the villagers shouted. They were running away for their lives with cowardice on their b*tts and expression, as the darkened sky of a certain blend of oriental and tribal fantasy village was being swarmed with an en masse of humongous dragonflies. The menacing dragonflies looked-like they came from the unearthly abyss.


as the monsters let out an awry cry from their supersonic wings. Their compoundeyes were glaring red, as they were in the verge for bloodthirst, destruction and internal hemorrhage. More so, they were wreaking havoc upon the village with their razor-like wings that were similar to the the blades of a destructive chainsaw and whip-like tails of grave torture. Not only that, their zippy movements were like the stealthy jet-planes that would put a rookie hero to shame. Suddenly, a brave low pitched maiden-like voice from the distance, shouted a magical spellcast, answering their beacon for mercy and mere flattery,


In a split of a second, a visage of a beautiful woman sliced down and turned the dragonfly monsters into smithereens within just mere moments. Her movements were so f*ckin' fast, that a naked eye could just see her trailblazing wings. More than that, those were leaving out fragments of bluish stardust in the aftermath. Sooner or later, the woman stopped on her tracks and looked at the remaining demonic monsters.

Her name was Otorine. Her appearance looked-like she was in her mid 24s. She had an above average height for a model, since she was 5' 10". She's the ever divine light Goddess of her world in which she was on the verge of saving a part of her garden from the grueling monsters. Her hair was dyed in the midnight sea of the cool waters, while it was combed by a bronze-like hairpin. In turn, it was similar from the conservative-looking hairstyle of a japanese woman from the historical eras. Not only that, her face was truly gorgeous in all aspect. Her profile looked-like she was a matured dazzling empress with no signs of blemishes. Her well-formed matte velvet lips were smeared with a blend of succulence and thinness. Her expressive butterfly eyes were seeped in crimson red. They looked-like they were blood-like garnet gemstones and searing fragments of ruby but, they were dyed in the calm waters. Even though, her seething determination and intensified eyes were present, her scarred sorrow could be seen within her eyes. Thereupon, she looked similar to a sophisticated matured anime woman. Though, her ears were quite different, since she had pinkish petal scaly feeler fins as substitute, such as she was a half-mermaid maiden. Her body was truly divine to ever witness. It would make any mortal to thirst for her beautiful form, since her maternal and hourglass-like body was blended thoroughly by her breasts of great volume. Moreover, her porcelain skin was light pinkish in tone. Her whole outfit looked like it was a modernized short yukata that exposed her shoulders, revealing her amazing cleavage. Though, those were still covered by her golden-plated armor wrung around her maiden-like right hand, while her other arm was covered by her sleeve that looked like a ripped-off extension of her yukata. Her outfit was laddened in the colors of the pure spring water crystals, as they were lit in the brilliant sky blue. More than that, it was also complemented by the contrast of the chrome black petals at the edges of her clothing. Her yukata was wreathed and supported by her splendid silver obi sash with thin strips of gold. Not only that, it was decorated by the glassy pink butterfly-like ribbon in the mystical breeze. On her lower part, her firm bottom was also proportioned to the size of her melons. Her slim and long legs of a model were wearing deep black stockings up to her knee-thighs. Moreover, her feet were wearing silver armored greaves that looked like they were custom-made that only covers up to her lower legs. Though, her whole outfit would may appear lewd, since her yukata had slits below that showed-off her nice amount of flesh of her legs. Lastly, she was wielding two sharp steel-sheered japanese fanblades. Those were signifying her awesome mix of effeminate grace and firm bravery. Her whole form may looked-like she was a dancer but, her aura looked-like a majestic Goddess to behold, a Goddess who follows a different kind of trend perhaps.

Otorine calmed her nerves and prepared herself to crush more of the remaining ravaging monsters, while her form and lady-like stance was ready to waltz more into the battlefield. Then, she brought out her arms and casted,


There after, she dashed to the remaining monsters, while she was slicing them with her flowing fanblades in the melody of the mystical winds such as she was doing an oriental dance. More than that, she was letting out petals of passion upon twisting her body around the battlefield. The dragonfly menaces tried to counter-act with their lashing stingers yet, Otorine's intense reflexes were no match for their mediocre strikes. She just dodged all of their attempts like they were nothing, while she continued her brilliant onslaught of the starlit dance. Afterwards, she heard a high pitched playful voice of another woman that casted out a magical spell,


She turned to look at her left. Thereon, another shadowy image of a woman emerged to strike and pierce at the monstrous dragonflies with her sharp rapier stingers. The dragonflies were pierced repeatedly until near extinction. Soon after, the monsters were lay dead upon the aftermath and the other woman paused for a moment to relax her nerves. In turn, her whole form was truly visible.

The maiden's name was Yumine, another Goddess just like Otorine but, she looked-like she was in her 22s. Though, she was the counterpart of Otorine, since Yumine was the dark Goddess. Her whole appearance esteemed like she was an openly mistress who always wanted to have some intimate fun. She has the height of 5' 10", same as her counterpart. Her long abyssal hair was swaying in the sudden breeze, reflecting its bluish luminosity. Her expressive playful perverted mature eyes were glowing in mysterious amethyst, in which she always looked-like an anime b*tch in heat. Moreover her sapphire gleaming eye-shadows boosted her female pheromones even more. Her nose looked small. It was complimented by her thin but, kissable glossy pink lips that was always ready for some action. Same as Otorine, Yumine had feeler fins instead of human ears, as she was another half-mermaid Goddess, although it was dyed in cosmic black.

Yumine, skin was glassy white, free from any kind of damage. With all those said, her profile was similar to the looks of a modern geisha wearing make-up from the red light district. If those weren't enough, her voluptuous and boobalicious body proved that she was even more mesmerizing to the eyes of drooling men. Though, her glorious body was covered by a full-blown black inked kimono yet, her clothing was nearly in the verge of slipping off for some reason. Thereon, her cleavage and huge bountiful melons were nearly exposed, that would put Otorine's amazing breasts to shame. Not only that, her blue butterfly obi sash was also accessorized by some ribbons and flowers of shining gold. Her flawless hands were very slim, even though she can lift those heavy rapiers. Moreover, her kimono had glamorous imprints of various petals, such as an authentic kimono would look like. Her sleeves were swaying into the wispy winds. Though, on her lower part, the kimono had a shorter length, revealing her slim and model-like legs that would let any man to die for being comforted by her succulent thighs. Lastly, she was wearing black stockings covered by violet tinged greaves. Thus, Yumine truly looked like a glamorous hostess even though, she was a Goddess.

Yumine cracked out a devious smile at the nearly dead remains of the monstrous dragonflies that were on the verge of passing. There after, she casted out with her left rapier pointing at the dead remains,


Not much soon, there was powerful burst of a hot searing mix of explosion and implosion at the area around the dragonflies. As the destructive blast ceased, the ashes of the slain dragonflies were the only things to be found. Yumine's face truly looked-like a perverted sadist that would show no mercy to her opponents.

The whole place was no longer swarming with monsters and the village was saved by the two beautiful Goddesses of their world. In turn, Otorine and Yumine sheathed their trusted weapons. The intense atmosphere was also gone. Yumine put her razor sharp rapiers back inside her scabbard wrunged around her waist. For Otorine, she attached her fanblades on the orbal accesory stuck to her obi sash, and the other one was attached to her hairpin. In turn, those looked like her additional ornaments of elegance. Sooner or later, the villagers gave them a round of applause aided with immense gratitude on their faces. Then, the middle aged mayor with a cane says to both of the Goddesses,

"Thank you as always, our light Goddess Otorine and our dark Goddess Yumine. Even without a hero, our village and even the world is still safe. Thanks to our active Goddesses working together.".

Yumine replies,

"Don't mention it chief. Besides, it was OUR light Goddess's idea due to the DECLINE of the rising HEROES.".

She went close to Otorine's side. Yumine nudged at Otorine's shoulder and left out a suspicious grin and wink at the Otorine staring into space. More than that, Yumine said, asking her side,

"Isn't that right, Ori?".

Otorine had snapped out from her trance but, she was left surprised. She responds in a jiffy, although she wasn't looking at the mayor, as she let out those doubtful words, her cheeks were blushing like a teenage girl,


Though, inside her thoughts were quite deeper in respect,

"Although, I only thought of this idea, since he's the only hero in my eyes now. Even though, he's forever to be damned in chains at, FALLENS HEAVENLY PRISON.".

Otorine looked up high into the sky. It was now clear from shady clouds and the vast blue sky was visible. The village looked-like it was floating above the surface waters, such as it was an unusual fantasy world. There were twinkling white starry lights, even though afternoon was present. Not only that, there were two suns close to each other. The first one looked very small with its bluish flaming glare, while the other was a steaming ball of red fire. Even though, their world had two suns, the temperature was still pleasing to the skin of many. The calming winds were now swirling into the place, as the air of death was gone. Suddenly, Otorine's smartphone rang a nice soothing ringtone of a crystal fragment falling into the subterranean spring. Moreover, her smartphone was attached inside the slip of her obi sash. She grabbed her sky blue smartphone and looked at the screen. Her smartphone also has a sapphire fanblade keychain attached to it, signifying Otorine's ownership over it. Yumine noticed that Otorine was wearing a delighted smile of a dazzling maiden, as Otorine's gleaming eyes were focused on the screen. There after, Yumine asks with deep grinning interest on her smile at Otorine,

"Hm, I could see you're happy Ori? Is it that TIME already?".

The villagers were dumbfounded over Yumine's question. Otorine didn't say any other word but, she just nodded with an endearing smile of a loving housewife, while she kept staring at her phone's screen. Later on, Otorine had stopped fiddling her smartphone and placed it back on her obi sash. Then, she said to Yumine,

"Yumi, please do take care of our world.".

Yumine replies like a close friend,

"Sigh, you don't have to tell me you know. And while you're away, I'm gonna find you ANOTHER MAN!".

Then, Yumine brought out her hands and formed a heart aided by her teasing friendly pose. The villagers laughed with gleeful faces, as they heard Yumine's hilarious words and action. Otorine just sighed and wore a shunning smile since, she wasn't interested to begin with. Not only that, she said with a sarcastic tone,

"Sigh...not interested...Besides, they'll be more interested in your PERVERTED ways than my composed self.".

Though, her mind had other crucial and important reasons, such as she was a truly honest and loyal lover within,

"Because, my heart only belongs to him, even though he's a prisoner now.".

Yumine pouts and replies like a little girl,

"Awwwww, how cruel. On the flipside, he's quite lucky to have you.".

The next moment, Otorine brought out her glamorous butterfly wings blended in the glorious crystal and moonlit colors, arching from her slim back. Afterwards, she swooped through the air like a hyper-speed space craft, leaving out only a trail of starlight fragments and a ray of neon plasma behind. Thereon, Otorine had vanished and left her world. It would seem, quite strange but, Otorine and Yumine were close friends and they have a nice friendly relationship, despite their opposite roles of being the light Goddess and dark Goddess at their world called Uminoya. Their not much developed small fantasy world of villages and a small kingdom was just one of the worlds under the jurisdiction of the Celestia heavenly system.

As a few moments have passed, the villagers were repairing their village and clearing the whole place that was blanketed in the ashes of the monsters. Suddenly, Yumine just remembered something out of the blue and said to the villagers in a hurry aided by her cheerful smile,

"I-I'll just be out for a few moments everyone!".

Afterwards, Yumine brought out her pink licorice butterfly wings from her sexy back and transcended unto the air, leaving out sparkles of old rosy stardust. Thereupon, she had left their world similar to her Goddess counterpart. The villagers were dumbstruck yet again, as their glamorous Goddesses were acting strange and secretive. Though, the elder looked skeptic, as he was closing his heavy eyes. Then, the elder spoke in a heavy tone,

"Those monsters, were very unfamiliar and strange. I hope the other Celestia Gods and Goddesses are wary of this situation. And I'm curious of those small rectangular bars that our Goddesses are carrying...".

Meanwhile, Otorine arrived and emerged at a seemingly modern entrance of a place called Celestia heavenly mall. It may appear modern but, it looked even more prestigious, since the checkpoint looked-like a receptionist center from a five star hotel. It was ladden with a red carpet covering the flawless glass tiles. As expected, the receptionist was a beautiful maiden to please the eyes of the many. Moreover, beyond the receptionist redwood desk was a huge glass tinted wall that was proving an intriguing mystery from the inside. Otorine went near the receptionist and the receptionist greeted her with a respectful bow,

"Welcome light Goddess Otorine. Also entitled, SERENE BLADE GODDESS OF THE BLUE WINDS.".

Otorine gave the receptionist some kind of glass ID card. The receptionist took her ID card and tapped it in some kind of high-tech contraption beside her. There after, a holographic screen appeared above the receptionist's head. It was showing in cyan text, that would be more suited in a cyber world, +52,300 pts-DEFEATING DISTORTED MONSTERS RECENTLY. Then, it changed to, Otorine's TOTAL Goddess points...27,358,646 pts.

Suddenly, from high-above the white ceiling, a colorful confetti popped out a strong burst that would seem Otorine was being congratulated over something. Then, the receptionist tells Otorine in a pleasing way with a pose of excitement,

"CONGRATULATIONS! With this amount of points, you can buy any kind of luxury...And please do buy something at our shops. Please, or else I'm gonna lose my job...PLEASE GODDESS. I BEG OF YOU!".

Otorine just forced out a smile and nodded back since, she doesn't know how to respond to that awkward begging acknowledgement. Otorine got her ID card back and placed it back unto her obi sash. As the weird atmosphere ceased, the receptionist bowed with a worried face and Otorine was teleported to another location. Thereon, she now arrived at the heart of the Celestia heavenly mall, the plaza to be exact. The whole place looked no more of a fantasy world but instead, a blend of a modern and near sci-fi world with its modernized environment. Though, the place really much looked-like a huge classy mall filled with various stalls and grandeous shops in a not so crowded setting. The ceiling above was encased in crystalline glass that was reflecting the clear midnight sky with millions of stars in assorted colors, such as they were the suns of different worlds. The floor was tiled with complementing monochrome. The whole area looked-like a dome patterned with a 360 circular spacious hallway. Moreover, the circular hallway was also ladden with a red carpet with precise curvature following the circular movement of the hallways. Not only that, there were lots of Goddesses, Gods, deities, heroes, heroines from different worlds with excitement on their faces, as they stroll along the vast heavenly mall, not a care for the world. Each of them had their own diverse set of clothing that were inspired from greek-mythologies, egyptian mythologies, eastern/oriental legends and medieval outfits such as some of them were from different nations. Though, some of them were wearing modern trends to blend-in the current fashion. Most of them had wings, different kinds of animal ears and many much more differences amongst the mere human features, while they were still retaining the identifiable human features in-tact. The ones who had fairy or angel-like wings were soaring above in order to free themselves from the crowd. In turn, the whole place looked-like it was crowded by lots of fantasy cosplayers. The other gorgeous Goddesses and heroines were entering in and out of the shops as well as the department store, such as they were shopaholic ladies. The Gods, male deities, and heroes were mostly comparing each others grand weapons fitted with luxurious embelishments. She turned to her right and saw some bad*ss looking heroes boasting their said weaponries and pointing each others like they were uncouthed gangsters at the metal benches.

"HAH! Your freakin' sword looks-like a mere toothpick!",

as the most pompous guy wielding a huge golden sword that would scream lots of money burned, said to the hero who was wearing a happi; a kind of traditional outfit wore during the making of a festival in edo era. The guy who was wearing a happi didn't want to fall short, so he replies back with a sudden taunt in his look,

"Oh yeah?! Even though, my KATANA is freakin' short. My other SWORD keeps my GODDESS WIFE SCREAMIN' all day all night!".

There after, the other gangster-looking heroes from the boastful guy's group said to their pompous companion, that would irritate any man's machismo out,


For some reason, Otorine paused for a second. She was in her clouded thoughts and tried to recall the interesting term they said, while she was doing an effeminate gesture pose, as she was in her own thoughts,

"Other sword?".

Sooner or later, she felt flustered with cheeks of vibrant redness, as she remembered her beloved Nassus's humongous flaming sword that made her feel intense passion and steaming sensation in the past, while she was being pistoned by a rod made from hot steel. Her memories and thoughts looked-like she was in cloud nine while she was blushing. Moreover, she was feeling hotter as she continued to create more passionate imaginations about her lover's hunky features. Thereon, she looked-like a shy teenage anime girl who was filled with embarrassing thoughts. Suddenly, she went away in a hurry since she doesn't want to delve any further from their uncouthed discussion nor to not let see her having an unusual interest from their manly topic. A while later, Otorine closed her eyes for mere moments to calm her tensed nerves. Then, she opened them again. She went westward and continued to walk along with her graceful movements, while she was in her thoughts,

"It would seem strange but, me and Yumine are just a few amongst the many Gods and Goddesses under the Celestia heavenly system. And they also have their own worlds to take care of.".

On the right side, there was the usual commercial video ad on a flat screen tv you'd see in any modern mall. It was clearly showcasing and voicng out a smartphone app with random promotional images of the said app, that would annoy anyone out, as it was in an australian accent, Want to take care of your world while you're away? Then why not try and download our app called WORLD VIEWER! Where you can manage your own world and people in the nick of time anytime anywhere! Sponsored by NOT AQUAZZZ ANOTHER USELESS CORPORATION, AZUNA'S VR GODDESS LLC, HEZKIA'S FAMILA CORPORATION, A WORLD THAT GODDESS DOESN'T EVEN KNOW LLC, KAKOKAWA'S ISEKAI ENTERPRISE, WORRIED TIERRA-CHAN LLC, MASKED DONALDS, ANGELS MAY SING INC., JUBBILEE, TOKO TOKO, ONE REALITY LLC, and RANSE R18 INSTITUTE.

Otorine just sighed, since she somehow heard the annoying ad again. Though, she didn't mind it that much and went on her own business. She smiled and brought out her smartphone. Soon after, she says to herself,

"Now time to meet up with My hero imprisoned at...FALLENS HEAVENLY PRISON.".

Suddenly, her stomach growled, making her to say,

"Maybe, I'll take a pit stop at that bar and grab myself a chocolate milk shrimp parfait with cheese...".

Afterwards, her smartphone rang. She brought out her phone,

"Hm? I wonder what's that about?".