
Ming Corporation.

YaoFeng had someone checked the airport if Yuyu had left. There was no Yuyu White on the record. He was hopeful that she's still in the country. However, his hopes had been down again. The agent just reported that a 'Ming Yuyu' left yesterday before lunch.

He laughed bitterly. So she left as soon as she saw him but still carried his name?

No one in the company was allowed to be happy that day. The boss was in a very bad mood and he cannot tolerate people being happy. It's either you are sad as well, suspended or fired, you chose.


Sandy prepared to go to work that evening. She and her sister have not yet seen each other as the two of them have a contrasting schedule.

When she went out, the other door opened as well as if it was a coincidence. (The truth is, William had been waiting for the neighbor's door to open around that time. He needs to know what she knew about five years ago. )

Sandy did not spare a look and walked on her way to the hospital. William did not insist on walking with her but he walked behind her keeping a meter distance.

She cannot be angry with him without a reason. He wanted to find out about it, but it will take some time before his private investigator comes back at him. He has a very strong feeling that they were connected.


That night, Ming YaoFeng went to his study room to review his emails. He adjusted his chair as the last person who used it did not even return it to its original position.

He turned on his computer and checked his history. Although he knew his wife had cleared her traces, he still tried to find out what she'd been doing in their house and why did she come back.

Since he cannot find anything, he just worked on his emails and reviewed some documents. He was about to log off when he decided to check the previous record of the house's CCTV.

He watched his wife tearfully admiring the house the moment she came. A sad smile surfaced on him. It's as if he can feel her wanting to live with him but dismiss the idea. She took time cleaning up or sorting out the other room and camped at the study.

The CCTV was positioned on the side so he cannot see what she's doing on his laptop. But her computer on the side was slightly caught on the camera. His eyes moved on her gaming computer. He remembered that when she use that computer, she never turns it off so she can immediately get back to her game. It was always him who shuts down that computer. Could she have left it open?

YaoFeng hated how his heart beats every time his wife does something that catches his attention and later, leaving him depressed. He hated this feeling of being on her palms. He did not dare touch it and turned off his computer.

As much as he did not want to look, his eyes caught a light indicating that the computer was left turned on!

Without any more pride, he moved the mouse and was surprised to see a live viewing of another person's living room. It seems like she has forgotten to turn off the connection.

YaoFeng was very interested. The camera can capture the wide living room and part of the dining room and kitchen. A young girl from the kitchen came into view as if watching him. He thought at first that she's looking at him, he held his breath and let go when the girl spoke,

("The program is starting!" she yelled in mandarin with a different accent.)

He did not hear that, because the speaker is turned off. He immediately turned it on.

("Get Lun Lun, she's awake." nana Luo commanded Tania.)

His excitement rose! He knew that woman! The girl left the living room and it took a while before they came back into view. The girl came back with a little baby girl. She put it on the floor and started setting up a baby fence.

Then nana Luo came into view with another baby.

Ming YaoFeng was very familiar with nana Luo! He felt like crying when he saw his twins crawling and blabbering without sound in front of him. He knew that they couldn't see him, but with their eyes focused on the big screen, he felt like they were looking at him.

He turned on the speaker so he could hear them. His dramatic moment was distracted by loud a deafening sound! He almost turned off the computer! He covered his ears and turned off the speaker.

Now he understood why it was turned off. She was not able to fix the audio from home so the volume of whatever program they were watching will resonate here on her end.

He watched their household silently. It was almost ten in the evening on his end, so it was afternoon in London. YaoFeng decided to camp in the study. Now he understood why his wife camped here. He can't help but smile bitterly.


Yuyu was very busy in the days that came. She needed to complete the experiment and sell her product underground to cover up the losses of their company. Night already started on continuing the project after the storm and he's already using the personal money he and Yuyu had saved. If something goes wrong and Yuyu can't replace the money, he would have to declare bankruptcy.


It was night time, so there were only a few people on the way to the hospital. When they got in, she changed into her professional attitude and headed to her office to review her patient's schedule and case.

After two hours, Sandy finished her work, she's about to do rounds when one of her colleagues saw her.

"Hey Sandy, you just started shift?" the older female asked.

"Yes, I'll do rounds now." Sandy replied.

"Do your rounds later, we need people at the emergency, I have surgeries today," she pulled her on the other door.

"Dr. Emerson, can you lend us a hand, we need another surgeon at the emergency. There was a big accident and all surgeons for the night shift are already deployed. We already called support but it will take time before they get here." the female doctor explained.

He stood up immediately.

"Sandy is my assistant." he told the woman as he changed into his white gown.

Sandy rushed to her office knowing the urgency of the situation. The two of them used to work in the past and she knew that saving lives is more important than dealing with their personal issues.

The accident took in the central square where a concert was happening. They don't know the details but it seems like there was a big explosion. Although no one was declared dead, there were people who were injured and some needed surgeries.

The first patient that was assigned to them had an abdominal injury that affected the lower abdominal organ. In the first five minutes of operation, he was surprised that Sandy automatically handed him what he needed even before he could speak. When the other assisting doctors realized that the two of them can manage, they left and moved to another patient.

For the whole duration of the surgery, he was not given a chance to speak as she already knew what to do. When the operation finished, she even helped him off his scrubs. It was like they had been doing this for a long time.

William suddenly felt their action familiar but his thoughts were distracted when they were called in for another patient.

The nurse is already reading the condition of the patient and Sandy is already putting him on a new set of scrubs and gloves. He set aside all his confusion and let the situation bring him to more of these familiar feelings.

Luckily, the supporting doctors arrived soon and they were able to finish helping before mid shift break. Sandy ordered two Espresso out of old habits and had it delivered to her office. She went to the other room and knocked.

"I have something for yo-" she forgot that the person was no longer the same person she used to work with.

William looked up and was surprised with her initiative to come over to his office. When she looked like she's hesitating, he immediately stood up and grabbed the other drink on her hand in case she turned back.

"Thank you! I really need this!" He said in spite of the fact that he never drinks this kind of coffee.

Sandy coughed and made some excuses. "Sorry, I forgot that teacher Bellamy retired." She smiled awkwardly. "We always drink this, every time we finish a tough day." She explained.

William worked his hands to taste the drink and he was surprised to know that he knew how to do the complicated lid of this take out cold coffee.

When the cold liquid swarmed his mouth, sweet memories flashed his mind but they were blank! What was that?

"Come over and sit. I have something to tell you." He went back to his seat and continued slurping on the coffee.

Sandy is not angry today. This is her favorite drink and she's feeling calm today so she obediently sat across her team lead.

"Ms. White, something is bothering me, but this is a very complicated scenario. Can I trust you?" he asked seriously.

Since he was talking seriously, Sandy thought that this is related to work so she used her professional approach.

"Yes doctor. You can trust me. We are on the same team." She replied with all honesty.

William stood up and closed the door.

Sandy's eyes opened wide. 'What is he doing?' She abruptly stood up to complain but William already turned and placed his two hands on her shoulders.