Don't leave me

WARNING: May include scenes not suitable for children and young readers


When YaoFeng came out from the study, his wife is already snoring at her side of the bed. She seemed so tired lately and he was not able to do 'it' with her the past days.


It was ten in the morning and he just finished a video conference. His wife is reading a chemistry book.

"Wifey, Do you want to go to Kanagawa?" he asked.

She stopped reading and thought for a while. When she realized it will be troublesome to pack her things and think of touring, she decided she would rather stay.

"No hubby. It's too tiring." she said. "what's in Kanagawa?" she asked.

"I need to be there for five days but I was only able to squeeze the work in three days. I'm thinking of bringing you with me, but if you are tired that's okay." he said sitting beside her on the sofa.

"Are there female employees in your team?" she asked.

"Not that I know of. It would be just me, Assistant Xu, Elder Wong and two more male executives. Are you going to be jealous if there's a woman?" he asked her as he massage her legs.

She rolled her eyes at him. "okay. I'll take care of the company while you're gone." she said smiling at him.

"I already finished the work. You can just play all day." he said dotingly.

"when will you leave?" she asked.

"Thursday afternoon is our flight. Let me know if you change your mind, I really want to bring you there." he said and he pulled her into his arms.

He slipped one hand behind her neck and she was not able to stop the man when he started kissing her passionately.

YaoFeng missed this. Since he cannot do it at night, he can try to do it during the day. He kissed her deeply and passionately. She forgot about the time and the place as his kiss makes her lose her rationality.

YaoFeng grabbed the remote and adjusted the window screens without breaking off the kiss. She's already into it as her breathing changes and her moans asks for more.

He lift the handset of the phones on the table while carrying his wife and call the outside line directed to Assistant Xu.

"Xu Heng, don't disturb us." he said and hung up.

(Assistant Xu's face turned red. The Boss sounded like... And he just said, don't disturb them? He immediately turned to the secretaries. "Nobody call Xiao Yuyu's line. She's in a mate- cough,, meeting. Important meeting. All about today needs to go through me," he said stiffly.

The secretaries eyed him as if asking, why are you tensed? )


back inside.

She was being carried by her husband and she blushed. "Hubby, is it okay here?" she asked with misty eyes.

He did not answer. Instead, he kissed her as he walked to the resting room with her in his arms.

When the door closed, the two of them got excited. This is the first time they will do it in the office. She fumbled on his neck tie and started with the buttons while he take off his coat.

He put his tongue under hers and explored that area. She let out a moan and pressed herself to his naked chest.

She was able to undress him immediately and she felt like she's being rushed this time. Is this because she missed it during the past nights?

His hands worked on the zipper of her dress which is the same zipper her pulled up this morning. He thought, I did not expect to unzip my wife so early. He became more excited with that undressing moment and he was not able to be gentle. His hands explored the warm curves and their breaths hushed.

Who knew how they ended on the bed. All she knew is that, her husband is crazily diving on her front and she does not want him to stop attending her two sensitive hills.

Her hand roamed until she found the hardest part of him and she used it to spread the liquid below her. She heard him groan and he went back to her lips.

"You want it?" he whispered. He felt more excited hearing himself. How he wish she would talk back to him saying 'I want it hubby' but she's not like that so never mind. He received a moan as a response and he did not let her wait any longer.

Soon the room was filled with yearning moans and a suppressed sounds of pleasure.

He was so close, he can no longer hold back but he wanted his wife first to finish. He helped her with his thumb without disconnecting from that part until she started calling out to him,

He moved faster and she was feeling so ecstatic, feeling two different source of pleasure.

She was not able to stop her self when she reach her limit and screamed, "don't! leave.. me!" This time, reached the peak at the same time.

She was so tired she forgot all of it and fell asleep.

He watched his wife for a while and chuckled, 'don't leave me?' why would I?

He did not bother about it and he took a warm towel to clean her up. He placed her clothes on the corner so she can see it when she wakes up and he took a quick shower and get dressed.


Assistant Xu was already pacing back and fort outside the office door.

How could the CEO forget that he has a very important meeting?

His face cleared when the door opened. Are they complete, he asked Assistant Xu as he walk briskly toward the elevator.

"Everyone is present boss." he said reporting.

When the elevator closed, the boss asked. "How do I look?"

Assistant Xu looked at him from head to toe. The boss looks so fresh. He smiled and said, "Boss, you look so marvelous!"

The boss was unable to prevent a smile on his face and the two of them chuckled.

Who doesn't know what the boss did to Xiao Yuyu? hehe


The two male came back from the meeting with Elder Wong. The three of them were laughing as they came to the CEO's office. One of the guests has given elder Wong a box of oolong tea and they are going to try it.

When they get inside the room it was dark as the window screens were shut. The three of them stopped laughing and Assistant Xu immediately looked for the remote to lift the shades.

Elder Wong gave YaoFeng a meaningful smile and he chuckled. He cannot make a secret with the other two married men.