
In the void there exists nothing, yet there exists everything as the void is the home of the one and only True God. Normally, nothing but the one True God is capable of surviving in the void; not even light. Now, however, a soul can be seen floating in the void in the form of a weak blue light.

"Hah..." a sigh can be heard coming from the soul. "Where am I now? I was just chillin' at home wondering what anime to watch next a second ago."

"Indeed, you were. However, I thought it would be more amusing to have you live in these worlds you enjoy so much. I don't care what you do in these worlds as long as you make it interesting. I've seen so much in my infinite life and I think this way I'll be able to relieve my boredom even if by a minuscule amount." A voice sounded from nowhere.

"Hmm... So what I'm hearing is I'm now the protagonist of one of them reincarnation stories I've read and watched? Do I get wishes? Are there limitations one those wishes? Why me? Are you God?" The soul asked.

"Yes, that is an accurate way to describe the situation you are in. Yes, you get wishes. Wether there's limitations or not depends on how I feel about the wishes. I chose you because I felt like it; it could have been your neighbor too. You're just lucky. I am God" The voice answered. "Now state you're wishes."

"Hahaha!" the soul began to laugh maniacally. 'How great! After being so unlucky most of the time I finally got a huge stroke of luck! Now I get to become the emperor of all the anime worlds I want! Hahahahahaha!' "In that case, my first wish is for a system like the ones in those novels, containing basically everything: as long as it's thought up it's there! Also, there should be quest to guide my path to domination and it should be sentient. Next, I want infinite system currency. People always wish for bloodlines or abilities, but who cares about those when you have the power of money? I wanna be able to travel to all worlds including my old world, and when I go to a world time will freeze for the world I left. This way I won't miss anything when I leave. Oh! Also my age shouldn't change for the worlds. I want to be able to change my age in each world. Like if I go to Naruto world I can start from birth if I want or I could start as an adult and when I'm in bleach the same applies.

The world I start in should be my 'real' world and when I conquer it I can change it to however I like. I want my own private world that grows with my power where the time flow as oppose to the world I'm in is 1:10,000, and age does to not progress in there. For those that I bring in the world, their lifespan would change to match. So, say they have a lifespan of one day, bringing them to my world makes it 10,000 days. It should incorporate the special abilities and thing from the worlds I enter, without their negatives, like when I go to One Piece it should start sprouting it own devil fruits and haki can be learned there too. I want my own unique dojutsu like the ones from Naruto. It should be able to grow with me in strength and not have a limit or final form. I want to be cute as fuck when I'm young and I want to look like Zero from Grand Chase when I'm older except with dark blue hair. I want to be able to create my own identity for each world.. There should be a system prompt before I enter the world. Also, I want to be the jinchuriki of like my own tailed beast too. A 9 tailed wolf. Let me have the powers of Evolution, Space, Time, and Creation. I want my own protagonist aura too, with max luck. I think that's- OH SHIT! I almost forgot, I want to have the ability to see people's affection and trust for me when I look at them and their stats/information. That's all. By the way the name I chose for myself now and forever is Voi D. Sora." The newly named Sora quickly spat out his wishes.

"Hmmm. Fine, at first I was going to deny some, like your own protagonist aura; like, two or more protagonist is rare, but it does sound interesting." God said after a moment that felt like an eternity "And good thing you didn't wish for a bloodline because just by existing in the void you've already obtained the best bloodline you could possibly imagine. I guess you wish to begin in the world of One Piece?"

"Haha, yeah! I want to have my own pirate adventure, while wooing literally most if the women in One Piece. I'm gonna have a giant harem like in the novels."

God: "Then I guess you want a 'Primordial' or 'Chaos' bloodline absorbed into your own Void bloodline?"

Sora: "Hell no! Everyone gets them and I'm kinda sick of it. I mean doesn't primordial just mean something is so ancient they needed a new word for it? I mean, that's what it means to exist since the beginning of time, right? And then whenever those guys get some kind of Primordial bloodline they end up sitting there with their thumbs up their ass not making use of it because guess what? They need tons more energy to become stronger because Primordial energy is just that 'good.' In my professional opinion, why not make the Devouring Ancestral Symbol from Martial Movement Upheaval, along with the Original Sin of Gluttony, into a bloodline then strengthen it and incorporate it into my dojutsu? As for 'Chaos,' why 'Chaos?' I mean, don't yin and yang signify balance and in all the Chinese novels they're literally the most broken thing imaginable? So give me something like that?"

God: "Hahahahaha! Kid, you're not as stupid as i thought. Since you think 'Primordial' and 'Chaos' are so overdone, I guess you don't want anything to do with dragons, white tiger, vermillion phoenix, and a black tortoise?"

Sora: "When did I say that? Dragons are fucking awesome, dude! I want a dragon that's pink from the head, but the cooler darkens down to the tail from red to purple until it becomes a deep purple at the tail. She should look like Igneel from Fairy Tail. As for Seiryuu, the Azure Dragon, Byakko, the White Tiger, Suzaku, the Vermillion Phoenix, and Genbu, the black Tortoise, of course I want them! Make me their jinchuriki too! And all of them should be able to freely exit my body, alter their size, and be female, of course."

God: "Very well, last thing you need to do is tell me what you want your system to be like."

Sora: "Well I guess I should go wild here, since this is for fun, right? The system should have Status, Abilities, Peerage, Inventory, Evolution, Quest, and Summon to start. From the summon I should only get female permanent summons, while males should be temporary. After all, I don't want to be surrounded by a bunch of guys! Don't get me wrong I'll still be friends with guys. The system sentience should be female, her name is Voi D. Luna."

As soon as Sora finished talking he vanished from the Void.

God: "Okay, have fun."


A/N I have like a bunch of extra chapters ready, already. I'll release them when I have more time to quickly check if they're alright. Also, I'll see how this goes for the first 10-ish chapters before I decide wether I'll actually continue or not. If it goes well, I plan to open up a patreon where I'll allow people to read ahead depending on their donations and maybe I'll figure out some other rewards. First real nsfw is around chapter 20 btw. Depending on feedback for it, I might not write any more after; idk. Thanks!