
"All unique items are marketable. What's your price range?" the hacker replied.

"Billions." Yuyu typed.

"Too much. Hehe are you broke? Alright, for billions, we can sell something with a nuclear effect, stopping time, or invisibility." This is true as the hacker 28 previously deals with selling different stuff in the underground world.

"I cannot make nuclear effects, the Interpol is troublesome. I have not done invisibility, so I will try to make a chemical that can buy time." Yuyu replied.

"Alright. Find me once you have it. I also needed money." he replied before he added, "why did you not do this when you were broke last time?" he asked curiously.

"I don't have a place and materials then. I'll find you, Bye!" she logged off and planned.


Sandy came out of the hospital after dawn. She mostly walked on the way to their neighborhood instead of using her car to avoid taking time parking the car. She's never confident in that area.

Her attention was caught by a group of movers beside their unit. Houses here are separated only by walls and everyone has at least three stair steps before the front door. She moved to their door steps and leaned on the neighboring door.

"Excuse me, where is the old lady?" she asked the mover.

"Sorry Ma'am, we were just asked to move stuff, we don't know about the person you are looking for," the young mover politely told her. "But you can ask the owner over there." He pointed at the tall man who's back is facing them.

Sandy was not able to see clearly and was leaning further when the mover called.

"Sir! Someone here is asking about you!" and he left carrying boxes.

The man turned the moment someone called him. He saw a lady leaning on the door and it only took him a few steps to reach her.

Sandy was not able to move away immediately. When she got a better look she blinked multiple times to check if her visions were playing her due to the overnight shift.

"Hello, How can I help you?" said the man without any emotions.

Sandy instantly felt scornful. He really has the guts to be this cold to her? She smirked and raised her chin.

"I just want to check the old lady who used to live here." she asked eyeing him with bitterness.

"Aunt Lydia will no longer occupy the place. I will be living here." the man said.

Sandy felt offended. Was he simply telling her not to disturb him? Hah! How disgusting.

She turned back without a word and moved to put in her keys. She will not talk with this arrogant person anymore.

William cannot be bothered by the lady next door until she turned and her long hair swept mildly across him. He smelled a very familiar scent as if a piece of him was on that smell. His hand automatically reached for her arm and she turned back to him with a scoff.

Looking at her angry eyes, he immediately let go.

"I'm sorry Miss." he apologized immediately. The girl bit her lips still controlling the anger within. Sorry for what? For leaving her? For making her a fool? She was counting the possibilities of that word when the man extended his hand.

"My name is William. I am new here, so I hope you can help me in the future." He said with a brief smile.

She took a deep breath and looked straight in his eyes.

"I don't know what you are playing at William. But don't hope too much. I am not stupid." Sandy turned and slammed the door.


William was left with knitted brows, his hand still hanging from a forsaken handshake. Did he offend her?


Yuyu and nana Luo looked at the door.

Sandy met their questioning gaze and tried to shake off her anger. She smiled apologetically and explained, "the new neighbor has no manners, so I slammed the door on his face." she explained awkwardly.

The other two nodded and ushered her to wash up for breakfast.

Sandy dined with them.

"Sandy, the company is in a tight situation. I need to be away for a few days." Yuyu started the conversation.

There was a flash of fear and panic in Sandy's eyes.

"I just need to get something important and I'll be back in three to four days. I have stored breast milk in the freezer and I will be back before the children finish those." She told her.

Sandy breathed in relief.

"I thought you're bringing the kids." She commented.

"They are too young to travel and we have more pressing issues at the company. If one of the projects will also have a problem, investors and shareholders will start pulling out and Night will not be able to hold on. Nana Luo, please take care of the children for me. I will call you from time to time. You must send me their photos as well so I will not miss them." she gave them a faint smile.

"Don't worry Xiao Yuyu. You and Night were a good team. You can surpass this together." Nana Luo supported her.

Sandy was silently eating her meal lost in her own thoughts.


Three days after.

Yuyu checked her list. Breast milk supply in the fridge, check. Comfortable outfit, rubber shoes, leggings, t-shirt and two more of these in her backpack, check. Laptop, two mobile phones, passport and tickets, check. Lastly, she peered outside the window.. Thinking if she needed an umbrella. In the end, she settled with a disposable raincoat as it will be too troublesome to bring an umbrella.

She went to the crib and watched the twins. Her lips pouted. "Mommy will miss you both. I love you Lune, I love you Soleil." She kissed each of them and stayed longer. This is the first time she will be away with them. This is not the time for a separation anxiety! She reminded herself.

Yuyu went to the kitchen and grabbed a stack of breast milk storage bags and extra breast pump. She almost forgot that she will need to extract milk from time to time. Even though she cannot use them, she can give it away to other mother's anywhere she go. What a milking cow I am, she thought to herself.

When all is set, she drapes the raincoat over her head and headed to the airport.


Nana Luo and the baby sitter were watching their favorite TV program. They have already finished work and just accompanying the children as they sleep. The two of them were at the best part of a scene when the door bell rang. They looked at each other. This is the first time they heard it. Normally, if there's a delivery, Yuyu will remind them and prepare money or tip at the counter table.

Nana Luo stand up curiously. She checked the list of their expected delivery and none for this month is written. The door bell rang again and she looked at the peephole. A good looking man like her masters was standing outside the door.

She slowly opened the door and only showed half of her body.

William knitted his brows as he was not expecting another person inside the house. He was sure that the lady he was looking for lives here as she has a key.

"I'm looking for someone." The man said.

Nana Luo knew a little bit of English as Tania, the baby sitter is teaching her. "Who?" she asked.

William thought for a moment. He forgot that he doesn't know her name.

"Is there a lady there who have a mid length hair, fair skin and beautiful eyes? She also wears a medical uniform," he asked trying to describe the person he's looking for.

That was too much for nana Luo so she called Tania to talk to the man.

"How can we help?" Tanya asked.

The man realized that the older lady needs a translator so he repeated his description.

"Miss Sandy is not at home. Please do not ring our bell, the children will be disturbed from sleeping." The little helper explained politely.

"Sandy." William knitted his brows. What is with this woman? He thanked the little helper and went back to his house.

He repeat her name over and over in his mind until he felt a sudden headache.

A blurry flash of events crossed his mind until he passed out.


"Since all is settled, you can take a tour of our place CEO Ming." The new business partner offered YaoFeng.

"Maybe next time Director Go." the CEO politely declined. "Prepare for a return flight today," he turned to his assistant.

Director Go did not insist. He cannot offend the guest as he is the first person who collaborated with him. "I know that you are busy. In the future, you can come here and bring your family to have a vacation. They will surely enjoy the beach. You will not need to worry about anything." He smiled politely.

The CEO's face dimmed and turned away.

Assistant Xu salvaged the situation and apologized to the director who learned and understood his mistake immediately. He should not have acted too close, right?


The flight was too long for Yuyu but she savor this time to do some work. It took almost eleven hours of travel but she never felt tired. Nana Luo also sent her two photos of the twins, eating some snacks and the other one, sleeping again. Soon she saw the bright sun striking her homeland.