Otorine turned to her right and witnessed with her own eyes that Yumine and Shunya were near the fireplace, feeling the warmth with their hands. Yumine noticed that Otorine was awake, so she greeted her with a smile,

"Oooh! It seems you're awake Ori!".

Shunya did the same as well,

"Welcome back big sis Ori!".

Otorine replied and she scratched her itching neck,

"Yeah I guess—.".

She heard a clinking sound of metal chains for some reason. She looked at her wrists and saw that these were shackled. More than that, her neck was bound to a heavy steel choker. Even Yumine and Shunya were bound by chains as well. Funny thing is, they weren't cuffed. Instead, their wrists just had some sort of uncomfortable bangles. Yumine saw that Otorine was estranged by her own metal chains, so she told her friend,

"Oh if you're wondering, it seemed they caught us and placed us in this comfy place. It's kinda nice instead of a cold crumby cell, don't you think?".

Otorine just sighed, since both of her friends looked-like they weren't much worried, despite they were being held as prisoners. Otorine looked around and noticed that there was a metal door to the left and a glass window to the right that seemed out of place. She tried to open the door but, the door was shut tight. Since the steel door won't open by force, she resorted to use her magical spells,


Sadly, nothing came out. She tried casting again yet, nothing happened. Yumine told Otorine regarding their said Goddess powers,

"Also Ori, these chains restrain us from using our Goddess powers and magic for some reason.".

Then, Shunya said her concerns,

"Even my physical strength too...".

Yumine explained in brief,

"They said that these magical chains were infused by ABSOLUTE ENERGY...whatever that is.".

Otorine nodded,

"I see.".

Since all her desired options upon breaking out were all restricted, she just stopped worrying too much. Her eyes glanced around the place. She noticed that there was plentiful of chocolate and coffee on top of the wooden table near the sofa. Yumine saw that Otorine was looking at the prepared snack for them, so Yumine said,

"Yeah, they even offered us food. Although, I have a feeling they're poi—.".

Otorine just ignored Yumine's suspicion and she just ate the chocolate without warning. Yumine was widely shocked that her friend had eaten something fishy that was offered by their said enemies,


Suddenly, Yumine went in front of Otorine and smacked Otorine's head,

"Bad girl!".

"Ow! But, they're food.",

as Otorine expressed. Soon, Shunya was witnessing that Yumine was reprimanding her friend in which they need to be cautious of what their enemies were offering to them. Although, Otorine tried to insist on what she wanted such as she was acting like a pitiful little girl. Thereon, Shunya was laughing on the floor, as she was seeing a hilarious incident made by her two Goddess friends. Really, these Goddesses are kinda immature in a way. Yumine noticed that Shunya was laughing. In a split of a second, Yumine went near Shunya. Shunya had stopped laughing, as her own senses were witnessing that Yumine's face was masking a scary smile. Shunya felt tense and sweaty. Sooner or later, Yumine kept on pinching and playing Shunya's delicate cheeks. Shunya begged for mercy with her funny way of speeking,

"I'm showwy! Shtwop it big shish Yumi!".

The next moment, the metal door opened and the similar-looking guards from before came in. The three Goddesses fell silent and turned serious afterwards. One of the guards said to them,

"You three will be visiting the mayor of this city or the only city left in this world.".

Afterwards, they were transferred to another place. They've arrived at a mysterious audience hall and made to kneel down on the ground. The place looked grandiose, even though it looked smaller compared to a normal castle. Moreover, there was a pudgy-looking mayor who was sitting on a black cosmic throne made of obsidian granite. Behind it was a wall made of ice and a broken statue of a certain Goddess. The guards left the three Goddesses afterwards. The mayor looked at the maiden-like Goddesses below and said with interest,

"So you three were the ones who disrupted the peace of my city I see.".

Iblyth appeared behind the throne and she said,

"Yes, you are correct on that mayor.".

Then, Iblyth laughed like an annoying rich girl once again.

"Her laugh really gets on my nerves.",

Yumine expressed. Later on, someone went to the mayor and whispered something dire, turning the mayor to mask a serious look. The mayor told the three Goddesses,

"If you'll excuse me, I'll be attending to other matters. Though, I'll let my new acquaintance Iblyth here to keep you company.".

The mayor and the envoy left the audience hall afterwards. As Iblyth felt that she can no longer hear their footsteps she wore an eager smile,

"It seems the mayor's gone now.".

Then, she pounced on the throne and crossed her legs like a carefree noble. Yumine taunted Iblyth, as she saw that Iblyth was sitting on someone's throne,

"Hmph! Should you be sitting on his throne?".

Iblyth replied complacently,

"He's no longer here, so why not?".

Yeah, this b*tch is something else alright. Then, she remembered something important. She brought out her hands, as if she was welcoming the shackled Godesses,

"Oh and I almost forgot, congratulations in coming to this frozen wasteland, my dear Goddesses!".

Next, she said profusely,

"I guess you wanted to ask me some questions now? Go on!".

Afterwards, she made that disturbing and creepy laugh of a boastful noble. Yumine and Shunya just looked away, since they were ashamed of their failures or they were just annoyed of seeing Iblyth on the throne. While for Otorine, she asked Iblyth something serious,

"Now could you tell us on how you were able to get on the mayor's good side? The Goddess who's managing the world here is very close to her people.".

Iblyth made a cunning smile,

"Oh, you must've meant HER huh?".

She crossed her legs to the other side and said,

"Let's just say, I ate her.".

Yumine and Shunya were flabbergasted, as they heard something atrocious coming from Iblyth's putrid mouth. Otorine was disturbed as well. As Iblyth saw their faces in a mix of shock and worry, she told them like it was just a bad joke,

"Just kidding!".

There after, she said straight,

"Let's just say, I had ACCOMPLICES. Oh and those were the GODDESSES from the other worlds they said. Although, I don't know the reason of why they would help me.".

Otorine closed her eyes and she was convinced in her deep thoughts,

"Other Goddesses I see, so she had other accomplices too. This just gets more and more complicated.".

Yeah, things are just getting more and more complicated. It appeared that these unknown Goddesses were the ones helping the Fallens. Rather, these kind of Goddesses were the ones orchestrating the whole plan, while using the Fallens as pawns. Thereon, Yumine pointed out something to Iblyth,

"So now you're helping the mayor like you're some kind of Goddess huh?".

Iblyth responded to Yumine question,

"Kinda, since I could use him to earn my freedom.".

Yumine replied back with an eager smile,

"Hmph! Are you underestimating us Goddesses?".

Then, Otorine joined-in the conversation as well,

"Even though, we've been captured. There will still be reinforcements who will take you down and bring you back to where you rightfully belong!".

Shunya cheered too,


Suddenly, Iblyth went near the knelt down Otorine. Iblyth pointed a shimmering golden dagger at Otorine's throat. There was silence in the air, as the three Goddesses were all surprised by the threatening golden dagger. It appeared, that the dagger was dangerous, since it made the Goddesses to be nervous somehow. A little while later, Iblyth threatened Otorine,

"You'd think I'm that dumb?! The rich and famous princess heroine Iblyth wouldn't know that, hm?".

Iblyth moved around while she was still pointing the dagger at Otorine's neck,

"Ofcourse I already knew that would happen, so I happened to have this and you know what this is right, MY DEAR GODDESS?".

Otorine gulped,

That's the—.".

Ibyth interrupted her,

"DIVINE KILLER, a sacred weapon that could turn any GOD OR GODDESS to disintegrate into existence, leaving nothing behind. With this thing, I could take any of you as hostage.".

Yumine asked Iblyth,

"How did you get hold of that? Those things are only used when a God or Goddess did something atrocious that cannot be redeemed by mere repentance.".

Iblyth had stopped pointing at Otorine's throat and she went back to her throne,

"Like I said, I had accomplices and those are the...DISTORTED GODDESSES and they are amongst the CELESTIA GODDESSES!".

Then, Iblyth made another haughty laugh that would annoy anyone's ears. As for Yumine, she was engrossed and disturbed in her thoughts,

"Ugh, this reminds me of my pitiful life before I DESIRED to be a Goddess.".

Yumine sighed and she submerged to her earlier memories.

In her vivid flashback, at a certain audience hall slathered in crimson, she was brought down to the ground by the knights clad in red armors. Yumine tried to resist but, their hold on her arms and head were strong. She looked up and saw her older sister sitting on the bloody throne. Her sister looked-like an older version of her yet, her eyes were crimson and her lips were black as the abyss. Moreover, her sister was wearing a black and red outfit instead. Yumine exclaimed to her sister,

"Sister! What's the meaning of this?!".

The situation looked dire. Her older sister brought out her black fan and said,

"Well, I'm the queen now so, my order of business is to—...".

She pointed her fan at Yumine and shouted with great glory,


Yumine was shocked,


Then, she expressed herself in tears,

"I didn't have any interest on the throne! I even licked your feet and followed your every order you wanted just like a servant would, so why?!".

Her older sister crossed her legs and replied to her younger sister's question,

"Hm? While you did follow my orders and didn't seize the throne like those other pathetic nobles, you kinda DID SOMETHING that infuriated me.".

Yumine responded back,

"And what's that?".

Her older sister pointed out,


Yumine declined on the rumors imposed on her by sister,

"That's not true! He was the one who's forcing me...".

Yumine was pouring out tears of mercy, while she was being pushed down on the ground by the crimson knights. She begged and pleaded to her sister who was the queen, yet her sister doesn't believe her,

"Please sister! I beg of you!".

One of the knights unsheathed a sword made from obsidian. Her sister didn't care much for the side of Yumine. Instead, the elder sister just made a sinister grin and commanded,



as Yumine voiced out her last dying breath. Sooner or later, Yumine felt that her lights went out. Though, in her consciousness she was still crying out crimson tears,

"Why? I did everything just for my sister to accept me.".

After a while, Yumine was standing in a serene place clad in all holy white, although she was still crying, since her sister didn't believe her words. Nobody was there except her. Suddenly, a golden divine light emerged in front of her. The light looked-like it came from the sacred heavens. Sooner or later, the divine light spoke the voice of a caring mother,

"Hush now child, now tell me, what is it that you want?".

Yumine replied but, she was still pouring out crystal tears,

"I want people to respect me for what I do and I want nothing but, the truth to prevail.".

The light responded,

"I see, then, do you want to become a Goddess perhaps?".

As she heard something soothing to her ears, she had stopped crying. Yumine was absorbed in her thoughts,

"A Goddess huh, an entity who guides people depending on their said nature and I thought they were just in fairytales.".

Yumine asked something regarding the said Goddesses, as she wanted to know a little more about the Goddesses,

"Ummm...are there other Goddesses too?".

The light replied with a nice tone,

"Yes and they'll accept you for who you are.".

Yumine was convinced,

"Is that so, then, I accept...I'll become a Goddess.".

Afterwards, Yumine was done delving into her past memories. She opened her eyes and she was looking furious at the sight of the prideful and boastful Iblyth who was sitting on the throne. Thereupon, Yumine was angry and engrossed in her flaming thoughts,

"Honestly, if I could just remove these chains and throw that dagger away, I can take that b*tch down anytime soon.".

Back at the calming winds of Celestia Heavenly mall, Miro was sitting casually at the indoor park that was encased in crystal glass. He was eating a burger and drinking a soda, while he was looking at the clear sky above. Moreover, he was now wearing a black and gold bracelet that had an amethyst and amber gemstone embedded. More so, he wasn't in his minotaur form even though it was daytime. It appeared that the bracelet that Lilieth had given him was working like a charm. He closed his eyes to relax his nerves for a few seconds. A little while later, he was engrossed in his thoughts filled with gratefulness,

"Who knew there were other kind Goddesses like Lilieth, Otorine, and especially Yumine.".

As soon as he opened them again, he saw Aron and Senku in front of him. Though, they were wearing haughty and boastful smiles of highly-esteemed Gods. As both of the wardens were together with the said Fallen, the air became still and tense. It appeared the wardens weren't happy to see that a Fallen had been given a certain privelage to move freely. Miro cracked out an eager smile and said,

"I wonder why there are two of our GREATEST JAILERS before me.".

He looked at them straight in the eye and said,

"Are both of you here to throw me back to my cell?".

Then, Miro took a sip of his soda. Aron and Senku sat beside Miro and didn't reply to his question. There after, Aron patted Miro's shoulder like they were close buddies, even though they weren't,

"Loosen up will ya? Rather we're here to tell you that—.".

Suddenly, Senku showed the screen of his golden white smartphone for Miro's eyes to see. As soon as Miro saw the live video, he dropped his burger. He was filled with immense shock, since he was witnessing that Yumine and her friends were held captive by Iblyth.

"What just happened?",

Miro expressed, as he couldn't believe of what he was seeing.