"So what will it be, Goddess?",

Weissia said with a chilling stare straight down to Otorine who was at the center. Otorine grit her teeth wreathed in surging anger. Soon, she brandished the magnificent golden sword and aimed at the sleeping Nassus at a short distance,

"To think it has come to this...".

The air became still, as Otorine was about to bring judgement. She took a deep breath and let out another crystal tear, due to the crushing thorns around her heart. In a split second, she dashed and let out a trailblazing luminous starry light along her way, as she was truly fast. The next moment, she was already behind the platinum cross in a blink of an eye and her sword was arching down now. As she had already done letting out judgement,

"Please forgive me...".

Suddenly, the chains wrapped around little Nassus were destroyed and sliced into measly fragments, as if they were just made of fragile glass. Even though, they were not. In turn, the young Nassus was freed from the powerful shackles. As the kid was falling down, Otorine caught little Nassus in her arms. Not much soon, the young Nassus woke up, without realizing of what happened,

"Ori onee-chan?".

Otorine cried tears of immense joy,

"Yes it's me, your Ori onee-chan...".

Then, she hugged the kid with all her heart. Later, Otorine had dried her tears. She gave a fierce fiery stare to Goddess Queen Weissia at her special seat above,

"Sorry Goddess Queen Weissia. Yet, I refuse to remove the existence of my beloved Nassus. Even though, he may had caused a disruption on Celestia Heavens before.".

Weissia replied with a depressing look and her air of threatful vibes were all gone,

"Sigh...I knew this would happen...".

Afterwards, Weissia leapt high above and landed in front of Otorine. Otorine was struck with surprise but, she didn't let Weissia's outstanding stunt faze her. Weissia crossed her arms again and looked at Otorine,

"Also, since you have chosen that path...Then, I can no longer help you...For what's to come...".

Sooner or later, Weissia left, although she stopped midway, as she was at the side of Otorine. Then, the Goddess Queen let out uncertain yet motivational to Otorine,

"Though, we're sure you'll find another way that will lead you to a BETTER success...with a heart filled with warmth and nerves of steel...".

After that, she uttered out more words,

"Soon, the CALL OF OMEGA shall descend upon Celestia better be prepared. As we will meet sooner again. Either as an ally or an enemy!".

There after, she continued on her way and left the deserted place. As for Otorine, she was still at the silent coliseum, while she was carrying little Nassus around her benevolent arms. Though, Otorine was filled with worry in her thoughts,

"Call of Omega? I wonder what that is? What is our Goddess Queen even trying to say? Ally and enemy?".

The adorable young Nassus overheard Otorine,

"Call of Omega?".

For some strange reason, the kid was in a state of shock and daze. The atmosphere felt stagnant, as time stood still and space went constant. Suddenly, the child felt the infinite crushing thorns wrapping his chest. His core was racing fast as well. Otorine felt that little Nassus was feeling odd, so she asked him with concern in her eyes,

"Nassus, tell me...what's wrong?".

The next moment, a powerful red and blue energy stream had burst out from the little Nassus, flinging Otorine away, as a destructive hydrogen bomb had occured. Otorine tried to get up from the wrecked benchwarmers. At that moment, she was witnessing that the youthful Nassus was levitating above as some kind of awakened spiritual being. More so, he was blasting out powerful winds and magical energy streams, wrecking the place.


she asked. Sadly, little Nassus couldn't hear her, as it seemed he was in a deep sleep trance, while his whole body was awake and berserk. Otorine sensed that the ground was trembling as well, so she gulped. Although, she still rushed to the floating Nassus and grab his hand,


As she was almost able to reach him, the young kid released a powerful flash of light such as a blinding flashbang had occured. In turn, Otorine was flung away once again. A few moments, the light burst ceased and a strong clang was heard. Otorine was thrown sitting unto the ground and she had stopped shielding her eyes when the obstructing flash was gone. Although, her eyes were filled with a mix of immense surprise and shock. Since, she witnessed the adult and well-formed Nassus right in front of her. Nassus's delicate body had returned to a manly one with toned muscles. Moreover, he was back to his towering height. His broad shoulders was very pleasing to look at as well. In turn, Otorine let out tears of joy, as her beloved partner was back to his original form,


Sadly, the adult Nassus didn't reply. Instead, he just gave her a chilling stare of the abyss.

Soon, Nassus shut his eyes and brought out his hand, as he was ready to unsheathe a weapon in front of him. Then, he cast out with a tone from the netherworld,

"Blade Memoria, Li-ju...".

Afterwards, Nassus was now wielding an enchanted blade. A blade that looked-like a giant and chipped crystal that had no scratches at all. Moreover, at its tip, it was leaking out droplets of clear liquid such as the blade was crying. He started to approach Otorine, while he was having a terrifying look in his eyes. Though, Otorine wasn't able to notice his deathly air. Instead, she was on the verge of happiness, as her eternal lover returned to normal,

"It's me Nassus, your Goddess Otorine! Don't you remember me?".

Nassus stopped approaching her. He said with a low and cold voice,

"Yes, I do remember you Ori...but—.".

He pointed his threatening weapon at her,

"You must now defeat me...".

Otorine's happiness was gone. Instead, her innermost core felt a sorrowful crack, as she heard the dire words from her lover,


She let out another saddened crystal fragment from her left eye once again. The air grew stiff, as Nassus was truly serious in his look. He warned her once more,

"Now, draw your weapon...Goddess...".

Otorine denied,

"I WON'T!".

Nassus closed his eyes,

"I see...".

In a split of a second, he rushed in front of her and jabbed her stomach with a hard blow. In turn, Otorine felt the sting of pain and she was thrown away for a few distance. Otorine tried to get up from the destroyed wall and reasoned out with her expressive tears and gestures,

"Why Nassus why? Aren't you happy to see me?".

Nassus just looked away,

"It doesn't matter anymore. As I only bring destruction and grief around my wake...".

Soon enough, he dashed to Otorine and swung his blade upwards. In a split second, Otorine blocked his destructive attack with her steel fanblades. Although, she was thrown to the higher area of the coliseum, as Nassus was strong. Otorine gulped and felt tense, as she was about to fight her lover for real. A while later, sounds of clashing heated blades were heard. The arena was being decimated, as Nassus was attempting to smash down Otorine. Although, Otorine was just dodging them when she gets the chance. Nassus was letting out fast and powerful swings at Otorine but, Otorine was just parrying them. Although, Otorine wasn't fighting back. Instead, she was still trying to reason out with him,

"Please, why are you doing this?! Why do you want me to kill you?!".

Nassus hit the ground with his heavy weapon and shouted with fury in his eyes,


He pounced high in the air and slammed the ground with his fist in front of Otorine. Otorine jumped away immediately. Instead, a terrifying tremor was felt and a severe fissure has been made. Although, Nassus didn't stop there. As he continued to crush and slam down Otorine with his simultaneous blade smashes and seismic punches into the solid ground. Although, Otorine was just dodging the attacks of the berserk Nassus with her quick feet. In turn, the whole arena was being decimated by Nassus. Almost all of the chairs were destroyed, as well as the walls. Crevices and cracks were along the ground. Soon, he blurted out more and more,


Otorine replied strongly,

"No! You're wrong! Everyone has the right to exist!".

Since, Nassus can't crush down Otorine, he lunged at her and swung his blade head-on. Otorine blocked it with her steel fanblades. Thereon, their sharp weapons were grinding into the hellfires of the heated battle. As both of them were holding each other down, Nassus expressed with his fiery yet sorrowful eyes,


Then, Nassus increased his strength and he was able to swing his blade, throwing away Otorine into the wall. Otorine felt the strong impact but, she didn't mind it that much, as she just stood up and replied with her expressive voice,

"That's not true!".

Nassus was becoming more and more furious, as Otorine was just denying his honest wrathful statements about himself. In a split second. He approached Otorine and swung down his sword at her. As usual, Otorine blocked his strike with her own set of fanblades immediately. Thereupon, their blades had contact once again and Nassus exclaimed once more but, he had expressive tears,

"TELL ME! Why do you care about me! I'M NO LONGER A HERO! I'M JUST A FALLEN NOW!".

Otorine replied directly,

"It's because you're you!".

Otorine gained the upper hand this time and she was able to push Nassus away. Nassus stood up but, his eyes were filled with surprise. Afterwards, Nassus laughed and facepalmed,

"I can't believe you still accept me even after what I've done...Are you a masochist perhaps?! Or are you just an insane Goddess?!".

Although, Otorine just ignored the nasty words that her lover had spouted. Rather, she just replied with evangelistic vibes and whole-hearted gestures,

"Everyone may hate you for doing evil deeds. Yet, your reasons aren't truly evil.".

It appeared Otorine's words were able to snap out Nassus's rage for himself, as he didn't try to threaten her. Otorine started to approach Nassus slowly, while she was trying to liven-up her beloved partner's spirit,

"Also, Ira's with us now. We've succeeded! Even though, it was very unexpected...".

Nassus made a relieved smile when he heard the good news from her. Afterwards he looked down, dropped his magical blade and sighed,

"I we've succeeded. Then, I guess...I've done what I've achieved...".

Nassus looked to his far-right and saw that the golden sword from before that was just lying there. Otorine sensed in her heart that Nassus was about to do the unthinkable,


Otorine gulped and both of them rushed at the speed of light in order to grab the sword that is said to remove anyone's existence. Sadly, Nassus was able to catch it first but, Otorine was pulling the sharp body of the blade with her bare hands. Thereupon, Nassus was witnessing that Otorine's hands were bleeding an endless puddle,

"LET GO ORI! STOP IT! You're hurting yourself again!".

Although, Otorine just continued to resist and take the blade from him by force. She looked at him straight in the eye. Her eyes expressed mournful tears of severe desperation and plea,

"Please...stop hating yourself Nassus. You can still repent and change your ways for the better. Me, Yumi, Miro, Ira and others don't want to lose you. You and me can work it out...".

After that, she let out one more final tear yet, it was a liquid crimson crystal instead. When Nassus saw that his loving Goddess Otorine let out a tear of blood. He felt a strange sudden beat in his frozen and burning core,

"I see...".

His aura of rage and freezing guilt had melted and dispersed. His chest was now wreathed in soft feathers and warmth of an angel. His hand had stopped resisting and Otorine was able to grab the sword. Without wasting any time, Otorine threw the sword away. As for Nassus, he just felt his forehead and looked at Otorine with a smile of a guardian angel,

"Then, I shall do what I can for you my a newer hero...".

Suddenly, another burst of flashing light was released by Nassus's body. As the flashbang had gone into the fray. Otorine had stopped blocking her eyes. She didn't see the adult Nassus anymore. Instead, she saw the adorable little Nassus slumbering down on the ground unscathed. She hurried and carried him around her divine arms of a perfect maiden,


Little Nassus opened his eyes again but, he still looked-like drowsy,

"Ori onee-chan?".

The raging flames and pessimistic vibes had gone down into the drain as well. Otorine had stopped having deep thoughts and accepted him. Soon, she asked the young Nassus,

"Yes, Nassus?".

The adorable kid replied innocently,

"Could we go back now?".

Otorine nodded with a positive smile. She let the youthful Nassus walk on his two feet and the two of them left the vast coliseum. For some reason, Otorine noticed that her hands had stopped bleeding and the deep wounds had healed fast. In turn, she was absorbed in her thoughts,

"I thought...that golden blade could wound and kill Goddesses and Gods. Since, it's one of the sacred weapons that could remove anyone's existence. Though, how come I'm healing?".

She noticed that little Nassus's hand was glowing with a light blue tint as well. Little Nassus took notice of her and gave her a bright smile,

"Ori onee-chan?".

Otorine responded,


Little Nassus uttered out a soft tone and hugged Otorine,

"I'm sorry...".

Otorine made an utterly grateful smile. As soon as the two of them left, the bright lights went off, as the participants were gone.

On the other hand, in Miro's situation, he was still sitting idly at Ru's comfortable bar. Though, he was now drinking fresh iced green tea at the table, while he was waiting for Otorine. He glanced around the place and noticed that only him was left, other than the small look-a-like Ru plush dolls. In which those cute things were cleaning the vacant tables. As he felt that Otorine was taking too long, he asked himself,

"I wonder what's taking Goddess Otorine too long?".

The dazzling Goddess Ru went out of the kitchen. Then, she sat next to Miro. Miro was a little bit surprised, since the proprietress herself sat near in front of him, without any reason whatsoever,

"Wha-what is it Goddess Ruhime?".

Ru just replied complacently,

"Ru's just fine. Rather, I'm here to tell you that—.".

She leaned near to him and whispered,

"Don't go outside for my Goddess intuition tells me that there is something strange going on...".

Ru had stopped leaning and returned to her previous position. As for Miro, he was quite dumbstruck when he heard something unusual from the owner Ru. Though, he just replied normally,


Afterwards, Ru told him something that would peek his interest,

"Oh I almost forgot! Me and my Zera's just gonna make a quick pie, since you'll be staying here longer until Ori arrives...".

Miro was dumbfounded yet again. Though, he didn't refuse the offer. Instead, he changed the subject at hand,

"By the way, Zera was the one who defeated Nassus right?".

Ru had a sarcastic and forced smile,

"Well, yeah...But, he pulled off the most underhanded tactic to win...".

She glanced sideways. Then, she leaned near Miro and told him with a soft tone,

"Just between you and dear Zera's fighting style is kinda dirty even though he looks respectable...".

"Uh huh...",

Miro said. After that, Ru stood up,

"With that, I must check on my dear Zera if he already caught the chicken yet...".

She went back to her kitchen in a jiffy. For some reason, Miro was hearing the cries of the chicken through the other side of the room. Thereupon, his expression was unexplainable, as he was both surprised and dumbfounded,

"Wait? There's a live chicken here?".

Not anymore Miro, not anymore. As a long time passed, Miro was now holding his hands and doing mannerisms of sorts. Since, Otorine hasn't returned yet. As expected, he made drastic decisions and stood up,

"Maybe I should check a sneak peek outside, just in case...".

He left Ru's place and went outside. Though, he was once again estranged, as the mall's hallways looked very much deserted. The air was silent as well, turning the whole ambiance to be odd and disturbing. Thereon, he was made to scratch the back of his head,

"That's weird? Where is everybody?".

Though, the strange atmosphere wasn't able to terrify him, so he went on his way. As he was taking a cautious walk along the odd hallways, he suddenly stopped, as he saw a weak flash of light through the narrow alley. In turn, he had stopped taking the long route and took the narrow path instead. While he was rushing to the light, the light went out, turning him to pause. Miro felt a cold shoulder, as the narrow alley had a denser miasma than the hallways. That sudden moment, he felt a pat on his shoulder behind. In turn, he turned around. There, he saw Senku and Mara. Moreover, Mara, was clinging to Senku's arm, as she was a passionate lover.

"Wha-what's up w-warden Senku and Head Blade Goddess Mara?",

Miro asked. Senku just made a smile of a trustworthy businessman and patted his shoulder,

"Oh I just wanna have a talk with you? Let's meet at my place shall we Fallen? Though, don't worry...I won't hurt you or kill you or anything that would terrify your soul okay...".

After that, Senku brought out his hand for Miro,

"Let's help each other, friend and take out the distortion!".

Miro denied,


Suddenly, a burst of pulsar light flashed before their eyes. Miro heard Weissia's voice,

"C'mon! Let's get out of here!".

Miro stood up and he let Weissia take his hand. Then, the two of them hurried to get away from Mara and Senku. As soon as Miro and Weissia were very far away from Mara and Senku, Miro thanked Weissia,

"Thanks for saving me back there Goddess Queen Weissia. I just had a feeling that Senku was up to something to no go—.".

Suddenly, Weissia gave him a frontal kiss out of the blue. Miro was shocked and tried to pull himself away. Yet, Weissia's hold on him was strong so, he was just forced to indulge upon having a sweet moment with the Goddess Queen. Although, Miro was feeling weak for some strange reason as well. His tears were welling up too. Thereon, Miro was utterly confused in his thoughts,
