Chapter 45


Chapter 45: What Lies Beneath The surface


3rd Person's P.O.V

Cooking was never an easy task for the butler, Leo. Even though he had been cooking for the Duke Emerald before---He kinda doesn't have the right taste buds for something extravagant. But he knew what taste he wanted to serve to a certain Animalia. Something he could make to someone very special.

After getting to stir the hot soup, which Leo knew had a spicy flavor. He put one of his secret ingredients, which he rarely uses when serving food to Animalias close to him. After that he immediately served it in a bowl and headed to the other's direction.

The soup was only toppled with nothing but green chopped onions. Even though the broth smelled like it was ordered to some sort Chinese Takeout, Emerald couldn't help but feel nostalgic by the taste being served upon their palate.

The others were all sitting in the table, they all have empty stomachs and their appetite is increasing after the smell flowed in to the room and they couldn't help theirselves as their stomach grumbles.

As soon as the bowl was placed in the table, all of them started digging in with the same classic rice with soup. Leo on the other hand started observing them than digging in.

Eventually the dinner's atmosphere became more lively as Arcane started to talk about thing they didn't necessarily needed to know.

"And seriously, I didn't know he was an owner of the St Empire Enterprise! And we are now like total bffs forever." He started while laughing.

The others didn't wanted to listen but didn't have the heart to shut the guy up cause he looks so sad and Arcane wasn't really going to shut up even if they tell him to stay quiet a thousand times.

Bluve's was looking everywhere in the house, The house had white walls. It looks so fancy even though He knew the paint wasn't a good quality. His eyes can't stop but linger at Chloe's direction.

Seeing the woman, he had this uncontrollable feeling. His heart was pounding, and he couldn't help but be embarrassed everytime Chloe put the spoon into her mouth.

Chloe eventually noticed that someone was staring at her as her eyes immediately met Bluve, her little heart sank.

They did stare at each other but after minutes, they smiled and continue digging in.

After the little talk eventually faded away as all of them became getting

Stuffed in their stomach.

After getting their fill, Leo made sure to take them all on the guest room.

Chippy was looking at theie way, it was short but it felt long and he was thinking of ways to fly than walked cause he sure wasn't having it. He was too full to walk.

Eventually after the butler lead them in a door, he opened it.

It revealed a multiple bed for enough for one person, and to be lucky there were exactly 10 of them there. There were 1 pillow each and the wall wade of pure furnished wood.

There wasn't any window but there was a small table each that corresponds each bunk beds. The room was air conditioned and let's just say---well mentained.

"Here's the guest room." He

introduced. Some spare no time and immediately ran into the bed, claiming it was theirs.

"Oh! Leo this is nice, didn't think that you are actually pretty rich." Emerald commented while standing in the door frame side by side beside Leo as their eyes was plastered to the others that made their way through their beds.

"No---young master. We're not rich, this room is only for our relatives. My dad used to make the beds just in case our relatives would visit." The guy explained while scratching his nape.

Emerald seems to get the point as his Emerald eyes quickly darted into Alpha's direction. Chummy's bed was next to Alpha's as the two allegedly talked with each other.

Seeing this scene made his heard tremble as his knees began shivering unstable.

"Young master, are you alright?" The butler asked which made Emerald nodded his head.

He shouldn't feel emotional right now----he know he shouldn't. It was only an issue between saving Emperia from the Queen Stella but if he'd put his feelings in this, maybe things might turn up for worse. That's right, he shouldn't feel emotional right now.

Emerald then turned to his trusted butler.

"Alright, so matutulog na kami. Head back to your room, we will be leaving tommow asap." He said which made the Butler grin and nodded.

"I'll be cooking breakfast then." Leo then winked which made Emerald laugh and headed away.

Emerald was now left by himself leaning in the door frame while looking at Alpha. He loved him, but he wasn't sure how Alpha felt about him. All he could think of is that he might not want him and is only motivating himself to not make him feel bad. He might only be being friendly with him.

Emerald was confused the hell out of his mind. But all he did was to make his way across the room as he sat down on his side of the bed.

He didn't even notice that Chippy was staring at him intently and looking at him sympathetically. As soon as Emerald lied down and covered his eyes with his arms, Chippy headed over to his direction.

Looking back at Alpha and Chummy having a good time made him think back at the time where he had felt worse before. He wasn't sure what to do and was overthinking things.

The girl he liked was probably better off to some kind of dude, well that dude who kissed her. Well--he wasn't actually kind of sad. It's like seeing from a different perspective where he had to man up and mature. And the only thing he wanted was to see the girl he likes happy and he would be happy.

Emerald felt a slight nudge in his arms, as he finally looked at who it is. He saw Chippy, he was smiling while settling himself next to him.

"I know how that felt, it kinda sucks." He started.

Emerald's interest perked up as he sat down and looked at him like he was some sort of experiment subject.

"Tell me about it." He requested, which made Chippy smile.

The talk was littered with smiles, Chippy told him about his situation but he didn't mention the name. Was is too childish of him? Yes. But was it too mature to help Emerald. Yes. The talk made Emerald feel more enlightened as his world peaked in having to same situation than Chippy.

It was pretty refreshing---the real communication, not the words. It told them of their lost love that lay there, unspoken, forbidden. It was as obvious as the morning sun, as real as the grass. The feeling flowed through them as the conversation filled the air, until the time to part arrived. With practised nonchalance they soon started to get tired even though it has only been a while for them.

But they did go to sleep, as the some of the others was sleeping.

Chloe was also about to go to sleep and place her head on the pillow and stuck her hands under the pillow for support when she felt a something fluffy.

She pulled it and saw a nice looking grey colored long sleeve. It was pretty and seemed clean so she decided to stuff it on Bluve's bag that was on Hakun's side of the bed cauae Bluve lended it to him.

"Keep it right there." She told Hakun and because of her tiredness, she immediately went to sleep.

The only one awake in the room was still Hakun, the pain on his left ear as he began adjusting with only his right one. He wasn't okay, he felt like the world hated him and he thought that the world was purposely giving him a huge amount of bad luck.

It wasn't that long before his stomach grumbled; he ate less of the dinner. He wasn't full but he wasn't hungry. As he saw the peacefulness of the Animalias around him he looked at the for a window to see the moon outside. But unfortunately there wasn't one window.

He was atleast hoping that one day---after they solve the problem and saved Emperia, they would not only do this again but be finally to laugh and talk again.

Minutes later he checked his phone, the cover reallt disturbed him but at the same time made him home, there was two faces. Perhaps both of them looked too young for their age. He couldn't forget how one of his well being died. How he missed the time back when he was still with him--Harles.

He swiped up and saw a bunch of news in his social media account; even he wasn't posting much, but many people still followed him.

It read about an article about of course, bunch of kids that was missing---it was them.

There was a list. Alastair's son and niece, Oizys' last son, Zathrian's son's current disappearance and Evolet's heir.

He looked down and saw their pictures. He sighed and shook his head, Animalias would freak out of they saw them in a group together.

After coming across another article about Ruslan's destruction. He couldn't help but become bored and set down his phone as his eyes became drowsy. Even though he did use a lot of his ability earlier, he wasn't tired at all. But he didn't complain as he really wanted to shut his eyes.

Hakun described falling asleep as like being caught in a carousel of thoughts. Every idea, notion and event from his day would replay in his mind, demanding analysis before he could be allowed to sleep. And then finally when the carousel came to a stop and his mind was able to meander freely in the random thought that is the precursor of sleep, he would often realize that he was close to drifting off and his anxiety would start the carousel up all over again.

But nonetheless, the sensation soothed him as he began miraculously shutting his eyes.


The world is as silent as if it ended in the night. The sun is still resolutely below the horizon and the street is as dark as some old-school black and white movie.

As Leo close his eyes he feel the heavy pull of his dreams, beckoning him back to play. Like a little kid at the swings who's been told it's home-time, he turn begrudgingly to the light switch and flick it, immediately the room is bathed in that unnatural electric glow. He should do something about that, get some fancy soft glow bulb, or perhaps just a bedside lamp. But the cool blue strip light was free with the room, along with the rising damp and the cockroaches.

He looked at the time---3:44 am. He didn't say anything as he got up and turned to go outside of his room and headed to the kitchen.

He was upset---at least he knew he was. He had lost sight of someone for a mere second.

He opened his refrigerator only to find a lot of fancy ingredients he should've used when cooking a certain meal to be served right now. There was meat, steak, baking ingredients. But instead of serving those and cooking them for his friends breakfast--He grabbed carcass of a leftover chicken, salt, carrots, celery, chicken broth, onion, bay leaf, rice and parsley.

After getting the ingredients, he put the Put the carcass from a leftover chicken in a large pot. Cover with the broth and 4 cups water.

After waiting for a boil, even though his mind was blank and he wasn't paying attention much to what he was doing, he started chopping the onion.

He seized the knife in his right hand and pushed the onion gently with his left, causing a small cascade of of oily juices. The onions in Ruslan was usually crunchy and easier to cut, but today it was softer and the serrated edge of the knife wasn't so quick to bite. Instead of cutting cleanly and easily it was difficult and in the end the slice was a wedge, thin at one end and thick at the other.

He did what he had to, slice the other side while his mind was wandering off in deep thought. It wasn't long before the sharp knife came it contact with his finger; deeply cutting the skin in two pieces.

Leo was startled at the sudden pain but he just stood there staring at his own finger with the blood gushing out of the small cut.

He stood there motionless, not reacting. The color of the blood reminded him of the time where he saw his father dying before his own eyes.

But his thoughts stopped when he noticed that the soup was coming into a boil.

He did what he had to do and he carefully made his attention shift into his cooking and he carefully added his ingredients.

After stirring it a few minutes, he tasted it and the soup was perfectly fitting for his taste. He got 10 bowls and carefully added the soup in there.


Bluve woke up with the sound of dangling chains, he adjusted his view as the room was dark and looked around and saw the others still asleep—with the same position as him.

The first thought that came to his mind was about their departure today so that they could stop Queen Stella. But as he began looking in the bigger picture he saw that they were all chained, All of their hands. They were all in sitting position. There was nothing to see in the room than the flickering lights was the only thing that lighted his vision. This wasn't the same room that they slept in last night. The room was completely silent and he was aware of the morning because of his watch. It was 6:41 am.

We looked around and realized he was the one who was next to a wall. He soon realized blood splattered on the wall. With a bulging instinct, he couldn't help but scream which made the others woke up and aware of their positions.

They jolted at the screaming voice and was about to run but realized both of their hands are chained above them.

Some were having a painful neck position as they were all sitting while sleeping.

"What's going on? Where are we?!" Chloe firmly demanded.

"I don't know, we we're all chained the moment I woke up." Bluve explained.

"Is this some sort of joke?" Hushy asked as their eyes lingered around the room.

There was nothing but there was each and every soup on their left in front of them. It looks like it was exactly made for them.

The door clicked open revealing Leo, he walked in and saw the others.

"Leo?" Emerald asked confused---he wasn't expecting Leo. I mean yeah, he was the only one who slept on seperate rooms but that shouldn't mean that he should be the culprit, could he?

"Oh, so you've awaken? I haven't even delivered the water yet." He looked shocked. But judging from his actions, he expected them to wake up any sooner.

He walked inside the room with a stainless trolley and started heading to in frint of them individually. He placed the water next to the soup he made, he was crazy calm like everything wasn't weird at all. Like everything was normal.

"Leo?! What's going on?!" Emerald shouted with full force. The other was looking at Leo for an answer.

"What do you mean? Nothing is going on. Everything is completely fine. It is completely normal for me." He answered as he placed the cup of water in front of Arcane who was clearly whispering, 'What in dear Emperia'.

"Why are our hands tied with chains above us?!" Chummy shrieked.

"Let us go." Alpha said, using his Charmpeak but Leo seemed like he didn't quite heard what he said as he was still placimg cups of water in front of the other Animalias.

"I'm telling you let us go!" This time Alpha demanded with full authority hinted on his voice. But still again, no reaction.

"What? Why isn't my charmspeak working?" Alpha whispered which is enough for Leo to hear.

"Sorry bud, gotta tell you---this room is you know, ability proof. And You can't do anything about it." Leo laughed with his teasing voice.

Alpha looked like life had sucked every inch of blood from him. Yes, his ego was ruined. But there was nothing he could do in this situation. All he could do was the first thing that came in his instinct, to check on Emerald.

Emerald was stoic and frozen, he looked like he was about to cry. He couldn't believe that Leo would do this. This must be a dream. This can't happen...!

Chummy was coughing so hard that Bluve and Alpha's eyes naturally fell into her.

Leo heard that and faced her direction, he started walking. It made everyone fell silent.

He stared at her momentarily and soon after, unchained her right hand.

"Drink." He whispered, his butler etiquette and manners clearly gone as he kicked the glass of water closer in front of her.

Chloe eyed him like he pulled out a huge bazooka and was ready to fire in one shot or atleast he had been featured in one of the headlines of the newspaper to have a scandal.

She disliked how poorly he treated Chummy.

"She won't drink that." She firmly said as Leo lifted his eyebrow.

"This has nothing to do with your concern, Asterin." He spat as if like Moon's Last name that was applied to her child was some sort of dirt.

Chloe growled as she gave him dirty looks.

"Now, Kitty. Drink up." He continued which made Chummy's trembling hands reach out for the glass that was plastered in front of her. Her coughing wouldn't stop, it's like she had been choking in pure air.

"Don't drink that." Bluve warned. But for the first time, Chummy acted as if she didn't hear him.

Everyone was silent when she drinking the water.

"Why are you doing this?" Hakun asked calmly cause his mood was ruined.

Leo's eyes glimmered in interest as he saw Hakun tied up, helpless. He was excited--too excited knowing that their abilities wasn't going to work in this room.

He thought of multiple scenarios of how to hurt the others and the traumatized them into not accomplishing what they're assigned for. Cause without Hakun's blood, they're just another sole patient that won't recover magically and will end up in a hospital.

"I don't want you to do what Moon says." He boldly stated.

"But it is for the Good of Emperia!" Chloe screamed.

"Lies." Leo says. As he looked at her and headed in her way, it wasn't long before their forehead is touching.

"Look here little Missy, Life isn't some sort of sing song friendship rules fairytale. Trust me, you'll make things worse. You do not want to fullfill anyone's request." After that, he unchained her other right hand. And pulled his face away.

"Eat up." His tone was indifferent as he began unchaining the other's right hand to eat breakfast.

"If you have a problem with this is the beginning, Why are you trying to help me?!" Emerald finally had the courage to ask.

"To lead you here and stop you ofcourse." He then smirked.

Yes, he was quiet and he wasn't exactly sure what they were suppose to do at first but soon he figure out. He was quiet, alright. But he wasn't blind.

After that, he immediately headed in the door.

"I'll be keeping you here until Queen Stella rules over Emperia---Also, I don't mind having fun with you guys." After that, he headed outside of the room where he had once kept Sky.

Sometimes good guys carry flowers, sometimes they must protect themselves, somethings they protect those they love.

But Leo disgusts them in their glee to 'save the world', to let them suffer in other Animalias stead. Is it alright to live in Emperia while Animalias starve? And some were dying because of Stella's bombing by tommorow.

Does these Children pay the price of an adult's evil deeds, do they? That isn't a question. Leo thought.

''I'm going to ask for you to save the world.'' The Peculiars get it as a birthright, do your best and you will save it. Look the other way and Animalias must start to triage, to prioritize the most vulnerable first. By all means fight, but Leo think that to run for their own lives and do not trust everyone are more effective at this point in time.

He want to see the peculiars dutching some courage; He want to see them proud of their own actions, because one day they will know what is right from wrong. Leo thought as he walked away.