
Yuyu was working on her laptop when she heard the door opening.

The medicine has seeped in on her system and she can tolerate eating now. She stood up and locked her computer.

"Thank you for-" Yuyu felt fear and panic the moment she turned and faced the man holding a tray.

She immediately felt her heart nervously beating as her hands subconsciously tried pulling down her short hospital gown to cover her exposed legs. She felt like she's naked rooted on the ground.

Ming YaoFeng saw her shocked eyes covered in fear. He felt really bad. He never wanted this to happen.

He saw her pulling her clothes and he realized how much anxiety she's feeling right now seeing him.

Yuyu tried to move her feet and luckily, they followed her. She slowly moved near her bed to cover her legs and reached for a button without taking her eyes away from him.

A nurse came inside not realizing the tension between the two.

"Mrs. Ming, what's the problem?" the nurse came close to her.

Yuyu's eyes went to the nurse and she was able to breathe with relief.

She coughed. "Please stay with me. I think I'm not feeling well." She said.

The nurse was very kind to her, "Why don't you sit first. It's probably the medicine again." She helped Yuyu sit on the bed and Yuyu covered her lower body with the sheet.

"You should eat. You can sleep after you eat so your body can recover soon." The nurse looked at the person holding the food.

"Mr. Ming right? Please give her food so she can go to sleep." The nurse stayed on the other side to monitor her pulse on the screen.

YaoFeng got close to the other side of the bed. "I'll feed you." He said.

"I want to practice with my other arm to eat, can I?" Yuyu asked the nurse.

The nurse immediately pulled out a bed tray and YaoFeng placed the food on it.

Yuyu immediately grabs the spoon so she can finish eating and sleep.

The porridge has no taste but she was able to finish it the soonest.

"You eat better when you have your husband beside you, normally, you can only eat a bite or two." The nurse commented.

Yuyu awkwardly smiled at the nurse. "He needs to go home and watch over the kids so I have to recover soon to take care of the children.

I want to rest now, you can go home to take care of the children." Yuyu said without looking at the man.

YaoFeng did not insist further and said goodbye to the two.

"Please take care of my wife. I'll go home first to check the children." Ming YaoFeng left her room and headed to the nurse station.


"We have to be friends, what's your name? Can I hire you as my personal nurse?" Yuyu asked the nurse on duty.

The girl smiled. "My name is JiaJia. I work night shift only. We are not allowed to take personal jobs Mrs. Ming."

"I can fix it. You can take a leave for three months while I am here. Then, go back to being a regular nurse when I get discharged. The hospital will make the arrangement, can you be my personal nurse?" she asked again.

"I can only work for twelve hours. My mother is sick at home and I have to look after her."

"It's okay. You can work only for ten hours for me. Just stay with me so I will not be lonely. Then you can call your mother via video call, you can play games or attend school. Just stay inside this room. I will pay you well also, if you agree."

"Mrs. Ming, I will only agree if the hospital will take me back when you're gone." JiaJia replied.

"Don't worry, tomorrow, the hospital director will assign you to me; you will sign the contract." Yuyu assured her.


Ming YaoFeng looked for the head nurse in charge.

The night shifters enjoyed the free meal the CEO ordered for all of them. YaoFeng wanted to build a good rapport with the people who will stay around his wife for the coming months if she's going to live here.

He stayed in the hospital lobby for a while before he decided to pick up some things from the car. He went back to Yuyu's room and checked on her. The light was already dim and she was already sleeping. He settled himself on the couch not too far from her and worked on his computer.

He was just reading his fourth email when the nurse earlier came in with a thick book and pulled the chair beside Yuyu. She did not notice the man on the corner.

JiaJia comfortably sat on the chair closer to Yuyu and started reading her book. Ming YaoFeng frowned. Why would a nurse stay at this hour inside the patient's room instead of staying at the nurse's station.

YaoFeng was about to stand up and confront the nurse when his questions were answered. He watched how Yuyu almost leaned on her injury and the nurse automatically pushed a pillow on her lower back suspending the upper back.

She did it reflexively without her eyes leaving the book. Then Yuyu started mumbling.

"Mmm Mmmm, please.. Stop..." He felt like he was struck by lightning..

He felt like she's talking to him..

"It's just a dream, It's not real.." the nurse patted her softly with the other hand while turning the page of a book. She automatically reached for her forehead and nodded while immersed on the book.

YaoFeng moved close to her. She's reading a book about Alzheimer. He coughed not too loud and the nurse jolted in surprise. He gestured to the nurse to follow him and they moved near the door so that they couldn't disturb Yuyu.

"What are you doing?" YaoFeng inquired.

JiaJia thought that the family member was scolding her for reading during shift. If the head nurse finds out, she will be moved to day shift and the pay will be lessened. She immediately apologized.

"Mr. Ming, please do not report me. I only read during working hours because-"

She did not finish her explanation as YaoFeng impatiently changed his question.

"I'm talking about her! What's up with my wife?"

JiaJia sighed in relief. "Since the night the two of you escaped those horrible reporters, she never had a peaceful sleep. She's always having nightmares and sometimes, it will lead to a fever. We can no longer add more medicines in her system so someone has to stay with her while she sleeps, or else she will either hit the injury from tossing, or get a fever if she can't wake up from her dreams." The nurse explained.

"Alright. From now on I'll be watching her every night." He declared.

JiaJia nodded. "Press the call button if you need help, I'm going back to the nurse station." She left the couple and closed the door.

YaoFeng took JiaJia's seat and looked at the person who's lying on the bed with her back facing him. He wanted to hug her and apologize for what he did. If only he could turn back time-

Yuyu only had that dream again around three in the morning. When she was pacified, she was able to sleep well until the sun rose and she automatically stretched her uninjured arm to help her sit up and she stretched her back.

Her attention was caught by the person sleeping on the chair beside her. The instant fear she felt vanished as she watched the man with closed eyes and uncomfortably sleeping in a sitting position.

She cannot help but feel sad. The family she came back to, is now hard to rebuild. Because the problem is with the pillars. She smiled bitterly and quietly got up to use the bathroom.

Yuy took some time. She washed her face and brushed her teeth as well and smirked at her appearance.

She looks good and ugly at the same time. It was just one night of forced sex. She should not venture on it too much as he was her husband after all. But for her, what hurts the most was him, him not respecting her anymore.

She could accept all the harsh words and physical attacks from him. Only this time, it really hit Yuyu hard. Her expectation of him, her respect for him had been shaken by that memory. She gave the black and blue ragged doll a bitter smile at the mirror and headed out.

YaoFeng was already awake and preparing breakfast. Yuyu did not bother about him and went to the little study table to open the window. She wanted to work while overlooking the world outside.

"Yuyu, let's eat." YaoFeng casually called her.

She did not turn at him but replied, "You go ahead first. I have things to do." She put her headset on and made some calls.

"Hi! Good morning, it's me. Yes. Good. Please don't think too much about me. Two bags a day is already a big help. Okay, call me if there's anything I can help you with."

She was very busy making calls, YaoFeng did not dare to interrupt her.

"My stuff is ready. You can pick up and deliver. Yes, I'll send the money once it arrives. Thank you!"

A staff member knocked on the door with a package and she turned.

"Come over, please bring it here!" she said even before YaoFeng could move.

The staff brought the box to her. "Please unload it for me and plug it. Then put that one over here." She pointed at the rims of bond papers. "Don't leave yet, let's see if it's working!" she smiled at the staff who stood to watch as she worked.

Yuyu wanted to make sure that the printer was working before the guy left so she will not need any help from YaoFeng. YaoFeng patiently watched his busy wife, he's really regretting his actions and will do everything to win her back.

The machine started printing and Yuyu gave the man a tip, who happily left and gave Yuyu her number in case she had more requests in the future.

Yuyu stuck the printed paper on the wall and marked the icon of the checked milk bag.

She was about to go back to making calls when the head nurse came.

"Are you ready for the medicine? Have you eaten?" She was kind but strict so Yuyu immediately moved to the dining table where YaoFeng fixed the food.

"Just about to eat, head nurse. Come and join us. I'll eat quickly so you can give me the shot." She said as took her cutlery and started eating. She wanted to finish while the head nurse was here so she would not need to stay with YaoFeng.