The next moment, little Nassus was driven into a trance. His mind was set into a vivid flashback. In his memory of the past, he was in his fit adult form. More so, he was now in front of a counter at a certain coffee shop designated at Celestia Heavens.

"Here's your order sir hero!",

the young-looking and humble cashier said with a smile. He looked down and saw that the tray had a frappe, black coffee, and a weird-looking hot drink. In which it was similar to the putrid color of vile poison. Although, Nassus didn't mind the strange drink, instead he was driven into his thoughts,

"Hero huh? I guess the people here know that I'm a hero then...".

He looked around the place and witnessed that there was a crowd of heroes, heroines, and deities who were dressed in various outfits. In turn, the place was a hotbed for various people of different cultures and ethnicities, that you'd see in a massive role-playing fantasy game. Soon, the tray was lifted by his hand. As he was moving along, he was liking the interior of the vast place that was clad in walls of cream and burgundy. The place looked classy yet simple. He went to the mocha-slathered table in which Yumine and Otorine were in. Before he could take a sit, he gave the designated drinks to his gorgeous Goddesses,

"Here's your black coffee, Goddess Yumine. And here's your purple rose whiskey, Goddess Otorine...".

Nassus sat on his chair and took the remaining chilled drink afterwards. Through Yumine's eyes, she was noticing that Nassus was glancing around the whole place. It's as if Nassus was mixed in fascination and wonders. Yumine made a tricky smile,

"I could see that you're quite amazed Nassus. So, do you believe of what me and Ori had said before?".

Nassus sighed and told his honest words,

"Yeah, I believe everything both of you had said about other Gods, Goddesses, and different worlds. Although, it feels all so surreal.".

There after, Nassus added with an amazed look,

"So are everyone here either Gods, Goddesses, heroes, and heroines from different worlds? Is the woman by the counter also a Goddess or heroine too?".

Otorine stopped drinking her strange drink,

"Yes and no, Nassus. Majority of the people here are Gods, Goddesses, heroes, and heroines. Though, the woman by the counter is a divine worker...".

"Divine worker?",

Nassus asked with a dumbfounded face. Yumine held her hands and explained with minimal details,

"It means they are neither Gods nor Goddesses, not even heroes and heroines. Rather, they are just well...they were regular humans before. But instead, they just chose to eternally live their normal lives like they did in their previous mortal world...".

Otorine added upon,

"Though, some of them may also be heroes and heroines who had married their beloved deities in which they became immortal as well.".

Yumine leaned close to Nassus to say more,

"And you might not know this but...Those divine workers might actually be strong heroes and heroines in disguise...who just wanted to live a cozy and humble life.".

Otorine nodded as she agreed of what Yumine had said. As Yumine was finished with her statement, she had stopped leaning close to him. Thereon, Yumine said with a worry-free smile and gesture,

"Although, you shouldn't worry too much. They're treated very well under Celestia Heavens!".

Yumine took a glance at the woman by the counter and she used her abyss eye divine skill. Soon enough, Yumine stopped looking at the woman and she said with a convinced look,

"Yeah, she's a heroine alright...under the guise of a divine worker. Also, she's married to a male God. I wonder who that is?".

As Nassus had heard their statements about divine workers and the case of the woman by the counter, he was absorbed in his thoughts,

"A heroine...huh...".

Otorine took a sip of her strange whiskey like it was just any normal drink. Even though it's not. Yumine clasped her hands and gave Nassus a friendly smile aided with a nice subtle head tilt,

"Also, what kind of Goddess blessing or divine power you want us to give you, Nassus?".

Nassus was dumbstruck yet again,

"Come again?".

Otorine explained with her serene voice,

"Yumi said that what kind of power you want us to give you. Since you saved both of us...".

Nassus just made a forced smile since he doesn't have an answer yet,

"I'll think about it.".

"Uh huh...",

Yumine expressed. For some strange reason, Nassus felt sweaty, so he asked them courteously,

"Also, where's the toilet?".

Yumined pointed westward,

"Just behind that wooden door...".

Nassus replied,

"Okay thanks...",

He stood up and left to do his private business elsewhere. As Nassus entered through the wooden door and saw the spacious restroom. The place was spiffy and clean. Even the urinals, mirrors and sink were free from dirt and stain. Although, he felt that the atmosphere was heavy and cold,

"Why do I have a feeling that it's very chilly in here...".

"So you've finally come back huh, Nassus?",

as Nassus heard a familiar yet cold-hearted voice from the grave, he felt a chill in his spine. Suddenly, someone patted his shoulder and whispered close to his ear,

"Remember me?".

Nassus turned around immediately and went away for a few paces. In turn, he saw the mysterious hooded figure from before. A hooded guy who had golden embelishments along his sleeves. Nassus gulped but, he just tried to answer with a low voice,

"I don't know...".

The hooded person made a sarcastic grin with added gesture,

"I'm the one who abducted your Goddess Ira ya know?".

Nassus felt another cold shoulder. Though, he felt furious in his seething eyes as well. The air went to a stand-still as the two enemies confronted once again. The mysterious figure held his own hands behind and told with a complacent tone,

"And I'm the one who transferred you to another world...".

Then, he started walking left and right repeatedly,

"But it seemed you were able to find not one but, TWO GODDESSES for me to abduct again...".

Nassus's fuse went short and tried to slash down the mysterious visage with his huge blade. The hooded figure just held down Nassus's blade without breaking a sweat. Since, Nassus can't crush the mysterious spectre, he just blurted at him,


As the mysterious guy heard the Goddesses' names, he masked a devious smile from the depths of desire. In a split second, he crushed Nassus's weapon like it was just fragile glass. Then, he grabbed Nassus's neck and strangled him with only one hand. Nassus felt the sheer pain of suffocation. Thereon, the evil hooded male laughed like a crazy guy with added interest in his eyes,

"So those are their names. Say, why don't I give you another chance...".

The mysterious guy tightened his hold on Nassus. In turn, Nassus felt the further discourse of pain but, he still tried to answer him,

" you...mean?".

The menacing visage replied,

"Why don't you get even stronger by asking them to give you the power of UNLIMITED ENERGY...and the power to jump to other worlds as well.".

Sooner or later, the brutal and mysterious figure flung Nassus to the wall but, it wasn't that strong somehow. Nassus tried to get up but the twisted figure pinned him down by putting down his foot on top of Nassus's chest. There after, the malicious visage crossed his arms and told more,

"One more thing...if ya want to truly destroy'll have to get...GODDESS SLAVES...".

Nassus cleared his throat, as he heard that cold-blooded term. Though, Nassus just asked more,

"I see...then what are these Goddess slaves?".

The unknown figure just made a smile that came from the pits of hell,

"Oh why don't you ask your CURRENT Goddesses about that. I'm sure they'll understand it.".

Afterwards, the mysterious hooded male vanished into the fray and burst out distorted stardusts of light and darkness. The air was no longer thick as the evil dread has left. Nassus stood up and did his business. As soon as he was done, he returned to the coffee shop. Then, he went back to Otorine and Yumine who were still at their table. Nassus took a sit. Although, both of the Goddesses sensed that he looked frustrated over something. Otorine felt very much worried,

"Is something the matter Nassus?".

Nassus held his own shaking hands and asked them with a straight-laced look,

"Goddess Otorine and Goddess Yumine...could you give me the power of unlimited energy?".

Otorine and Yumine were struck with surprise at first but, they just agreed upon Nassus's demands. Yumine nodded and held Nassus's hands. A while later, she closed her eyes. There was a surge of glowing light along Yumine's hands and she started to chant out a long spell of an unkown language,


The next moment, there was a glimpse of a weak sea green flash from Nassus's left chest. Who knew that the Goddesses can give powers anytime anywhere disregarding the place they were currently in. Yumine nodded as she was done giving him his desired powers. Though, she reminded him of something,

"Also, you still have another Goddess blessing from Ori...since you saved both of us..."

Nassus responded and looked at Goddess Otorine,

"I see...So, could I ask what's a Goddess slave is? And could I ask if you can be a Goddess slave, Goddess Otorine?".

Out of the blue, Yumine stood up and looked down,

"Tell me if you're done Ori. I'm out. I am NOT INTERESTED to talk about this...".

Soon, Yumine left the place with a disappointed look in her face. While for Otorine, she made a frown for some reason. Nassus was utterly flabbergasted as the two Goddesses acted strange. Otorine's warm hands held Nassus's shaking hands. She looked at him straight in the eye without any anger or rage, rather her eyes were filled with compassion and pity,

"Nassus...let's talk about this in private.".

Nassus felt that he did something wrong to make his two Goddesses to feel down and enraged,

"I see...".

As Otorine and Nassus were done with their stimulating beverages. The two of them went outside. Goddess Otorine held Nassus's hand and she brought out her magical transfer card high into the air. There was a shroud of ascending bluish lights that had surrounded Otorine and Nassus. The next moment, the two of them vanished. Sooner or later, the two of them arrived at another place, Goddess Otorine's sanctuary to be exact. Though, Nassus still couldn't get used to the amazing and unique place. Since, below the clear glass flooring, there were lots of fishes swimming about. The two of them sat on the bed. Otorine held Nassus's trembling hands and asked him with her worry-filled eyes,

"Tell me Nassus, why do you want to know more about Goddess slaves?".

Nassus didn't bat an eye and he just said normally,

"It's because I want to save my Goddess from my original world...".

Otorine replied,

"Goddess Ira you mean?".


he replied. When Nassus heard the Goddess's name dear to his heart, he cried out a puddle in silence. Otorine rubbed Nassus's back to ease his pain. A little while later, Otorine reached to a decision,

"I understand...".

Then, she looked at him in the eye and told her sweet and sincere words,

"If it's for you...I'll tell you of what I know about Goddess slaves and about Goddess enslavement as well, Nassus...".

Nassus was still pouring out tears but, he looked-like he was about to calm down soon enough. Otorine took a deep breathe. She grabbed the black box accessorized with sapphire and obsidian gemstones. As she opened it, she took out the sharp and lethal-looking black dagger inside it. She offered it to Nassus. Nassus was shocked by the scary form of the crooked dagger seeped in abyss. Although, Otorine didn't mind his reaction. Rather, she just continued to instruct him,

"First, wound my left chest with that black dagger...".

Nassus felt tense and gulped once again when he heard a dire request from the Goddess beside him. Since, Otorine witnessed that Nassus was hesitant. She removed her silver sash and lowered her kimono a little. In turn, Otorine's cleavage and heavenly ounce of a woman's marshmallow flesh was partially exposed. Since, Nassus could feel that Otorine was insistent, he closed his eyes and looked down. He tightened his grip on the dagger and steeled his nerves. Suddenly, he pushed her down to her bed, making Otorine's dazzling hair to flow. Nassus looked-like an intimidating predator as he was on top of the Goddess. He began to penetrate Otorine's left chest with his dagger slowly. Otorine felt the stinging painful thorns seeped in crimson touch but, she still tried to endure it. There after, Otorine instructed the next step, while the dagger was still struck to her chest,

"Next, cast out...Goddess enslavement reverzia...".

Nassus blurted out from the top of his lungs,


Otorine's body had burst out a powerful energy stream of the stars that coursed throughout the place such as a small bluish supernova had been unleashed. The whole place was seeped in sparkling stardusts afterwards. Soon, Nassus removed the dagger that was struck deep from Otorine's chest. Otorine let Nassus's broad shoulders feel her Goddess touch. Then, she told him with her serene voice of the winds,

"With that, I am your own Goddess slave now, Nassus.".

She made a weak smile and told more,

"While you have me as your Goddess slave, a large portion of my divine capabilities will be transferred to you. Not only that, you can do anything to me...whatever you may desire...".

Nassus felt satisfied, as Otorine had truly accepted his request of becoming his Goddess slave. Although, he also felt the deep painful constricting chains in his heart, as he felt sorry for her as well,

"I see...Thank you Goddess Otorine...and I'm sorry.".

Nassus looked away and said more,

"Also, I have another suggestion, could you help me on how to transfer to other worlds and meet more Goddesses?".

Otorine made a sorrowful look as she heard Nassus's ambitious request. Maybe the Goddess Otorine felt jealous? Although, soon enough, she reached to a conclusion and told him non-chalantly.

"Is that so...Then, I shall tell you everything I know. As well as accompany you on your treacherous journey.".

She caressed his chin and looked at him straight in the eye filled with nothing but, determination and seriousness,

"Whatever that may await us...".

Nassus hugged her suddenly, as he was truly grateful that the Goddess would support him with everything she has to offer. Sadly, he also poured out painful tears, as he was about to start a rigorous thorny journey with his Goddess. Otorine embraced him with her flawless touch to supress his own guilt and hatred for himself.

Not much soon, little Nassus's flashback had stopped and everything he had seen in his trance before was just a figment of the past. Nassus was back to his child-like form and he was back with Miro inside a cage made from golden swords. They were still at the unique regal throne room. More so, the youthful Nassus was crying out a puddle endlessly, as he remembered hurting his beloved Goddess Otorine before. Miro was still worried and concerned, since the kid was crying non-stop,

"Hey Nassus! C'mon tell me! What's wrong?!".

Arthuroz was in front of them outside the cage of swords,

"So the kid's crying huh, like I care...".

Arthuroz crossed his arms and told more with grievious intent in his eyes,

"Oh yeah and if you're wondering about their other Goddess companion, I haven't turned her yet into my Goddess slave. Since, I want the three of them to be my Goddess slaves all at the same time!".

Miro clenched the sharp bars and shouted at Arthuroz's face,


More than that, Miro's hands were bleeding out a crimson liquid, as he was squeezing the sharp edges of the swords. Arthuroz just walked away complacently,

"Yeah, talk all you want you beast. Though, I wonder how are those two Goddesses faring now?".