The four of them were at some kind of practice area. Though, the place looked-like just a huge tennis court without the boundaries of a net.

"Practice area? More like, just a cheap improvised tennis court.",

as Ira said, while she was looking around the not so extravagant place. They were at the center and there was nobody except them. Yumine sneaked behind Otorine and snatched the black dagger that was stuck to her sash, while Otorine was transacting with the area owner. For some reason, Yumine was feeling deep guilt inside her thoughts,

"I'm sorry for doing this to you, Ori.".

It seemed Otorine didn't sense nor notice it. As Otorine was done paying through her account, she went back with the group. Sooner or later, Yumine brought out the black dagger from before. Otorine was surprised and noticed just now that the black dagger stuck to her obi sash was gone. She gulped, as Yumine tried to give it to Nassus,

"Here li'l Nassus.",

Yumine said. Sadly, Nassus looked dumbstruck and he doesn't know what to do with it. He doesn't even know how to wield it. Though, as he kept staring at it, his mind was in a sort of a warping trance. He felt dizzy and he had jolting headaches. Otorine felt worried for Nassus,

"Nassus, what's wrong?".

Afterwards, his eyes saw the color of bloody crimson dripping from the dagger's body. His mind was hazy and his inner core was feeling the sudden thorns within. He turned to look at Otorine and he saw the rapid images of her being bound in chains, while she was dripping fresh blood from her mouth, such as it was an image of sacrilege to a divinity. For some reason, Nassus was the only one who saw the visions. Otorine felt a cold shoulder, as she saw that Nassus had collapsed on the ground, turning her to shout,


Her heart felt scarred and started to have cracks inside it, as her bond with Nassus had blacked out as well. She was feeling tense and looked problematic. Her pitiful tears were pouring, as she was worried for li'l Nassus. She went close to him and tried to wake him up,

"Nassus, please wake up...".

Thankfully, Yumine and Ira called for medical assistance through telling the court owner. Afterwards, a white ambulance with wings on its wheels came. Nassus was brought to the ambulance and only Otorine was allowed to accompany him due to his unusual case. Thereupon, only Yumine and Ira were the only ones left at the practice area, as Otorine, Nassus and the ambulance had left. Yumine grinned a sinister smile, since she noticed that something strange had happened to little Nassus that she had already expected,

" you think what I think it is? DISTORTED LIGHT GODDESS IRA?".

The air was swirling in the cold winds, as Yumine started an intriguing conversation. Ira stopped fiddling with her smartphone and she replies with a smile of a serpent,

"Yes, Nassus had seen something from that blade you had given him. Also, you did that on purpose, didn't you.".

Then, she walked beside Yumine and she proved some kind of insult with her piercing eyes,

"You slimy dark Goddess.".

Yumine just cracked a smile, as she just accepeted the insult as a compliment. Afterwards, she walked away from Ira, very slowly. Yumine's head was looking down, while she was saying,

"Uh huh...but, I need to do this, in order to make Ori...happy.".

Ira had stopped delving deeper into the topic, as she had thought of a better idea to kill time,

"Hmmm...say...wanna go for a round?".

Yumine replies,

"Sure why not...I haven't spar with any Goddess for a while now.".

Sooner or later, Yumine was at the left side of the court and Ira was at the right. Yumine bloomed her glass pink wings of a fairy, that were letting out stardusts of licorice passion. Not only that, she unsheathed and wielded her sharp rapiers. While for Ira, she revealed her sheets of metal razor wings that would appear horrifying to look at. Her left hand was channeling a ball made out of silver flames. As for her other hand, it was carrying a very short silver dagger that has serpentine curves on its sharp edges, such as it was a weapon used by arabian warriors. The atmosphere turned intense as two overpowered Goddesses were about to waltz into the duel. Ira aimed her dagger at Yumine and she casted out a quick magical chant,


Afterwards, there was a huge ball of pure white flame that was heading towards Yumine. It wasn't any normal ball of fire, as its intense heat could vaporize anything. More than that, in its core has a bluish wisp that was similar to the form of the brightest stars. Though, Yumine didn't fall short as she brought out her hand and casted,


Suddenly, the sphere of destruction exploded. There was a sound of a catastrophic atomic bomb afterwards. The whole place shook, as the intensity was too strong. The ball of fire that had exploded let out fragments of searing hot firebolts around the place. More than that, there was a burst of huge smoke around the area. The next moment, Ira had emerged from the blanket of smoke. She tried to strike Yumine with her quick swinging furies of her dagger, such as Ira's attacks were like the powerful gales. Soon, Ira had cracked out a menacing laughter,

"Ahahaha! How do you like that huh?!".

Yumine got cuts and fresh wounds at first but, she was able to block and parry the next ones. Soon after, Ira leap and flew backwards. Though, Yumine seized the opportunity, and lunged at Ira, while she was moving back. Ira anticipated that Yumine would attack her, while she was trying to get the high ground, so Ira shielded herself with her impervious metal wings. In turn, Yumine was blocked by the indestructable iron curtain. Though, Yumine still tried to charge unto the metallic shield very forcefully. As Yumine was trying to penetrate Ira's metal barrier, Ira casted out,


The next moment, Ira's wings glowed white. Her wings had pulsed and they pushed Yumine away with their powerful force, turning Yumine to hit the cage-like barrier with her back. Yumine fell down on the ground and she looked-like she took severe damage, as she was letting out blood from her mouth,

"I guess, I've underestimated you, Ira.".

Yumine cracked out an eager smile afterwards. It may seem they were dueling to the death but, they're just having a friendly rivalry of two highly revered Goddesses. Yumine stood up. She sheathed her swords back to her scabbard yet, she stanced herself, bending her long legs a bit, while her hands were ready to pull out her rapiers anytime. She relaxed her nerves and chanted several spellcasts,


Later on, Yumine's dazzling wings of sakura pink turned into the color of searing sun that was releasing petals of fiery autumn. More than that, it seemed her speed was boosted ten-folds due to her powerful fiery winds beneath her feet. The moisture in the air felt warm, as Yumine's sudden flames spread through the air, such as she was a thermal generator. While Ira saw Yumine's enchantment on herself, Ira masked an interesting grin,

"Oh, using enchantments now? I might as well do the same.".

Soon, Ira casted her own set of enchantment,


There was a curtain of light that surrounded Ira. Soon, Ira's wings had streaks of energy. Then, her metallic wings turned into the wings made of powerful electromagnetic plasma. Not only that, there were small floating metal contraptions that were shaped like seeds. Lastly, her eyes were glowing in the color of neon blue and her reflexes were boosted as well. The two Goddesses now looked truly serious upon fighting, as they had worn their powerful enchantments. Afterwards, Ira said,

"Now we're even.".

The silence was deafening, as both of them were anticipating each others movements. Sooner or later, both of them lunged at each other with lightspeed movements. Their strikes and attacks were freakin' fast that the only thing you could see with your naked eye was the sparks of hellfire and clashes of blinding blades. Their weapons were hitting each other with powerful forces, creating sounds of vibrating metal, bending the fabric of space. They were waltzing along the battlefield as well as in mid-air, as they kept on striking and exchanging strikes with blistering speed of fast torpedos. More than that, their wings were leaving out particles, as they blaze along the battlefield. Later, Ira's seed-like contraptions let out super intense rays of light around the area, although Yumine just dodged them gracefully. In turn, the area was scarred with the searing trail left by the laser. As she was successful upon dodging, she twisted herself and swung her sharp rapiers at Ira. Ira took a direct hit, causing her to have a fresh mark upon her chest. Ira moved away for a moment. Thereon, Ira touched her chest and looked at the blood stain on her hand. She wore a sarcastic smile and said,

"Wow, to think you were able to leave a mark on me.".

Afterwards, Ira lunged at Yumine faster than ever before. Though, Ira wasn't using her dagger, instead she was attacking Yumine with her plasmatic wings, such as she was a hyper-speed jet that could change direction diagonally at any moment. She continued to strike Yumine using her unconventianal jet strikes repeatedly, from the sides, above, behind, almost all of the directions as possible. Due to Ira's change of pace, Yumine had a hard time parrying and dodging Ira's attacks. In turn, Yumine had gotten severe wounds, while she was in mid-air, such as she was struck by intense lasers, since Ira's wings were cloaked in hot concentrated energy. As Ira, attempted to strike Yumine again, Yumine had vanished, making Ira to hit nothing, while Yumine was on the other side.Though, Ira just made a grin. Suddenly, Ira had disappeared in a split second. Yumine was surprised and stanced herself in order to block Ira's next vendetta, that would strike at any moment. Though, Ira had emerged behind her. Ira's hand was charging and forming a huge ball of white flame, as she was ready to destroy Yumine's back,

"This is the end, Yumine."

Yumine looked behind and just replies with a confident smile,

"Really, is that so?".

Suddenly, Yumine made an elegant somersault, while she was in mid-air similar to a beautiful gymnast. Ira was astunned and her upper back was vulnerable. Thereupon, Yumine held her rapiers, as she was ready to unsheathe them. Then, she casted out, aiming at Ira's backbone directly,


Meanwhile, Otorine was holding the hand of the bedridden and unconscious little Nassus. They were at a smaller hospital room that looked more or less you'd see in a decent 3-star hotel. There was an oxygen tank beside Nassus but, it wasn't a tank that you'd see in a modern world, as the oxygen tank that Nassus was breathing was filled with energy healing properties hailing from a fantasy world. Otorine looked truly much concerned for Nassus's crucial state, as she was almost on the verge of crying with her aching heart,

"Please Nassus...please be alright.".

It would appear that the Fallens have lower regenerative capabilities than the divine Gods and Goddesses, since their capabilities weren't boosted when they were transferred and bound at the prison cells. The Fallens may be immortal but, it was the worst punishment, since they're forever isolated from the cycle of fate and rebirth to a better life. Sooner or later, Otorine brought out the dagger seeped in abyss. She gripped at it, looked at it and she had doubts deep inside her thoughts,

"But why did Yumi give him this black dagger too early already? Does she even care for Nassus's sake?".

After a while, Otorine had fallen asleep. Mara came inside the hospital room. She noticed that Otorine had already fallen into slumber, while she was holding Nassus's delicate hand. Mara patted Otorine's shoulder in order to wake her up. Soon, Otorine woke up and she noticed that Mara was beside her. Mara composed herself and said,

"I know this may not be the right time but, you must leave him in order for him to rest. Also, it's time...Blade Goddess Otorine.".

Otorine responds,

"Okay...I understand.".

Otorine took the black dagger and stuck it back to her sash. Then, Otorine and Mara had departed. Though, before they had left the room, Otorine said her weak farewells to the slumbering Nassus,

"See you dear Nassus...".

As the two Blade Goddesses went out of the hospital, they tread along the hallways of Celestia heavenly mall and took the usual route to enter the Blade Goddess headquarters. Later on, they had arrived at the Blade Goddess meeting room. There were no other people except Ira and Yumine. There after, all of them took a seat. Then, Mara said to them,

"As you all know, I have summoned all of you three here, since you shall go to the world of AMAKIEL now and retrieve the outraging Fallen.".

Mara paused for a while then she continued to say afterwards,

"But, before you could go to another assigned world, you three will have to use your corporeal forms, since the Fallen was in his own corporeal form, based on our observations, somehow.".

Thereupon, Otorine looked uninterested while she was explaining in her thoughts,

"Sigh, while we're in our corporeal forms...our powers will be limited, since we'll be using our physical frames in order to adapt and exist in another world that's not assigned to us."

It seemed, there are certain rules that the Goddesses and Gods should follow. One of the rules they should follow is that, the other foreign Goddesses visiting the other worlds, should use their corporeal forms. Their powers will be limited, while they're in their corporeal forms, in order to not cause a disturbance that could overthrow the other Goddess in-charge of that world. In other words, the corporeal form is their physical form when they descend to the other worlds, that has no divine energy in the air, unlike the Celestia Heavens they are stepping-in. Though, their corporeal and ethereal bodies don't look that much different on the outside but, their senses, psyches and capabilities are heightened, as their ethereal bodies or spiritual bodies are on a much a higher plane of existence from the inside. Soon, Mara let the three of them step on a wide magical pentagram that was capable for three people to fit around its boundary. For some reason, the magical pentagram didn't look-like it was from a mere fantasy world, instead it was a blend of a highly advanced sci-fi world and a magical medieval world. Around the mystical pentagram has the floating gray translucent metal fragments made from otherworldly material. They would appear as glass but, they were hard as titanium. Though, before the three of them get transferred, Otorine was alarmed in her thoughts,

"Wait...a Fallen in his corporeal form? I thought Fallens were stripped-off from having a PHYSICAL form and they can't just move to the lower worlds freely? I wonder how did that happen? How did they get hold of that?".

Somehow, she didn't mind it that much. The three of them started to chant a foreign language that's hard to decipher,


The next moment, Ira, Otorine and Yumine released bluish magical stardust quasar-like particles from their bodies, proving they were now in their corporeal forms. Though, they could still use their divine powers but, in very limited intervals. Their forms were still the same. Later, the magical pentagram burst out it's neon glimmer beneath their feet. The floating steel fragments glowed neon blue as well. It looked-like their bodies were fading away gradually, such as they were being teleported to another world. As their bodies were being transferred, Mara said to them, bidding farewells,

"Best of luck...".

Afterwards, the three Goddesses had vanished from the place and they were now transferred to another world, that's quite a few distance for the divinities. Sooner or later, Mara sighed and brought out her phone. The air had chilled, as Mara called unto a mysterious number. Soon, someone picked it up and she says with a cold serious tone by the phone,

"They are on their way now.".

She paused for a moment then she responded again,

"Yes yes, I understand...".

Later, she had stopped talking to someone by the phone and put her smartphone on top of the round table. She pinched her forehead and she felt deep guilt inside her thoughts,

"I don't want to do this to them but, I must...for the greater of Celestia Heavens.".