Chapter 40


Chapter 40: You're gonna be okay


Meadow's P.O.V

We were sneaking, Sky and I we're sneaking at Phoebe's chambers. Like we were criminals.

Forget about being criminals, we're trying to save Phoebe.

And If you say that were doing this wrong, I couldn't agree more. This is all Sky's plan and I'm just a mere sidekick following her orders.

Cause If you ask me, I'd probably pass out in fear in going in here.

It has been a day since they teared Phoebe's wings from her body. After Sky heard from me what happened, I found myself shadow travelling us back to the old study where we first arrived in here.

And there she threw up, she was in state of shock but I also couldn't handle what happened as I saw the actual scene.

We spent the night there even though the coldness of the floor crept in our bodies. And this morning, We couldn't help but starve ourselves.

Even though we knew that we could easily sneak in the kitchen, we just couldn't dare to go since the feeling of seeing a knife would make me shudder.

And Sky planned to get Phoebe out so I had to do something as well.

We Traveled using my ability to wherever they put her. But to where my ability took us, it seems like they put her on a room full of lights so we can't travel there easily.

We are currently stuck here in this long creepy hallway with flickering lights and I don't think this place is safe. I mean I can blend in the shadows but using my ability drains all my energy.

And I probably think that Phoebe is near and, I think this place is heavily guarded so we won't be seeing her anytime soon.

I looked at Sky as she began sweating, she looked worried the whole time ever since I told her that they slashed Phoebe's wings.

I myself as well couldn't believe that since, who does that? Which kind of Animalia would slash their wings for fun? Or was it for a different reason?

I felt sick just remembering how the servants slashed her wings. The knife that they used to cut her cake was six inches of cold steel, while it's handle was ivory, reminding me that the knife had been murderous even in it's making.

And that very moment while I was watching Phoebe happily taking a bite in her birthday cake, they used the knife they used to cut her cake and--stabbed her wings mercilessly as Phoebe started to throw up blood.

The idea of tearing flesh seemed to grip my attention far more strongly. I imagined the intense pain of her own flesh being torn from her bones and I felt sick.

But for whatever reason that is, the Queen is a pyscho. I don't care if the next day she'll show up in front of me with a truck of Pomegranates just to ask me if she could cut my ears.

"Meads, It's better if puntahan nalang kaya natin si Queen Stella?"

"For what?"

"Let's see what she's going to do." She looked at me like she was stating the obvious.

What? What she's going to do? What does she mean by that? Am I missing a point here or am I generally dumb?

But the idea of visiting, well not visiting but spying on the Queen made me shudder as I do not wish to be stuck or even breathe the same air as hers.

"But how about, Phoebe?" I asked. Just how dare Sky? Is she trying to kill me by draining my energy by shadow travelling again?

"I--it's better if we find the group and get Hakun to heal her." She answered while avoiding my gaze.

I myself also want to help Phoebe especially in her state. She's, well let's just say that she's not okay.

But, could Hakun really restore her wings? I doubt that.

But if we help her sneak then it'll cause a big fuss and Animalias may search for us or even worse--hunt us.

Especially when they knew that she's the long lost Princess. But no princess should be treated that way.

I looked at Sky and gave her a slight nod. She then gave me a reassuring smile indicating that we'll be fine.

"Hold my hands, I know that you're tired." She said.

I forced a smile while taking her hands.


She activated her ability while holding my hands so I somehow felt like she was coating us in intagibilty together. I thought it was pretty normal when suddenly I then felt a surge of heat running in my body as I hold out my hand in shock.

Pulsing from my fingertips is a strange, bright light. I watch it flicker, changing colors from amber, to orange, then back to gold. I clench my fist, my nails digging into my palms.

Sky stared as if I'd just produced a rhinoceros from my pocket. I could just imagine the sparks in her brain, desperately trying to connect the dots and instead just causing a short circuit. She looked like a pop-eyed toy from one of those claw machines at the fun fair.

I also don't understand what was happening, I just discovered my shadow ability yesterday and I don't want to be bothered by getting the hang of this thing right now.

But is it perhaps one of Sky's ability?

"Was that...Electricity?" I heared Sky asked.

I looked at my palm and I swear It felt numb.

I wasn't sure how to grasp the situation so I just looked at her indicating that we should just find out later and do what we were actually planning.

Her eyes seemed to calm down and we began passing through walls. The feeling of passing through solid objects was actually scaring me.

The feeling of suddenly sticking your head to something hard looking and seeing it's insides and actually not hurting your faceo was pretty terrifying.

We were passing from hallways to rooms, we weren't sure where we're going but I was pretty sure that we are heading in the right place.

But as soon as I stick my head in the wall, I could see the trees below me and I couldn't move my body fearing that I would fall. The trees are swaying and I could see the clouds dimming.

From the left side of my view, I saw an old stone bridge that was connected somehow on this castle as I soon realized that it was the gates. Exit and entrance of this castle.

It was like a miracle when I saw that we are close to leaving this place when I suddenly looked down and half of my body began to wobble, and I was sure that I was going to fall.

I was like an old fashioned printer that couldn't process the whole thing when Suddenly I felt someone pulled my arms.

"Are you okay?! I swear to Emperia that you are this close to falling down!" She stick her thumb and idex finger and press them together.

"And why didn't you pull away?! That was so stupid of you!" I covered her mouth with my hands as I looked at her dead in the eyes. She was startled but I knew she was ready to listen.

"The I found the exit." I told her. But her startled eyes became calm.

"I know that, Dummy. Why did you think I pulled away when I saw what's on the other side of this wall?" She asked.

Ah. Right, how stupid of me.

Moments later I heard my stomach grumbling as an intense amount of hunger striked me and I could feel myself shrinking in embarassment as Sky looked at me with an amused expression plastered on her face.

"Why don't we check the kitchen and grab some food while we're at it?"

I couldn't say no to that cause I swear my stomach is eating me alive so I slowly nodded my head, unable to meet her gaze.

I heaved a sigh as she looked at me with a funny expression while patting my head.

After that her eyes began to linger on my back, I looked at what she was looking at and there I saw the the exit. The guards were standing there but they don't seem to notcie us.

What? But I swear Sky was yelling seconds ago, they should've looked at our direction by now.

I narrowed my forehead as I turn to Sky who was now putting her index finger to her lips to shush me down.

I nodded as we began to go back on the wall. I remember this place as we passed by the wall. This was the place where we followed Phoebe and her Mom, Gosh I don't even know if I should call her a Mom.

The hallway was long and I could feel like my legs are about to give up as I have this uncomfortable feeling that my thighs are touching because I am wearing a freaking night gown the whole time.

I sound of our footsteps are deafening me as I found myself humming since I cannot stand to hear the same thing over and over again.

I remembered that to reach the kitchen, we should really go across the dining room and I imagine myself getting sick as I recall the blood splattering all over the floor again and again.

I squinted my eyes as I began to feel dizzy and nauseous. Sky looked at me worriedly.

I shook my head so she continued walking while holding my hand.

And at last we came into the dining room. And there I saw Queen Stella sitting there. She was patiently sitting like she was waiting for something.

She was sitting like straightly and It creeped me out as the feeling of of sitting straight on the table with four servants staring at you, it was kinda uncomfortable.

Sky held my held my hand tightly as we were stuck on the hallway, unable to pass by.

Moments later, a servant came out from the kitchen and made his way to the Queen with a heavy looking tray.

Alright, this is my chance. We should shadow travel in the kitchen while they're not looking.

I was about to acitivate my ability when I saw what was being served on the Queen's table.

It made my stomach go upside down and before I could comprehend what was going on, I was throwing up already.

I looked at Sky's direction and terror took over her face. My hands began trembling as I looked at the scene and again, there I saw the Queen eating Phoebe's other raw and other roasted wings.

My hands made it's way to my Chest as I was almost tearing up from the scene.

The queen was naturally eating her daughter's wings and she wasn't getting second thoughts of stopping anytime soon.

The scene was horrifying, I mean you can naturally eat animals but you can never eat Animalias!

She would eat like the food was going out of style. She crammed it in thick and fast, consuming a meal that had taken two hours to prepare and cook in a matter of minutes. Then she would enquire about dessert before anyone else had eaten half their meal.

Adrenaline floods my system, It pumps and beats like it's trying to escape. I think my heart will explode and my eyes are wide with fear. My body wants to either run fast for the safety of the hills or to the crate of weaponry, but instead I remain where I am. Let's face it, there is really only one thing I can do, Pray no one kills me.

I want to take one great leap off the pressure plate and run to safety. My adrenaline surges so fast I almost vomit twice, I can taste saliva thickening in my throat and beads of sweat trickling down my brow.

But as Soon as I was about to compose myself, the Queen stood up. And I don't know how to explain this but as soon as she sttod up, lights came glowing in her body like a disco ball.

Seconds later after the lights disappeared she looked at the servant closest to her.

Then she raised her palms over to him and the next thing we knew, he was laying lifeless on the ground--already dead.

The queen laughed maniacally as she was suppose to head on our direction. I didn't know what happened but, the scenary I know changed into the middle of a busy street.

I looked at Sky as she was breathing heavily. Ah--she must've took my hand and dragged me in here with her super speed and come to think of it, she must've used her intagibility to let us pass through walls.



"Is she going to eat us too?"

She looked at me with terror but she managed to shake her head.

"No. Let's just stay the night in my apartment?"

I looked at her as I nodded. We began making our way to the busy streets of Ruslan as I could see some Animalias watching us because of what we were wearing and because we were barefooted.

What a joke. They must've thought that we were beggars.

I didn't know where we were heading but I know that we weren't exactly lost. My eyes linger as I saw Pomegrenates vendors on the street and I couldn't help but become hungry.

I was actually feeling kinda lost and I missed my brother and My family that I thought didn't exist. I thought that they were dead or even abandoned me.

But it didn't turned out that way. They abandoned me cause my brother told me that different Specie marriage isn't allowed. Just as I thought---Panda and Crows aren't allowed to be together.

And their offspring should be hunted. And my brother told me that mom and dad allowed me to escape. And here I am, growing up just to look like a normal panda. Dang, they should've really kept me and told the others that I'm adopted.

It is also then I found out that my mom had a specie reassignment surgery.

I shook my head and began to think of calling my brother once we get to Sky's apartment.

But come to think of it, when I grow up to be looking more of than a crow. I'd probably faint at the sight of seeing them Tearing Phoebe's wings apart from her body.

Gosh, I'm already getting goosebumps thinking about it.

Sky And I were still holding each other's hands while walking blending on the crowd.

It almost made me uncomfortable how Animalia's stare at us with disgust each time we walked passed by their stalls. But, doesn't mean that we're dressed like this we are not decent.

I looked at Sky who's hands are still trembling but I gripped it tightly, she looked at me with a questioning face.

"Um. Why are they staring at us with disgust?"

She shooked her head.

"In Ruslan, Beggars are considered as thieves. And people who wear revealing clothes are either women from brothels or a mere straight up impure."

My eyes widened at by what she said.

"So they think we're thieves?" I questioned.

She thought for a moment and shrug her shoulders.

"I think it's the latter. But don't mind them."

I was looking down on my feet in embarassment.

Sky probably noticed the discomfort so I was surprised when she began singing.

[Play the Media Above.]

" I know it's all you've got to just, be strong

And it's a fight just to keep it together, together

I know you think, that you are too far gone

But hope is never lost

Hope is never lost

Hold on, don't let go

Hold on, don't let go

Just take, one step, closer

Put one foot in front of the other

You'll, get through this

Just follow the light in the darkness

You're gonna be ok."

I saw her, she wasn't staring at me. But she was smiling.

"I know your heart is heavy from those nights

Just remember that you're a fighter, a fighter

You never know just what tomorrow holds

And you're stronger than you know

Stronger than you know

Hold on, don't let go

Hold on, don't let go

Just take, one step, closer

Put one foot in front of the other

You'll, get through this

Just follow the light in the darkness

One step, closer

Put one foot in front of the other

You'll, get through this

Just follow the light in the darkness

You're gonna be ok."

We kept walking and walking. She was still leading the way. She was comforting me even though I knew that it has been hard to her as well.

"And when the night, is closing in

Don't give up and don't give in

This won't last, it's not the end, it's not the end

You're gonna be ok

When the night, is closing in

Don't give up and don't give in

This won't last, it's not the end, it's not the end

You're gonna be ok."

It was seconds after we were standing on the most luxurious building I have ever seen in the entire Ruslan.

There were alot of plants surrounding the glass-like entrance in the building.

"Well, That's just the lobby. Were just checking in." I heard Sky commented.

I looked at her with pure shock as she shrugs her shoulders as we made our way inside.

We weren't actually greeted nicely as they saw us wearing clothes that are too inapproriate to be seen in public.

The shot us nasty glares as we made our way to the receptionist.

The receptionist wasn't cooperating with us as he heard loud murmurs and he probably thinks that we don't actually belong here.

I was pretty much surprised that the security still haven't stopped us.

"Security, take them away." The receptionist said, still not giving us a single glance.

I rolled my eyes. Shouldn'y have said that.

Sky rolled her eyes.

"Udus, Wag kang snobber. Pansinin mo kami."

Then there the receptionist finally looked at us, then his eyes immediately lingered to Sky.


"Yes." Sky answered in an annoyed tone.

"You're back!" He happily exclaimed and motioned the security to go away.

"Yeah, Whatever. Now give me my apartment keys." Sky demanded, her tone unintrested.

The receptionist pouted but still handed her the keys. Sky then walked over the elevator with me and she began pressing the number 8. Before the elevator door shut, the receptionist was bidding goodbye.

We were finally on the 8th floor as Sky lead us to a room number of 184, when she opened it there I saw the most beautiful apartment room ever.

Instead of looking like an apartment, it looks like a tiny house. The wall are covered in white paint as the designs are modern. The glass windows are giving life and sunlight to the room.

"Make yourself at home."

I looked at Sky to make sure that we aren't really robbing someone and this is actually her possesion.

She just gave me a clueless look.

"Are you sure this is an apartment and not a house?"

"Sure, I can prove it to you. You can jump over the balcony and see for yourself that you're on the 8th floor of this building right now."

Right. I'm totally sane and I wouldn't want to do that.

"But uh, how can you afford this?"

"I can't. King Alpheus paid for it, perks of being the King's Spy. " She said as she headed over to her fridge and pulled out instant noodles.

"You okay with this?"

I nodded at that so she began heating up water.

"So what now?"

She looked at me like she was also thinking the same.

"We're going to find them. Tommorow, we'll leave and find them."

I didn't think anything was wrong about that so I just agreed. I sat on the couch as my eyes lingered on the telephone beside it.

I looked at Sky who was busy preparing food. So I found myself typing in a number I can clearly remember from my mind.

She tild me to make myself at home, so why not use the telephone.

After typing in the number, I held the telephone up in my ears as my stupid heart began to nervously thump loudly.

I bit my lips as I closed my eyes, this was actually the first time I've done this. I feel the soft panic that can grow or fade depending on what I do next. It will fade if I back away, but then I have to do this all again another time. It will grow if I let these thoughts swirl into a vortex of stupidity, eating their own tail. Or I can breathe real slow, let the thoughts leak into the ether and be the real boss of me.

"Hello?" I heared the other voice answered, I gulped hard as I heard that same familiar voice.

"Brother.." I called as there wasn't anymore words coming from my mouth.


"Yes, It's me."

"Are you finally coming back?"

"N-No, I'll actually be going to say goodbye."
