Chapter 8

The next day Shino was awoken by the birds outside again. She sighed and rolled out if bed. She seemed to be sighing a lot lately. She checked the clock.

Eight AM.

It was a reasonable time. Seeing as she was already up she figured it was best to start her day.

She spent twenty minutes doing stretches before heading into her bathroom. She climbed onto her little ladder and reached up to her cabinet to get her toothpaste and toothbrush. She grasped onto the handle and pulled it open and got her items. She closed the cabinet and pulled her hand away.

"Huh? "

Her hand was stuck to the cabinet. She blinked in shock and pulled again. Her hand didn't budge.

"Huh? "

She pulled again, this time she added a bit more strength. When she did she fell off her ladder and landed on the floor. She groaned in pain and sat up immediately. She brought a hand to rub the pain out the back of her head. When she brought her hand up she found that it was still attached to the cabinet door. She looked up and saw broken hinges where it used to be. Her toothbrush and toothpaste were also stuck to her other hand.

"What is going on? "

For the next twenty minutes Shino struggled and tried to remove the objects from her hands. She had to focus really hard for her apparent stickiness to weaken. When it did she started to study her hands.

To any normal person nothing would seem wrong. But Shino's eyes were a lot sharper than any normal person and she could see the tiny hairs on her hands. She followed them up her arms and even saw some on her feet.

A sudden thought entered her mind.

Spiders climb walls.

Spiders use something called Van der Waals force, an electrostatic force that attracts all surfaces on a molecular level. Spiders have tiny hairs on their feet, and each hair causes a slight bond to a surface that's not much on its own. However, the thousands of hairs multiply that force until it can support the spider's weight.

She could obviously stick to surfaces and had tiny hairs all over her body. Every human has hair so the info wasn't much, but she was sure she didn't have these hairs in her palm.

Then came another thought. There is no way the tiny hairs could be strong enough to remain stuck to the cabinet door when she pulled away. Not on their own at least. There had to be an explanation towards that.

Maybe she could enhance the flux of inter-atomic attractive forces on surfaces she touches, increasing the coefficient of friction between that surface and herself. It could be possible.

She turned her hands palms up and traveled towards her wrists. There was a slight bump there. There was no such thing yesterday. She pressed a finger to it and a string of white substance shot out. It was very tin and weak. It resembled spider web.

Shino looked at the broken cabinet door. She had pulled it off. She shouldn't be able to do that. That door was pretty thick and the only way she could pull it off was if she was a lot stronger than she normally is.

Shino clicked her tongue and glanced back at her hands.

"The signs are as clear as day, but should I believe them? "

She walked out of her bathroom, pulled on a jacket and left her room. She slid down the stair railing and landed on her feet as usual. She made sure not to touch anything so she wouldn't have to go through the struggle of decreasing her stickiness again. There were voices in the kitchen so that's where she went.

"Good morning Hiro. Did you have a good night sleep? "


Shino looked up at her father and words suddenly started to form next to his head. She blinked thinking that her eyes must be deceiving her but the words were still there.

Name: Shiro Kiddo

Age: 27

Height: 6'1

Blood type: O

Birthday: January 5

Gender: Male

Hair color: Silver

Eye color: Red

Quirk: Synthesis

Quirk description: Synthesis allows Shiro to obsorb energy from the sun and use it as he please. It can be used as a boost to physical attributes such as speed, strength and agility. Or it could be used to form energy beams that could shoot out from his hands or feet. Shiro also has the ability to manipulate sunlight. With this ability he can turn himself or anyone else invisible or he could use it to blind an enemy.

Weakness: Shiro is weak in any sort of dark places, but is most vulnerable at night. He can not manipulate any other form of light.

Drawbacks : Burns of varying degrees. Sluggish movements and lost of energy when the sun isn't out or if he hasn't soaked up enough sunlight.

Shino didn't know what to make of what she was seeing. When she looked at her mother similar information appeared. The longer she stared the more information revealed itself.

"Shino, are you alright? "

Shino shook her head and rubbed her eyes. The words remained.

"Uh... Yeah, I think"

"Is something wrong? "Nico looked worried and approached her daughter.

"It's my quirk"

"Your quirk? "


Shino then went on to tell her parents of what happened the day before. How she felt a shift within her and how she discovered her silver flames. She told them about the quirk she had written in the notebook and how she showed characteristics of the very same quirk. She also explained how she could suddenly see their information just by looking at them.

"Are you sure? "

Shino nodded and placed her bare hand on the wall next to her. She pulled, but her hand remained stuck.

"See. I stick to anything I touch. Plus I had shot a thin thread of web when I was in the bathroom and I'm a lot stronger than I was yesterday " as she spoke Shiro struggled to pull herself free of the wall. She placed her feet on the wall to gain an advantage. Her hand did come free, but her feet were now attached to the wall.

"Come on! "

"Let me help you out" Shiro tugged on his glove before taking hold of his daughter and pulling her away from the wall. She didn't budge. "You're stuck pretty good" Shiro converted some of his collected sun light into strength and pulled harder. Shino popped off the wall and Shiro stumbled back.

"Thanks dad"

"It's a good thing you're not sticking to the floor" Shiro laughed and was about to put Shino down when Nico stopped him.

"There is a chance she could" Nico took the girl out her father's arms. "Where are your slippers? "

"My room"

"Alright your room it is"

After a travel to her room Shino had slippers adorning her feet and was let on the ground again.

"It looks like another doctor visit is in order"

"But you two have to go to work"

"Yes we do, but Nemuri is free and she loves to babysit you. I'm sure she'll have no problem taking you to see the doc"

Shino smiled at the mention of Nemuri. Shino admired her and found her so amazing. She always takes her out shopping and let's her do crazy things that would definitely give her parents a heart attack.

"Judging from that smile on your face you're perfectly OK with the arrangement "

"Definitely "

"Shiro, would you please call Nemuri"

"Already on it"

Shino was sent up to her room to get cleaned up. She wore gloves over her hands the entire time. She didn't want to stick to anything again. She took a quick shower and changed into her usual black pants and white shirt. Her hair was pulled into a pony tail. She noted that it reached past her waist now. She should get it cut. After she was fully dressed she pulled on a pair of red sneakers and red gloves.

When the doorbell ran Shino practically teleported to the door. When the woman came into view words began to form in Shino's vision.

Name: Nemuri Kayama

Age: 21

Height: 5'9

Blood type: A

Birthday: March 9

Gender: Female

Hair color: Dark Purple

Eye color: Sky blue

Quirk: Sumnambulist

Quirk description : Sumnambulist allows Nemuri to put targets to sleep by exuding a sleep-inducing aroma from her body. The sleep inducing aroma works better on males than females.

Weakness: Her quirk is not as effective when adorning thick clothing.

Drawbacks: In order to use her quirk fully Nemuri must reveal as much of her skin as possible.

Shino blinked and ignored the texts in the corner of her vision. The list kept getting longer the more she stared. Hell it even revealed Nemuri's sexuality and health status.

"Hello Aunt Nemuri "

Nemuri smiled at Shino and did not hesitate to pick her off the ground and pulling her into a soft hug.

"I missed you little Shino"

Shino laughed when Nemuri tickled her.

"I missed you too. You would not believe the things I went through these past few days"

"Yeah? "Nemuri stepped into the house and retrieved the small red backpack placed on the kitchen counter. "Why are you wearing a scarf? It's very warm today "

"Long story"

Shino then dived into the entire story of all her doctor visits. She explained that she needed the scarf and headphone to prevent a sensory overload.

"I missed way too much"

"That you did"

"Where's your mother? "

"I'm over here. Thanks for coming Nemuri" Nico came down the stairs fully dressed in her hero costume.

"It's no problem at all. I love this kid"

"Love you too"

Nico smiled and shook her head before pecking Shino on the cheek and walking towards the door.

"She needs to see the doctor about her quirk. After that you're free to do as you wish. Thank you again"

And with that Nico left. In a second Shiro came running down the stairs fully dressed. He kissed Shino goodbye, thanked Nemuri and left..

"We're on our own now"

Shino nodded and took her backpack from the woman. She looked through it until she found a lollipop.

"Off to see the doc! "