
"Missy already left before you arrive, sir." Tania said casually.

There was a sudden disappointment in him but he suppressed it. That's right. She should never show her face anymore. Good thing she knew her place.

He noticed the reminders on the wall and couldn't help but smile. It was so detailed, the usual her. Still, so irresponsible to leave their children alone to a carer-his mind was making side comments.

His phone vibrated and he received a message:

"Tania will need help in the kitchen. Foods are arranged in the fridge and just needs re-heating."

YaoFeng looked at the number on the wall and confirmed that it was her wife's new number. He doesn't know if he will get irritated by her nagging attitude or appreciate her reminder.


YaoFeng was jolted awake in the middle of the night. The children are wailing in the other room.

He saw a faint light and knocked as he turned the door.

"Master, sorry if they wake you. Can you hold Soleil for a while? I will just change Lune's diaper." Tania said as she worked on the little girl.

YaoFeng took the crying boy in his arms and patted his back. The baby hugged him and snuggled on his neck.

"Soleil has problems adapting. He always wants to be carried when he's afraid or distressed." Tania explained.

Lune was just blabbering after being cleaned and put on with new clothes. She played with her foot and was the opposite of his brother. However, when his brother wakes up, she also wakes up.

"You can put Soleil back to his bed now. He's already asleep." Tania told YaoFeng when she looked sideways.

YaoFeng slowly placed the baby boy on the crib. He was about to turn when the boy started crying again. Tania patted him and sang a lullaby but he did not get back to sleep.

Seeing this, YaoFeng carried him again and the boy stopped crying. He felt so elated that the boy stopped crying when he was carried by his father. He put him back to his bed but same scenario happened.

"I will just bring him with me to sleep." YaoFeng said.

"Okay. I will bring the crib to your room." Tania offered.

"No need. He can sleep in my bed." He was confident that his son wanted his warmth and will be able to sleep only with him hugging him.

"Master don't! We are very careful not to sleep with babies as we adults might now know if we accidentally covered their face while sleeping. They will not be able to breathe if a blanket or pillow accidentally covers their face. And they might fall from the bed as well." Tania nervously explained.

What if the master really decided to sleep with Soleil?

YaoFeng realized this and dared not to sleep with the little boy. "Go and push the crib to my room then."


The next day.

Ming Corporation.

All the departments are gathered for the nine o'clock meeting. Everyone is worried because yesterday, Assistant Xu rushed them for the end of the week deadline but everyone is also busy for the upcoming annual event of the company where they have a chance to make or break a big project. A lot of big guests are coming and they can make their own proposals directly to potential clients.

Everyone was nervous when they saw the CEO's dimmed face with dark circles under his red eyes. This is going to be a doomsday!

The meeting started when Assistact Xu confirmed that all has arrived. There are more people now than ordinary meetings.

The first person to report was the lady aiming for the secretariat position. Her name is Fang Su. She was the bully who used to pick on secretary YanYan before Yuyu came to aid her pimples during her first week in the Ming Corporation.

Fang Su was only starting her introduction trying to make an impression when the CEO interrupted. "Let's not waste time. Let's move to the more pressing matter."

"Who here have children, raise your hands." Half of the people raised their hands.

The CEO nodded in approval. "Alright, how do you keep your children asleep?"

Everyone raised their hands.

"Let them play with their gadgets all night, and they will not bother you."

"I give them money. They will sleep for two hours."

"Send them to boarding school if they are troublesome."

The CEO is starting to get annoyed. Assistant Xu also pipped in.

"My wife sings a lullaby while cradling our youngest to sleep. She made an eight hours recording of a song and we played it all night. Our child no longer cries in the middle of the night."

To everyone's surprise, the CEO nodded in approval.

"Alright, since the coming event is near, focus only on what's important. Those who have children two years old and below do not need to participate. You can if you want but it's not necessary." He stood up and turned to his assistant.

"From now on, filter only the important things that will go through the secretariat. If it does not have to reach me, then good." His voice was loud enough for everyone to hear.

The CEO turned to the people. "Meeting adjourned."

The people can't believe it! What happened to the CEO? What was the meeting about?


Assistant Xu was beaming. This means that there's no pressure on the event. He can relax more just like before. They were on the way to the elevator when his boss talked to him.

"I only have one assignment for you for the rest of the week." He said as they stepped into the lift.

Assistant Xu followed and closed the door.

"What is it boss? Let me be efficient in this job." Assistant Xu said proudly. There is nothing he cannot do!

YaoFeng looked at his happy face and realized how hard XuHeng's life could be. Following him anytime and every time plus having a child. He can't help but ask,

"You have two children right? And one helper who works at day time. How do you manage it?" YaoFeng asked curiously.

Assistant Xu was flattered and smiled bashfully.

"Boss, let me tell you a secret. Marriage life is like chess. You have to play wisely. Pamper the queen to protect the king and she will do everything."

The elevator doors opened and the two of them went to his office.

"You have a lot to spill. Come to the office in the afternoon, I'll sleep first for now. I want to hear all of your experiences since you have a child near my children's age. For the meantime, your one special job is to record Yuyu's lullaby for our children. My son did not let me sleep the whole night and I need her voice to help me tonight."

Assistant Xu was left with a grimace on his face.

"Boss!" He was about to complain but the CEO already started removing his coat and tie.

"Go to White Global and deliver Night's invitation. You can find Yuyu there. And tell the secretariat not to disturb me. Today is my first day being a father again." He resigned to the resting room and slept.

Assistant Xu was surprised! So, Xiao Yuyu is back? This means that, if he's in trouble, he just needed to find her! Just like now!

He did not waste any more time.


The White Global's latest project is going smoothly after the calamity. Currently, Night was checking the balance and they are back to getting profits. He finished his work and peered at his sister who's no longer working on her folders.

"It's only eleven o'clock, have you finished working?" he asked.

"I am currently milking myself. But if you are referring to the company, I have finished this week's worth of work. You can go on a date with Gracie." Yuyu teased him.

Night's smile widened. This sister really has a way of getting to him.

"Are you attending the Ming Corp's event this Saturday?" Night asked.

"You know me, I don't like that kind of stuff." Yuyu replied without turning to him.

"But you are the wife, you should support your husband!" Night insisted. He should at least make a way for those two to get back since it was no one's fault why they seperated.

Yuyu finished extracting milk and labeled the milk bags.

"If my husband invites me, I will attend." She smiled meaningfully at Night as she deliver the milk to the freezer. "But you cannot tell him!" Yuyu warned. "I want him to need me even if it's just to give face to people on special occasion. He did not declared that his married so he might not need to bring his wife or family." There was bitterness on her last sentence.

They were interrupted by a call from the internal line.

"CEO White, Assistant Xu Heng from Ming Corporation is here, without appointment." The snobby secretary outside announced.

The siblings exchanged looks and replied simultaneously,

"Let him in."

They looked at each other again and chuckled. Do they have a telepathy?