Angelo of the Orichaleam

Angelo kicked his horse and cantered toward Thunder Plateau, as Adin sat behind him on the saddle.

"HAHAHAHAHA! I didn't know we have the same destination, my savior!" Angelo laughed cheerfully.

—Damn... he also wants to go to Thunder Plateau? So is that why he's come here? Just how unlucky can I be?

"Heh... heuh... hehehe... yeah, so you also want to get to Thunder Plateau?" Adin said hesitantly.

"Yes, Arian! I've come a long way for Thunder Plateau."

"Can I ask why?" Adin asked.

Angelo glanced back, staring at Adin with suspicious looks.

—Those stares again! Damn, it makes me so uncomfortable. Just stop staring at me... but damn, I can't tell him that...

"Well," Angelo responded, as he stopped his stares at Adin, turning his eyes ahead to focus on riding, "I've heard about some legends that say Thunder Plateau is placed under Olympus. My real goal is to get there."

Those legends were right, and Adin knew that. Actually, the whole reason why that Plateau had a Thunder behind its name was the existence of Olympus overhead. Adin recalled many different memories about Olympus; he could even remember the times before its creation.

But the question was: What does this man Angelo want from Olympus?

Adin didn't really care. He had a boring task to do; he just wanted to end his quest at Thunder Plateau and head to the guild where Ena, Freya, and Liora were waiting for him. He didn't want to engage in more boring things. He also didn't want to meet more boring people. Adin had decided to minimize the boring tasks and thus troubles in finding the flames.

Trying to not continue that conversation, Adin remained quiet and didn't make any sound, but Angelo broke that silence instantly.

"So... do you want to know why I want to reach Olympus?" Angelo asked.

"Hehehe... no, no—" Adin replied, trying to show his disinterest.

"I see," Angelo interrupted. "Now that you're so much interested, I can tell you why."


Looking at the sky, Angelo started talking, as he was simultaneously riding the horse.

"Many years ago..."

—H-huh? Are you fucking deaf? I said I have no interest in hearing your story!

"Many years ago, there was a child in a village. One day, he was playing with the other children near the river."

—Yeah, yeah. And then the Demon King or some other bad guys should enter and destroy everything! I've heard that story thousands of times from different people. Just stop! Please stop! Riding on a horse is enough boring, just don't make it more boring by telling a repetitive story about humans!

"He was enjoying his childhood as he could, but he didn't know what was happening to his family while playing near the river. As their childish game was over, they returned to the village, where they found their families murdered brutally."

—Yeah, that's when the bad guys should enter, right?

"Tens of caped humans were standing right there, in front of the child. He didn't know what was happening. The people in black capes started murdering the other kids who had come with him. Before killing them, they just kept repeating the same question 'Are you an infidel?', and stabbing the kids with their sharp slender swords. They only kept him alive. The child stood among the blood and dead bodies, staring in horror, confusion, and innocence."

—Yeah, yeah... as expected. Now the kid should go for revenge and become a psychopath like you or something. Just go ahead and end this boring story already!

"One of the caped figures got close to him, saying: 'Are you an infidel?' the kid couldn't say anything, just gazing at the figure's red eyes. After staring at the kid for a short time, the same caped human said: 'I see, so you're not an Infidel.' The kid couldn't move his tongue. Even if he wanted to say something, it was too late."

—Ahhh... too boring. Those caped guys should be from the Jove sect. And that kid's going to grow up and take revenge from them, right? He's going to get trained by them and kill them later. Just jump up in the story; it's too boring!

"The caped people raised the child and taught him their own ideology and values. They also taught him magic and how to stop aging. Sooner than expected, the child had grown up and had become a professional killer. He was no longer an innocent child; he had become an assassination machine for them."

—Yeah, yeah... just get to the revenge part and end it quickly.

"His job was to kill the ones known as infidels by the leadership of Jove sect. That was what the Inquisition section of Order would be doing, clearing the infidels from the pure world which is gifted to us. He didn't feel bad about killing people and orphaning the innocent children. He didn't even hesitate for a moment when massacring innocent women and children."

—Just get to the revenge part already!

"He wasn't even sad for the death of his family in the past. If they were infidels, it'd be better for them to die and don't defile the blessings sent to us."

—Huuuuuuuuuuh? Wait what... then it's not for revenge? Well, it's still boring, but less than before.

"However... Although he didn't have even a single doubt about his righteousness, a sound inside him told the boy that there's something wrong. He tried his best to silent that sound, but no matter how much he tried, the sound would return every time."

—"Something's wrong"? Well, Just how can a healthy mind think that killing horses because they're infidel is right?!! And hearing sounds? Maybe because you're suffering from mental disorders?

"Doubts crossed through his mind. He had questions about his ideology. 'If perfection could judge people's lives and decide whether they live or die, what would judge that perfection?' The boy was thinking and thinking for hundreds of years, and he finally found the answer. He found the answer to strengthen his faith and destroy all of his doubts."

—Hmm? And what that answer would be?

"After living for eight centuries and a half, the answer he had found was: 'I will judge the divine judgment all by myself. I will find him and judge him. I will judge whether perfection is an infidel or not. I will judge Infidels by those standards, and I will also judge the divine judgment by divine judgment! I, as a mortal, will take this as my sin and my judgment in the world. And me judging the perfection shall be my judgment!' It was the answer which he had come up with."

—What?! What's this guy talking about? Wouldn't that make you an infidel too? And how did you come up with the idea of killing your god, haven't you been worshipping him for your entire life? Damn, too boring...

"That was my story," Angelo said. "And that's why I, as Angelo of Orichaleam, have to reach Olympus. I have to meet him, the god of sky and thunder, the one famous as Zeus, the one praised as Jupiter, and... the one worshipped as Jove!"