As a few moments have passed, Otorine and Yumine came to the fountain square. Thankfully, the mob's wrath has already mellowed down but, they were still suspicious about them. Murmurs and whispers were going around the crowd, turning the atmosphere to be very heavy and tense. Yumine and Otorine were feeling nervous. Since, the people still irk their presence. The knights in armor were ready to smite them down as well. Soon enough, Yumine told with her honest and expressive eyes to the townsfolk,

"We know y'all hate us now since, we've neglected our duties as being your Goddesses and saviors recently. The only thing we could say is...".

Yumine and Otorine held hands together and bowed down low,

"We're sorry...".

All of the people were alarmed of how sincere and apologetic their Goddesses were. More so, they felt that their Goddesses were true to their words, so they didn't argue back yet, they were all silent. Yumine and Otorine raised their heads up. Then, Yumine expressed more, through the bottom of her heart with added gestures,

"Yet, we know that only saying sorry won't fix things, so we'll be the ones who shall restore everything back in order. The only problem is...our powers are very weak now to fight against those summoned monsters...".

One of the townsfolk asked,

"Those monsters were summoned?".

Otorine nodded and elaborated sincerely,

"Yes, those monsters were summoned and we can prove it, through this...".

There after, Otorine brought out the shiny metal sphere.

"Hey that looked-like the same thing that lord Arthuroz used before!",

the man exclaimed pointing at the metal contraption in which Otorine was holding. It appeared Arthuroz had the same magical and high-tech looking device as Otorine somehow. When Otorine pushed the button, the sphere revealed a holographic video of Arthuroz summoning out monsters. More than that, he was ordering them to decimate the cities. Who knew that Senku had recorded Arthuroz's actions from before. As the people saw the whole footage, they were startled as everything was orchestrated by their new savior, Arthuroz himself. Thereon, anger and doubts were rising among the masses, although their agony was directed at Arthuroz instead,

"No way!",



Another person asked them,

"So in that two just admitted the truth that you were in your beach vacation too? Since that's what Arthuroz had shown us in his metal ball like yours?".

Otorine and Yumine blushed with embarrassing faces and looked at each others, since they heard something alarming. It seemed that Arthuroz showed the people something privy, regarding Otorine's and Yumine's vacation. Soon enough, Otorine reached to a decision and regained her composure,

"Ahem yes, and for that we sincerely apologize...".

Then, she bowed her head again. As for Yumine she tried to suggest with a cheerful look and playful gesture,

"Buuuut! If we're gonna have a vacation...we'll be happy to bring anyone there from time to time!".

The women just nodded, while for the men they kinda grew interested. As Otorine heard her friend's suggestion, she made a disturbing smile and whispered to her friend's ear,

"Yumi, I don't think that's quite necassary...".

Yumine replied back with a soft whisper,

"Geez Ori, this is another way to win their favor...and this is NOT BRIBERY okay...".

Right, not bribery. Somehow, the townsfolk weren't suspicious of the two Goddesses anymore. Rather, they were regaining their trust on their strange and weird Goddesses. Thereupon, positive vibes was emanating amongst the crowd,

"Hmmmm, I never thought that our Goddesses would accept their mistakes.",

"Yeah! And they said they'll fix everything too...",

"Now that's a Goddess I want to live my life for...An honest and accepting Goddess...".

Yumine and Otorine were feeling more and more relieved, as their people were beginning to believe in them as Goddesses again. Suddenly, more seismic quakes were felt by everyone, as more golems had crawled inside the town. Thereon, one of the masses asked,

"So you two are going to fight those Crimson golems now?".

Otorine and Yumine nodded,

"Yes, but we need all of your support...".

A man asked,


Yumine brought out her benevolent hands and told her evangelistic words,

"By having faith in us and yourselves, in which those will strengthen our powers to defeat that uninvited guest and his pet monsters. About the protectors and knights, please do what you can to protect everyone, while we take those things down...".

Otorine nodded with her friend's motivational and inspiring statement. Not only their trust were regained but also their people's morale was boosted as well. Even the knights had stopped being cautious about them, as the knights raised their swords and spears high in glory of their name,


Yumine was a little startled over the glorious action of the knights. While for Otorine, she was utterly grateful for Senku's support in her deep thoughts,

"Thank you Senku...".

The knights once again shouted their name with pride,


Yumine was dumbstruck,


Back at the oriental holistic european throne-room. Arthuroz was still sitting on the throne and the empress had already fallen asleep beside him such as she was a tired pet. Arthuroz was growing impatient but, he just made a smile and held his hands,

"Hmmmm, I'm guessing those two Goddesses are being ripped to shreds now...".

He looked at Miro who was still barred inside the cage of swords,

"Wanna bet sir Miro?".

Miro just looked away with a haughty grin on his face,

"Nope...rather, I believe that Ori and Yumi would be able to make things right...".

Arthuroz facepalmed and laughed sarcastically,

"Really? The hells happened to you man? I thought you utterly hated Goddesses? Now you're believing in 'em? You're really an easy guy, Miro...".

Arthuroz sighed and looked at Lilieth who was hanging above the ceiling wrapped in chains such as she was a pinata,

"How about you Goddess Lilieth? How are you hangin'?".

Lilieth replied with an irritated look,

"Honestly, I hate you! You're still just like before in my world! You never changed! I should have never branded you to be a hero!".

Arthuroz just laughed over her insult,

"Or a Fallen...".

Arthuroz closed his eyes and expressed himself,

"Hmmmm, maybe I'll take a look outside. To see if those two are being BARBECUED by n—.".

Suddenly, the huge doors slammed open and a powerful gale was felt. Little Nassus woke up and saw Otorine and Yumine had emerged from the door. Without wasting any time, the two of them rushed at Arthuroz with their trailblazing speed and struck him fast with their powerful strikes and attempts. Arthuroz was taken by surprise but, he was able to flung away their attacks in the nick of time. In turn, Otorine and Yumine were thrown back for a few paces but, they were able to maintain their balance. Then, Otorine and Yumine brushed their dazzling and glistening hair to taunt him,

"Ready for round two, Hero?".

Arthuroz grit his teeth, while Lilieth, Miro, and little Nassus felt a glimpse of hope.

Not only that, Arthuroz felt that the two Goddesses were stronger than ever before, so he took a stand. Then, he unsheathed his sword and brought out floating swords behind him. He ascended above with his wings from the demonic abyss.

"Just as I planned...this shall be an interesting battle...",

as he made an eager smile. He snapped his fingers and his wings that came from hell went ablaze such as they were the real fragments of the devil himself. Everything around them was burning in sudden hellfires. Though, Otorine and Yumine weren't awestruck or even startled. Arthuroz didn't look-like a glorious savior but, the spawn of a destroyer.