Chapter 43


Chapter 43: This strange addiction


Alpha's P.O.V

Riding in this flying carpet, I have nothing on my mind than us riding to go to Ruslan.

Yes---Ruslan. I didn't quite get why but all I know is that Phoebe is in Ruslan. And if we're lucky, Maybe Sky and Meadow will also be there.

I was riding with my with my girlfriend sleeping on my lap.

I looked at her and she looks peaceful--too peaceful. She's not usually the kind of girl I fantasise about. For starters, she's blonde and I've always liked brunette.

I lust after green eyed women with a handle on the world of business. Yes, Chloe is usually my type. Until I met Chummy.

I watch her take one breath at a time while sleeping peacefully in my lap, I sure she wasn't aware of me staring her so I gaze freely.

She's not particularly special looking, but to me she stands out from the other Cambridge siders, all of them dodging the puddles together. There's something about Chummy, a slight confidence and no ego, that has me muddling my words and blushing uncontrollably whenever she's around.

I looked around while all I could see was pure clouds and such. I looked to see that Hakun and Bluve were still using their ability.

That must've drained all their energy. I looked at the others, Arcane was also sleeping, Sergio and Hushy was only looking at the clouds, Leo was only sitting with a weird expression plastered in his face, Chippy and Chloe was talking silently, and Emerald---he was just staring at me.

I gestured at him to come sit with me which startled him but thankfully he did what I told him. He tried to keep his balance and sat beside me.

Of course I understand why he was nervous. It must've took him a lot of courage to confess to me--his bestfriend that he was into men. I know that coming out of the closet wasn't that easy.

But he sat so stiffly and with such a straight back that he gave off the impression of being a particularly strict school headmaster, an impression not helped by the way he wore his hair pulled back severely.

A heavy silence settled over, thicker than the uneasy tension in the atmosphere. His unsettled eyes glanced unceremoniously around and tried to avoid catching mines.

And he shifted uncomfortably in his seat and sometimes grasped his sweaty, nervous hand, awkwardly tracing the outlines of his fingernails while his eyes swirled in the air around the sky.

"You okay there, Bud?"

"Well, Yeah. I'm fine." He answered as his eyes settled at Chummy who was sleeping on my lap.

"So, we are still best friends right?" I started.

"Yeah, it's not like I can dispose of you easily. You'd usually crawl back to me after I push you away." His accent was such a playful tune, as if he were the star of his own movie. I could have sat there all day simply to listen and smile.

Our conversation is so much more than words. It is the smiles, the gentle shrugs and the light in our eyes. That we are both elevated by each other's presence is obvious and even the silences are comfortable.

They are moments to savour the company of the other and feel that sense of peace that comes from feeling loved and protected, within the arms of friendship.

But it's unusual. There are times he would steal glances at me and he'd sometimes joked when I caught him.

It's unusual cause this gestures are the same as when we were little but it somehow feels different--too different from the one's I'm used to.

Then realization came crashing down on me like a hammer hitting the nail. The little gestures he would do, is familiar to me. And I would sometimes remember, thinking about Emerald in some days and even some situations randomly without ever knowing why.



"Do you like me?"

His shoulder tensed bit for a few minutes amd looked at Chummy's direction. And yet after that he looked at me and patted my head.

"Hey! What's the big idea? Why are you ruining my hairstyl--"

"--Are you crazy?"

My eyes bolted at his sudden question. What is he trying to say? Me? Crazy? The one and only Alpha Emproua?

"Excuse me?"

"I like you so much, I'm going to explode."

Silently, I sat there like he had unleashed a bazooka that's gonna blast me any minute if I move.

My heart instead of aching, beated so fast like I was cursed by a witch. This feeling--it's new. Yet familiar.

I looked at him but he wasn't looking in my direction. He was silently sitting there like any other day he would usually do.

"Why do you like me?" I whispered, my hands tracing the Chummy's long blonde locks,  connecting them with my finger's lines like a sewing machine.

"How could I not?" He replied, cupping his cheek so his pretty Emerald eyes met my own. I frowned at his answer and looked away. I drop my hand and fiddle with the my own fingers instead.

I loved the rising sun behind his eyes, the  sunrise that danced through his hair, the sadness nestled in the creases of his palms. I love all of him, not just the parts that make sense, not just the parts that he has shown me.

I love the parts of him that I don't yet understand, the parts that weigh on his shoulders, the parts I only notice when I steal glances at him in the silence

But, this is wrong. Too wrong.

"How could I not." he repeated.

"Emerald, You are my bestfriend. I can't possibly---"

"--I don't want to be loved, Alpha. I want you feel the appreciation to my existence, that's all." I thought of his words carefully and I realized he was already giving up.

"I do appreciate it, Emerald. But why are you being freindly? Why are you too nice? Why aren't fighting for your way? Why aren't you winning me over?"

"You aren't a Trophy, Alpha. Besides, why would I stop you from beimg happy? What do you think I should expect from you? An apology? A relationship? A proposal? It wouldn't mean anything. But even if it did, you're with Chummy. You're happy okay? Just leave it alone."

No--We had already given up. But he still let me know how he felt. Emerald paused for a moment after saying that, his gaze pulling away from me.

"Look, Emerald. I don't know of this is weird but If I'm not tied up with Chummy then I know I should say yes... I want to say yes. Or really, I want to want to say yes. But in my heart I know I want to keep this going. And thinking on it practically, it will be nearly impossible for me to break up with, Chummy in the future."

"Jeez, you sure know how to romance a boy."

Then his eyes stayed still at Chummy's. He didn't pulled his gaze and have the confusion in his eyes---he smiled widely which in a way made me realize that he was genuine.

"Alpha, look closely at me. Only kind Animalias can truly be strong, for without it all I am is a mimic of a rock, one so cold it will shatter under a blow from above. True strength always comes with warmth, with emotional intelligence and forbearance. The strong protect and nurture no matter the situation. If you make a new relationship with me, my emptiness will drain you. I will show little reaction to your pains, demand that you give more to me, and you will, over and over until there is nothing of you left to give. Then I will be angry, like someone thirsty trying to drink from an empty vessel. You will feel inadequate, broken, compelled to keep giving to me---the one you gave your life to, confused as to why it is insufficient."

After heading to another position, he adjusted his hood and all he can do was look bach at me.

"Alpha, only you can alter your path, your timeline, your life. Every rock in the sunshine is warm, and with such a partner life is always summer. And there she is, Chummy."

After saying that, he joined Bluve and Hakun and assisted them.

I looked down and saw Chummy sleeping soundly on my lap. This time my affection was questioned.

I like Chummy.

And can I leave her?

I don't think so.

And that's not a choice. It's my decision.

I looked down and saw the path we were flying on. I might've take us 3 days or 2 to travel to Ruslan. Yes---to Ruslan.

I let my mind wander off thinking about things that could happen this time. In Ruslan--and to the others.


3rd Person's P.O.V

In the middle of the desert like field sat a woman too stylish in her black fitted gown and limousine to be waiting in the desert with her guards.

After hours of waiting finally a plane came down a flying right exactly in front of their car.

Stella quickly headed out in her car as the plane's door opened revealing a guy with bunny-like ears. He was wearing a cashmere sweater with an expensive leather shoes, long brown pants with a stylish white hat.

"Carter, my son. Now,where are the bombs?" Stella asked while examining the guys she called son.

Even she was stunned by how well he presented himself but she couldn't care less about that since she will now take over the world. Such small details will be useless to her.

"It's in the back of the plane." He answered.

Stella snapped her fingers and immediately all of her guards came opening the Plane's storage and imported the bombs in the limousine.

Stella then looked at Carter carefully after that then she gave him an emotionless poker face.

"So I heard that you got married. Who's the woman? Does she come from a wealthy family? Is she young? Is she pretty? Tell me about her." She ushered while taking her slingbag and pulled a branded lipstick from there.

"No, actually. I got forced." Carter explained while sweating, of course he would sweat. He was wearing a sweather despite the hot weather.

"Hm. That's not right." Was the only thing Stella could reply after adding the pigment on her lips.

"Well, at least she's from a well off family. The Mares." Carter reported.

"Wait--did you say the mares? Like the rabbit?"

"That's right.

"Impressive. Really you, a Hybrid got yourself married to a normal wealthy family." Stella then turned to see her reflection in the glass window of her car.

Gosh, she couldn't believe how gorgeous this face is.

"It's not that---it's just that they thought that I'm a normal one specie bunny." He explained while scratching his nape.

"Well darling, speaking of which I want to introduce you to your half sister." Stella then again flicked her fimger and the guards.

"Which one?" Carter asked with an eyebrow raising.

"Oh---Honey, the main one." She replied while looking at the size of her frame.

"I actually couldn't remember. You were kinda like a hoe--"

"---Don't say that. I am actually over those days." Stella then glanced at Carter with a pissed off look.

If she could, she would want to kill her son right now and again bring him back to life just to see how'd he react.

But Yeah, she was kinda like a wasted woman---but that was only once! She was kinda reprimananded by Carter when he was like 8 which embarassed her to death.

Of course she had alot of offsprings in this world. But Carter being her favorite cause--I mean. His father was a handsome man but things didn't quite worked well between them, Plus Carter is smart and blunt and honest and there's something about him that made her fer equal. Like her old group of friends back on earth.

And her second favorite--Phoebe. Cause well, she is Talliarde's child. And of course she can hold the power to end or restore someone's life. And her other kids--let's just day some were hybrids and whatever. Of course, persecuted by the Animalia kingdom. It'd probably shock her to see one hell of a hybrid roaming around the country freely without any Orioch Guards catching him or her.

It would also probably shock her if she finds out the child is hers. But as usual, she wouldn't save the child.

I mean why would she? She wouldn't recieve anything in return if she did, besides it's just another bastard's child. I know, she's merciless.

But you can't blame her! Her sister in this dimension also had many! But she couldn't care less about her stupid niece or nephews. All she wanted was her sister dead. Perished. Executed.

And she would love to kill everyone in her way.

Suddenly she heard a small whimper in her side and there she saw the tied up Phoebe without her wings.

There were patches on her back and Phoebe's violet hair slowly turning to black.

"What did you do to her?!" Carter yelled as he ran over to Phoebe.

"Nothing violent, probably just chippity chop chop her wings and shoved it down my esophagus." She then grabbed Phoebe by her shouldera and positioned her in front of Carter.

"Anyways, meet your sister--"

"Lemme guess. She's the kid that got lost on the mall?"


"The kid that stole a horse?"


"The kid that ran off the creak?"

"Absolutely not."

"The kid that used to annoy me?"


"The kid that slept on a laundry basket?"

"Ew, No."

"The kid that set the old library on fire?"

"Not close."

Carter scratched his head unable to say anything as he kept thinking.

"But I don't remember anyone else with black hair."

"She originally have purple but it faded overtime." Stella explained. Purposely fed up by the fact that Carter can still remember each and every one of his damn siblings.

But after a few minutes he froze and looked into his mother's direction slowly with eyes wide open and his mouth hanging.

"Wait---you don't mean, the kid that was with me when we walked into your chambers and we saw you making out with a guard?"

"Goodness! For Emperia's sake how's the hell did you remember that?!" Stella looked at her son, loss of words.

Then Carter looked back at Phoebe who had her eyes lifeless, she couldn't think of anything. Just the mere torture that was experimented on her left her at loss of words.

Flashbacks played on her mind, like how surgeons would usually come in her room with her so called 'mother' and how'd they'd usually cut her open and start ripping her organs one by one only for her mother to restore her back and how the doctors would do it all over again.

It's like her mother was purposely donating her body to science.

The blood on the floor once flowed in her veins, of one so sacred that her friends would have died that same day to save her from this fate. And so the lips that smiled at them at times, the hands that had had gentleness they couldn't help but trust, became greyish and cold.

It was as if her dreams had bled out right there on the floor, everything she hoped to become, all that she loved, all the brilliance she would have brought to the world.

And it would immediately heal and they'd again, trace her skin with a knife making her feel like should beg them to kill her instead.

Carter looked at her souless state, he touched her cheeks and shook her lightly.

"Are you okay?" He asked Phoebe.

Phoebe stood there, she didn't answer.

"I didn't know you'd be a cannibal." He spat at his mother as his mother just laughed lightly.

"Oh, please. You knew that a long time ago that's why you ran away and moved to Feyre."

Carter didn't mind what she said and looked at his sister, finally someone other than him survived his messed up mother.

But it somehow turns out like he didn't quite survived the treatment.

"Anyways, this is Thereia if you didn't remember." She introduced.

Carter nodded his head and actually carried Phoebe, she was light too light to carry. The wings must've made her heavy if she still have those.

Carter gripped on her tightly as he began humming to ease her state.

"Anyways, what are you going to do with those bombs?" He asked as his suspicion in his mother risen.

"I thought you'd never ask. I'm going to blow off my whole kingdom in case if the kids that was sent off to kill me was there."

"You're still going on your dream in taking over the world?" Carter looked like he was eating some kind of lemon because of how he was squinting his eyes right now.

"Yes, I mean like. Don't you know how pleasurable it is to see them dying? Like how they'd scream?! It's fun, really." She says while her mind wander of thinking of those times the people or animalia would beg her to stop stabbing them.

Her addiction was such that she cared for nothing else. Everything she had once held dear fell by the wayside, her family, her friends, her career. She would lie, cheat and steal for it.

She became someone else, someone her people once loved but now feared. They say to love the addict and hate the addiction. But her people was ashamed to say that all they love is the memory of who she once was. She was a nice woman, after she found out that her sister was also reincarnated in this world.

This addict she is now is like a monster wearing her skin, talking with her voice, crushing her soul. She manipulates me and wheedles into others affections then without conscience she deceives them and extinguishes the hope she had tentatively built up in her people.

"I'd want to make him mine again, Carter. Don't you get it?! Once I took ahold of the whole world, I could get everything I wanted!" She laughed like an insane person ready to be bought in the asylumn.

"I am unbeatable now since I got the power of life and death! But like I said, there are only this stupid kids that could kill me. And I would want to kill them at all cost and no one can stop me. After that I would like to kill my sister---that stupid ugly damn bitch!" She then looked over Carter with his eyes dropping.

"Isn't Chloe one of them? Are you going to kill Chloe?" His voice asked while shaking.

"Honey, I didn't think you're serious about her. But there are plenty more fishes in the sea."

"But you said you're going to kill all Animalias."

"Then you're better off single."

"Are you even comforting me or what--?!" Carter screeched.

Stella rolled her eyes as she gestured him to head inside her limousine which Carter really did.

After that they drove off to the city, heading back to the palace.

But Carter can't stop thinking about Chloe's safety. It hasn't been that long since he realized that he was only feeling a kind of infatuation to the girl.

He really looked at her more of like a sister figure that a wife material.