Before leaving London

"WARNING: Mature content. Be sure you are 18+ to continue reading or read at your own risk."


"So what is your plan?" Sandy asked Yuyu one afternoon.

"I really wanted to go back. It's summer there and the children can enjoy the beach or engage in summer activities. I just don't know how I'm gonna get back with my husband. What if he already has someone?" She smiled bitterly while sorting out the childrens clean clothes.

"Are you sure you'll be okay here on your own? I almost forgot to discuss this with Tania. I'm not sure if she wants to go out of the country with us." Yuyu added.

"I can manage on my own. As a matter of fact, I have something to tell you." Sandy looked at her checking if she would be interested.

"What? That the boy next door was your ex boyfriend and you're also trying to get him back?" Yuyu said casually.

Sandy was surprised! "How did you know that?!"

"Why are you keeping it a secret, it's not something you have to be ashamed of. He's fine, I guess."

"But how did you know about us?" Sandy asked curiously.

"It was an accident. I was setting up an extra layer of protection here when I accidentally browsed your file. You know I don't have time to nose around your stuff but it gets through my line so I have no choice but to watch your album playing on my screen. So I have an idea on how deep your relationship was. I just wonder why the two of you cannot fight for it." Yuyu already finished folding the clothes of the children.

"Yuyu, let's go to the study room and video call Night. I have something very important to tell you guys." She said with a serious tone.

"Okay, help me carry the children's clothes to their room." Yuyu pointed at the pile of clothes.


"So does this really happen to ordinary people?" Night asked.

Yuyu: "William is not ordinary. I already reviewed his profile. Aside from his medical achievements, he's also the last in line if something will go wrong to the ET International. Although his mother was divorced, the amount of shares that will fall on his hands legally is huge enough to have a standing in the international business conglomerate."

Sandy: "So this was the reason why Alex was hesitant to let me go with him when William and I decided to pursue the medical field together?"

Night: "Of course he knew big clients related to ET International. He must have investigated him before. But you said you have two years of blissful romance. What happened then?"

Sandy: "He was deployed on a special medical mission and when he came back, he had already forgotten about me. Now he's engaged. Seems like his memory had been masked."

Yuyu: "Is this also the reason why you wanted me and the children to go back home?"

Sandy: "Yes. We already have a lead. It would be easier for us if there's just the two of us working. Less risk. He also has seventy nine percent of his memories back, we suppose and we are uncovering people who are related."

Night: "Yuyu, arrange your papers. Sandy is more comfortable if the whole bunch is not there. William will take care of her."

Night knew Sandy as well. She's more than just being a physician and having children around her is not safe.

"Alright, we'll discuss this later at dinner," Yuyu ended the call, eyeing Sandy.


Night was surprised with the newly rising Li Company.

The young president Mr. Li wanted to invest in White Global in spite of its current condition. The other shareholders already agreed to meet this new person coming to join their circle.

"CEO White, President Li and the shareholders are on the way to the conference room now." His secretary reported.

"Alright, let's go."


The shareholders of White Global are at least two generations older than the CEO. They have put their faith in the Whites and never doubted their family as they all share honest values that's why having a new and very young investor made them curious.

When everyone was present, the meeting started.

Since both parties will benefit in the investment, only one question was unanswered and the eldest among the White Global asked the new comer a question.

"President Li, since the partnership had been signed, may we ask you what's with White Global that attracted your attention?" the elder asked.

The president smiled and looked at the White Global Logo. "I've been in the advertising department before I was assigned as president. I wouldn't have dared come close with White Global as strong as you are, but I saw someone I can trust and she's right there."

Everyone looked at where the young man was pointing. The logo on the big screen was made a long time ago and all the important people of the company were behind the logo.

There were only a few female people and the youngest was their pampered consultant who was only eighteen when the photo was taken.

The elder laughed. "You are right!" He pat the president's shoulder. "Young lad, that little Yuyu is the heart of our company. CEO White is her brother and the two of them are unbeatable. You made the right choice in making a partnership with us."

Night watched as the people talked amicably. He cannot see any problem with or without this new person so he did not bother. His sister will take care of him later when she returns.

Night is more worried about how YaoFeng would accept that her sister is coming back with their children.

The last year was not easy for him, and Yuyu's return will be like playing with his feelings.



Sandy applied for a month's leave to go home due to a family problem. This is to avoid suspicion in case those people come after her.

She only found out that William has resigned previously when she visit the hospital director for a signature.

"Dr. Bellamy's retirement is like a trend." The female director commented.

"Director, don't be like that. I'm just on leave, I am not retiring!" she joked.

The older woman peered at her through her eye glasses. "I am not referring to you. I'm talking about Dr. Emerson."

"What about him?" she asked.

"Didn't you know that he's resigned? Nah, never mind. Your schedules are completely different, you might not even have shared a meal." The director signed her papers and bid goodbye.


Night at the unit. Sandy entered his room through the connecting door and waited for William.

He came with a regular shirt and was surprised to see Sandy in his room. She never came here, except for that one night.

"You resigned?" she asked.

"William started taking off his clothes," Sandy turned and pretended to be fixing the pillows. When she heard the bathroom door and the sound of water, she was able to breath.

"I resigned last week. I am supervising our company now and I think I already know what's happening." William said as he took a quick shower.

"Why didn't you tell me you resigned?" Sandy asked. She's not angry, she's just surprised.

"I want to come back to you completely. I don't want to spend everyday with you not knowing half of me." He came out wrapped in a bathrobe and pulled a towel from the drawer to dry his hair.

"It's hard to explain. But I just don't want you to doubt me." He explained honestly.

Sandy was touched. He knew William was serious with her and she felt it everyday, even though he doesn't fully remember, both of them knew deep down that they are special to each other.

She embraced him and pulled his forehead down to her lips. "It's alright. I'll always be beside you. I should have also made a way or confronted you better. It's partly my fault for not fighting for what we had. I thought you just left me."

William hugged her and kissed her on her lips. She returned the kisses until their breathing hushed.

William pulled her away slowly. "Let's stop before I lose control." He said biting his lips.

"It's okay. You don't have to control. We've done it at the rooftop before." She whispered looking down and biting her lips. This was embarrassing if he decided to send her back to her room.

Before she could think of anything else, William pulled her nape to kiss her again and this time, he did not hold back.

It only took seconds for him to undress Sandy who shivered when she felt her bareness. William has loosen his robe and the two of them tangled on his bed.

"Something happens every time we are on this bed." William whispered as he buried his nose on her neck and kissed her throat.

Sandy makes a pleasured sound, "Yeah," she hardly replies. "Something, so, good." She felt his controlled member starting to get uncontrollable and she whispered something on his ears.

William kissed her and did not hold back after hearing those words. He does not need to bicker with her words. He will show her; she does not need to remember how it feels, because he can make her feel better than before, much much more than before.

Sandy asked for water after an hour before William whispered in her ears "We're just starting, Sand," he licked her ear and took the glass from her hand.

He was not able to focus on her pleadings as he filled his hunger with the two little melons in front of him. She always hides these juicy curves behind a loose sweater and medical coat and he was elated to be the only person who gets to see it, touch it, and taste all of her.