"It started off when I saved Nassus from his misery when he was still a child in my world.",

as Ira said to the curious Yumine. The next occurrences she had told to Yumine was truly engaging, as Ira told the story with amazing imagery and detail of the whole scenario.

Thereupon, Ira and the young innocent-looking Nassus were fighting a small drake at the vast and open evergreen plains. The drake was similar to a dragon but it's form was less menacing as well as its size. You could call it was a young dragon. Little Nassus's stance was similar to an able warrior, handling a very light and short steel sword in his left hand. As for Ira, she was holding out a staff made of glistening platinum. The drake flapped its wings and flew. Then, it let out it's vile acidic breath at Nassus and Ira. Thankfully, Ira had cast a magical spell immediately,


A golden shield made of magic had appeared in front of Ira and Nassus. The acidic flames by the gaping dragon was blocked. Thereon, Ira and Nassus were safe from the impending doom. Though, the land was still damaged and corrupted by it's toxic breath. The dragon landed on the ground afterwards. It appeared the drake was exhausted after it released it's decimating breath. The two of them seized the opportunity and nodded, as they understood each other. Nassus went near the weary dragon. Then, Ira cast out an enhancing magical spell,


Suddenly, Nassus's short sword, gleamed such as it was a light-saber, as the whole weapon was infused with immense plasma-like energy. More than that, his weapon extended by a few meters, turning it to look like a long pole with a handle. It appeared his weapon was enchanted by Ira's magical cast, boosting his weapon's capability even more. A little while later, he had deep breathes and the air around him was calm. Then, he gripped his weapon's hilt tight. The next moment, Nassus jumped high. As he was up in the the sky, he swung the blade downwards,


slicing the drake into two, such as it was cut by a ray from a burning sun. As Nassus had landed on the ground, his weapon had stopped shimmering in intense lights. The two of them had defeated the drake and the impending danger was gone. The drake was laid dead upon the land with it's silly tongue sticking out. Nassus sheathed his weapon at his back. While for Ira, she brushed her dazzling hair, as she was a tired maiden,

"Phew! And that's the last of them.".

She looked around and witnessed the other drakes were down for the count. It seemed they had already fought the others. Afterwards, the group of drakes had vanished into thin air. Sooner or later, she clasped her hands and tried to call Nassus by the distance to congratulate him,

"Great job Nassus!".

Nassus went near Ira. His face was wearing a smile, as he was expecting something like he was child or even a pet you could say. As expected, Ira rubbed his head like he was a fluffy dog in order to praise him even more. Ira was absorbed in her thoughts, as she kept on feeling his fluffy hair,

Yeah...Even though my world's very peaceful, as it didn't have any disputes, wars, plagues or even tensions. My world still had roaming monsters and phenomena. In order my world to comply with the Celestia heavens balance agreement.".

It appeared, achieving perfect peace wasn't the goal of the Goddesses under the jurisdiction of Celestia heavens, rather it was divine balance of the natural flow of things. Nassus was feeling the affectionate touch from his Goddess Ira, although he expressed his tiny embarrassment later on,

"Ngh...thanks Goddess Ira...".

That sudden moment, his tummy growled. Ira looked a bit surprised, as she heard that little Nassus was hungry. As for Nassus, he fidgeted and told her, like he was a shy little child of asking something,

"Also ummm Goddess Ira...could we...go home now?".

Ira looked pleased,

"Sure! Nassus.".

Before Ira and Nassus left. Ira looked around the vast place. She noticed that the place was burnt beyond restoration. She held out her staff. She relaxed her nerves and raised her staff. Then, she casts out,


The whole land glowed and shimmered in ethereal wisps of life energy. The mystical vibes was felt throughout the place. Nassus witnessed a glimpse of a Goddess doing divine work, as she was restoring the whole plains to its former glory. The place was wholly grassy green without any signs of damages from before. Ira smiled, as she saw that the land was fully healed. Afterwards Ira called Nassus. Thereupon, the two of them departed the area. Later on, the two arrived at their humble home. Their two-story house was made of bricks, such as it was a home from a faraway medieval provincial land. More so, it also had a chimney. Their home was at the cliff side and below it was the seashore. They entered their home. Ira flicked the switch. The cozy living room wasn't that big nor too small.

"And we're back.",

as she said to herself. The living room looked cozy enough to relax in, as it had a couch, a table, and a long sofa. Nassus went to the second floor immediately.

Then, he pounced and rested on his bed immediately, that was visible to see from below. In turn, Ira looked kinda annoyed over Nassus's action,

"Geez haven't eaten dinner yet...".

Ira looked around and calmed herself down. Their home didn't have any fancy appliances, opposing the said lifestyle at Celestia heavens. It seemed Ira's world was still in the earlier medieval times, that had no gizmos and gadgets. She was engrossed in her thoughts afterwards,

"So yeah...I took Nassus and treated him like he was my own child.".

Little Nassus rolled around the bed like he was a lazy and tired kid. Sooner or later, he responds to Ira's statement from before,

Mmmm...maybe later...".

Ira just looked a bit annoyed, as she heard his response,


As Nassus was taking a short rest at his comfy bed, Ira went to the kitchen. The kitchen was at the right-most area. The whole area was equipped with wooden ladles, pots, some steel utensils, and etc. that you'd see in any mother's work station. She wore her pink apron and held her hips. Then, she looked at her work station with her determined eyes,


Afterwards, Ira was busy making home-made meals and dishes. After a while, Nassus was sensing a whiffing pleasant scent of tomato-based meals from below. Ira was making spaghetti and meatballs. Not only than that, she was making ceasar salad and mushroom soup. Soon, she placed the meals on top of the wooden dining table that was just near her kitchen. Suddenly, a fully-fledged cloaked man appeared behind her. His cloak may look like it came from the pits of the darkest abyss but, it had thin linings of gold in its edges. The air became chilly as a mysterious figure appeared out of nowhere. He walked around the kitchen and grinned a sarcastic smile,

So you're acting almost like a mother to him? I hope you're not forgetting on why you took him as your own, my beloved Goddess Ira.".

As Ira heard his words, she looked irritated,

"I haven't forgotten about THAT to be honest. And could you get out first, Nassus would be too afraid to see you and even hear your voice.".

The man didn't look pleased, as he was being pushed out of the way,


The cloaked stranger vanished from the depths of darkness and removed his presence. In turn, the atmosphere was back to normal. Later on, Ira called unto Nassus, such as she was a mother calling her child,

"Nassus! Dinner's ready!".

Nassus got up looking-like a sleepyhead. He went downstairs and went to the dining room. He looked delighted, as he saw the simple yet, mouth watering meal. There was the spaghetti and meatballs. The bowl of mushroom was at the center. Lastly, there was a bowl of salad as side-dish. The two of them ate their meal with great engagement. As she was seeing that Nassus looked blissful over the meal he was eating, she looked very much pleased. She was absorbed in her happy thoughts,

"Maybe having a simple life isn't that bad as it seem.".

Somehow, they looked-like mother and son due to their situation and relationship. An hour later, Nassus and Ira were satisfied, as they had finished their meal. Ira asked the stuffed Nassus,

"Had a good meal Nassus?".

Nassus nodded. Ira told him more,

"By the way, since we defeated those stray drakes before, let's go to the guild tomorrow morning to get our reward hm?".

Nassus replied, although he looked sleepy,

"Okay and goodnight, mom...I mean Goddess Ira...".

There was an awkward silence, as Nassus let out a startling response. Both Ira and Nassus were surprised afterwards, since both of them don't know what to say afterwards. For some reason, Ira was also blushing with bright red cheeks as well. Though, Nassus just went back to his bed immediately, breaking the ice fast. Nassus had already fallen asleep and the place was quiet. Ira cleared the table and sat down on her comfortable sofa later on. She took a sip of her coffee. For some unusual reason, Ira was wearing a smile filled with innocent bliss,

"He called me mom? That's cute.".

The mysterious hooded guy, appeared once again. He was in front of Ira. He held his chin, while he was masking a smile of an interested demon, since he heard something intriguing.

"Oh, so that's how it is...",

he said. Ira looked very much stressed, as he came to her home without permission. There after, she said,

"What is it now?! Also, why did you barge in here without asking, master?".

He didn't respond. He just sat on the sofa beside Ira and he took a manly posture. He reached out his hand on the sofa's upper surface, such as he was almost embracing Ira to the side. Soon, he looked at her and said,

"I just came to visit my Goddess wife that's all. Though it seemed she wanted more.".

The fully-clothed cloaked man cracked out a smile and held Goddess Ira's delicate chin with his hand from the grave abyss. He stared at her such as he was an eager predator ready to eat his prey. Then, he said to her straight,

"To become a REAL MOTHER perhaps?".

Ira didn't like his offensive action and words at first. Though, she wore a smile of a passionate lover sooner or later. It appeared, her switch of intimacy was flipped. The two of them started to embrace each other and indulge in crazed carnal pleasure. They felt each others inner desires from their entwining tongues. Their dark romance almost took forever, as the both of them were in a never ending libido isolating themselves from time.

The next day, Nassus and Ira arrived at a small backwards middle ages town. The townsfolk were noticing Ira, although they weren't seeing her as a Goddess. Instead, she was somebody else.

"Isn't that the silver sorceress adventurer lady Iriya?!",

the man exclaimed. Afterwards, a woman responded to the man's statement,

"Yeah, that's her alright. She's one of the greatest adventurers of all-time.".

A little while later, people had crowded around Nassus and Ira, as the two walk along. Thankfully, the people were still respectable to their space and allowed the two of them to continue their destination. More than that, Ira didn't mind their rumors about her. Though, her ears were clapping with excitement, as she was deep in her thoughts,

"Yeah, my adventurer status is my incognito here. IT SHOULD BE a disguise but, I still became popular. The CURSE OF BEING TRULY BEAUTIFUL I guess?".

Soon, the two went to a guild tavern. The townspeople's gossip about Ira and Nassus had grew more and more intriguing. They looked dumbstruck over Ira's connection to Nassus's family. For some reason, they felt some kind of pity for Nassus, as the rumors about him go on,

"Yeah, his real mother and sister had died due to the sudden powerful forest fire in their small village. Not only that, he was the only one who miraculously survived".

Then, another person added his own thoughts into the topic,

"To think, not only he had lost his father due to the collapse of the mine, his mother and sister were all taken away from him too.".

Little Nassus and Ira had entered the guild tavern. The place looked shabby and old, but it was still a tavern from previous times nonetheless. There were kegs and barrels as the adventurers were mostly drunkards after they had finished the quests they had done. Ira and Nassus went to the female guild receptionist. The guild receptionist with glasses took notice of Ira and Nassus. She greeted them,

"Welcome back Nassus and lady Iriya.".

Ira nodded with a confident smile. The receptionist said more,

"It seems you've defeated the wild drakes on the loose, as said by our informant.".

Afterwards, the receptionist brought out a rucksack filled with lots of gold and silver coins on top of her wooden desk. Then, she congratulated them for the job well done,

"So here's your reward of 100 gold IARS and 2500 silver IARS!".

As Ira heard her world's currency, she was absorbed in her self-praising mind,

"Yeah, IAR is my world's currency. Even in money, they truly love using my name. I guess that just proves how amazing I am as a Goddess.".

Soon, Ira took the rucksack packed with lots of coins. Nassus and Ira took a seat at the vacant table. Nassus was swaying his legs, as he was truly a playful kid. Ira put down the rucksack. She reached for its contents. Then, she placed 10 gold coins and 100 silver coins that were stacked orderly. She gave the coins that were stacked to Nassus.

"Here Nassus!",

she said with a smile. Though, Nassus didn't look grateful. Instead, he looked dumbfounded, since he doesn't know the reason on why Ira was giving him a portion of their reward somehow. In turn, he asked her, as he was an innocent child,

"What are these for? Goddess I—".

Suddenly, Ira put her index finger on top of his lips, turning Nassus to look startled and lock his words. It seemed Ira doesn't want the other common people to know she's the Goddess of their world. Though none of the other adventurers heard Nassus's soft words. She wanted to scold Nassus, although she just spoke like a calm mother instead,

"Remember what we've talked about before, my li'l Nassus?".

She removed her finger on top of his lip a little while later. Nassus was in his thoughts for a second, trying to remember what Ira had told him before. Later on, he said his rephrased statement but it was different,

"Oh I mean...aunt Iriya.".

Ira nodded with smile, as Nassus told a different statement from before. It appeared, that was her and Nassus's relationship facade. In order for them to be safe from prying eyes. Soon, Ira flipped a gold coin, making a clinking sound. Then, she explained about the coins aided by interesting demonstrations,

"These coins are called money. You can exchange these coins to get stuffs from a shop.".

A little while later. the coin landed on the back of her palm. There after, she continued to tell him,

"Though, you should just save some of them for emergencies.".

It appeared Ira told him about the basic use of money. She gave him the coin that was on top of her hand. Nassus accepted it and nodded as he quite understood everything about Ira had told him,

"Okay...G, I mean aunt Iriya.".

Ira was relieved, as Nassus had changed his statement in a snap,

"Phew, that was a close one...".

Sooner or later, Ira had stopped telling her vivid flashback about the earlier times when she was with Nassus in her world. Yumine looked as if she understood the whole thing, although she wasn't that engaged over Ira's convoluted story. Yumine had flown around the sky lazily, while she was waiting for Otorine to cross the finish line. Then, she tried to analyze the flashback Ira had said before.

"Uh that's why Nassus really likes you that much. Since, you saved him from his misery and took him as your own. Not only that, you acted like a caring mother as well.",

she said out loud, while she was flying nearby Ira's space. Ira wore a proud smile, as she heard those indirect praises from Yumine. Yumine had stopped flying and levitated on the same stand as Ira. Somehow, Yumine still tried to annoy Ira by saying in front of her face with aided gestures,

"To be quite honest, I don't really believe your story that much but, I'll take that story you've said into consideration.".

Though, Yumine was intrigued deep in her thoughts,

"Yet, who knew that MASTER of hers was already there to begin with. These two already plotted to toy around with Nassus, even when he was still a child in her world.".

Yumine sighed and asked Ira once more straight in the face,

"Also, could you tell me on why DID YOU JOIN your master and TOY with NASSUS IN THE FIRST PLACE?".

Ira wore a cunning smile, as she heard Yumine's question that somehow struck a nail. The air turned cold afterwards. Even though, Yumine wasn't that much involved with Nassus, she still wanted to know more about him for her close friend's sake. Since, they don't know much about Nassus's previous life before he came to Otorine's Goddess life.