Chapter 21 - Reactions

At the same time...

————-Totto Land, Whole Cake Island—————

One of the Four Emperors of the Sea, Charlotte Linlin, also known as Big Mom read the Newspaper and saw Soras bounty.

Big Mom: "Mamamamama! (that's her laugh btw. One Piece characters have unique ways of laughing like Luffy going "shishishi") This newbie sure is brave! He doesn't know the horrible power of that brat Ace. Oh well, we'll see about recruiting him if he makes it to the New World."

???: "Mother, I don't think he is so simple if he was able to escape Akainu. Even with all my abilities, I would have to use some effort to escape. Even still, he managed to escape with his crew! I think it's important to begin to make connections with him now."

Big Mom: "Katakuri, what do you suggest then?"

Katakuri: "We should send someone to form a connection with him. This person should know we want to rope him in, maybe in the future he can become a force that will help us defeat Ace and Sabo."

Big Mom: "Mamamamama! Then who should we send?"

It was at this point the door to Big Moms throne room opened, and a tall long legged woman walked inside. Behind her, followed several more men and women. These were all Big Moms children. Well, only about 30 of them, though. There are a total of 39 daughters and 46 sons in total. The one who she was talking to alone was her second son, Katakuri. He was known to be the strongest and most capable of her crew aside from Big Mom herself. He was one of the three Sweet Commanders alongside Smoothie and Cracker.

???: "Mother, what are you two talking about?"

Big Mom: "Ah, Smoothie, we're talking about this newbie pirate. We were just discussing sending someone to meet him in order to form 'connections.' Mamamamama!"

As she finished informing everyone, she tossed out the newspaper and bounty posters. Smoothie read it aloud, while her sibling listened. When she finished reading about Sora she looked at her mother once again with a serious expression.

Smoothie: "Pudding, go bring Cracker. This is something we have to discuss seriously."

————-Wano Country, Kaido Residence————-

Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, sat in his throne room surrounded by his All-Stars, a group equal to the Sweet Commanders. A few Headliners, a group who was in the upper echelon of the Beast Pirates, were also present.

Kaido: "Just a newbie who managed to survive Akainu, not a big deal."

King: "Kaido-sama, he challenged Ace!"

Kaido: "Maybe... maybe if he beats Sabo he will be able to kill me. Ah, whatever. He's just a cub, ignore him and focus on getting more powerful SMILEs from Caesar. We must kill that damn Sabo!"

As he finished his orders Kaido let out a roar of rage. Sabo had beaten him black and blue, and most infuriatingly he let him live! As the strongest creature he was given mercy by some puny pirate! He didn't need mercy! Now, all he needed was the corpse of Sabo delivered right to him door!

—————Somewhere in the New World—————

Onboard the Red Force, the pirate ship of the Red Hair pirates and one of the Four Emperors, Shanks and his crew didn't pay much attention to Soras bounty. Sure, he was impressive, but they were looking forward to a certain other pirates bounty poster.

???: "Shanks here it is! Monkey D. Luffy, 60,000,000 Berry!"

Unlike in the anime, his first bounty was 10,000,000 Berry higher.

Shanks: "Dahahaha! Luffy got his first bounty everyone! Time to party!!!"

All: "AYE!!"

————Somewhere else in the new world———

Onboard the Moby Dick, pirate ship of the Whitebeard Pirates- the last of the Four Emperors, Whitebeard sat on the deck. In front of him, one of his Captains, Marco, was reading the newspaper out loud so everyone could hear it.

Marco: "... Voi D. Sora parted from the battle, leaving behind a threat to Flame King Ace - 'My lightning will burn your fire!' Pops, I think we should teach him not to be arrogant just because he's a powerful logia user."

Whitebeard: "Maybe... Marco, my son, I seem to remember Ace and Sabo are brothers, right?"

Marco: "Yes, and they're always fighting to see who's better. Recently they've begun to look for something frantically."

Whitebeard: "This 'Reckless Lightning' guy dresses similarly to Ace, do you think they're related? Or is he just a fanboy who's in over his head?"

Marco was unable to formulate a proper reply to Whitebeards question. At first he wanted to teach the newbie a lesson. Although thanks to Soras interference Ace didn't join the Whitebeard crew, they still became good friends. As such, Marco didn't like that this newcomer had just entered the Grand Line and challenged Ace.

Marco: "Jozu... call Ace and ask if he has any relationship to this newcomer; 'Reckless Lightning' Voi D. Sora."

————-Mariejois, World Government HQ————

Im: "Tell Sengoku to have Akainu hunt him down. I want him DEAD! IMMEDIATELY!! Ace and Sabo have already beat me and undermined us, the World Government. WE CAN'T ALLOW ANOTHER ROAM AROUND FREELY! TELL THAT TRASH MARSHALL D. TEACH TO HELP AKAINU, TOO!!! Already... Already, the Marines, OUR SERVANTS, are beginning to disobey us. WHAT DID WE TELL SENGOKU TO PUT ON THIS WANTED POSTER?!"

Oldie(I'm pretty sure the names of the 5 Elders haven't been mentioned so...): "We told him to write 'DEAD ONLY' Im-sama."

Blondie: "That's right, we said he better be dead."

Im: "EXACTLY!!! So someone tell me why doES THIS SAY 'ALIVE ONLY'?!"

Blondie: "Should we eliminate Sengoku?"

Im: "No, we can't kill him yet. If we do, we'll likely begin to lose control of the navy. Tell Teach, he needs to kill this kid after Akainu catches him. He can't be allowed to grow up. Eliminate him as soon as possible."

—————New World, Great Flame Island————

Sabo: "Ace, Sora said he's coming to burn you."

Ace: "I need to find that fire island then."

Sabo: "Luffy also got a 60 million berry bounty. What do you think he'll do to catch up with Sora?"

Ace: "He's definitely going to destroy an island somehow."

Sabo: "Yeah. What do you think his bounty will be by the time they reach Sabaody?"

Ace: "Luffy will reach over 300 million. I don't know about Sora."

Sabo: "Me neither. I'm going to go back to my crew and search for my own dark island soon. We can't be letting them get to much of a lead."

Ace: "What do you mean 'them?' Luffy still hasn't found his own rubber island!"

Sabo: "He's the luckiest of us, aside from Sora."

———————East Blue, Loguetown——————

Chaos reigned throughout Loguetown, all due to Luffy. Luffy did the exact same things he did in the anime in Loguetown, and now he was running away from Smoker to his ship, the Happy World, with his crew. It's not that he couldn't beat Smoker, he just found this fun. Even if Smoker trained all these years, his stats were stuck at around the SSS+ range for some reason.

Zoro: "Luffy! I got a newspaper and saw Soras bounty!"

Luffy: "What is it?!"

Sanji: "Hey... you guys know this Voi D. Sora guy? What is he? It says he fought a Marine Admiral!"

Ussop: "Eek! An Admiral!! Luffy! I, The Great Captain Ussop, will allow you to fight this Sora guy if we see him!"

Clemmy: "Don't worry, you fool! He's not an enemy. He's Luffy's brother."

Luffy: "Shut up! Zoro! What's his bounty?!"

Zoro: "Not much, just 273 million."

Luffy: "Shishishi! As expected of my rival!"

Zoro: "Luffy, you know he only sees you as his bro-"

Sanji: "273 million?! Let me see that... hey... hey Luffy... WHY IS HIS WHOLE CREW BEAUTIES?!"

Luffy: "Eh? They're his wives. Speed up! We have some catching up to do!"


So, I know some of ya'll might've skipped last chapter, so I'll say it here again; I have a Patreon now.

Currently rewards are 1$-1 chapt ahead, 5$-5 chap, 10$-10 chap. In the future, I'll up that to 1$-5 chap, 5$- 10 chap,10$-15 chap. I need to get ahead a bit first though. Those rewards will also apply to my own actual novel that's not a fanfic if we reach the 10$ goal for me starting it.

Also, I forgot Stella in the aux chapter w all the women's names before so I added her. I think that's all I've got to say.