Chapter 49


Chapter 49: I was at fault, And I am sorry


3rd Person's P.O.V

"Hey, Sorene. Do you know..."

Sorene just looked at her even though he knows that he wouldn't remember what she was saying and the woman was looking at him even though she knew that he wouldn't understand.

"Your sister, is special. She will give mommy everything, mommy have ever dreamt of."

She softly chuckles as she saw Sorene lazily blinking his eyes.

After giving birth one day, Sorene couldn't understand why his mother came home one night on a rainy day, crying and her tummy wasn't big. He couldn't understand what has happened. Did her tummy shrunk? If it didn't, then where was the thing inside it?

His head was full of questions as the two years old approached his mother. As he came closer to her and was about to pronounce the word 'Ma-Ma', she acted as if she never saw him as she went inside the cabin, crying and looking like a total mess, leaving him.

Time passed when Sorene became 5 and his father came back to Ruslan, because his business in Pendilor wasn't going smoothly.

When Sorene came to bond with his father, he loved him without a doubt. He looked up to him as he gave him the attention he needed. He even gave him a nickname. He loved his father calling him, Orion.

He thought everything was perfect, he thought that everything was peaceful. Until a fight happened between his mother and father.

His father was suspecting her for performing witchcraft, which his mother denied. And Sorene didn't know what was going on, he didn't know what 'Witchcraft' meant. But when he was younger, when his dad wasn't home. He used to see his mother in her bedroom, reciting things from a book and collecting dried leaves and feathers.

He was about to say something when at that time, his mother told him not to utter a word to dad. And that this is very much normal, which Sorene believed to be true.

Nights and days had gone by and his parents continued to bicker, his mother was slowly becoming distant to him and his father was giving all he got to shower him with affection.

And finally one day, his mother admitted to his dad one day during an arguement, "I'm doing it to save the world!" She shouted. His dad thought that she was going crazy so he left home for a couple of weeks.

And during a Child's play outside as he carried his heavy heart and found peace in dancing, Sorene accidentally made a fire and he didn't know why. His mother quickly saw what he did and began laughing with joy.

Sorene didn't know what his mother was happy about but he was proud of himself for making her mother laugh. He loved seeing her happy. Even though he didn't understand why he shot out fire in his hands. And he thought everything was going fine until his father didn't come home for almost 3 years.

Even though he wasn't contacting his mother, He would do everything in the past 3 years to secretly meet with his son, 'Orion' and shower him with presents and secretly sneaking him out and take him on a stroll in the city.

Sorene was sometimes devastated when his father wouldn't visit him within 3 weeks but decided to make matter better with his mom, but when he came to his mother with a child's open heart. She only saw an annoyance, a mouth to feed, a bottom to wipe.

But Sorene saw her as his only hope to fill the void after not being in contact with his father. Sorene's crying was "manipulation" and his sadness was "put on for attention." for the woman. Every day she looked at the kid in front her and killed him a little more.

Killed him with "professional care." All he is was hatred, all He is was rage, and She won't give him the satisfaction of seeing him at the bottom of a bottle.

She was ruining him, picking out the stars in his sky as she taught him to color inside the lines.

His Mom would sometimes train him with a gun. Even he knew exactly there wasn't much use of it, she still pushed him to his limit.

"But it will make you stronger." His mom reasoned out.

He was just a child.

He doesn't need to be stronger.

He needed to be safe.

He just want to live.

Not just survive.

He was felt like at the clash of ruins one day when his father came home and he confronted his mother about cheating on him. Which she denied, she was of course outraged of the confrontation as they began bickering all the time.

Sorene was happy cause his father finally decided to show up and live in the cabin, but he was somewhat upset that his father wasn't giving him attention.

So everyday before the morning clock strikes 8, he would automatically be outside of the house and play in the forest. Dancing, and dancing to his heart content when one day,  his decided to hunt birds in the forest when he came face to face with a girl wearing a black hood, she looks about 2 years younger than him.

The girl curiously looked at his gun as she pointed at it.

"Can you teach me to use that?" She boldly asked as Sorene was quite taken aback by her request.

The girl stared at him intently as he began quite interested in the girl. As she introduced herself by the name, Meadow.

He taught her how to use a gun. And everyday, he felt as if his heartstrings pulling his insides as he began to know more about her as they share similarities. He gifted her the gun and told her to not worry about keeping it.

The girl on the otherhand was sharing stories as Sorene come to know that The girl—Meadow, was being tracked down to be killed because hybrids aren't allowed to live.

Her parents moved temporarily here in Ruslan and their house was directly down the mountain, they decided to see each other and play together everyday.

His skin tingled where she touched would constantly touch him and his heart beat erratically in his chest so hard that Sorene thought it might fly out. There were butterflies--no, lions—in his chest, but it felt good. He would now forget the arguement at home as he would spent his time with Meadow.

He finally admitted to himself what He knew all along, but was too afraid to admit it: He like her. A lot.

But he quickly became heartbroken when she stopped showing up, he went to the busy to the busy streets of Ruslan only hearing of a rumor that the Little prince of Orioch, the Prince of all Animalias found her and decided to spare her life. But only, away from her family. Away from everyone else.

And rumor has it that after she was  exiled, she completely lost all her memories.

Sorene was now left, alone, heartbroken. But he decided to cope up with it, he decided to keep his mouth shut.

Not until a month later, when everything has gone crazy and his father decided to pack up his bags made his way to the doorway while holding his hands.

"Papa, where are we going?" He asked, innocently.

"We are moving away, Orion." He replied as he opened the door. Sorene heard faint screams coming from the hallway as his father's hands gripped his tighter.

The rain was pouring as if it was going to floor any moment. He looked around and saw his father observing the rain.

"Papa, I'll be right back! I'm going to get an umbrella so we don't get ourselves wet. Don't step outside okay?" He exclaimed as quickly headed inside of his room to get an umbrella, when he heard loud screaming and in the window infront of  him, he saw his father in the rain.

He disappointedly shook his head, he remembered telling his father not to step outside. But his thoughts interrupted him when he saw his mother rushing out, heading towards his father's direction. Then he heard his father's voice.

The screaming had stopped so very suddenly. One minute he was right in his face, more alive than he had ever been, and the next he was meat on the wet grassy ground. Her mother had brought the gun in under her shirt, tucked into the back of her jeans. Her mother knew that he'd get upset, The gun was just a way to make him back off when things got heated.

She didn't expect to use the gun before her husband, She was also taken aback by how little the moment bothered her, apparently she was just faking the love after all.

Sorene was shocked, his naive mind washed over as he saw his mother heading back inside the cabin and then their eyes met.

The cold look reflected on her face gave Sorene shudders. Her hands were tightly closed around the cold surface of the metallic grey colored revolver. She seemed to have no sense of humanity. Her heart seemed to be made of stone, the way she had brutally killed his father. He would never forget the glint in her beady eyes. The murderer had smelt of blood. Of danger.

She looked at him as their eyes met, it wasn't a look from a mother, and it wasn't exactly the look of a son either.

"This is for your own good." She said as her eyes soften. Sorene didn't like the look, he hated it.

In fact, he didn't hate the kindness, the worry or whatever this woman had to offer. He hated this woman—this woman who killed his father. He swore that he was going to ruin this woman's life.

There one day, a year after the incident. He found out what she was planning, in the surface that plan looked like it was for the better good.

He found out that this woman was constantly different from anyone, different just like him.

He found out about how special she is and he found out how everything else. From what he know, she was actually doing these things for the better good. That time, he hated how his mother would call him by the Name of Sorene. He despised it as it came out from her mouth. He hated the silver streak on his hair cause it reminded him of his mother's glow when she was on her other form.

He didn't want her plan to succeed. He wanted her to fail miserably, he wanted her to crawl on her knees.

And he swore that he would protect everyone he has come to love from her.

And one day, it's as if the woman magically disappeared and the 9 years old was left alone in the cabin. He didn't know what path to take and what choice to make.

He presented himself in an orphanage and after 3 years of staying there, he was adopted by a very rich duke who happened to be his master and he was assigned to serve the young master.

He was quickly given the name, 'Leonard' and he choose to live by that.

It wasn't until he turned 13 when he found out that Emerald was one of the animalias that was involved with his mother's plan.

And he swore to keep his eyes on him and would completely ruin his mother's plan.

He was excited to make her miserable.

He would prevent her from planning what she was doing.

But he failed. He failed miserably.

He didn't understand why everything lead to this. He didn't understand why he was the wrong one. Was he misunderstood? Was he meant to live this way?

Was he less of a person because his mother never loved him and his father while other children's doted on them? Is he less because his beginnings were so much worse than the others?

Perhaps maybe the world will take the one thing he is most proud of and shatter it with glee. And maybe there the moment will be under his control.

In those moments He don't know who he was and He wonder if even know his mother.

Doesn't he know what he was doing was completely wrong? Can't he stop?

There was nothing left to pawn. He gazed around room with it's brown walls, dappled with mildew, bereft of furniture. Only a picture of his father remained in his possession, it's gilded frame had been swapped for some morsel of food long ago. With the eyes that could cry no more, he gazed out at the window where people hustled early to find food and he knew his light had gone out. He looked down at the old photograph and longed to join him. What was the point in continuing to draw breath?

For a moment, he saw her face once again standing by his doorframe—Staring at him. With a slight breath after noticing his expressing she sighed.

"You're going to be fine, you always are." She spat as she threw him the key and he catched it perfectly as the girl and Sky helped the others make their way to the exit door.

His eyes traced at her but it quickly shifted to the person behind her, it was her stepsister. Chloe Mare Asterin. The child his mother told him that would give her everything she'd ever dreamt of.

He smiled bitterly as heard the door shut.

Maybe this time, he wouldn't see the Moon fail.

Yes. He thought. He will be fine, but can't the world please allow him a moment to express and display his sadness and discomfort. He know it will get better but, he also need to be honest and say his spirit is temporarily heavy. And he didn't want to hide that.

But still even on this moment, even though everyone believed—including himself that his actions was wrong, somehow the words that slipped out of his mouth felt wrongfully right.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you." As his eyes followed at the peculiars who was walking outside in the rain.