "Then again, you are offering more than Gato promised. What do you think Haku? "

"I would not mind working for the princess" Haku responded, never taking his eyes off Sasuke. "However, I must ask if I may continue my fight with the Uchiha "

Athena waved her hand dismissively. "Sure, have fun"

Sasuke grinned at that. Good. He did not want their fight to end. He wanted to test himself and Haku seemed to be the perfect opponent for that.

"Don't dare hold back"

Haku cracked a small smile as he made a Special hand sign. Athena was quick to recognize it. She always wondered. She should ask him to teach her ice release. She could probably learn it herself, but found it was best to be taught.

"Demonic ice mirrors"

The water around them started to rise into the air. Sasuke looked on warily, wondering if it was the same jutsu as before. It couldn't be. He saw no needles forming. Instead the water was turning into ice that perfectly reflected the world around them. Ice mirrors. Putting demonic in front of something must mean it's super dangerous.

"Should I tell him? "Athena wondered. Sasuke would do better if he knew what he was up against. Then again he was trying to grow stronger. It's best he figure it out himself.

To Sasuke's complete surprise Haku stepped into one of the mirrors. His image was reflected by the others making it near impossible for Sasuke to determine his exact whereabouts. Things aren't looking very good at the moment.

"Let us begin" his voce bounced around the space of mirrors, not helping Sasuke in the least. His hands went to his pouches, his eyes never stayed on one mirror. He could be in any one.

"I shall show you my true speed"

Sasuke winced when something grazed his shoulder. He blinked, he didn't see it. Was it a needle? It was cold. An ice needle? He was not at all prepared for what followed.

Athena didn't show any worry as the needles assaulted her teammate. She knew he would no be ready for it. So him dodging was also not expected. However, she was very confident in his ability to overcome this obstical.

Sasuke bit his tongue, forcing himself to ignore the pain all over his body. The cuts were not serious but painful none the less. Blood was leaking from every part of him. He hoped the wounds didn't stick around for long. He didnt know what was going on. Were the mirrors only reflecting or actually holding clones of him? Or was it something else? He stared at the nearby mirror of the boy.

The mirrors are key, so maybe he should destroy them. He moved his hands in familiar signs, before pausing. What's to say his fire jutsu would be enough to break the mirrors? They may be ice, but that did not guarantee anything. He would be wasting chakra. He dropped his hands. No. It was too risky. He would need be figure this out. What was the secret to the jutsu.

More needles were sent at him. He grunted. They actually hit the very same spot. He was slowly digging deeper into him. They may not be serious now, but if he continued to focus on the same wounds they would be soon enough.

He could use his sharingan. It would help a ton.


Not yet. He'll figure it out without the use of his eyes.

He raised his hands again. His fingers forming a cross. He figured he might as well think like Naruto at the moment. If he went for all the mirrors at once he should figure something out.

"Shadow clone jutsu"

He had created equal amount of clones as there were mirrors. He nodded in determination before targetting mirror of his own while his clones followed his lead. Haku was right there. He gripped his fist preparing to attack. He would surely hurt himself if he straight up punched the mirror. That's what happened when one decides to think like Naruto. Just before his fist could connect, Haku was gone. He froze, stopping his fist just inches away from the ice mirror.


His clones went through the same thing until they were destroyed by Haku's needles.

"You teleport between mirrors" Sasuke said as he faced a mirror. Haku stared back at him, nodding.

"Yes, you are correct. All I need is the mirrors that hold my image. I move so fast you might as well be standing still"

He couldn't even see him move from mirror to mirror. He sighed. Damn. He lost in speed now, didn't he? Well, he was faster than him without the special technique so he would give himself the win. Haku's technique was a kekkei genkai. That was easy enough to figure out. Athena had all elements. He was sure she could learn the technique if she wanted to. And with her speed no one would be coming out the mirror trap alive.

"Tell me" Haku looked Sasuke in the eyes. "Do you have a dream? "

"Well, I don't know if I would call it a dream" Sasuke responded with a shrug. "I mean, I want to prove myself to my father. I want to become my own person and no longer be known as the prodigy's brother"

Haku nodded, seeming to think it over. "Would you do anything to achieve this goal? "

Would he? This was important to him, yes. Was it important enough for him to do anything? If he had to kill a friend for his goal, would he? If he had to betray his village for his goal, would he? If he had to leave his family, would he?

All of that, just to prove himself to his father and others? Would he abandon those who already recognized him as the person he was, just to prove a point to those who didn't?

He didn't think he could.

He sighed. "No"

"You would not? But, is this goal not important? "

"Yes, but" He ran a hand through his hair, his eyes going to the group of friends he acquired lately. "What's the point? I mean, I want to prove myself to those who don't see me for me. To those who don't think me to be my own person. The thing is I already have people like that. They may be a small bunch, but I wouldn't want to betray them or hurt them. " nor would he want to leave his village. His clan. His mother. His brother. Shisui. Izumi. All of that just to prove a point to one man? Well it wasn't just man. Besides he would not want to be recognized as a coward.

"I see" Haku seems to understand. "I have a dream as well. Unlike you I do deem it worth risking everything. I will do anything to protect the one I care about. To fight, kill or die to fulfill that person's dreams" Haku admitted. "I believe the princess understands exactly how I feel"

Athena heard everything that was said. She wasn't standing too far away from them after all. Her expression was unreadable though. She understood completely where he was coming from. She would do it all for those she loved. A point that was proven when she fought Zabuza. It may be one of the reasons she like Haku so much. And why he liked her in return.

"Would you be willing to kill for those you hold dear? "Haku asked. "Have you ever taken a life, Uchiha? "

No he hasn't. He never fully thought about it. He didn't think he had the phycological strength to do such a thing. He would have to at some point. He was a ninja. He would face someone he could not let live at some point. When that point arrives, what will he do? How will he react?

"Would you kill me if you had to? "Haku continued. "I have already chosen to be your ally. Had I been your enemy, you would need to end my life. Would you have it within you to do so? "

"No" Sasuke would not hesitate to admit. "No, I'm not prepared for such an act just yet"

"You're very honest"

Sasuke chuckled.

"Weren't we in the middle of a fight? "

Haku return the chuckle with one of his own

"Yes we were"

The next batch of needles that were sent his way were evaded, unlike the last. He figured it was time to take this seriously. Next to that he didn't like the feel of needles piercing the skin.

He smirked at the shocked expression on Haku's face.

"What? Did you forget who you're facing? "

Looking up, his bangs did not hide his eyes. Red. Those red eyes penetrated Haku's very being, the smirk on Sasuke's face promising a good fight.

"A fully developed Sharingan"

"Sounds about right" Sasuke spun his kunai around his finger. "Naruto is a pretty determined trainer"

"Yeah! "Said boy was hanging off the railing of the bridge, having climbed back up. He was being helped by Hinata, when he almost lost his grip.

Athena had to admit, she did not expect him to have all three tomoe already. She seriously underestimated Naruto's capability in training the boy.

Now then, she wondered how well he could use those eyes of his.


Her voice was not loud, but he heard her. He tilted his head in her direction, curious.

"You better show me how much better you've gotten"

The boy smiled and nodded.

"Oh I will. And when I impress you, you'll have to give me some of your dango"

"We'll see about that"